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Sample business plan for restaurant and bar

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Sample business plan for restaurant and bar

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Restaurant and Bar Business Plan template

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Innerhalb kurzer Zeit werden Sie es verstehen, ihr Unternehmen zielgerichtet mit Hilfe eines professionellen Businessplans zu steuern. Topic For A Research Paper? Sie erhalten zudem viele wertvolle Hinweise und Tipps fur die erfolgreiche Bewaltigung der Grundungsphase und den Unternehmensaufbau, um Ihnen den Weg in business plan, die Selbststandigkeit so einfach wie moglich zu machen. Naturlich verraten wir Ihnen auch, wie Sie Wettbewerbsvorteile fur noch gro?eren Erfolg in research paper rubric, der Branche erzielen konnen und Kapitalgeber (IHK, KfW, Banken, etc.) und Geschaftspartner fur Ihre Ideen begeistern. Plan And Bar? Starten Sie jetzt – mit unserer Businessplan Software Hochseilgarten! Fur Ihre Existenzgrundung erhalten Sie ein komplettes Businessplan-Paket in thesis statement, Form einer -Datei, welches aus 5 Teilen besteht: Teil 1: Leitfaden und Nachschlagewerk. Sample Business Plan And Bar? Schritt fur Schritt-Anleitung zur Erstellung eines professionellen Businessplans/Finanzplans und hilfreiches Nachschlagewerk Unverzichtbar zur Risikominimierung und zum Treffen der richtigen Entscheidungen Mit vielen wertvollen Tipps, Beispielen und Informationen, die Sie zur Grundung Ihres Unternehmens unbedingt brauchen Logisch aufgebaut und selbst fur Nicht-Kaufleute schlussig formuliert und verstandlich abgefasst Umfang ca. Quotes In Research Paper? 30 DIN A4 Seiten. Sample Business For Restaurant And Bar? Teil 2: Businessplan Hochseilgarten.

Vollstandig ausformulierter Businessplan, bestehend aus Textteil (Businessplan) und Finanzteil (betriebswirtschaftliche Planung) Stellt Ihre Geschaftsidee vor und gibt detailliert Antwort auf alle strategischen Fragestellungen, die mit Grundung und erfolgreicher Fuhrung Ihres Unternehmens verbunden sind Mit aufwandig recherchierten Markt- und Branchendaten, individuell und exakt fur Ihren Markt/ Ihre Branche erarbeitet und optisch ansprechend aufbereitet Wir vermitteln Ihnen ein tiefgreifendes Verstandnis fur den Markt/Branche (z.B. Marktvolumen, Marktsegmente, Umsatz- und Preisentwicklung, Kundenverhalten, Markt- und Branchenkennzahlen, Trends Zukunftsprognosen) und stellen Ihre Unternehmensgrundung damit auf ein solides und faktenbasiertes Fundament Individualisierung, d.h. Example Of A Topic Outline Research Paper? Anpassung auf Ihre Situation (z.B. Sample For Restaurant? Standort und Wettbewerber) ist mit wenig Aufwand moglich und prazise erklart Umfang ca. Parenting? 50 DIN A4 Seiten. Sample Plan For Restaurant And Bar? Management Summary (kurzer Uberblick uber den gesamten Businessplan) Geschaftsmodell (Produkt- und Leistungsprogramm, Zielgruppen, Kundennutzen) Unternehmen (Ziele, Standort, Rechtsform, Organisation) Markt-/Wettbewerbsanalyse (Marktanalyse, Branchenanalyse, Ansatze zur Erzielung von Wettbewerbsvorteilen) Marketingstrategie (Preisgestaltung, Vertriebskonzept, Verkaufsforderung) Finanzplan (Kapitalbedarfsplan, Finanzierungsplan, Umsatzplan, Kostenplan, Rentabilitats-plan, Liquiditatsplan) Chancen und Risiken Meilensteine. On The Love? Bereits mit branchentypischem Zahlenmaterial fur Sie fertiggestellt Bei Bedarf einfache Anpassung durch Schritt-fur-Schritt Anleitung gewahrleistet Die Tabellen sind vorprogrammiert. Sample Business Plan And Bar? Auf diese Weise werden viele Kennzahlen/Grafiken automatisch berechnet/erstellt Simulation Ihres Geschaftserfolgs uber Jahre hinweg moglich. Sie entwickeln schnell ein Gespur fur Ihr Geschaft und die Mechanismen der Branche Erfullt alle Voraussetzungen fur die Gewahrung von Fordergeldern oder Krediten (IHK, Arbeitsamt, KfW, Banken, etc.) Kapitalbedarfsplan: Aufstellung des benotigten Kapitalbedarfs, der fur die Errichtung und Eroffnung Ihres Unternehmens erforderlich ist Finanzierungsplan: Zusammenstellung der finanziellen Mittel, aus denen der ermittelte Kapitalbedarf gedeckt wird. World Paper? Vermittelt einen genauen Uberblick, wie Ihr Vorhaben finanziert wird Umsatzplan: Auflistung der zu erwartenden Umsatze, die Sie mit Ihrem Unternehmen erzielen Kostenplan: Planung aller zu erwartenden Kosten, die mit dem Betrieb Ihres Unternehmens verbunden sind Rentabilitatsplan: Ubersicht, wann und in sample business for restaurant, welcher Hohe Ihr Unternehmen Gewinne erwirtschaftet Liquiditatsplan: Gibt Auskunft uber vorhandene Zahlungsmittel zur Sicherstellung der Zahlungsfahigkeit. Thesis? Teil 4: Businessplan Prasentation.

Highlight zur Vermarktung Ihrer Geschaftsidee, z.B. Plan And Bar? gegenuber Kapitalgebern, Kunden oder Mitarbeitern Nutzen Sie die Prasentation ab dem ersten Tag Ihrer Grundung als aktives Marketing-Instrument Uberzeugen und begeistern Sie Ihre zukunftigen Geschaftspartner! Umfang ca. On Hiv/aids? 40 Folien (Slides) Teil 5: Bonusmaterial. Business? Sinnvoll zusammengestelltes Zusatzmaterial zur Erleichterung Ihres Starts in world religions research, die Selbst-standigkeit und zur Unterstutzung des operativen Geschafts Inhalt: Vorlagen, Musterdokumente und -vertrage, Arbeitshilfen, Checklisten, Ratgeber, Gesetzestexte, u.v.m. Business? Spart Zeit und Geld und steigert somit die Effizienz. Long Paper? Zusammengefasst noch einige Fragen, die haufig an business plan, uns gestellt werden und auf die Sie im vorliegenden Businessplan gezielt Antwort erhalten: Wer ist die Zielgruppe fur mein Geschaft? Wie identifiziere ich den besten Standort und wie analysiere ich den Wettbewerb? Welche Produkte biete ich an nurse essay, und wie kalkuliere ich meine Verkaufspreise? Wie viele Produkte muss ich verkaufen um Gewinne zu erzielen? Wie gelange ich schnell an business plan for restaurant and bar, Auftrage und Kunden und wie betreibe ich effizientes Marketing? Wie hebe ich mich fur potentielle Kunden erkennbar vom Wettbewerb ab und wie erreiche ich Wettbewerbsvorteile?

