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Annotated Bibliography: Arts Education. Arts Education in America: An Annotated Bibliography Statement of orwell 1984 statements, Scope: The purpose of this bibliography is to attain information from credible sources on arts programs in schools. The goal is to provide enough information so that the reader is speech from, then able to form their own opinions on the benefits, problems, and orwell 1984 thesis, policies on arts programs at varying levels of writing, education. Those looking to find detailed information will find this bibliography to be a good starting point. Parsad, B. , and Spiegelman, M. 2012. Arts Education in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools: 1999–2000 and 2009–10 (NCES 2012–014). National Center for Education Statistics, Institute of orwell 1984 thesis, Education Sciences, U. S. Department of Education. Washington, DC. Web. 24 Jan. 2013 This source is a presentation of unbiased information about both the overall arts education programs and specific sections including: visual arts, music, dance, and theater/drama.

The report utilizes a plethora of charts, graphs, and other visual aids to help organize and present the information. Parsad and Spiegelman first present their findings on on facebook overall arts education programs including the percentages of schools offering visual arts, music, dance and theater classes. They then dedicate ten to fifteen pages discussing the particulars of each section of the arts listed above. There is so much information in this article that it would be great for george orwell 1984 thesis, someone looking for a broad spectrum understanding of from, arts education programs. The visual aids complement the information presented and orwell 1984 thesis statements, would be easy to incorporate into a variety of works. They earn better grades and demonstrate higher rates of college enrollment and attainment. ” (12) Most of the graphs simply relate percentages of students with low and high levels of art engagement to about, achieve certain things like high school graduation, entering a bachelors program, and attaining a steady professional level career. For every study and graph presented or reviewed there is clearly cited sources, if any confusion remains the george orwell thesis appendix and concluding research papers, cited pages are very clear about how to find more information.

Being that this is a report of findings from a national organization it is orwell thesis statements, not biased to or for support of arts programs. For anyone looking for specific statistics to use in a presentation or report of their own, this research report could be very helpful. As previously stated the bulk of the information is presented through graphs and charts that utilize percentages, and text, is therefore very easy to george 1984 thesis, take and use in a presentation without having to do much work yourself. For someone looking for a more scholarly breakdown of the benefits of letter for a resume, arts education on george 1984 high-risk students this report will not be as helpful, as it would be time consuming to trace the information presented back to the original sources. Dwyer, M. Christine. 2011. Reinvesting in Arts Education: Winning America#8217;s Future through Creative Schools.

President#8217;s Committee on research papers the Arts and the Humanities. Web. 24 Jan. 2013. The reports emphasizes the essential role that arts education programs play in improving student engagement and 1984 thesis statements, building creativity. A General Cover Letter Resume? Dwyer discusses, in a lengthy and wordy overview, the current Arts Education programs and policies shortcomings. “It is widely agreed that the U. S. George Orwell 1984 Thesis? public education system is not adequately serving a significant portion of our nation’s children and that public K-12 schools must change dramatically o achieve the Administration’s goal that the United States become a global leader in postsecondary attainment by 2020#8230; School leaders and teachers will need to step up to the challenge of finding new ways to engage many more students in a general letter for a, meaningful learning#8230; ” (27) More importantly, this report discusses possible solutions such as reinvesting in arts education, and argues for george orwell 1984 statements, creating arts-rich schools that can engage students in ways that complement the study of the arts and other traditional subjects such as literature, history, science, and mathematics. Another key takeaway from this report is it shows readers the link between arts education and achievement in other subjects. Being that this source is a report by the President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities, it attempts to present evidence to support the positions of the president and his corresponding political party. As political and wordy as this report is it would most likely benefit someone looking into the politics side of arts education, it would not be as helpful for someone looking for developmental and long term benefits of art involvement in schools. Rabkin, Hedberg. 2011.

Arts Education in America: What the on facebook Declines Mean for Arts Participation. Based on the 2008 Survey of Public Participation in the Arts. National Endowment for the Arts. (Research Report #52). Web. 24 Jan. 2013. This report presents its findings after researching important question related to arts education in America. Questions like: Has participation in 1984 thesis, arts programs declined? What does it mean for teachers and students? How has this affected participation in other extracurricular activities? How does this affect support for programs?

The article presents the questions to the reader and then follows up with information that supports both positive and negative claims about the answer. Charts are used when needed to simplify information into an easily digestible visual aid. From? There are numerous sources used as evidence for the information presented, as well as suggestions for further investigation into orwell the questions presented. This report has a very neutral stance towards the information presented. There is good information presented for varying arguments and research, the ultimate decision is left to the reader. This source would be a fair report to use in a work, especially if in an argumentative essay you need information for the view that opposes yours. However for someone looking for highly specific information this report will only be useful for an introduction into the questions being asked about the national education programs. Oxtoby, David W. 2012. The Place of Arts in Liberal Education.

Liberal Education, v98 n2 p36-41 Spr 2012. George? Oxtoby uses a great deal of logic to explain his opinion on the place of arts in liberal education and he uses statistics to support his views. In his article, he states that diversity in the curriculum is a keystone to success in any liberal education program. He also claims that part of that diversity needs to essay of personal weaknesses, include a program where students can express their creativity. Being able to express their creativity and the stimulation provided by 1984 statements, arts programs lead to more successful students, both in academics, community involvement, and professional work environments. This article is a good source of simple and sound logic in support of arts programs being included in all liberal education. Oxtoby’s statements and presentation of the information is biased towards supports arts programs, but he always includes evidence to support his ideas.

Also, while he does not approve of research papers, excluding arts in liberal education there is never any negativity in orwell 1984 thesis statements, his statements, only more supporting evidence for his ideas. Some readers will find this article to be dry and uninteresting unless they already have some knowledge and tips, opinions on the place of 1984, arts in speech from, education programs. Orwell Thesis Statements? Haven’t found what you want? 12-22 Newhall St, Birmingham B3 3AS, UK [emailprotected] Hi there, would you like to get such a paper?

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Marking Their Own Homework: The Pragmatic and Moral Legitimacy of george orwell 1984 thesis statements Industry Self-Regulation. When is industry self-regulation (ISR) a legitimate form of governance? In principle, ISR can serve the interests of essays tips participating companies, regulators and other stakeholders. However, in practice, empirical evidence shows that ISR schemes often under-perform, leading to criticism that such schemes are tantamount to firms marking their own homework. George 1984 Thesis Statements. In response, this paper explains how current management theory on ISR has failed to separate the pragmatic legitimacy of weaknesses ISR based on self-interested calculations, from moral legitimacy based on normative approval. The paper traces three families of thesis statements management theory on letter resume ISR and uses these to map the pragmatic and moral legitimacy of ISR schemes. It identifies tensions between the pragmatic and moral legitimacy of ISR schemes, which the current ISR literature does not address, and draws implications for 1984 statements, the future theory and practice of ISR.

Industry self-regulation (ISR) is widely used in contemporary global governance to research, provide public goods such as a cleaner natural environment, stable financial systems or ethical supply chains (Braithwaite 2008 ; Delmas and Young 2009 ). Defined as the voluntary association of firms to control their collective behaviour (King and Lenox 2000 ), ISR schemes have been used to 1984, regulate issues from short violence on tv, food labelling to privacy, from living wages to george orwell thesis, environmental accounting standards, and from pollution to Internet pornography. Proponents have argued that ISR can achieve public policy objectives at lower cost than government regulation because regulatory decisions are made by those with the best information and expertise to make them (Coglianese and Mendelson 2010 ; Gunningham and Rees 1997 ). ISR can help improve social efficiency, that is, allocate resources to their best available uses across society (Maxwell et al. 2000 ). ISR can also incentivize firms to improve their social performance in areas such as the natural environment (Berchicci and King 2008 ), or labour standards in supply chains (Locke 2013 ; Lin-Hi and Blumberg 2016 ). Despite theoretical and on facebook, practical enthusiasm for ISR, questions remain about its legitimacy. Mounting empirical evidence suggests that all too often industry-led schemes do not lead to positive social benefits or fix the george 1984 thesis problems that they are designed to solve (King et al. 2012 ). Recent scandals on mislabelled horsemeat in nus mba tips, food supply chains, privacy in the self-regulated newspaper industry, and the fatal collapse of the BSCI-certified Rana Plaza factory in Bangladesh have fed popular scepticism that ISR is orwell 1984 thesis, tantamount to firms “marking their own homework”. However, as many teachers know, when done well, asking students to mark their own homework can not only be efficient from the teacher’s point of view, but also encourage students to learn from each other and to of personal strengths weaknesses, reflect on their own performance. Marking their own homework may be a route to easy A grades, or may be a legitimate way to devolve responsibility, depending on the consequences, procedures and structures around the marking process. Current ISR theory cannot yet tell the difference.

This paper has been inspired by the apparent mismatch between the promise and george orwell statements, performance of ISR schemes. It maps what we know about the legitimacy of ISR schemes from management theory, shows where previous research from different traditions has focused, and uses this to explore blind spots, tensions and future directions on the legitimacy of cover letter ISR. Explaining how and orwell, why the evaluation of ISR schemes differs so much between theorists is a vital step towards improving the performance of ISR schemes in practice. Focusing on the legitimacy of ISR also offers theoretical insight into essay of personal weaknesses, broader legitimacy theory in contexts where powerful agents both design and orwell thesis statements, subsequently participate in essay violence on tv, a governance scheme. Management research from within strategic, institutional and critical traditions, has each offered a wide range of assumptions and empirical explanations of ISR. Orwell. However, evaluations of whether ISR schemes are legitimate have so far been lacking in this largely descriptive management theory.

If legitimacy is considered at all, management theory usually focuses on pragmatic legitimacy , that is, on “the self-interested calculations of an nus mba, organization’s immediate audiences” (Suchman 1995 : 578). Orwell 1984 Thesis Statements. Current management theory has paid less attention to moral legitimacy , that is, a normative evaluation of whether ISR participation is “the right thing to do” (Suchman 1995 : 579). This paper builds on Suchman’s ( 1995 ) framework and separates the pragmatic legitimacy of ISR based on self-interested calculations, from moral legitimacy based on of personal strengths weaknesses normative approval. While all three management theory traditions have emphasized pragmatic legitimacy, too little consideration has so far been given to moral legitimacy. The paper enriches theory on the moral legitimacy of orwell 1984 ISR by from text, mapping Suchman’s ( 1995 ) three bases for moral legitimacy—consequential, procedural and structural legitimacy—against management theory traditions. Orwell 1984 Thesis Statements. Mapping debates in this way is useful because previous studies within each of the management traditions have tended to implicitly assume which aspect of papers moral legitimacy is george thesis statements, most important based on research the worldview of the analyst, rather than the details of the empirical context.

This paper draws all three theoretical strands together for the first time and provides a springboard to examine tensions and thesis statements, blind spots on the legitimacy of ISR. The paper concludes with elaborating directions for future research on ISR, legitimacy theory and ISR in practice. Management Theories of paragraphs Industry Self-Regulation. Industry self-regulation is the voluntary association of firms to george, control their collective behaviour (King and Lenox 2000 ). ISR is essay of personal strengths, “a regulatory process whereby an industry-level, as opposed to a governmental- or firm-level, organization… sets and enforces rules and standards relating to the conduct of firms in the industry” (Gupta and Lad 1983 : 417). Management scholars have theorized ISR participation from orwell thesis, three main perspectives: strategic, institutional and critical perspectives, each of which is briefly introduced in this section.

The different perspectives illustrate how various theorists have understood ISR schemes, which has implications for whether and how the schemes are seen as successful and legitimate. Strategic Management Perspectives. First, within strategic management theory, ISR is described as a solution to at least one of two strategic problems: information asymmetry and essay, common pool resources (King and statements, Toffel 2009 ). Outsiders are unable to directly observe a firm’s social performance. Managers overcome this information asymmetry by participating in ISR schemes to signal their firm’s social performance. ISR schemes in nus mba, industries such as toy manufacturing (Lin-Hi and Blumberg 2016 ), cut flowers (Prado 2013 ), sustainable agriculture (Blackman and george orwell 1984 statements, Rivera 2011 ) or coffee (Reinecke et al. 2012 ) enable firms to signal their social or environmental quality. Common pool resources, on nus mba the other hand, require firms to collaborate to george, protect a shared resource such as the short essay violence industry’s reputation, access to george 1984 thesis statements, physical assets or supply chain resilience (Prakash and addiction, Potoski 2006 ; Barnett and 1984 statements, King 2008 ). Strategic perspectives emphasize that ISR schemes are often led by dominant firms that have the greatest interest in addressing the problem as with Nike or Walmart’s leadership in collective efforts to essay of personal, eliminate sweatshop labour from supply chains (O’Rourke 2003 ; Locke et al. Orwell 1984 Thesis. 2007 ).

In contrast, institutional theory emphasizes the a general cover for a resume role of institutions in 1984 thesis statements, shaping collective actions on social or environmental issues (Ostrom 1990 ; Hoffman 1999 ). Concluding. Industries can self-regulate because of statements legal ambiguity, or because stakeholders demand social performance that is higher than current regulatory requirements (Edelman et al. 1991 ; Gunningham and nus mba essays, Rees 1997 ). Orwell Thesis. For example, Zietsma and Lawrence’s ( 2010 ) study of the evolution of decisions on harvesting practices in the British Columbia forest industry showed how managers actively participated in text, creating, maintaining and disrupting industry collective actions. ISR can also co-evolve with other institutions. For example, Lee ( 2009 ) showed how industry-led initiatives interacted with local and national policy content changes on certifying organic food. Institutional perspectives explain ISR as a way for 1984 statements, managers to maintain conformance with regulative, cognitive and normative requirements in the institutional environment (Hoffman 1999 ; Matten and writing letter, Moon 2008 ). A third tradition, critical management theory, explains ISR as “first and foremost about control” (Jermier et al. 2006 , p. 627). Critical theorists focus on george orwell 1984 thesis the discourses around proposed solutions to social problems, and writing a general cover letter for a resume, the roles that these discourses play in protecting corporate privilege and power (Banerjee 2008 ). Managers use ISR to maintain control over the rhetoric around social issues through generating and maintaining symbols such as certifications, logos, social reports and partnerships. George 1984 Thesis. Boiral ( 2013 ), for example, theorized sustainability reports certified to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) A or A+ standard as “signs and images employed to control social representations” (p.

1037). Critical theorists highlight the fundamentally political nature of ISR, emphasizing the power and relational position of strengths weaknesses those who can influence the rules of the game (Levy 2008 ; Moog et al. 2015 ). A political approach emphasizes the fundamental imbalance between the size and power of global firms and the capacity and/or willingness of governments to adequately regulate them, leading to the need for industry-led schemes to fill a governance gap (Vogel 2010 ). The Legitimacy of Industry Self-Regulation. Management theorists from all three perspectives have provided rich description and empirical results on the drivers, forms and consequences of ISR. George. However, amid accusations that firms and essay addiction, managers are marking their own homework, more research attention is required on the legitimacy of ISR schemes. Legitimacy is a “generalized perception or assumption that the thesis actions of an essay of personal, entity are desirable, proper, or appropriate within some socially constructed system of norms, values, beliefs and orwell 1984, definitions” (Suchman 1995 : 574). Focusing on speech text legitimacy reveals the extent to which ISR schemes and george orwell statements, their participants are conforming to social norms and expectations, including whether ISR is an appropriate response to social challenges.

The concept of legitimacy originates in institutional theory, which suggests that managers adopt new practices to be perceived as socially acceptable and appropriate rather than basing their decisions on paragraphs papers rational efficiency criteria (Meyer and Rowan 1977 ). However, both strategic and george 1984 thesis statements, critical management theory also use variants of nus mba essays legitimacy. Strategic management theory tends to emphasize the extent to which the approval of various stakeholder groups influences firms’ social strategy (e.g. George 1984 Thesis Statements. Darnall et al. 2009 ; Kassinis and Vafeas 2006 ). Essay Weaknesses. In contrast, the critical approach delves more deeply into orwell 1984 statements, the processes by which firms seek and earn legitimacy through their social disclosures and actions (e.g. Crane 2000 ; Fineman and Clarke 1996 ). Numerous typologies of legitimacy have been proposed in short essay violence on tv, the literature (see Bitektine 2011 for a review), but the most widely used is Suchman’s ( 1995 ) distinction between pragmatic and george thesis, moral legitimacy. Pragmatic legitimacy is a general cover, based on the self-interested calculations of an organization’s immediate audiences, whereas moral legitimacy is a broader normative evaluation of social appropriateness. Suchman’s original categorization also included cognitive legitimacy, based on taken-for-grantedness.

However, cognitive legitimacy is less useful in evaluating ISR because of the lack of stable and shared assumptions about industry’s role in governance (Baur and Palazzo 2011 ). Cognitive legitimacy is deeper than, and follows, moral legitimacy (Elms and Phillips 2009 ). Since new forms of governance such as ISR are not yet sufficiently taken-for-granted to be able to evaluate cognitive legitimacy (Koppell 2008 ), this paper focuses on pragmatic and moral legitimacy. Others have applied Suchman’s distinction between pragmatic and moral legitimacy in related contexts such as implementing codes of ethics (Long and 1984, Driscoll 2008 ), social enterprise (Dart 2004 ), NGOs as partners of industry (Baur and Palazzo 2011 ), or of regulatory regimes (Black 2008 ). Some prior studies have also examined whether particular ISR schemes have pragmatic and moral legitimacy, as in the case of Schepers’ ( 2010 ) and Cashore’s ( 2002 ) evaluations of the Forest Stewardship Council. Letter Resume. However, so far the literature lacks a thorough analytic review of the pragmatic and moral legitimacy of ISR. Such an analysis is much needed because different management theories of ISR imply different bases for 1984 thesis, legitimacy, and so provide different answers on concluding paragraphs research when ISR is an appropriate form of george thesis statements governance. The next section reviews the pragmatic legitimacy of research ISR from each management theory tradition to provide a foundation for orwell, further analysis. The Pragmatic Legitimacy of Industry Self-Regulation. Pragmatic legitimacy of industry self-regulation. Maintain the ability to respond to social issues on the firm’s own terms. Meeting stakeholder expectations flexibly and at lower cost. (Majumdar and Marcus 2001 ; Coglianese and Nash 2001 ) Maintaining agency to respond to institutional pressures.

(Gunningham and about violence, Rees 1997 ; Hoffman 1999 ; Zietsma and Lawrence 2010 ) Exerting control over rhetoric and resources. (Raynolds et al. George Orwell. 2007 ; Gereffi et al. 2001 ; Moog et al. 2015 ) Position firm to gain positive social evaluations from other stakeholders for social performance. Signalling quality or behaviour. (King et al.

2005 ; Aravind and Christmann 2011 ) Meeting stakeholder expectations. (Jiang and Bansal 2003 ; Boiral 2007 ) Demonstrating prestige and status. (Fuller and nus mba essays tips, Tian 2006 ; Boiral 2013 ) Advantages increase with the number or esteem of orwell members in writing a general cover letter for a resume, an ISR scheme. Reputation commons and 1984 statements, club theory. (Barnett and King 2008 ; Prakash and Potoski 2006 ) Institutions shape collective actions. (Ostrom 1990 ; Delmas and essays, Montes-Sancho 2010 ) Authority of george orwell 1984 high-status actors to set norms.

(Levy and Egan 2003 ; Renard 2005 ) Learn how to cope with social concerns where there is uncertainty about social issues firms face and how to deal with them. Learning as a competitively valuable capability. Mimetic isomorphism and shared norms. (Braithwaite 2008 ; Matten and Moon 2008 ; Haack et al. 2012 ) Diffusing shared rhetoric. (Green 2004 ; Christensen et al. 2013 ) Works cited are illustrative only. Where examples of strict industry self-regulation could not be found, examples are from the paragraphs papers related contexts of thesis statements self-regulation by individual firms or multi-stakeholder partnerships. The first set of resume benefits for ISR participants is to orwell thesis, maintain the essays tips ability to respond to social issues on their own terms. For example, in 1999 companies collaborated through the US Better Business Bureau to introduce BBBOnline, a self-assessed and industry-monitored online privacy seal in an attempt to pre-empt and george orwell 1984, shape a new set of laws on Internet privacy introduced in the USA in 2001 (Haufler 2001 ). Strategic management theory explains that firms may use ISR to strategically pre-empt costly sanctions or requirements from essay on facebook addiction, governments, NGOs, consumer groups or other stakeholders (Majumdar and george orwell thesis statements, Marcus 2001 ; Fleckinger and Glachant 2011 ). Essay Of Personal Strengths. Institutional theories describe ISR as a strategic response to institutional pressures, where managers try to george thesis statements, retain agency within the constraints of actual or potential regulatory control (Oliver 1991 ; Hoffman 1999 ; Wijen 2014 ). A critical perspective focuses on how industry incumbents use their privileged economic and political position to from, maintain control not only of the governance but also of the orwell 1984 thesis statements rhetoric around social issues (Jermier et al.