Welche Moglichkeiten zur Individualisierung bestehen und wie gelange ich zu einer Corporate Identity? Wie funktioniert modernes Social Media Marketing und wie nutze ich meine Website zur Kundengewinnung? Wie optimiere ich meine Website fur Suchmaschinen (Google etc.)? Was kostet meine Unternehmensgrundung und wie wird diese finanziert? Welche Fordermittel stehen fur meine Grundung zur Verfugung? Welche Versicherungen werden benotigt? Mit welchem Gehalt als Unternehmer kann ich rechnen und wie ermittle ich dieses? Welche Trends bestehen in example topic, meiner Branche und wie sieht die Zukunftsperspektive fur meine Grundung aus? Dieses Angebot richtet sich neben Existenzgrundern auch an for restaurant and bar, bereits bestehende Unternehmen.

Diese konnen ebenfalls von unseren Businessplan-Konzepten profitieren, indem bestehende Prozesse, Methoden und Strategien uberpruft und ggfs. Parenting? angepasst bzw. Business And Bar? aktualisiert werden. Statement On Hiv/aids? *#xb2; gilt fur Lieferungen innerhalb Deutschlands, Lieferzeiten fur andere Lander entnehmen Sie bitte der Schaltflache mit den Versandinformationen. Sample? Telefonische Unterstützung und Beratung unter:

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Restaurants & Bars | Entrepreneur

How to Make a Resume: A Step-by-Step Guide (+30 Examples) For most people, writing a good resume is tough, and it takes time. And the worst part comes when you finally think that you have a great resume, but you're still not getting interviews. Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could figure out how to make a resume that would get you an interview almost EVERY time you applied for plan for restaurant, a job? It is if you follow the process that I am about to share with you step-by-step. And BEST of all, this resume writing process is quick, and it's proven to long quotes land you interviews. That's true even if you want to write your first resume and have no experience, or if you're a professional who wants to business know how to write a resume that stands out.

Here's what you're going to find: How to religions research write a resume for a job with examples for every section. Quick but little-known tips to follow to get up to 10x MORE INTERVIEWS. Answers to all of sample plan and bar, your questions about thesis statement, how to sample business plan make the best resume for a job. How to create a resume online that you can track and parenting send to sample plan and bar get more interviews. A checklist that will help you make sure you know how to prepare a great resume. Here's an example of how to make a good resume for work versus a great resume. What's the difference? Is it the essays way it looks?

Not only. We've optimized the sample resume on the right to follow the advice that I will share with you in this article. So how do you make a resume? Let me show you step-by-step: Resume vs. CV. What's the difference?

Hello, blank page. Now, what? A resume is sample plan and bar, a document that showcases your work experience, education, and nurse essay skills so that you can apply for a job. What's the difference between a resume and a CV? Curriculum Vitae (CV) is for restaurant and bar, a Latin phrase meaning course of life and is a document that entails much more than a resume. Not only is a CV longer than a resume, but it showcases accomplishments and do you want nurse experience in much greater detail.

It's the ideal document for academics. So, knowing how to write an sample business plan and bar academic resume is knowing how to write a CV. If you need to know more, read our guide: CV vs. Resume: What is the Difference? When to Use Which (Examples)

Once you know if you should write a CV or resume, it's time to choose the right format. How to Choose a Professional Resume Format. What does a resume look like? There are three types of professional resume formats: Most job seekers choose the reverse-chronological resume format.

Here's what a sample resume looks like written in the reverse-chronological format: Traditional Familiar to Recruiters. Experienced professionals can highlight skills. Career changers can emphasize transferrable skills. Uncommon and not as familiar to recruiters. Not suggested for essays, entry-level job seekers. Entry-level job seekers can emphasize skills instead of experience. Recruiters may think you're hiding something. Still not sure which professional resume format is best for you?

Need to see examples of resumes with different layouts? Read our guide: 3 Resume Formats: How To Choose The Best One [Examples] Contact Information Is Not as Basic as It Seems. Despite the professional resume format you choose, your contact information goes at the top. Here is how to for restaurant and bar write a resume contact section: Adding your address is in research, optional. It is no longer necessary to add it to a modern resume.

Plus, it might be better to exclude it if you are applying for a job that isn’t local. Your email address should be professional which means: Choosing a sophisticated email provider. Not using your current work email. Instead, create a professional, private email address. Avoiding email addresses from when you were in sample business and bar, high school. Essays On The Song Prufrock. It won’t amuse recruiters to see or . Okay, maybe it will amuse them a little bit, but they won’t call you for an interview.

Adding URLs to business plan for restaurant and bar your personal website or blog directs recruiters to long quotes paper your portfolio or extra work that you want to show without cluttering up your perfect resume. Pro Tip: Make sure you review your social media accounts to check for and bar, unprofessional content. When you add a link to your social media profiles, make sure they're optimized to give recruiters the best impression. Not sure how to optimize your LinkedIn profile to attract employers? Read our guide: How to religions research paper Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile To Get More Jobs Here’s How the Best Candidates Start Their Resumes. Again, what does a resume look like? Well, you know that contact information comes first. But what comes next? Education? Experience?

Does it matter where you put things when you're deciding how to make a resume? The short answer is yes, it does matter. That's because your best stuff should go in the top third of your resume. And the business plan for restaurant and bar best way to start any killer resume is with an poor parenting introduction to yourself. Think of it like this: The top of your resume is the penthouse - the most important piece of real estate on the document. But why? The average recruiter spends six seconds scanning your resume in between reading Facebook messages from grandma, drinking coffee, and deciding what's for plan, lunch.

She is looking for very specific information, and she is only going to look for on hiv/aids, it in the top third of your resume. If you do not grab her attention - game over. That's why a creative resume summary or objective can save the day. Here's a sample resume: What is a resume summary statement? A resume summary is a short, snappy introduction that highlights your career progress and skill set. Sample Plan And Bar. It should also demonstrate why you'll be a valuable hire. Boyfriend Material experienced at laying coats over mud puddles, opening doors, and pulling out poor essays chairs. Charming, funny, and a great conversationalist seeking to leverage 10+ years of experience delivering anecdotes to entertain you through boring social events. Has an MA in hand holding and a license to cook romantic dinners. What is sample business for restaurant, a resume objective statement?

A resume objective achieves the quotes paper same thing as a resume summary. The difference is how you write one and who should use it. Experienced Chef interested in becoming a Zoo Keeper. Tons of for restaurant and bar, experience with picky clients who need to be fed with the right food at the right time. Want to apply my patience and understanding of complicated clients to taking care of angry lions at the Zoo.

This candidate chose an effective resume objective over love of j alfred, a summary because he is changing his career from chef to plan for restaurant and bar zookeeper. Either way, the outline for a research point is to focus on the employer's needs and not your own. Who should use an objective for a resume? Entry-level Applicants and Students Career Changers Professionals Targeting Specific Positions. You can also choose to write something called a professional profile . When considering how to sample business for restaurant and bar write a resume profile, think of it as a hybrid that crosses elements of the in research paper objective and the summary. A good resume profile lists your qualifications, experience, and education regarding the company’s needs and values. Sample Business. It can be formatted as a paragraph or as a list with resume bullet points.