2006 ). Bartley ( 2005 ), for speech from text, example, showed how the US apparel industry succeeded in replacing a discourse of legal compliance with one based on compliance to voluntary industry codes in response to rising stakeholder concerns about sweatshop labour. This enabled firms to maintain control over compliance through participating in the Fair Labor Association (FLA) to certify labour standards. Thus, all three management theories recognize ISR as a way for firms to retain strategic control over aligning their own interests with other stakeholders, which is crucial for george 1984, gaining pragmatic legitimacy. Firms also gain private benefits from ISR through earning or maintaining a sound reputation on social issues. Strategic perspectives emphasize that firms attempt to signal quality or behaviour through ISR participation to gain access to strategically valuable resources (Aravind and Christmann 2011 ; King et al. 2005 ). Institutional perspectives focus on the extent to which firms are seen to be behaving according to stakeholder expectations (Jiang and nus mba essays, Bansal 2003 ; Delmas and Toffel 2008 ). Critical scholars emphasize status and george orwell 1984 thesis statements, the extent to which firms are seen to be performing social responsibility (Fuller and Tian 2006 ; Boiral 2013 ). All three perspectives suggest that ISR can provide pragmatic legitimacy through symbolic participation in concluding paragraphs, ISR schemes. Network effects are present when the value to the next incremental adopter depends on the number of others who have already adopted. Evidence on ecolabels for green buildings, forestry and the apparel industry suggests that the higher the rate of adoption, the george 1984 more an ISR scheme is recognized as a credible signal of environmental quality, and from, the higher the benefit of adoption to george 1984 thesis, the next incremental adopter (Bartley 2003 ; Chan et al. 2009 ). Nus Mba Tips. ISR schemes can also be seen as “green clubs” (Prakash and Potoski 2006 ) that protect an industry’s common reputation (King et al. Thesis Statements. 2002 ). Research Papers. These schemes can help develop the collective reputation, resources, staff, networks and expertise that lower the cost to orwell 1984, individual firms of participation and are particularly successful in “small worlds” such as forestry (Conroy 2007 ) or the Chinese toy manufacturing industry (Lin-Hi and Blumberg 2016 ) where all the major players know each other. Institutional perspectives emphasize that is it safer for firms in uncertain and contested social environments to adopt a recognized scheme than to be left outside (DiMaggio and Powell 1983 ). The higher the ratio of certified to non-certified firms in a local ISR scheme, the more likely are new entrants to participate to for a, signal their similarity (Husted et al.

2016 ). A more critical perspective asks how ISR regimes gain the orwell 1984 thesis authority to govern particular social issues (Cashore 2002 ), highlighting the importance of high-status political actors in encouraging others to participate (Levy and Egan 2003 ). As Renard ( 2005 ) demonstrated in the context of fair trade labelling, networks can be vital to encouraging widespread participation in an ISR scheme, but can also further embed existing power structures within an tips, industry. To the extent that ISR schemes offer safety in numbers, participation can help earn pragmatic legitimacy from an orwell thesis, organization’s immediate audiences. Finally, firms participate in ISR schemes as a way to learn in an uncertain environment. They can learn about essay of personal their own organizational capacity to address social issues and how to meet stakeholder expectations more effectively (Banerjee 1998 ). Participation in a scheme can facilitate the transfer of best practices and increase communication and george orwell 1984 thesis, information sharing between members through direct contact (Kraatz 1998 ; King and nus mba, Lenox 2000 ). Schemes can encourage indirect learning as they attract boundary spanners such as consultancy firms and auditors who help spread credible information from one firm to another, lowering informational costs (Delmas 2002 ; Jahn et al. 2005 ). Institutional theorists emphasize that managers also learn through observing others and conforming to shared local norms. ISR schemes can serve as templates that are easily adopted by newcomers.

Through interacting within the scheme, managers are made more aware of george orwell thesis statements social needs and information spreads more quickly (Marquis et al. 2007 ). Focusing on the rhetoric of ISR, critical theorists also ask how managers learn to talk about social issues and concluding research papers, solutions (Green 2004 ). Even weak ISR can serve as “aspirational talk”, and the beginnings of a learning process (Christensen et al. 2013 ), offering the possibility of aligning interests and gaining pragmatic legitimacy over time. Private Benefits and Pragmatic Legitimacy of ISR. ISR schemes earn pragmatic legitimacy as participants persuade their stakeholders of the scheme’s usefulness. This section has outlined four private benefits revealed in prior ISR research that support interest alignment and george orwell 1984, pragmatic legitimacy of ISR. Although different management theory perspectives have analysed ISR based on widely divergent assumptions, each has touched upon the core private benefits of nus mba essays strategic control, reputation, network benefits and learning.

Analysts in the strategic management tradition have tended to approach the benefits of orwell 1984 participation from a narrow, enlightened self-interest perspective, and so have most clearly articulated the private benefits of ISR. In contrast, while critical management theories have mentioned the private benefits of ISR participation, this has normally been in the context of short essay on tv normative disapproval. George Thesis. ISR participation may secure control over speech, rhetoric and resources (Raynolds et al. 2007 ; Gereffi et al. 2001 ) or reinforce the authority of high-status actors to orwell 1984, set norms (Renard 2005 ). However, while ISR schemes may offer private benefits and from text, pragmatic legitimacy from the organization’s most proximate audiences, schemes may still not be in the overall public interest (Vogel 2008 ). Indeed, whether ISR participation contributes to the broader public good is an under-explored question in management theory. George 1984. Pragmatic legitimacy alone is not an adequate basis for evaluating legitimacy since it only takes account of writing cover letter resume transactional interest alignment with immediate audiences. Since ISR schemes are socially embedded within a system of norms, their appropriateness needs to be evaluated in the broader frame of moral legitimacy.

The next section develops this by george orwell 1984 thesis statements, applying Suchman’s ( 1995 ) typology of moral legitimacy to the ISR context to evaluate the moral legitimacy of ISR schemes. The Moral Legitimacy of Industry Self-Regulation. Moral legitimacy asks whether a particular action, practice, scheme or organization is essay of personal weaknesses, “the right thing to george orwell 1984 statements, do” (Suchman 1995 : 579). It differs fundamentally from pragmatic legitimacy because it focuses on the ethical foundations of an organization or activity (Mele and nus mba tips, Armengou 2015 ), and the reciprocal responsibility norms generated between an george thesis statements, organization and its stakeholders (Elms and Phillips 2009 ). Nus Mba Essays. Assessing moral legitimacy requires looking beyond pragmatic evaluations based on interest alignment, to a broader public perspective on the normative appropriateness of george orwell thesis statements ISR. In his original review, Suchman identifies three alternative bases for moral legitimacy—consequential, procedural and structural. Essay On Facebook Addiction. Moral legitimacy can be evaluated according to what organizations accomplish (consequential), whether they exhibit socially accepted techniques and processes (procedural) and/or whether they look like the right organization for the job (structural). Moral legitimacy of 1984 statements industry self-regulation.

Short-term, direct, measurable effects. (Rivera 2002 ; Blackman and Rivera 2011 ) Short-term behaviour change; longer-term field reconfiguration. (Hoffman 1999 ; Haack et al. 2012 ) Social, symbolic and material outcomes. Long-term and diffuse effects. (Boiral 2013 ; Christensen et al. 2013 ) Credible performance signal.

Monitoring and short about on tv, sanctions for non-compliance. (Lenox and Nash 2003 ; Darnall and george 1984, Carmin 2005 ; Aravind Christmann 2011 ) Stakeholder disclosure and concluding paragraphs research, scrutiny, including regulators. Codification of norms. (Wijen 2014 ; Terlaak 2007 ; Short and Toffel 2010 ) Ambition of performance levels. Transparency and 1984 statements, accountability. Relationship to short about violence on tv, state. Fit with competitive and regulatory context. Demonstrates socially acceptable values and norms. Consistent with regulatory demands within field. (Locke, Rissing and Pal 2013 ; Lee 2009 ) Authoritative emblems and 1984 thesis, discourses.

Nested within governance networks. (Cashore 2002 ; Gilbert and Rasche 2007 ) Consequential legitimacy focuses on the outcomes of ISR. This approach derives from a rationalist view that “organizations should be judged by a general cover for a resume, what they accomplish” (Suchman 1995 : 580). 1984. Surprisingly little academic research has focused on the material outcomes of ISR schemes (King et al. 2012 ), and essay of personal weaknesses, existing evidence on george thesis statements the outcomes of speech text ISR schemes is mixed at best. Famous examples of george orwell 1984 thesis statements ISR schemes that are generally assumed to improve participating firms’ social or environmental performance over time include the chemical industry’s Responsible Care Program (King and Lenox 2000 ), the Equator Principles for responsible project finance (Haack et al. 2012 ), the Forest Stewardship Council’s certification scheme (Moore et al. Short Essay About. 2012 ) and ISO 14001 (Prakash and Potoski 2006 ). However, each of these has also been questioned in 1984 thesis, terms of their effectiveness and consequential legitimacy (see, for example, Schepers 2010 ; Boiral 2007 ). Empirical studies show that the environmental performance of participating firms in the US chemical industry’s Responsible Care, the ISO 14001 standard and essay strengths, sustainable agriculture certification is no better and in some cases is worse than that of non-participants (Russo and Harrison 2005 ; Blackman and Rivera 2011 ; Gamper-Rabindran and Finger 2013 ).

The consequences of ISR schemes are notoriously difficult to define and measure. Indeed, one of the problems in evaluating ISR effectiveness is the different ideologically driven perspectives on ISR effectiveness from 1984 statements, whose perspective, over what time period and as compared to what (Gupta and Lad 1983 ). Short About Violence On Tv. Past studies have assessed the thesis consequences of ISR schemes by examining the extent to which schemes fulfil the functional or governance functions they were designed to serve (Hahn and Pinkse 2014 ; Wijen 2014 ), whether they encourage participation (Prado and Woodside 2015 ; Schuler and about violence on tv, Christmann 2011 ), whether they trigger pro-social behaviour change in participating firms (Terlaak 2007 ; Schuler and Christmann 2011 ), whether they improve allocative efficiency (Maxwell et al. 2000 ; Fleckinger and Glachant 2011 ) and ultimately whether they deliver material improvements in the social domains they are designed to address (Blackman and Rivera 2011 ; Darnall and Sides 2008 ; Aravind and Christmann 2011 ). Theorists have known that evaluating ISR effectiveness is controversial for a long time, but focusing on the different management perspectives brings shape to the debate. Each management perspective tends to emphasize different aspects of consequential legitimacy, leading to arbitrary emphases on orwell 1984 statements some measures and not others based on the worldview of the analyst, rather than the details of the on facebook addiction phenomenon.

Strategic perspectives on ISR tend to evaluate the consequences of ISR by firm-level outcomes (see Table 2 ). This includes whether participation in ISR schemes generates private benefits to the firm such as the ability to charge higher prices (Rivera 2002 ), or improves firm-level social or environmental performance (Blackman and Rivera 2011 ). Given the focus on the firm level, strategic perspectives tend to 1984, emphasize short-term, direct and measurable effects of ISR participation. Tips. In contrast, institutional perspectives consider not only behaviour changes by orwell 1984, individual social actors within a field (Terlaak 2007 ), but also the longer-term field reconfiguration as an ISR scheme becomes institutionalized (Hofman 1999 ; Haack et al. 2012 ). Critical perspectives examine longer-term and diffuse effects of strengths weaknesses ISR schemes, including how ISR alters symbolic representations of reality (Boiral 2013 ) and the overall governance within a policy domain (Renard 2005 ). Thus, consequential legitimacy has been a significant concern within each of the management theory perspectives, but in george thesis, fundamentally different, and sometimes incompatible, ways. Since it is so difficult to nus mba essays, evaluate the consequences of ISR, for whom and when, an alternative is to instead rely on evaluating the orwell 1984 thesis statements design of the schemes. Suchman’s procedural legitimacy reflects the extent to which organizations embrace socially accepted methods and processes. Writing For A Resume. In the absence of unambiguous evidence that an ISR scheme has positive outcomes, firms instead demonstrate “sound practices [which] may serve to demonstrate that the organization is making a good-faith effort to achieve valued, albeit invisible, ends” (Suchman 1995 : 580). Orwell. In the case of ISR, the procedural legitimacy of the scheme’s methods and processes is concluding paragraphs research, usually demonstrated through stringency of ISR design. Schemes with strong monitoring, third-party auditing, government involvement and highly codified processes are usually assumed to provide the thesis statements most procedural legitimacy (Delmas and Terlaak 2001 ; Christmann and Taylor 2006 ; Darnall and Sides 2008 ; Short and essays tips, Toffel 2010 ). However, stringent ISR design is george 1984 thesis statements, neither uni-dimensional nor unambiguously clearly socially beneficial. ISR regimes vary along any of several different procedural dimensions. For example, Kolk and Van Tulder ( 2002 ) noticed that codes of conduct on on facebook addiction child labour from US companies were both more tightly formulated and more loosely monitored than codes from European companies. Despite some exceptions, the various and sometimes contradictory dimensions of stringency are not usually recognized in the literature.

This has led to ISR theorists from different traditions focusing on different aspects of george orwell stringency, and to talking past each other. Different management theory traditions tend to emphasize different dimensions of procedural legitimacy and downplay others, regardless of whether this is the most salient in any given circumstance. Strategic perspectives usually prioritize monitoring and sanctions as a way to limit information asymmetry and free-riding (Lenox and Nash 2003 ; Darnall and Carmin 2005 ). In contrast, institutional perspectives emphasize codification and the flexibility provided by ambiguous norms in self-regulation (Edelman 1992 ; Wijen 2014 ), or interactions with the broader institutional context (Gunningham and Rees 1997 ; Lee 2009 ; Short and Toffel 2010 ). Essays. Critical perspectives often question the ambition or transparency of ISR schemes (Cashore 2002 ; Gilbert and Rasche 2007 ; Moog et al. 2015 ) and the potential for ISR to pre-empt stricter government regulation through altering power relations and diminishing the role of the george orwell 1984 state (Renard 2005 ; Jermier et al. 2006 ). Thus, each tradition has a distinctive, but usually implicit view on which aspects of procedural legitimacy are most useful in evaluating the moral legitimacy of ISR schemes, with no one tradition addressing all aspects of a general letter for a resume procedural legitimacy. Structural legitimacy asks whether an ISR scheme is “the right organization for the job” (Suchman 1995 : 581). Structural legitimacy is less about consequences and procedural actions, and more about the structural appearance of an ISR scheme and its place within the broader governance system. George Thesis Statements. Structural legitimacy is based on displays that the organizational form is of personal strengths weaknesses, appropriate.

However, as Suchman put it, “this sense of rightness has more to do with emblems of thesis organizational identity than with demonstrations of organizational competence” (p. 581). Of the short essay violence three bases of moral legitimacy, structural legitimacy has been least explored in ISR management theory. However, as with the other forms of moral legitimacy, different traditions emphasize different aspects of structural legitimacy. George Orwell Thesis Statements. From a strategic perspective, structural legitimacy is about the fit between a firm’s ISR strategy and its competitive and regulatory environment (Rivera 2002 ). In addition to such coercive fit, institutional approaches assess whether ISR schemes are consistent with the concluding paragraphs research papers values and norms within a field. Credentials such as ISO certificates can serve as “organizational degrees” (Boiral 2012 ), or useful objects to signal credibility (Delmas and Montes-Sancho 2011 ). A more constructivist view emphasizes how ISR schemes themselves serve as a way of narrating new standards for social or environmental performance (Haack et al. 2012 ). Critical perspectives claim that ISR schemes can serve as “organized exhibitions of authority” that demonstrate social appropriateness but without any real connection to improving firms’ social performance (Bowen 2014 ; Boiral 2013 ). Management Theories of ISR and Moral Legitimacy. The three management theory perspectives have evolved separately over george orwell 1984 thesis, the last two decades, resulting in parallel ISR literature talking past each other. Paragraphs. Even when theorists from the 1984 thesis statements different traditions examine the same ISR scheme, they can come to different conclusions about the scheme’s moral legitimacy by prioritizing a consequential, procedural or structural approach.

For example, consider the moral legitimacy of the American Chemistry Council’s Responsible Care Scheme, established back in 1988. Taking a strategic perspective, Gamper-Rabindran and Finger ( 2013 ) evaluated the consequential legitimacy of the Responsible Care scheme by cover for a resume, focusing on the environmental performance outcomes of participating compared with non-participating firms. They found that participating firms actually increased their toxicity-weighted pollution compared with statistically equivalent non-participating firms, questioning the scheme’s consequential legitimacy. Gunningham’s ( 1995 ) institutional perspective focused on Responsible Care’s codes of practice and community engagement processes as adopted in Australia, arguing based on procedural legitimacy that it is orwell 1984 thesis statements, “the most significant and far-reaching self-regulatory scheme ever adopted in Australia, or arguably, elsewhere” (p. 61).

In contrast, critical perspectives emphasize symbolic importance of Responsible Care as a response to the 1984 disaster that killed some 2500 people at the Union Carbide subsidiary in Bhopal, India (Gereffi et al. 2001 ). The chemical industry needed to take steps to regain public acceptance after Bhopal, and “a code of conduct, a certificate, even literally a ‘symbol’, was necessary to nus mba, communicate those steps” (Matten 2003 : 224). Critical theorists explain this as an attempt by george orwell 1984, the chemical industry to maintain the essay strengths structural legitimacy of the prevailing regulatory system and Responsible Care within it. Table 2 summarizes how moral legitimacy is evident within each perspective. Each theoretical tradition holds different implicit assumptions about the bases for moral legitimacy, although individual authors within each perspective do not usually make this explicit. Mapping the bases for moral legitimacy across different perspectives reveals blind spots in ISR research within each tradition so far. For example, within the strategic management perspective with its focus on the comparative analysis of different outcomes in different circumstances, there has been inadequate attention to orwell 1984 thesis statements, evaluating the long-term, indirect and speech from, social consequences of ISR schemes (King et al. 2012 ). In contrast, while critical perspectives may raise valid concerns about the ambition or authority of non-state actors on social issues, they may also underplay the extent to which ISR schemes can lead to positive longer-term field reconfiguration (Haack et al. 2012 ).

Tensions Between Pragmatic and Moral Legitimacy. This paper has so far treated pragmatic and george orwell thesis, moral legitimacy separately. However, the tips pragmatic legitimacy that can provide the george orwell statements basis for of personal, a social licence to operate is orwell 1984, not the same as the letter resume more stable moral legitimacy based on george orwell thesis ethical principles (Mele and Armengou 2015 ) and reciprocal responsibility (Elms and Phillips 2009 ). Each of the bases of pragmatic legitimacy outlined above—strategic control, reputation, network effects and learning—can interact with moral legitimacy. This section identifies tensions between pragmatic and moral legitimacy, and the management theory perspectives in which the essay addiction tensions are based. This is useful to identify blind spots and to generate routes forward for future theory and george 1984 statements, practical evaluations of ISR. Strategic Control and short essay about on tv, Moral Legitimacy. Many ISR schemes offer participants options to decide whether to participate, and if so, how.

For example, ISR schemes may contain different levels of required performance so that participating firms can maximize their private benefits from joining. George Orwell 1984. Discretionary schemes can offer the strategic control needed for managers to respond to stakeholder demands for speech from, social improvement, but to george 1984, do so on essay of personal strengths their own terms. However, pragmatic legitimacy based on strategic control can have a dark side. Orwell Thesis Statements. The strategic goal of ISR participation can be to limit the need to change behaviour, either in short essay on tv, advance of regulation or later when the industry’s preferred approach may be subsequently adopted as a new regulatory standard (Ogus 1995 ; Fleckinger and Glachant 2011 ). The critical view also emphasizes regulatory capture and the potential for discretionary ISR schemes to manipulate or subvert stakeholder expectations without changes in firm behaviour (Banerjee 2008 ). Thus, while ISR schemes that offer strategic control can generate the flexibility needed to achieve pragmatic legitimacy, it can also threaten the consequential legitimacy of an ISR scheme. Take for example the george 1984 thesis statements US Green Building Council’s (USGBC) LEED standards, the strengths weaknesses leading green building standards in the USA. This points-based rating system certifies buildings as platinum, gold, silver or certified LEED green buildings. These may appear at first glance to thesis, be impartial endorsements of builders’ green performance. But a more critical look reveals that key industry players were heavily involved in the authorship of the schemes, which has largely displaced the more rigorous standards that were originally proposed (Parker 2009 ). The USGBC is often mistaken to be a government agency, but was originally a coalition of violence on tv builders, consultants and property developers who realized that they needed to respond to stakeholder demands for greener buildings. They designed a flexible scheme that offered firms control over george orwell thesis statements, which technologies to implement to earn a green building label and therefore meet the pragmatic legitimacy expectations of their immediate stakeholders.

This flexibility encouraged builders to strategically target the cheapest and least environmentally impactful building features, or to target the lowest acceptable tier of LEED certification, which offers very little material improvement to the environment from the building (Corbett and Muthulingam 2007 ). The LEED standards illustrate a broader tension between pragmatic and moral legitimacy. ISR schemes can help participants maintain strategic control, but in order for of personal weaknesses, this to be effective, participants’ interests must somehow dominate those of other stakeholders. Thesis. Thus, strategic control may be incompatible with the co-created, reciprocal responsibility that Elms and from, Phillips ( 2009 ) identify as the foundation of moral legitimacy. This raises the serious question of whether ISR schemes that offer strategic control can also have moral legitimacy. Seeking reputation is a pragmatic motivation for establishing product-level certification schemes such as organic food or fair trade product labels, as well as company-level reporting and disclosure schemes. However, evidence on certification schemes suggests that they are not widely effective in 1984, improving firms’ social or environmental performance (King et al. 2012 ). This lack of effectiveness is at least partly because ISR schemes designed to confer reputation often emphasize persuasion to confer pragmatic legitimacy rather than the co-creation of speech text norms and actions required for moral responsibility. The institutional perspective explains how managers may get caught up in larger structural pressures that require them to implement, measure, monitor and report on george orwell social performance (Bromley and Powell 2012 ). Managers may participate in ISR schemes because they have been swept up in ratings or rankings systems that evaluate their reputation (Chatterji and Toffel 2010 ). Signing up to an ISR scheme can help signal engagement with social or environmental issues.

But certification schemes can also gloss over complexities in the behaviours and practices needed to generate better social outcomes (Wijen 2014 ). ISR schemes that provide reputation and essays tips, pragmatic interest alignment can hide considerable ambiguity on how the scheme is put into practice and whether it is the right organization for the job. Consider the example of orwell 1984 CarbonNeutral ® certification. Achieving certification is intended to help firms stand out from violence, their competition and provide a “clear sign” that they are leading the way on climate change (Carbon Neutral Company 2016 ), that is, to offer pragmatic reputational benefits. To join this ISR scheme, participating firms need to meet a set of highly codified criteria that are outlined in a “Carbon Neutral Protocol” (Carbon Neutral Company 2013 ). Prospective members must commit to five steps to george 1984 thesis, achieve certification: definition, measurement, set target, reduce emissions and communicate. Crucially, the “reduce emissions” stage differs from other definitions of carbon neutrality (Department of Energy and Climate Change 2009 ) because it allows all reductions to be made though offsetting and does not require individual firms to change their own internal emissions behaviours. Emphasizing the reputational benefits of joining an ISR scheme can lead to essay addiction, highlighting pragmatic and persuasive legitimacy rather than consequential actions. Microsoft explained its adoption of the CarbonNeutral ® certificate because it found that it could not meet its previous 2009 commitment to reduce relative carbon emissions by 30% by 2012.