Wouldn't it be nice to thesis have some resume examples of sample business, summaries tailored specifically to your profession? Read our guide: A Resume Summary That Will Get You The Job [7 Secret Steps] How to Write a Resume Experience Section That's More Than a List. The first section that should appear in religions research paper rubric, the body of an excellent resume is the section that will best show off your skills and accomplishments. For most of you, that will probably be the sample plan for restaurant experience section. Let's say you're learning how to make a student resume, or have little or no work experience. Poor Essays. In that case, lead with your education or skills section. But do you know how to and bar write a resume employment history? When you start writing a resume experience section you will want to keep a few things in mind:

Write your job history in reverse-chronological order - start with your current position. Include around six bullet points describing the scope of your responsibilities. Tailor each of these bullets points to reflect the quotes in research skills listed in the job description. Follow the sample business for restaurant and bar bullet point format (see below), and include facts and figures. You should try to include achievements that show your professional impact. Thesis Statement. Tell a career story that reinforces your professinal persona. Sample Resume Experience Entry: Spearhead a global brand strategy for sample plan, our top performing product.

Analyze market trends and recommend solutions resulting in a 10% upswing in sales annually. Prepare Portfolio Deployment Plans. Head up a team of 10+ marketing specialists. Organize marketing materials. Responsible for brand strategy. Responsible for analyzing market trends. Responsible for a team of marketing specialists. Now, what if you have career gaps in your job history or a habit of job hopping? Let’s face it. Not all of us have a pristine job history. And it's difficult to know how to create a resume that addresses career gaps without cheating.

One approach is to include a brief explanation next to each job. By briefly stating that your stay became short lived due to downsizing or relocation, you will reassure the recruiter that you're not a risky candidate. Chronic career hoppers may be tempted to tamper with dates, leaving only the years in their experience section: Excluding the thesis statement months makes it look like you worked a year instead of three months. But it's a dirty trick that employers know well, which makes it a big no, no. Pro Tip: Feel free to list “non-traditional” work in your experience section - like volunteer jobs or freelance work. Is Your Education Section Underperforming? It Might Be. You should also write your education section of your resume in sample and bar, reverse-chronological order, with your most recent degree appearing first. Usually, you will want to include the type of degree, your major, your university, and paper rubric any honors or awards you received. You can skip your GPA.

But if you're a recent college graduate who's making a student resume, it's okay to add your GPA if it's 3.5 or higher. You can also include a coursework narrative. For professionals, the for restaurant inclusion of a coursework narrative is another way to reinforce a professional persona. Do you know how to thesis statement make a resume when you have a GED or didn't graduate? Not sure how to write a degree on a resume? We can help with that. Sample Business Plan. Check out on hiv/aids our article: How To Put Your Education On A Resume [Tips Examples] Why You Need to Focus on sample business plan and bar Your Skills Section. When you consider how to parenting essays make a good resume that stands out , it has everything to do with sprinkling your skills throughout your resume. But, it also makes sense to have a big section labeled “ SKILLS .” Use the key skills listed in the job description. Sample Plan For Restaurant. This will also help you create a modern resume for for a paper, a job that will pass through Applicant Tracking System (ATS) software.

More about business for restaurant, that later. Recruiters should be able to example of a topic for a see two things when they look at your skills for sample plan for restaurant, a resume: You have the skill set they want and of a outline for a requested in the job post. Plan For Restaurant And Bar. You have extra skills that prove you are a valuable worker. Do you want to statement on hiv/aids know how to make a great resume for business plan for restaurant and bar, a job that showcases the best resume skills? I thought so. Read our guide: What Skills To Put On a Resume [Examples + 6 Proven Tips] How to Add Other Resume Sections While Making an Effective Resume. Here are some additional resume sections you can consider adding if you don't feel the religions research rubric traditional resume sections are doing it for and bar, you. Students and fresh graduates - you may want to paper consider adding a separate section for awards or honors, or a section for extracurricular activities. If you've got a technical background - you might want to consider an extra section for certificates, licenses, or software. Some professionals who have opted for business plan for restaurant and bar, making a resume for world research rubric, work over an academic CV might still want to add a section for publications or conferences.

Others may want to add a section that shows off their command of languages or other achievements and projects. Whatever you decide to add, just make sure that your additions don't overwhelm your resume. Business Plan For Restaurant And Bar. You still want everything to fit onto one page if possible. No One Adds a Hobbies Section, But It Works So Well. The hobbies section of a resume is optional. But, I recommend adding one if you have space. Adding your interests shows off extra skills for long paper, a resume, makes your resume stand out, and business plan gives the hiring manager a fuller image of you. Your interests are also a way to make yourself more attractive and memorable to your potential employer. You can always cut this section later if your resume is too long. Not convinced?

Well, it's true. Adding a hobbies and interests section can boost a contemporary resume. Find out how: Best Examples Of Hobbies Interests To Put On A Resume (5 Tips) How to Write a Perfect Resume Tailored to the Job Description. Did you know that R2D2 might run a scan on your resume before a human does? On average, a corporate job offer attracts up to example research paper 250 resumes . Business Plan And Bar. Of those, 4 to 6 candidates will get invited for an interview. And only one person will get the job. With that many resumes to sift through, recruiters are using something called Applicant Tracking System (ATS) software. The software compares your resume to the job description based on keywords. How to prepare a resume that will make it through ATS? You need to in research tailor your resume.

Tailoring a resume to the job description is adding keywords and information from the job offer. For starters, you're going to want to make a master resume. A master resume is an updated version of business plan and bar, all your work experience, skills, and do you accomplishments. When you sit down to sample plan for restaurant write a tailored version of your resume, you will pick and essays love choose material from your master resume to match the sample plan for restaurant and bar specific job for which you are applying. To further tailor the content to the job description, you're going to thesis statement add keywords that you find in plan, the offer. Let's say you want to apply for a job as a copywriter. The job description says: Able to long paper work on several campaigns at sample business plan for restaurant, once, sometimes under pressure and quotes paper often to sample for restaurant and bar tight deadlines. To tailor your basic resume, you will want to add some of the phrases verbatim to thesis on hiv/aids your experience section. For example: Work on several campaigns at once. To make it more powerful, you can add details such as the number of for restaurant, campaigns you can juggle at once.

Here is an example of a resume job description with all of the keywords highlighted along with a resume sample that we've tailored to match. Need more in-depth information about do you want essay, how to make a resume that's tailored to the job description? Need more resume samples? Read our guide: 6 Proven Tips On How To Tailor Your Resume To The Job Description How to Prepare a Resume That Will Attract ANY Recruiter. If you're struggling with how to make a good resume stand out, all you need to do is make things quantifiable. Sample For Restaurant. Wherever possible. Everywhere. Because using numbers gives the recruiter some tangible proof of an achievement.

Here are some basic resume examples of on hiv/aids, achievements: The hiring manager now sees quantifiable, specific proof of your achievements. Using numbers also improves the readability of the text, and draws the eye of the sample recruiter. No One Adds Achievements, But It Works So Well. Adding achievements to on the love of j alfred your resume is an plan for restaurant extremely effective way of selling your skills and experience.

All you have to statement do is for restaurant, add your achievements as resume bullet points in your experience section. You will want to statement use the PAR ( Problem Action Result ) Approach to for restaurant and bar writing your achievements: Here're a few right and wrong resume examples of how to write achievements: Problem : My previous employer wanted to increase revenue. Action : I created a new marketing campaign on Facebook. Result : We saw an increase in sales by thesis on hiv/aids 15% and an increase in sample, revenue by 10%.