Microsoft’s new cloud computing business model was driving gross carbon emissions up, so in order to protect its environmental reputation the george orwell statements firm opted for the pragmatic legitimacy of speech achieving certification rather than the consequential legitimacy of actually reducing its own internal emissions (Microsoft 2012 ). Certification schemes such as this illustrate the 1984 tension in ISR between the pragmatic legitimacy gained through persuasion and the moral legitimacy of consequential changes in research, behaviours and performance. Network Effects and Moral Legitimacy. Some ISR schemes offer economies in membership, or collective shelter from institutional pressures by following the example of orwell 1984 thesis dominant firms in essay of personal strengths, the field. This is orwell, particularly common when firms’ reputations are interdependent (Prakash and Potoski 2006 ; Barnett and King 2008 ). On the essay of personal strengths weaknesses plus side, ISR schemes designed to harness pragmatic legitimacy through network effects can lead to positive spillover and multiply positive impacts. For example, Reich et al. ( 2005 ) identified spillover effects from the george orwell 1984 thesis voluntary adoption of a living wage, as other workers not directly covered by the scheme also experienced some increase in their level of pay. In the UK, Wills and Linneker ( 2012 ) showed how participating in the Living Wage Foundation’s voluntary living wage scheme led to spillover benefits in related social domains such as improvements in health and well-being, improved family life, reduced welfare benefit costs and writing for a resume, local positive externalities from better paid residents.

ISR schemes with network benefits, such as the Living Wage Foundation, can trigger social multiplier effects if they are actively connected with complementary institutions, increasing their outcome effectiveness even further (Pollin et al. 2002 ; Freeman 2005 ). Extensive cross-monitoring and dialogue can lead to networked legitimacy, where the ISR scheme draws together a nexus of interests and each participant gains its own pragmatic legitimacy (Mele and thesis statements, Schepers 2013 ). However, this positive interaction between network effects and consequential legitimacy crucially depends on whether participants do actually improve their social performance. Critical theorists describe how network effects can support shared discourses and industry-led schemes that consolidate the power of short essay on tv large corporations without altering corporate behaviour (Banerjee 2008 ; Bowen 2014 ). Network benefits can promote the george 1984 deliberately low standards of powerful incumbents (Raynolds et al. 2007 ). These firms may have strong incentives to embed low standards as acceptable norms of writing cover letter for a corporate behaviour (Dunlap and McCright 2011 ). Doing so may award ISR schemes pragmatic legitimacy from their immediate audiences, but threaten the development of orwell 1984 statements responsible norms as a foundation for moral legitimacy.

These challenges can be seen in comparing two ISRs in sustainable forestry: the FSC and SFI. Forestry companies face a shared reputational risk from environmental NGOs who cannot tell if their undifferentiated wood products are environmentally damaging (Bartley 2003 ; Winn et al. 2008 ). Both the FSC and SFI are voluntary ISR programmes that were initiated at the industry level: by cover, the US forestry industry in the case of SFI, and by socially concerned retailers in the case of FSC (Cashore 2002 ). George 1984. In the early days of sustainable forestry certification, the US forestry industry actively resisted the FSC’s more ambitious standards, preferring instead to start their own lighter touch, SFI scheme in order to attract more participants (Coglianese and speech from text, Nash 2001 ; Meidinger 2006 ). The US forestry industry adopted the less ambitious SFI scheme, and the more ambitious FSC scheme failed to take off in the USA as it did in Canada, the george 1984 thesis UK and other countries (Cashore 2002 ; Conroy 2007 ). Text. The lower environmental standards required within SFI compared with FSC became entrenched as the george orwell thesis SFI standard spread. Short About Violence. Worse, because forestry certification is interlinked with other schemes, such as for green buildings, this consequential legitimacy loss spilled over into other US industries when the 1984 USGBC controversially decided to a general cover letter resume, award LEED points for using SFI-certified wood in 1984 thesis statements, their buildings. In this example, responsibility norms were co-created by scheme participants and their surrounding stakeholders. Short About On Tv. However, the performance level for SFI was established at a lower performance level than for FSC. More generally, the moral legitimacy of ISR schemes with potent network effects crucially depends on george orwell 1984 the ethical foundations of the papers emerging shared norms (Mele and Armengou 2015 ). Without firm ethical foundations, networked ISR schemes may be awarded pragmatic legitimacy by their immediate audiences, but lack deeper moral legitimacy. ISR schemes vary in their potential scope for learning opportunities and the extent to which these learning exchanges are actually realized (Coglianese and Nash 2001 ). ISR can provide spaces for experimentation and innovative solutions to social problems, leading to opportunities for wider learning, conversation and interest alignment between participating firms and their immediate audiences.

ISR schemes designed for george orwell, learning can improve both pragmatic and consequential legitimacy. For example, firms were more likely to change their waste management practices when managers said they joined EPA’s awareness-raising WasteWise programme to promote their relations with the EPA and to short essay about on tv, learn about orwell thesis statements waste (Delmas and Keller 2005 ). Similarly, Locke’s ( 2013 ) study of labour standards in apparel, electronics and metalworking supply chains showed the potential of learning through sharing best practices and capability-building in ISR to provide cleaner and safer workplaces for workers than other scheme designs. ISR on labour standards in global supply chains has helped managers incorporate and learn from the voices of traditionally excluded groups of workers such as women export workers (Pearson and writing a general letter, Seyfang 2001 ) and has also stimulated learning among activists about what worked in orwell statements, affecting change in previous campaigns (Freeman 2005 ). However, as with network effects, the text consequential legitimacy of ISR schemes designed for learning depends on orwell thesis statements what is short essay violence, learned and george orwell statements, shared within the scheme. Outcomes depend on the performance of the speech text leading firms and 1984 statements, the expectations they share with later joiners. The primary motivation to participate may be to learn how to avoid, deflect or pre-empt more ambitious regulatory requirements (Ogus 1995 ), or to addiction, co-opt or deflect stakeholder interests (Parker 2002 ; Raynolds et al. 2007 ). All four of the ISR schemes examined by Lenox and Nash ( 2003 ) in orwell 1984 thesis, the chemical, textile and speech from text, pulp and george orwell 1984 statements, paper industries were designed with sharing mechanisms such as industry newsletters, annual conferences and member meetings. These were intended to help participants learn to from text, manage the george 1984 uncertainty surrounding new environmental demands.

However, in most of the concluding paragraphs schemes, the performance bar was not sufficiently ambitious to george statements, offer learning to new members on reducing pollution. Essay. Similarly, Lin-Hi and Blumberg ( 2016 ) emphasized the learning potential from schemes such as the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI), which focuses on learning and capacity building to improve working conditions in global supply chains. George Thesis. However, two of the factories in the Rana Plaza building in Bangladesh that collapsed in essay, 2013 were participants in 1984 statements, the BSCI. Learning within the BSCI scheme did not extend to assessing the safety or regulatory compliance of the physical buildings, or to empowering local workers to act when they identified cracks in essay of personal, the building before the collapse (Gross 2013 ). Opportunities to learn about facility safety were lost because of thesis weak performance standards in the scheme (Chao 2013 ). As with network effects above, the moral legitimacy of ISR depends not only on interactions and learning with stakeholders, but also on the ethical content of what is learned. Writing For A Resume. Moral legitimacy requires the george orwell learning to have firm ethical foundations (Mele and Armengou 2015 ). However, these ethical foundations can become unmoored from the ISR scheme if participants do not place adequate emphasis on what and how they are learning from ISR schemes.

This section addressed each of the bases of pragmatic legitimacy in turn and used past ISR research from all three management theory perspectives to nus mba essays, explore potential tensions with moral legitimacy. Focusing on tensions between pragmatic and moral responsibility offers several implications for ISR research. First, with respect to strategic control, the george orwell 1984 balance of evidence considered here seriously questions the consequential legitimacy of discretionary ISR schemes. Rather like students marking their own homework, it is tempting for managers to award themselves the easy points but without truly engaging with fundamental changes in their activities. This is even the case in performance-based ISR schemes such as the USGBC’s LEED building standards. Weaknesses. Future research should pay more attention to the specific outcomes of 1984 statements flexible ISR schemes, particularly ISR schemes that offer choices on a range of performance standards. Second, the concluding paragraphs research current ISR literature challenges the consequential legitimacy of certification schemes that offer reputational benefits. Certification-based ISR schemes often provide pragmatic legitimacy from firms’ immediate audiences as they reassure stakeholders that firms are taking their social obligations seriously. Orwell Thesis Statements. Within the of personal strengths broader social context, such emblems and credentials can offer structural legitimacy that an industry-led scheme is the george 1984 right form of organization to address a social challenge.

However, increased structural legitimacy from reputation-enhancing ISR schemes is essays, often decoupled from the scheme’s outcomes. Thus, future research should further investigate the structural conditions of ISR schemes and their outcomes. Finally, for ISR schemes that offer network and learning effects, the pragmatic reasons to participate can multiply the positive outcomes of an george orwell 1984 statements, ISR scheme. This is an writing resume, under-explored area in empirical studies and offers new optimism that there may actually be learning and thesis, relational benefits in firms marking their own homework. The current ISR literature is inconclusive about whether these network and learning effects are positive or negative, since ISR outcomes depend on what is learned and shared within ISR. More research is essay strengths weaknesses, needed on formally modelling learning effects and network spillover in ISR.

A particularly exciting frontier for modelling might be when self-regulatory mechanisms interact, as in the case of the SFI sustainable forest products scheme and the USGBC’s LEED green building standards. So far, serious empirical treatments of the consequential legitimacy of overlapping, networked ISR schemes is lacking from the academic literature. The wide range of ISR schemes now operating provides an orwell 1984 statements, opportunity for future empirical research to explore these ideas both within and across industry sectors. In principle, ISR can provide flexible and innovative social improvements at lower cost than direct state regulation (Coglianese and Mendelson 2010 ; Gunningham and Rees 1997 ). However, mixed empirical evidence and some high-profile ISR failures have fed scepticism that ISR allows firms to essay of personal strengths, mark their own homework. George Orwell Thesis Statements. Although marking their own homework may not be unambiguously bad, current ISR theory cannot explain when or why this may be case, as it has not fully examined the essay on facebook addiction legitimacy of ISR. While legitimacy theory clearly separates the pragmatic legitimacy of gaining a social licence to operate from a deeper, more stable moral legitimacy (Suchman 1995 ; Mele and Armengou 2015 ), ISR research has been slow to recognize this distinction. In response, this paper mapped what we know about the legitimacy of ISR from management theory, clearly separated pragmatic from moral legitimacy, and used this distinction to expose tensions and future directions on the legitimacy of ISR. This paper offers extensions to three strands within ISR theory. First, it provides integration across different theoretical perspectives within current management theory of ISR. It derives an integrated approach drawing on strategic, institutional and george 1984 statements, critical management perspectives.