Not sure how to want nurse essay quantify your achievements? Want more examples of sample business plan for restaurant and bar, accomplishments to put on a contemporary resume? Read our guide: Examples of Professional Achievements To Put On A Resume [3 Tips] Turn Boring Words Into Action Words - Here’s How. How many times have you used the phrase responsible for long quotes in research paper, in your experience section? More than once? You may want to consider mixing up your vocabulary. Overusing words and phrases like “responsible for” or “manage” is boring.

Now, while you should avoid jargon and empty words, action verbs can spice up your resume and make it stand out. Also, be sure to use the present tense when describing your current role. Here're a few before and business plan for restaurant after resume examples: Pro Tip: Don't overdo it. You don't want to sound like a freshman English major flexing a large vocabulary. Example Of A Topic Outline Research Paper. And avoid resume buzzwords like synergy.

Trust me. The Best Candidates Know How to Show Their Career Progression. What makes a good resume? CEO, Director, Manager - all you need is a big, impressive title, right? At this point, you probably figured out sample business for restaurant and bar that knowing how to build a resume goes far beyond listing fancy titles. What really matters, is whether those titles are backed up by parenting essays a story of career progression. For example, describing yourself as a social media manager won’t be credible if all you did was the marketing for your parent’s pizza place. You have to show a steady progression into a management position. Each former role should reinforce your place in the next one. Rather than repeating duties when you describe previous roles, write about the new tasks you took on when you advanced. Responsible for the creation of a global brand strategy for sample plan for restaurant and bar, a major category.

Prepare Category and essays Portfolio Deployment Plans. Analyze market trends and recommend solutions. Team Management (10 marketing specialists). Marketing Specialist / Senior Marketing Specialist: Planned and implemented promotional campaigns. Cooperated with interactive agencies.

Managed project budgets and plan for restaurant and bar timeline control. Researched information. Assisted during promotional campaigns. See how these responsibilities evolve? What if you're a student and need to do you want know how to make a resume with no experience. Read our dedicated guide on sample business plan for restaurant and bar how to write a resume for example of a topic outline research paper, students: The Complete Guide To Writing A Student Resume [13 Tips, Examples] How to sample business for restaurant Create a Resume That Draws Attention to Promotions. Highlighting your promotions shows potential employers that your previous supervisors valued your work performance. Even lateral moves suggest that you were able to handle diverse responsibilities.

Here are a few ways to love of j describe your promotions while writing a resume: Repeatedly recognized for business plan and bar, top performance through fast-track promotions and selection for high-priority initiatives. Earned promotion following a superior performance, and demonstrated ability to example of a topic research quickly learn and sample business plan and bar master complex concepts. What if you moved up within the same organization? You don’t have to world religions research rubric mention the sample business plan and bar name of the same company more than once. It will make even the best resume look messy.

Here’s what to religions paper rubric do instead: COMPANY NAME City, State, 2001 to Present. Describe responsibilities and achievements. Describe responsibilities and achievements. Describe responsibilities and for restaurant achievements. Here's a Quick Tip on poor How Make Your Resume Easy to Read. Need to know how to sample plan and bar make a resume easy for of a topic outline for a paper, a recruiter to business plan for restaurant read?

It's as simple as aligning your text to the left. To make your text even more skimmable use the world rubric same resume font and font size, and make strategic use of business plan and bar, bold, italics, and caps. The bulk of your resume will consist of bullet points. Here's how to construct them: Spearheaded a targeted email campaign that resulted in a 15% upswing in newsletter registration. You might also want to consider how to create a resume using templates. Professional resume templates can make your documents cleaner and world religions research rubric easier to read. They also save you time and sample business plan for restaurant and bar energy. Religions Paper Rubric. Let's face it.

No one likes trying to sample business control one-inch margins in of a outline for a research, Word. Is a Font Ruining Your Awesome Resume? While choosing a basic resume font may seem like a silly chore - it's not. A good font will ensure that your resume is readable. What is the best font for a resume? The best font for sample for restaurant and bar, a resume is one that a recruiter can read with no effort. Stick with fonts that sound like hipster baby names - Arial, Helvetica, Calibri, and poor essays Verdana. What is the best resume font size?

The Goldilocks font size is business plan for restaurant and bar, 10-12 points - not too big and poor essays not too small. Keep it uniform. The bottom line is making sure you don't sacrifice resume margins, white space, or font size in an attempt to cram everything onto one page. Still not sure about what font to choose while writing a resume? Read our guide about the best resume fonts: What Is The Best Font For A Resume (+10 Examples Tips) Here Is the Best Way to Save Your Resume. When you're done writing your perfect resume, it's time to consider how to make a resume file. And that's not as obvious as it sounds. The best advice is to save your resume as a PDF and give it your name. When you save your resume as a PDF, there is no chance that the formatting will glitch and get messed up when a recruiter opens the file.

Do keep in mind that if your resume has to for restaurant pass ATS software, Cylons don't like special formatting or graphics. Read the instructions explaining how to send your resume, because you may need to send something other than a PDF. How should you name your files? The recruiter won’t have to search for poor, that crazy space smuggler’s resume when they want to sample and bar refer to it. Not sold on do you nurse essay saving your file as a PDF document? Need to see some pros and cons about different file formats?

Read our guide: Word VS PDF Resume: What Is The Best Resume Format? Here Is an Easy Way to Keep a Resume Short. How long should an ideal resume be? One page or two? Most contemporary resume guidelines will tell you that while making a resume, you should do your best to for restaurant and bar keep it to one page. But you don’t want to force it, and that isn't true for everyone. The best thing to essays do is to sample go through at the end and trim as much fat as possible without losing the value. Here are three tips on how to make a resume for a job shorter: If you aren't sure how long your resume should be or need more advice on how to make a resume shorter, read our guide: How Long Should a Resume Be?

Everything You Need To Know Little Known Tools That Will Proofread Your Resume for You. One of the worst things you can do is send out a basic resume that is full of grammar and spelling mistakes. You need to proofread your resume. It doesn’t matter if you already know how to example for a research paper write a resume that stands out. Even the best resumes need to be proofread by plan for restaurant a second person. Whoever you chose can also give you an objective opinion about thesis, how you’ve presented yourself. Start by proofreading your resume with the help of apps like Grammarly, Language Tool, or other language tools. Next, ask your mom, your partner, your best friend, your neighbor - whoever - to sample business plan for restaurant and bar read over your resume for you. How to Clean Up Your Online Image. Before sending your resume, you will want to check your online presence.

That's because 59% of recruiters research candidates online after reading their resumes. Let's say you're sure you know how to essays on the love prufrock write a resume and you follow all of sample plan for restaurant and bar, our advice. That won't matter if you skip this step. Start by entering your name into Google to of j prufrock see what comes up in business for restaurant and bar, the results. Most of poor parenting, you will find links to your social media profiles. Sample Business Plan And Bar. As long as you cleared your profiles of thesis statement, unprofessional content, you should be good to go. If you have a more common name like Jane Smith, for example, you may not find much about yourself at all. Some of you might be disturbed to find extremely personal content such as your bank account number, an business image of your signature, or sexually explicit images that have been posted without your consent. If this happens, you can ask Google to do you want essay remove the information from the Internet for you. If you find some embarrassing content on sample for restaurant and bar a web page, Google suggests that it is best to contact the webmaster (owner) to have the image or content removed. Here’s the Most Common Myth About Cover Letters.

A cover letter is still needed when you send a resume to a potential employer. Up to 45% of recruiters will reject resumes without cover letters. So, even if you know how to write a resume, you can forget about landing the job if you don't send a cover letter. Your cover letter or application letter is where you can expand upon things that you need to keep brief on your resume. It also needs to be tailored to the job for which you are applying. As for resume references, they're the one thing you truly don't need anymore.

So, lose the phrase references upon request. Okay, so you need a cover letter. Quotes In Research Paper. But do you know how to write an application letter? And better yet, how do you write a convincing one? Read our guide: How To Write A Cover Letter [Complete Guide With Examples] Why Sending a Personal Message Can Be a Big Win. When you send your resume to a general email address like , your resume is entering a swamp of identical messages from other candidates. One thing you can do to plan differentiate your message is to world religions try to find out the business for restaurant name of the person who will be reading your resume and send them a personal email.

This is not the best solution in statement, every case. Sample Business Plan And Bar. You will need to decide if a hiring manager will see the gesture as clever or creepy. Pro Tip : If you use our resume builder, ( create your resume here ) you have the option to publish your resume and essays love alfred send a link to sample business plan for restaurant and bar employers. Sending a link will allow you to thesis statement on hiv/aids track views and downloads so that you know how well your resume is sample business and bar, performing. Want to send a personal message but can't find the hiring manager's email address? Need to know how to example of a topic paper write a resume email? We've got you covered: How To Email Your Resume To Get More Replies From Employers Once you've sent your resume, it's a good idea to track it. You can install a free sales tool like Mixmax or YesWare to sample plan for restaurant help you. Knowing if recruiters have opened and essays love of j prufrock read your email will enable you to follow-up promptly or find different email addresses. Your resume is your passport to job interviews.

And knowing how to make a resume for a job is the first step on any career path. So, take the time and energy to think about how to business for restaurant and bar write a resume well and how to tailor it to the job description. If you can do that, you're well on example of a research paper your way to the next level - the interview. Bonus: Check out our ultimate checklist of sample business for restaurant, 56 things you need to do before you send your resume. How many have you missed?

Download: “Resume 101 Checklist.” Are there any great resume writing tips we need to include in the article? Do you have any questions about how to make a resume for paper rubric, your position? Add a comment. I’ll be happy to sample answer.

Natalie is a writer at nurse, Uptowork. She loves writing about resumes and and bar eating tacos more than life itself. She spends her free time reading complicated novels and binge watching TV series.

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Wat je wil weten over sample plan for restaurant, een ondernemingsplan. Een ondernemingsplan, ook wel bedrijfsplan of businessplan genoemd, is quotes in research paper, de eerste stap op weg naar een eigen bedrijf. Hiermee breng je de haalbaarheid van jouw ideeën in for restaurant and bar, kaart. Outline For A Research. Een ondernemingsplan is op te delen in sample plan, de volgende drie hoofdstukken: Graag helpen je op weg om je eigen ondernemingsplan te maken en schrijven met de onderstaande stappen. De ondernemer is essays, het eerste hoofdstuk van het ondernemingsplan. For Restaurant. Je eigen bedrijf draait namelijk om jou en jouw idee om een bedrijf te starten. On Hiv/aids. Net zoals bij een sollicitatie moet je opschrijven wat je werkervaring is, wat je motivatie is sample business plan for restaurant and bar, en wat je persoonlijke doelstellingen zijn. Indien er sprake is van meerdere ondernemers, zoals bij een V.O.F., vul dan voor elke ondernemer dit hoofdstuk in. On The Love Song Of J Prufrock. De gevraagde gegevens zijn namelijk bedoeld voor alle ondernemers.

Met onze whitepaper helpen we je welke bedrijfsvorm (rechtsvorm) je zou moeten kiezen. Hier vermeld je je privégegevens, zoals je adres, naam, burgerlijke staat, enzovoort. Denk er ook aan dat je deze gegevens voor alle ondernemers aanlevert. 1.2. Persoonlijke motieven en doelstellingen. Hierin beschrijf je waarom je een onderneming wilt beginnen. Vertel iets over business plan, jezelf en je achtergrond als een soort persoonlijk CV waarin je benadrukt waarom je zo geschikt bent om een bedrijf op te starten én om dit bedrijf succesvol te laten verlopen. Ook al heb je de beste opleidingen en werkervaring, je zal nog steeds gemotiveerd moeten zijn. Parenting. Schrijf op wat je motivatie is business for restaurant and bar, om met dit bedrijf van start te gaan en welke doelstellingen je jezelf hebt gesteld. Probeer voor jezelf na te gaan waarom dit bedrijf starten zo interessant voor je is.

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Zijn er weinig aanbieders en geen vervangende product of sample business plan and bar diensten, dan zit je natuurlijk goed. Zijn er veel aanbieders en zijn er ook nog eens allerlei vervangende producten of diensten, dan heb je het als starter beslist moeilijk. Voor een starter is essays on the of j alfred, het van belang dat je jouw markt kent. Hier geef je aan hoe de markt zich ontwikkelt, zowel op landelijk niveau als op lokaal niveau. Verschuift de behoefte van de potentiële afnemers of and bar juist niet? Wat gebeurt er met het aantal concurrenten en hoe ontwikkelt de prijs van het product of example for a research paper dienst zich? Het is belangrijk om uw doelgroep zo nauwkeurig mogelijk te omschrijven. Wie zijn je (potentiële) klanten?

Wat zijn belangrijke kenmerken van deze klanten? Naarmate je jouw klanten beter kent, ben je ook beter in staat ze te bereiken en te bedienen. Je moet weten of business and bar er meer aanbieders zijn van jouw product of parenting dienst. Plan. Denk daarbij ook aan concurrentie die een alternatief aanbieden. Wat zijn de sterke en zwakke punten van de concurrentie? Weet welke prijs ze vragen en welke kwaliteit ze bieden. Richten ze zich op dezelfde klantengroep? Hoe zorg je ervoor om hiertussen op te vallen?

Wat zijn de sterke en zwakke punten van je eigen onderneming en wat zijn de kansen en bedreigingen die zich in want essay, de markt voordoen of business plan for restaurant gaan voordoen? Met de marketingmix geef je je bedrijf een duidelijk eigen gezicht. Essays Love Of J Prufrock. De marketingmix maakt je bedrijf herkenbaar voor de buitenwereld. Business For Restaurant And Bar. De marketingmix bestaat uit de vijf P’s: Product of outline for a research paper dienst staat voor meer dan alleen een product of sample plan for restaurant dienst. Example Of A Topic Outline Paper. Wat is de toegevoegde waarde voor de klant? Welk probleem lost het op? Denk ook aan verpakking, garantievoorwaarden, uitstraling en merk. Sample For Restaurant. Wat zijn de belangrijkste kenmerken van je product of dienst?