Pulling these perspectives into a single analysis is a significant contribution because previous management scholarship has been fragmented and context specific. Strategic, institutional and critical management theories of ISR have evolved in parallel, as have scholarly communities that focus on particular content domains such as firms’ impacts on the natural environment, labour standards, ethical trading or diversity practices. This paper leverages and integrates across these parallel studies and offers the essay about on tv broader view needed to explore the biases, blind spots and george statements, boundary conditions of ISR. Second, this paper moves beyond the largely descriptive analyses of ISR in the current literature to examine the normative legitimacy of ISR. Nus Mba Tips. The framework contributes to ISR management theory by moving beyond the private benefits that provide pragmatic legitimacy to ISR schemes to examine the more ethical foundations and shared responsibility norms that underly moral responsibility. The framework derived in orwell 1984 thesis statements, Table 2 can guide a comprehensive evaluation of moral legitimacy based on the details of speech from a particular ISR scheme, rather than implicitly assuming which aspect of moral legitimacy is most important as has been so common in management theories of ISR.

Moral legitimacy can be evaluated according to what organizations accomplish (consequential), whether they exhibit socially accepted techniques and processes (procedural) and/or whether they look like the right organization for the job (structural). Focusing on different types of legitimacy gives different answers about the moral legitimacy of ISR schemes. Very stringent schemes can give procedural legitimacy, but this does not necessarily mean that they will have good outcomes (i.e. consequential legitimacy). Similarly, a well-functioning scheme with positive overall social benefits can lose legitimacy if it does not somehow signal appropriate emblems or credentials to maintain structural legitimacy. Previous research has been hampered by george orwell 1984, blinkered approaches from within particular management traditions. This paper offers an integrative view of moral legitimacy of ISR based on the different bases of moral legitimacy, rather than the writing a general implied theoretical worldview of the analyst. Finally, the paper contributes to a burgeoning literature on george orwell 1984 thesis statements the pragmatic and moral legitimacy of other phenomena such as codes of ethics (Long and Driscoll 2008 ), social enterprise (Dart 2004 ), NGOs as partners of industry (Baur and paragraphs, Palazzo 2011 ), regulatory regimes (Black 2008 ) or controversial projects (Mele and Armengou 2015 ). This literature recognizes that pragmatic legitimacy and moral legitimacy do not always go together. The extension made in this paper is to specifically examine three tensions between pragmatic and moral legitimacy in the ISR context. First, ISR schemes that offer pragmatic legitimacy through strategic control may be incompatible with the co-created, reciprocal responsibility required for moral legitimacy. Participants in ISR schemes cannot simultaneously dominate and responsibly reciprocate with stakeholders, leading to 1984 thesis, serious questions about whether ISR schemes that offer strategic control can also have moral legitimacy.

Second, ISR schemes that offer reputational benefits rely on gaining pragmatic legitimacy through persuasion, which can become decoupled from writing resume, consequential changes in behaviours. Orwell 1984 Thesis. Focusing on the exchange and transactional aspects of reputation can help gain pragmatic legitimacy, but disconnect schemes from deeper, reciprocal moral legitimacy. Third, the strengths moral legitimacy of orwell statements ISR schemes with potent network or learning effects crucially depends on essay on tv the ethical foundations of the scheme. Orwell 1984 Statements. Ethically weak ISR schemes will lack moral legitimacy regardless of how many firms join or how much participants share learning within the scheme. Focusing on ISR has opened up some new frontiers in research on the interactions between pragmatic and moral legitimacy. ISR is unusual in that firms play a dual role in essays tips, influencing the design of ISR schemes and then deciding whether and how to participate. To the extent that firms can influence the design of ISR schemes, there is the potential for firms to deliberately design schemes to maximize pragmatic legitimacy. George Orwell Statements. For example, ISR schemes could be designed to emphasize strategic control (as in performance-based ISR schemes such as LEED), or to emphasize reputation (as in certification schemes). These design choices can ultimately influence the moral legitimacy of the scheme in action.

It is possible that the tensions between pragmatic and speech text, moral legitimacy identified in this paper are a consequence of this dual role in ISR. George Orwell Thesis Statements. This analysis challenges legitimacy theorists to writing a general, assess whether these tensions between pragmatic and moral legitimacy are unique to circumstances where organizations both design and participate in governance schemes or are generalizable to other contexts beyond ISR. This paper was partly motivated by the mismatch between the promise and performance of ISR schemes, and a desire to better evaluate ISR schemes in orwell, practice. Table 2 generates a wide variety of essay on facebook normative considerations in assessing the appropriateness of ISR schemes that takes evaluation of ISR schemes far beyond simple cost–benefit logic. Scheme participants and orwell 1984 thesis statements, stakeholders can use Table 2 to generate a systematic set of questions to evaluate the legitimacy of specific ISR schemes. From a consequential legitimacy point of addiction view, questions focus on the outcomes of the scheme: what are the outcomes for orwell, participating firms, non-participants and other interested stakeholders? What are the direct and indirect outcomes over the short and long term? Questions of procedural legitimacy include whether inclusion criteria are sufficiently ambitious to cover letter for a, set new standards, whether the scheme is george orwell thesis statements, sufficiently codified to shape action and to what extent non-compliant participants are sanctioned. Speech Text. Structural legitimacy questions ask about the extent to which the authority of the ISR scheme is george 1984, formally recognized within the tips relevant country or industry, whether the ISR scheme reflects acceptable values for its social context and whether and how the form of the ISR conveys that firms are performing their proper social function. Systematic questions beyond simple short-term cost–benefit analysis have the potential to identify and develop relatively more socially beneficial ISR schemes in george orwell thesis statements, the future, and ultimately to improve ISR schemes in practice. The primary limitation of essay about this analysis is george 1984 thesis statements, that it is essay, based on an analytic review of past research from a sprawling range of traditions and substantive policy domains.

A formal, systematic review could have been a useful way to generate a more comprehensive, unbiased and transparent literature review. However, a systematic review would also have had to be necessarily limited to particular policy domains or contexts or sets of journals (that is, theoretical tradition) to formally limit the scope of the review. By adopting a more analytic approach, this analysis linked up insights on ISR that would not usually show up in a narrower key word search. It did not offer the replicable and more structured findings of a systematic review, but instead served as a conversation starter based on an analytical overview of a wide span of literature. This paper is also limited in that it did not attempt to empirically explore, verify or test key insights. Future research on 1984 the structural conditions of ISR schemes and their outcomes is particularly needed, and is now increasingly possible because of the very large number of schemes that could be compared. For example, the International Trade Centre lists over 210 voluntary standards operating in over 200 countries, many of which would meet the definition of ISR used in this paper (see ). Similarly, lists over concluding research, 450 ecolabels across 25 industry sectors. Empirical researchers might collate existing evidence on the effectiveness of these standards or ecolabels and develop preliminary tests and categorizations on which ones have the most learning or network potential, and how they rank on orwell 1984 thesis statements the various dimensions of consequential, procedural or structural legitimacy.

As data availability improves, empirical researchers will be able to conduct more complete systematic reviews and even meta-analyses of the legitimacy of ISR in the future. This paper examined the legitimacy of ISR in response to mixed empirical evidence and accusations that firms are using ISR schemes to “mark their own homework”. It explained how current management theory on ISR has failed to separate pragmatic legitimacy of ISR schemes based on writing cover letter for a private benefits, from moral legitimacy based on reciprocal responsibilities, a firm ethical foundation and normative approval. Mapping the literature has revealed tensions between pragmatic and moral legitimacy, and generated implications for theory on george orwell thesis statements ISR and on essay legitimacy. Future ISR research should examine the full range of moral legitimacy questions about ISR. 1984 Thesis Statements. Only then can ISR achieve its full potential as a fully legitimate mode of essay strengths governance in the contemporary economic system. The work was funded by george orwell 1984 thesis statements, the UK’s Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC: ES/K007440/1). Compliance with Ethical Standards. The author declares that they have no conflict of interest. This article does not contain any studies with human participants or animals performed by any of the authors. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the essay weaknesses Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License ( ), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and george orwell, reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.

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Resume Tips for the AML Professional. S taffing changes are a fact of life, not only for hiring managers but for the employees who seek new employment. George Orwell Thesis. Within the anti-money laundering (AML) profession, it is critical for employers to hire the most qualified individuals. Weaknesses. Not only is the success of the AML program dependent on the skill level of associates performing high-profile tasks, but regulators expect each institution to have a staff of qualified, well-trained AML professionals. Matching the right applicant to an open role can sometimes seem more like a game of chance than a scientific process, often hinging on a single document—the resume. The AML industry is orwell, a growth industry. The periodic reassessment by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network of the definition of financial institutions and short violence, higher AML risk businesses, often results in the need for george thesis statements, additional professionals trained to identify financial crimes. Essay Addiction. The dreaded matters requiring attention can also accelerate the need to find qualified industry professionals.

Though the need for qualified financial crimes prevention specialists is constantly growing, it may be difficult to differentiate oneself in george statements the pool of growing applicants for open roles. Given how competitive the job market is, a well-constructed resume is one sure-fire way to about violence rise to the top of the applicant pool. Below are some general tips to construct a resume that will provide the statements information needed by a general for a hiring managers to make a well-informed decision regarding your qualifications for the role. Let us first look at format: Use a resume template 1 —Templates accomplish two goals. First, templates force the writer to place key information in places hiring managers expect to find them. George Orwell 1984 Thesis. Second, templates use a columnar format, which saves space. Do not include images or headers/footers.

Embedded images, headers and/or footers cause issues for essays tips, screening software. George Statements. Mirror, mirror —While it is important to tailor your resume to the role for which you are applying, it is equally important to ensure that the resume mirrors the company in which the role resides. “If you are applying to on facebook a position in a different industry (software), make your resume more innovative—use color, fun formatting, icons, etc.,” advises Ashley Crill, senior manager of 1984 thesis, human resources at Banker’s Toolbox. Alternatively, if the essay of personal strengths weaknesses role resides in a traditional bank, plain vanilla will probably be better received. White space is your friend —White space draws the reader’s eyes to critical elements. Generally, recruiters do not “read” resumes—at best, you can hope that someone scans your resume. Avoid dense blocks of text. The goal is to immediately and succinctly identify for the reader why you are perfect for the role.

To achieve white space and 1984 thesis, limit unnecessary words, list achievements in bulleted points (five maximum). Keep bullets to two lines maximum. Focus on nus mba essays accomplishments—not skills —The bullets should highlight accomplishments and positive impacts rather than list job duties/responsibilities. Select a maximum of five projects/accomplishments to list on the resume. Whenever possible, quantify the accomplishments to solidify how you added value to former employers. When drafting accomplishments, present the accomplishments in a “result by” structure. George Statements. For instance: “Expanded responsibilities of investigative team by creation and implementation of essay, templated review responses, which permitted the team to assist with higher risk customer reviews.” Do not cover up —“A well-written resume is worth far more than a cover letter. You get 30 seconds to wow someone with your resume. If you send a cover letter that eats into the time” says Crill of orwell thesis, Banker’s Toolbox.

Now, let us look at actual content 2 : Keep it short (one to two pages) —As previously stated, recruiters generally perform a very quick “spot check” of your resume. In general, limit your resume to one page if you have less than 10 years of experience and no more than two pages if you have more than 10 years of short about violence, experience. A lengthy resume will not necessarily make you seem more impressive to the reader, but it will certainly force the reader to play hide-and-seek for george, the important details about your qualifications for the role. One notable exception to the “keep it short” rule is that regulatory agencies generally expect to receive extremely detailed information. The summary section is critical 3 —The summary should be one of the first items listed on the resume.

It should be no more than five sentences and customized to the role you are applying for. Consider it your 30-second elevator pitch to a general cover resume the recruiter. The summary should concisely relay the most pertinent and notable highlights of your career. Remember, it is thesis statements, critical to grab the essay of personal weaknesses recruiter’s attention quickly because they likely will not take the time to read the george orwell entire document to get a sense of who you are. Be very subjective about the objectives section —The recruiter knows the essay type of role you are interested in because you have applied for a role at his/her company. The objectives section takes up valuable real estate on your one or two-page resume, so delete it immediately. Include a URL to your professional profile (e.g., LinkedIn) at thesis your own risk —Considering the value of the from space on your resume, give careful thought about including URLs. Orwell 1984. Those hiring managers that want to search you, will do so with or without the URL.

A 2015 study 4 indicates that social media has become a cost-effective tool in the hiring process. Ninety-two percent of recruiters surveyed indicated they use social media when seeking to fill a role. Thus, if you do not provide a URL or a link to a profile, you should make it easy for short violence on tv, recruiters to find you online by differentiating your name when possible. For example, use a middle initial. Then, use that naming format consistently on george 1984 your resume and on your job application.

This will reduce the likelihood of recruiters mistaking the profile of someone else for yours. Imitation may just get you the job —Because many businesses use applicant tracking systems (ATS) aka computer screening, candidates would do well to customize a resume to the role applied for by ensuring to use keywords mentioned in the job posting. ATS mathematically scores resumes for relevance and sends only the most qualified through for essay addiction, review by human resources. A less recommended alternative—in lieu of thesis statements, customizing a resume for each role applied for—is that an writing for a applicant can identify the key words and phrases that are used routinely in the job descriptions and incorporate them into the resume. However, do not repeat the exact verbiage in orwell 1984 statements the job description. Matching keywords will better assist an applicant makes it past the initial screenings and moves on concluding research papers to the next phase of the hiring process.

Provide company descriptions —While it will take up valuable space in the document, it is helpful for recruiters to know the size of the companies for thesis statements, which you have worked. Being a vice president at cover for a resume a company with 25,000 employees is a bit different than being a vice president at a company with 25 employees. Keep the description short, but informative. The company’s “About Us” website section should provide helpful information. Highlight yourself —Include just enough interesting information to leave the recruiter wanting to know more about george 1984 thesis statements, you, but keep it professional and not personal. If the company is heavily supportive of from, community/volunteer efforts, it may be advantageous to mention your volunteer experience. Hobbies that demonstrate skills relevant to george thesis statements the job, like creativity, may be a positive differentiating factor separating yours from the a general cover for a dozens of orwell statements, other resumes being reviewed. However, be careful. Essays Tips. Customize the resume to highlight your character, but remember to tie every entry back to george a purpose. About. More to the story —You can add additional experience like awards, industry participation, boards or committees in a separate section of the resume titled “Additional Experience.” Remember that brevity is a virtue. Focus on what matters most to the company or the role.

If you are applying for a programing role, your state swimming championship is likely not relevant. Above all, be honest —“First of all, if you don’t tell the george 1984 thesis truth it could come back to nus mba essays tips haunt you—either before you get a job offer or in the future. There have been plenty of people fired years after the fact because they lied on george orwell 1984 statements their resume to get a job. Secondly, many, if not most, employers check at short essay on tv least basic references and if your employment history doesn’t jive with the information discovered during a background check you’re definitely not going to get hired.” 5 Finally, no one wins when someone is hired into a role into 1984 which she/he cannot perform or succeed because the experience, skills or knowledge is just not there. Writing A General For A. Therefore, do not consider “fluffing up” your qualifications or experience. George Orwell 1984 Thesis. Now that you have the tips basics for george thesis, a resume, it is time to tips tailor the george 1984 statements information to the financial crimes industry.

All systems go, sort of —Ensure your resume highlights industry-specific systems you have worked in or with. When possible, list the experience you have with the system (e.g., implemented BAM+, including testing and setting parameters for a $4.3 billion community bank). Do not waste valuable space or time listing basic software proficiency (e.g., Microsoft Word). However, do ensure you spotlight areas where you have more than a passing proficiency level (e.g., expert in Microsoft Excel). Remember, anything you list on addiction a resume opens you up for testing or questions on the topic. Defenses up —Your resume must provide detailed explanation of the previous positions you have held including the role played in george 1984 the lines of defense.

Key terms like governance, control assessment, risk assessment, issues, resolution, compliance, etc., should be used when applicable. In summary, there are three key points to keep in mind when crafting a resume: 1) Be honest, 2) Tell a short, interesting story, and papers, 3) Tailor your story to the role, company or industry to which you are applying. Amy Wotapka, CAMS, risk management consultant, Banker’s Toolbox, Racine, WI, 1984 Thesis Statements. From Law Enforcement to AML and Fraud Compliance. Interviewing Tips for Non-IT Financial Crimes Professionals.

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Firefly Pricing Strategies Essay Sample. 1.0 Introduction to Firefly. FlyFirefly Sdn. Bhd. operating as Firefly is a full-service point-to-point carrier and 1984 thesis a full subsidiary of Malaysia Airlines. Essay Strengths Weaknesses. The name Firefly was chosen to describe the airline’s characteristics, which represent agility, brilliance, charm and fun. George Orwell Thesis. With unique description, Firefly is easily remembered and recognized.

It has the potential to grow and essay violence on tv command a brand premium in the community it serves. Firefly is launched on 3th April 2007 and it is Malaysia’s first community airline. It is operated by george thesis, Malaysian Airline System Sdn. Bhd. formerly known as FlyFirely Sdn. Bhd. It is a wholly-owned subsidiary of weaknesses Malaysian Airline System Berhad. The head office of Firefly is located on the grounds of Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport in Subang, Selangor. Firefly operates from two hubs which are Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport in Subang, Selangor and Penang International Airport. Although Firefly is fully owned by Malaysia Airlines but it is managed by george orwell 1984 thesis statements, Firefly Sdn.

Bhd. Firefly focuses on serving the dynamic Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and writing a general cover letter for a resume Singapore growth region which population consist more than 70 million people. Firefly aims is to thesis statements, bring communities closer by overcoming geographical constraints through their network, linking the world to the communities they serve and contribute to local economies by research papers, growing trade and tourism. The target market of Firefly has always been travellers both for business and george orwell thesis statements also leisure. Travellers for both business and also leisure are potential customers of Firefly as it is a low cost airline providing great services. 2.0 Marketing Mix Strategies. Marketing mix is a mixture of of personal strengths weaknesses numerous ideas followed by a marketing representative in promoting a particular product or brand. The elements of marketing mix are often called the four P’s of marketing which are product, price, place and promotion. When marketing their products Firefly need to create a successful mix of the right product sold at the right price, in the right place using the most suitable promotion. George Thesis. 2.1 Product Mix Strategy. Firefly provides customers with intangible products, such as flight services all over a general cover letter resume, the country and also overseas such as Singapore, Indonesia and Thailand.

Guest convenience is an element of Firefly’s product mix. Firefly offers reasonable low fares while ensuring its passengers comfort and convenience. The empty seat option is convenient for customers who want to enhance their travel experience and comfort. Firefly is george orwell 1984 thesis, able to retain its customers by providing them with excellent service making them feel that the addiction, flight is worth their money which will lead to customer loyalty. Safety is also one element of george product mix where Firefly offers Travel Protection to protect passengers from writing a general cover letter, unexpected mishaps, minimize losses and offers emergency assistance. Firefly also provides insurance coverage for its passengers to make them feel protected during its flights. Expansion strategy is implemented by Firefly where it expanded its operation from Penang to Subang and orwell thesis statements acquired ten ATR 72-500 aircrafts to replace the F50 aircrafts. Furthermore, Firefly ordered thirty Boeing 737-800 aircrafts in short on tv, relation to its expansion into regional markets in the future. George Orwell 1984 Thesis. Contraction strategy is also carried out by Firefly when it started to discontinue flights served by its Boeing 737 fleet and ceasing all jet routes by December 2011. Firefly announced on 8th March 2008 that flights from Penang to Kuala Terengganu, Kota Bharu, Koh Samui and Kuantan have been temporarily suspended which is only reinstated during 2011. 2.2 Marketing Mix Pricing.

Each product or service comes with a price to obtain, which creates sales revenue. Papers. Pricing of an item is an important determinant of the value of sales made. Penetration pricing is also one of the pricing strategies executed by Firefly. Firefly flight services are currently the lowest among the market which has potential to increase sales and orwell statements market share. The purpose of this strategy is to nus mba tips, penetrate the value-conscious market while providing great value at low fares. 1984 Statements. Competition pricing is executed by Firefly where it sets a price in comparison with competitors, for of personal strengths example AirAsia. Firefly is george orwell statements, offering a price matching service to match what AirAsia is offering to writing a general cover, its customer, comfort and convenience. Both airlines provide two routes from Penang and six routes from 1984 thesis statements, Kuala Lumpur, which is considered to be in proximity and a competition for letter for a resume point-to-point passengers. Psychological pricing is george 1984, adopted by Firefly where Firefly considered the psychology of price and the positioning of price within the market place. For example, Firefly charges RM108.95 for a flight from Alor Setar to Subang instead of nus mba charging RM 109. The reason why this method works is because customers will think that they purchased their flights for less than RM109, although it is george 1984 statements, only 5 cents away.

Optional product pricing is essays, becoming increasingly popular in the airline industry and is adopted by Firefly to present a low base price that is capable of attracting customers while maintaining the possibility of generating revenues by selling add-ons later. Tickets now are generally priced at a low rate and charges customer separately for virtually anything beyond the ticket. Firefly charges for snacks, taxi booking service, seat selection, baggage weight and george 1984 many other things. 2.3 Place Marketing Mix. Place is defined as getting the right product to the right place at paragraphs the right time. Distribution is about getting the products to the customer, looking at the location and where a service is delivered, or whether they need to collect it or will you deliver it yourself.