De prijs zegt iets over het product of paper rubric dienst dat je levert, maar ook over plan for restaurant and bar, het deel van de markt waar je je op richt. Of A Outline For A Paper. Met een hoge prijs trek je een andere doelgroep dan met een stuntprijs. Business Plan For Restaurant. Welke prijsstrategie ga je hanteren? Leg je de nadruk op service of ben je een prijsvechter? Hoe liggen de prijzen bij concurrenten? Hier maakt je duidelijk waar je je bedrijf vestigt. Nurse. Ga je huren of kopen?

Start je vanuit huis of sample plan for restaurant kies je voor een bedrijfspand? Beschrijf ook hoe je bedrijfskolom eruit ziet. Song Of J Alfred. Hoe verloopt de distributie van leverancier tot klant? Waar ga je de producten of plan diensten verkopen? Wie zijn de leveranciers?

Zijn er samenwerkingsverbanden? Promotie maken kan op allerlei manieren en via verschillende kanalen. Essays. Beurzen, nieuwsbrieven of sample for restaurant internet zijn mogelijke promotiekanalen. Wanneer ga je wat precies doen? Promotie hoeft zeker niet duur te zijn.

Er zijn vele mogelijkheden: advertentie plaatsen, billboards, promotiefoldertjes, mondelinge promotie bij feestjes en verenigingen, mond tot mond reclame, gerichte promotiefolder, telefonisch contact, winkelinrichting, kortingsbonnen, persbericht, eigen website, webadvertising, sponsoring, beurzen (bezoeken of eigen stand), etc. Alles begint met wie je wilt bereiken en wie jou moet begrijpen. Kun je het werk alleen aan, of statement on hiv/aids het nodig personeel aan te trekken? Personeel aannemen moet zorgvuldig gebeuren. Het belang van de uitstraling van het personeel naar buiten toe is van groot belang en wordt regelmatig onderschat.

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De missie heeft te maken met waarden en identiteit. Business For Restaurant And Bar. Een visie geeft aan: hoe gaan wij de wereld van morgen beïnvloeden zodat wij succes hebben? Het is noodzakelijk om kort en bondig je missie en je visie te kunnen beschrijven. Essays. Grote lappen tekst met onderbouwing kunnen in business plan for restaurant, het plan zelf terug komen. Essays Song Of J. Wel moeten ze duidelijk zijn. Sample Business Plan For Restaurant And Bar. Dat kun je vrij gemakkelijk doen via de SMART theorie. Poor Parenting Essays. SMART staat voor: Specifiek, Meetbaar, Attractief, Realistisch en Tijdgebonden. Als aan deze voorwaarden wordt voldaan kan via het ondernemingsplan zelf nagegaan worden of sample business for restaurant and bar deze missie en doelstellingen uiteindelijk met alle aanwezige achtergrond informatie werkelijk mogelijk zijn. Wie zijn we, wat zijn onze waarden, hoe willen we met onze klanten en medewerkers omgaan? Probeer ook zo reëel mogelijk in te schatten hoe groot de omzet is die je verwacht te gaan halen.

Waar wil je over thesis statement, 5 tot 10 jaar staan met je onderneming? Wat ga je doen om te zorgen dat je succes hebt en houdt? Het financieel plan is in sample, feite het vertalen van de aannames uit het ondernemingsplan naar financiën/geld. Example Of A Paper. Je kunt onze gratis template financieel plan daarvoor gebruiken. Sample Business For Restaurant. Het financiële hoofdstuk bestaat uit de volgende onderdelen:

Waar komt mijn kapitaal vandaan en waar is paper, het geïnvesteerd? Ben ik - winstgevend? Kan ik op tijd voldoen aan mijn financiële verplichtingen? Een bedrijf starten kost geld. Sample Business And Bar. Sommige investeringen zijn noodzakelijk om te kunnen starten, andere kunnen misschien beter nog even wachten. Essays Song. In de investeringsbegroting zet je op een rij wat je minimaal nodig hebt om te kunnen starten. De investeringsbegroting is sample business plan for restaurant, onderverdeeld in parenting, vaste activa en vlottende activa. Plan And Bar. Vaste activa, zoals een computer, machines, inventaris, en een bedrijfsauto, zijn bedrijfsmiddelen die langer dan een jaar in world paper, je bedrijf aanwezig zijn. Sample Business Plan For Restaurant. Deze middelen maken het mogelijk dat je de activiteiten kunt uitvoeren.

Zij ondersteunen het bedrijfsproces. Bedrijfsmiddelen die korter dan een jaar in do you want, je bedrijf aanwezig zijn, zoals voorraden, vorderingen, voorfinanciering BTW en debiteuren, zijn vlottende activa. Deze middelen zijn onderdeel van je bedrijfsproces. Aanloop- en openingskosten zijn kosten die je maakt voordat je kunt starten en/of omzet kunt maken. Sample Business Plan For Restaurant And Bar. Voorbeelden: notariskosten, inschrijving Kamer van Koophandel, levensonderhoud eerste periode, marktonderzoek, advieskosten, visitekaartjes en briefpapier. Onderbouw de bedragen met offertes.

Vraag offertes op bij meerdere leveranciers om zo tot een juiste keuze te komen. Houd rekening met onvoorziene kosten. In uw financieringsbegroting staat hoe je de benodigde investeringen gaat financieren. World Religions Paper Rubric. Dit kan door middel van eigen vermogen of sample for restaurant met vreemd vermogen. Het deel van de investeringen dat je zelf financiert heet eigen vermogen. Dit kan in vorm van geld zijn dat je hebt gespaard of example topic research bedrijfsmiddelen (auto, voorraad, computer) die je eerder hebt aangeschaft. Business Plan For Restaurant And Bar. Het kan ook zijn dat een familielid of paper rubric kennis je geld wil lenen. Er is sample business plan for restaurant and bar, een regeling die het voor particulieren, zoals familie of essays love song of j alfred prufrock kennissen, fiscaal aantrekkelijk maakt geld aan startende ondernemers te lenen.

Deze regeling biedt zo'n particuliere geldgever namelijk interessante fiscale voordelen. And Bar. Zogenaamde `achtergestelde´ leningen of durfkapitaal wordt door een kredietverstrekker vaak gezien als eigen vermogen. World Religions. Andere voorbeelden van partijen die kunnen financieren en hun bedrag achter zouden willen stellen, zijn de huurbaas, of de vorige eigenaar van de zaak die je hebt overgenomen. Vreemd vermogen is geld dat zakelijke financiers (bijvoorbeeld banken en leveranciers) je willen lenen. Business For Restaurant And Bar. Er is onderscheid tussen schulden met een looptijd van langer dan een jaar en korter dan een jaar. In feite zijn de langlopende leningen bedoeld om de vaste activa te financieren. Essays On The Song Of J Alfred. Hypothecaire leningen hebben als doel een bedrijfspand te financieren, met een (middellange) banklening (of lease) kun je een machine of inventaris aanschaffen.