Firefly currently flies to george orwell 1984 statements, ten destinations in Malaysia and five destinations overseas using a fleet of ATR-72-500s. By the end of the next fiscal year, Firefly would have added four or five new domestic destinations, and increased the frequency of nus mba tips flights to existing ones. George Thesis. Internet booking is addiction, a form of george thesis place marketing mix as an paragraphs research online 24-hour reservation system is very convenient to customers. Firefly offers a new convenience in booking flights and buying seats by logging onto george orwell thesis statements its website. Apart from that, Firefly too offers mobile booking which allows customers to book flights or purchase tickets through their mobile phones. This is convenient to those customers who do not have laptops and do not wish to go outside to purchase their flights. Concluding Paragraphs. Firefly also offers authorized travel agents which provide top quality tour products and services which eliminate troubles and worries to orwell thesis, ensure customer satisfaction. Customers will feel content and at on facebook addiction ease when there is a travel agent provided for them when they reach their destination, removing any hassles to the customer.

2.4 Promotion Mix Strategy. Promotion is the business of communicating with customers. It will provide information that will assist them in making a decision to purchase a product or service. The cost associated with promotion or advertising goods and services often represents a sizeable proportion of the overall cost of producing an item. 1984. In the context of marketing mix, promotion represents the various aspects of marketing communication, which is the communication of information about the paragraphs, product with the goal of generating a positive customer response. Advertising is a form of promotion mix strategy whereby Firefly’s advertisement is to keep in mind the image of a country, the orwell 1984, scenic beauty, tourist attractions and on facebook addiction rich cultural heritages which would actually help in attracting and maximizing the number of tourists. By advertising itself Firefly is promoting its brand and generating more revenue which is important as revenue is the george orwell, one keeping the essay of personal weaknesses, business going. Sales promotion is also carried out by Firefly where it offers customers Group Travel providing a better fare for the entire travel party and also more flexibility during booking where with Group Travel customers can submit names up to george, seven days before departure compared to online booking where customers need to submit their names immediately.

Apart from that, Firefly also offers festival promotions where during certain festivals, ticket prices are reduced to let customer enjoy benefits. For example, during Independence Day, domestic flights are priced from RM 75 for one way routes. Publicity strategy is a form of essay promotion mix strategy implemented by Firefly where it offers lucky draws, redemption of shopping vouchers, free flights and so on orwell 1984 statements to its customers. Concluding Research Papers. These tactics can help to promote Firefly where customers promote their brand by word of mouth to friends and family causing an increase in orwell, customer base. 3.0 Market Opportunities. Malaysia’s medical tourism has had a rapid growth compared to other ASEAN countries which means that the number of foreign patients that are willing to travel to Malaysia for medical healthcare services has increase from writing a general letter resume, 75,210 patients in 2001 to 296,687 patients in 2006 and projected to grow at a rate of 30% a year until 2010, according to the Association of orwell 1984 thesis statements Private Hospitals Malaysia. This large volume of patients in 2006 has brought approximately $59 million in revenue. Medical tourism is defined as patient movement from highly developed nations to less developed areas of the world for medical care by bypassing services offered in their own communities.

In conjunction with Malaysia’s advance medical service, patients from many ASEAN countries prefer to head to Malaysia for medical healthcare service instead of their home country such as ethnic Chinese Indonesian from Medan, and the treatment in Malaysia is cheaper than most of the popular medical tourism destinations yet the essay on tv, quality of treatment are quite high. For example, the cardiac bypass surgery that usually cost around $10,000 in USA, costing only $6000 in Malaysia. This is orwell thesis, a potential market opportunity for Firefly to of personal strengths, penetrate on this segment of george statements customers. These customers will probably fly to Kuala Lumpur or Penang for medical healthcare service. Firefly can capture stopover passengers seeking to visit these destinations especially in Penang where there are 13 private hospitals which Firefly can work with on promoting medical tourism.

These hospitals are in the city area and provide good transportation, the ethnic Chinese in Medan prefer to of personal, Penang as it has better atmosphere and relative slow footsteps compare to Kuala Lumpur and this two main reason is good for patient for recuperation. Another market opportunity that our group has found is the change of george orwell lifestyle of consumers, especially for business man, domestic tourists and middle-class citizens in Malaysia. These segments of people prefer to enjoy a short time range and comfortable flight than to drive their own or sitting five to six hours of bus travel to their destination. For example, Penang consumer will acquire 5 hours to Kuala Lumpur, 9 hours to Johor Bahru and essay 11 hours to Singapore. They need to spend all these times on a crowded sit and orwell thesis that is a time consuming travel on a business man prospective. Compared to this long-distance bus services, travelling by concluding, plane just need approximately half an hour to every single domestic airport within peninsular Malaysia. There are two main reasons for people changing their lifestyle in Malaysia, firstly, the per capita income had increased to george 1984 statements, more than US$9,000 (about RM28,000) annually at text the end of last year as compared to only US$376 (RM1,159) in 1970 said Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop. Secondly, the george thesis, impact of low cost carrier, it will influence the transportation market, economy and the consumer’s preference. The airlines will provide lesser comforts to more clients at a lower fare at around RM250-300.

The price is cheaper when it is on promotion, for example, RM1 flight ticket. There are also two main problems that is to switch consumer from nus mba, consuming bus transportation to flight transportation, traffic jam and increase of vehicle accident rate. When holiday approaches and george 1984 statements different ethnics group of people celebrates their main festival such as Hari Raya, Chinese New Year and Deepavali, the traffic jam will cause you to get stuck on weaknesses the middle of highway for more than 8-10 hours. This will affect the tourist’s schedule. The increase in vehicle accident rates, especially the accident rate of bus which travels for a long distance from state to state. More and more information shows that the accidents are caused by reckless drivers and poor bus services.

This will stop consumer from choosing bus transportation as they do not want to george thesis, risk their life on violence on tv road accident. Based on the first market opportunity, medical tourism, Firefly has the opportunity to penetrate into medical tourism by working with tour operators and medical institutions to offer attractive packages. Our recommendation is that Firefly should co-operate with the particular hospital which the foreigners prefer the most such as Gleneagles Hospital Penang, Island Hospital, Adventist Hospital to provide one-stop services to satisfy customer needs. The hospital could recommend Firefly to come up with cheaper price and better services to their customers when the customer wants to make appointment to meet the thesis, doctor in advance. This should be a potential opportunity as mostly these patients would not come alone and speech text they will bring their immediate relatives. The airlines should do some adjustment on the channel from Indonesia to Malaysia, for example increasing the george orwell thesis, flight from Indonesia, Medan to Penang International Airport accordingly to the need of the hospital customer. Firefly should provide a shuttle bus service from a particular hospital to Penang International Airport, this will lead to ancillary income and boosting airline image. Tour operators are also a key to spread Firefly market share as these operators have most affiliation in tour industries. The second market opportunity which our group has mentioned is the change in lifestyle of consumer.

In order for nus mba Firefly to respond to this opportunity, our group recommendation is that Firefly should improve the george 1984 thesis, overall airline image to public before penetrating each of the target market. Firefly should improve on of personal strengths on-time flights where on-time flights will not only improve Firefly’s branding and also consumer positive perception, but also saves a large amount of money due to inefficiency and downtime and reduces airport charges. It is recommended that achieving on-time flights can be used to evaluate employee performance, and thesis statements this should have a monthly incentive that is tied to its performance indicator. On-time flight information should be displayed on Firefly’s website; this will be a convenience to Firefly customers and writing letter resume also to indicate Firefly’s commitment to customer satisfaction. Furthermore, we did mentioned in the first recommendation that Firefly should provide a shuttle bus service to and from the airport, this solution should not only be implemented in Penang but to popularize to Peninsular Malaysia. This service may need more budgets for the annual report but Firefly can collect a reasonable bus fee from customer to reduce the cost. The most important point is the shuttle bus service can improve customer awareness and positive image to the public. Consequently, with improvement in efficiency and passenger comfort, Firefly can re-position its product, thus improving its market share while maintaining profitability. In order to achieve the above target, several awareness campaigns also need to be conducted, to inform the mass that Firefly offers value travel and also maintaining comfort. Once a brand reputation of low fare airlines has went deep into the minds of george statements consumers, those passengers travelling on a low cost fair surveyed will not look at any other carrier when booking their flights. From Text. Lastly, Firefly will need to study all routes and eliminate non-lucrative ones and penetrate those markets that Firefly is capable of.

In conclusion, Firefly aims to bring communities closer together by removing geographical restrictions and connecting the george 1984 statements, world to the communities it serve and contributes to the economies by essay of personal strengths weaknesses, increasing trade and tourism. Firefly implemented a few marketing mix strategies such as product mix strategy, marketing mix pricing, place marketing mix and promotion mix strategy. Firefly created a successful mix of product, placing, pricing and promotion which is beneficial to the company. Under product mix strategy Firefly offers customers guest convenience, safety, and also implemented expansion and contraction strategy making customers content with what they are getting. In marketing mix pricing, Firefly has carried out penetration pricing, competition pricing, psychological pricing and optional pricing causing customers to feel that the service provided is worth their share of money. The place marketing mix indicates that distribution strategy, internet booking, mobile booking and the availability of 1984 thesis statements authorized travel agents will provide convenience to customers letting them feel at ease with the service offered by a general cover resume, Firefly. Last but not least, the promotion mix strategy consists of advertising methods, sales promotion and also publicity which are for brand promotion to orwell, cause an increase in customer base. Medical tourism and changing the short violence on tv, lifestyle of consumers are market opportunities of Firefly. Medical tourism can attract customers as foreign patients are willing to travel to Malaysia for medical healthcare services as it is a good location for george orwell 1984 patient to recuperate.

Changing the lifestyle of customers will generate revenue as many customers will choose to fly with Firefly rather than taking long-distance coaches. It is time-saving and more convenient too. Our group agrees that it is recommended that Firefly should cooperate with the particular hospital which the foreigners prefer as to penetrate into medical tourism and to nus mba tips, offer attractive packages. It will be beneficial to the company if it successfully enters the medical tourism area. In order to change the lifestyle of consumers, Firefly should improve the airline image to public before penetrating each of the target market as to place themselves into the hearts of many customers while improving market share and george thesis maintain profitability. Man, E. T. Writing Letter For A Resume. (2009, 4 13). Firefly – Marketing analysis, discussion recommendations. Retrieved from Dragon88, B. (2011, 3). Porter’s five forces analysis of the airline industry in Malaysia. Retrieved from. Uherek, E. Orwell Thesis Statements. (2006, 7). Low cost carriers – impacts. Retrieved from Yanos, M. (2008, 3 31). Top 5 medical tourism destinations. Retrieved from Gupta, S. Writing A General Cover For A. (2012, 7 16). Top 5 medical tourism destinations in orwell, world. Retrieved from Opportunities for malaysian aviation. (2009, 3 19). Retrieved from (2010, 7). Retrieved from Firefly (airline). (2012, 11 17).

Retrieved from. Malaysia’s per capita income rises. (2012, 2 14). Retrieved from (n.d.). Porter Five Forces. On Facebook Addiction. Retrieved from’s-5-forces (n.d.). Marketing – Firefly. Retrieved from Is this the perfect essay for you? Save time and order Firefly Pricing Strategies. essay editing for only $13.9 per george 1984 thesis statements, page. Top grades and quality guaranteed!

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Services, such as many of those provided by the sports/leisure industry, have the following characteristics that make them different from the orwell 1984, manufactured product. Intangibility Inseparability Variability Perishability Lack of ownership…

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How to Write a Scary-Good 1984 Analysis Essay - Essay Writing - Kibin

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