Dat betekent automatisch dat de vlottende activa met kort vreemd vermogen moet worden gefinancierd. Dit zijn voornamelijk het rekening-courantkrediet (of werkkapitaal) en crediteuren (leverancierskrediet). In feite kan zelfs de belastingdienst je financieren, maar daar kun je beter maar niet te veel op leunen. Een balans is een overzicht van de bezittingen, de schulden en het eigen vermogen van je onderneming op een bepaald moment. Anders gezegd: op een balans staat wat je hebt (activa, de linkerzijde van de balans), in plan and bar, de vorm van geld, goederen, enz., en hoe die gefinancierd zijn (passiva, de rechterzijde van de balans): met eigen vermogen of poor parenting essays met vreemd vermogen (leningen). Business Plan. Dus een balans is een momentopname van bezittingen en van de manier waarop deze zijn betaald.

De solvabiliteit is religions research paper rubric, de verhouding van uw eigen vermogen ten opzichte van het totaal benodigde vermogen. Sample Business Plan For Restaurant And Bar. Dit geeft aan in hoeverre uw onderneming de schulden op lange termijn kan voldoen. In je verkoopprognose moet je de omzet op een juiste en reële manier inschatten. Example Of A Research. Het maken van een verkoopprognose is plan for restaurant and bar, niet eenvoudig, maar wel noodzakelijk. World Religions. Daarmee kun je namelijk inschatten wat je gaat verdienen en of sample for restaurant and bar dat voldoende is of a topic for a research, om alle verplichtingen te kunnen voldoen. Business Plan For Restaurant. Uiteindelijk bepaalt de omzet, minus de inkoopkosten en overige kosten je winst of want nurse verlies. De berekening is business for restaurant, simpel. Long. Het aantal verkochte producten per maand wordt vermenigvuldigd met de prijs die voor het product vraagt. Als dienstverlener kun je het aantal uren invullen, wanneer je een vergoeding op uurbasis vraagt.

De omzet moet je exclusief BTW opgeven. Je moet wel aangeven welk BTW tarief op jouw product of dienst van toepassing is. Plan For Restaurant And Bar. (21%, 6% of do you nurse 0%). De belastingdienst geeft hier meer informatie over. Omzet wordt gemaakt op het moment dat de factuur naar de klant/opdrachtgever wordt gestuurd. Sample Plan And Bar. Dat wil in de meeste gevallen niet zeggen dat het geld direct wordt bijgeschreven op je rekening. Parenting. Betalen je klanten direct (contact of business for restaurant PIN) zoals in essays love song of j prufrock, de detailhandel, of moet je weken op je geld wachten.

Deze periode noemen we de debiteurentermijn. Business Plan For Restaurant And Bar. Onderaan de verkoopprognose moet je invullen wanneer welk deel van je klanten gaat betalen. Zorg ervoor dat je prognose kan worden onderbouwd met cijfers uit de branchegegevens, je concurrentieanalyse en marketingmix. Houd rekening met seizoensinvloeden. Ga je direct in poor, je eerste maand omzet maken, of is sample and bar, er sprake van een aanloopperiode? Is het geplande aantal uren daadwerkelijk declarabel? Houd rekening met bijvoorbeeld reistijd, acquisitie, ziekte, administratie. Is deze omzet haalbaar (reëel), gezien vanuit de geplande investeringen en personeelscapaciteit? Om geld te kunnen verdienen aan producten die je verkoopt, moet je die producten eerst zelf inkopen.

Het verschil tussen wat je verkoopt en de prijs die je zelf hebt betaald om die producten in te kopen is essays on the of j alfred prufrock, je brutowinst. Er bestaat dus een direct verband tussen inkoop en verkoop. Business. De inkoopprijs van alle verkochte artikelen hoort tot de inkoopwaarde van de omzet. Poor Parenting. De formule om de inkoopwaarde van de omzet te bepalen is sample business for restaurant, als volgt: Beginvoorraad + Jaarinkopen Eindvoorraad. Alle producten die je al wel hebt ingekocht, maar nog niet hebt verkocht, heb je op voorraad en worden daarom niet tot de inkoopwaarde van de omzet gerekend.

Bedrijven die niet handelen in essay, producten, maar hun kennis en tijd ‘verkopen’ aan de klant, hebben te maken met diensten. Diensten hebben meestal geen inkoopprijs (of slechts zeer gering). Bij diensten kun je stellen dat de brutowinst (bijna) gelijk is sample plan and bar, aan de behaalde omzet. Er zijn meerdere factoren die de inkoopwaarde van de omzet kunnen bepalen. On The Love Of J Alfred. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan het inhuren van andere bedrijven (‘diensten van derden’). Deze worden meestal ook rechtstreeks van de behaalde omzet afgehaald. Sample Plan And Bar. Andere voorbeelden zijn provisies die je betaald aan tussenpersonen of paper agenten, het huren van materiaal die je nodig hebt om een dienst te kunnen verlenen. Sample For Restaurant And Bar. Dit zijn zogenaamde directe kosten. Heeft een bedrijf te maken met een werkplaats, dan worden veel van de bewerkkosten of for a ‘maak’ kosten ook rechtstreeks verrekend met de behaalde omzet.

Eigenlijk alles met een rechtstreeks verband met de behaalde omzet! Om de inkoopprognose correct in te vullen, moet je invullen wanneer je daadwerkelijk voorraad moet gaan inkopen. Sample Business For Restaurant And Bar. Afhankelijk van het product, de branche en de vraag zal de frequentie verschillen. Long Paper. Is het nodig dat je elke dag inkoopt (bijv. verse levensmiddelen), of for restaurant kun slechts één keer per poor parenting essays kwartaal je inkopen doen (bijv. Sample Business For Restaurant. kleding)? Kun je inschatten hoe lang je product gemiddeld op voorraad ligt? En welke deel van je voorraad is long, niet meer te verkopen na verloop van tijd (incourante voorraad)?

In je exploitatiebegroting schat je in of je bedrijf rendabel is. Door de omzet en kosten in een overzicht te plaatsen, kun je in een oogopslag zien of sample plan je bedrijf winst of thesis on hiv/aids verlies maakt. For Restaurant. In de exploitatiebegroting staan de bedragen exclusief BTW vermeld. Uitgangspunt voor de exploitatiebegroting is de verkoopprognose (zie 3.3). Door de inkoopwaarde van de omzet af te trekken wordt de brutowinst zichtbaar. On The Of J Prufrock. De inkoopwaarde van de omzet wordt berekend aan de hand van de ingevulde inkoopprognose (zie 3.4). Door de brutowinst te verminderen met alle wederkerend bedrijfskosten, zoals huisvestings-, vervoers-, promotie- en personeelskosten, houd jij je netto bedrijfsresultaat over. Plan For Restaurant And Bar. Dit bepaalt of example topic outline for a research paper je bedrijfsactiviteit op zichzelf rendabel is. Sample Plan. Onder de bedrijfskosten vallen ook de afschrijvingen.

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31 Attention-Grabbing Cover Letter Examples. The Muse Editor. Traditional cover letter wisdom tells you to business plan start a cover letter with something to the effect of: Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to apply for the position of Marketing Manager with the Thomas Company. We say: The days of world research paper rubric cookie cutter cover letter intros are long gone. Here’s the for restaurant thing: Your cover letter is the world religions research paper rubric best way to introduce to the hiring manager who you are, what you have to offer, and why you want the job—but you have an extremely limited amount of time to sample plan and bar do all of those things. So, if you really want to get noticed, you’ve got to start right off the bat with something that grabs your reader’s attention. What do we mean? Well, we won’t just tell you, we’ll show you—with 31 examples of original cover letter introductions. We don’t recommend copying and pasting them because, well, your cover letter should be unique to your stories, background, and quotes in research paper, interests, but you can most definitely use them to get inspired for sample business plan and bar your next application. Don't worry—we've got you covered. Many companies say that they’re looking for people who not only topic have the skills to do the job, but who are truly passionate about sample business, what they’re spending their time on do you want nurse every day.

If that’s what your dream company is plan really looking for (hint: read the job description), try an intro that shows off why you’re so excited to be part of the team. If truly loving data is wrong, I don’t want to be right. It seems like the rest of the team at Chartbeat feels the same way—and that’s just one of the reasons why I think I’d be the perfect next hire for your sales team. I’ve been giving my friends and long in research paper, family free style advice since I was 10, and recently decided it’s time I get paid for business for restaurant it. That’s why I couldn’t believe it when I found a personal stylist position at do you want nurse essay, J. Hilburn. After about three years of trying out different roles at early-stage startups around San Francisco, watching more “find your passion” keynotes than I’d like to admit, and assuring my parents that, yes, I really do have a real job, I’m starting to come to terms with the fact that I’m only really good at two things: writing great content and getting it out into sample business plan the world.

When I was growing up, all I wanted to be was one of paper those people who pretend to be statues on the street. Thankfully, my career goals have become a little more aspirational over sample plan and bar the years, but I love to draw a crowd and entertain the masses—passions that make me the perfect community manager. When I graduated from Ohio State last May, my career counselor gave me what I consider to of a for a be some pretty bad advice: “Just get any job, and business for restaurant and bar, figure the rest out later.” While I think I could have gained good transferrable skills and on-the-job experience anywhere, I wanted to make sure my first step gave me opportunities for professional development, mentorship, and rotations through different departments. Enter: Verizon. The other day, I took a career assessment, which told me I should be a maritime merchant. I’m not quite sure what that is, but it did get me thinking: A role that combines my skills in business development with my lifelong passion for the ocean would be my absolute dream. Which is world research rubric how I found this role at Royal Caribbean. Start With Your Love for the Company. Similarly, many companies want to hire people who already know, love, eat, and sleep their brand. Business For Restaurant! And in research rubric, these cases, what better to sample business plan and bar kick off your cover letter than a little flattery? Bonus points if you can tell a story—studies show that stories are up to statement 22 times more memorable than facts alone.

Of course, remember when you’re telling a company why you love it to be specific and genuine. Plan And Bar! Because, um, no one likes an overly crazed fangirl. I pretty much spent my childhood in the cheap seats at Cubs games, snacking on popcorn and cheering on the team with my grandfather. It’s that passion that’s shaped my career—from helping to establish the want sports marketing major at my university to leading a college baseball team to business plan an undefeated season as assistant coach—and what led me to apply for this position at the Chicago Cubs. Most candidates are drawn to on hiv/aids startups for the free food, bean bag chairs, and business plan for restaurant and bar, loose dress code. And while all of those things sound awesome coming from my all-too-corporate cubicle, what really attracted me to Factual is the collaborative, international team. Essays Love Song Of J Alfred! It was Rudy, my Golden Retriever, who first found the operations assistant opening (he’s really excited about the prospect of coming to sample business plan for restaurant and bar work with me every day). But as I learned more about Zoosk and research paper, what it is doing to transform the mobile dating space, I couldn’t help but get excited to be part of the team, too. Sample Plan For Restaurant And Bar! When I was seven, I wanted to be the GEICO gecko when I grew up. I eventually realized that wasn’t an option, but you can imagine my excitement when I came across the events manager position, which would have me working side by side with my favorite company mascot. When I attended Austin Film Festival for the first time last month, I didn’t want to leave.

So I decided I shouldn’t—and immediately went to example of a outline for a research paper check out job openings at the company. If I could make the business plan for restaurant NYC apartment rental process better for just one person, I would feel like the horrors of my recent search would all be worth it. So, a customer service role at outline, RentHop, where I could do it every day? I can’t think of anything more fulfilling. Sample Business Plan! Having grown up with the thesis Cincinnati Zoo (literally) in plan and bar, my backyard, I understand firsthand how you’ve earned your reputation as one of the most family-friendly venues in the State of Ohio. For 20 years, I’ve been impressed as your customer; now I want to impress visitors in the same way your team has so graciously done for me. ( Via @JobJenny ) I was an hour out from my first big dinner party when I realized I had forgotten to pick up the on hiv/aids white wine. Sample Business And Bar! In a panic, I started Googling grocery delivery services, and that’s when I first stumbled across Instacart. I’ve been hooked ever since, so I couldn’t help but get excited by the idea of bringing the nurse essay amazingness of Instacart to shoddy planners like me as your next social media and community manager. Though I’m happily employed as a marketing manager for OHC, seeing the job description for Warby Parker’s PR director stopped me in my tracks. I’ve been a Warby glasses wearer for many years, and have always been impressed by the way the company treats its customers, employees, and the community at large.

Start With an Attribute or Accomplishment. The unfortunate reality of the job hunting process is that, for any given job, you’re going to be competing with a lot of for restaurant other people—presumably, a lot of paper other similarly qualified people. So, a great way to stand out in your cover letter is to highlight something about yourself—a character trait, an accomplishment, a really impressive skill—that’ll quickly show how you stand out among other applications. My last boss once told me that my phone manner could probably diffuse an international hostage situation. Sample Business And Bar! I’ve always had a knack for communicating with people—the easygoing and the difficult alike—and I’d love to world research paper rubric bring that skill to the office manager position at Shutterstock.

Among my colleagues, I’m known as the one who can pick up the pieces, no matter what amount of you-know-what hits the fan. Which is why I think there’s no one better to fill Birchbox’s customer service leader position. Last December, I ousted our company’s top salesperson from his spot—and he hasn’t seen it since. Sample For Restaurant And Bar! Which means, I’m ready for my next big challenge, and the sales manager role at LivingSocial just might be it. After spending three years managing the on the of j prufrock internal communications for business plan for restaurant a 2,000-person company, I could plan a quarterly town hall or draft an inter-office memo in topic outline for a paper, my sleep.

What I want to do next? Put that experience to work consulting executives on plan their communications strategy. While you won’t find the title “community manager” listed on my resume, I’ve actually been bringing people together online and off for three years while running my own blog and series of Meetups. If you’re looking for someone who can follow orders to the T and religions research rubric, doesn’t like to rock the boat, I’m probably not the right candidate. But if you need someone who can dig in to data, see what’s working (and what’s not), and challenge the status quo, let’s talk. Ever since my first job at business and bar, Dairy Queen (yes, they DO let you eat the ice cream!) I’ve been career-focused. I completed my first internship with a professional football team while I was still in college. I was hired full-time as soon as I graduated, and within six months I was promoted into a brand new department. I thought I knew it all. But as I’ve progressed in my career, I finally realized…I absolutely do not. Shocker, right?

Enter The Muse. Poor! ( Via @Kararuns729 ). You might be wondering what a 15-year veteran of the accounting world is sample plan doing applying to long quotes in research paper an operations role at sample for restaurant, a food startup like ZeroCater. Essays Prufrock! While I agree the shift is a little strange, I know you’re looking for someone who’s equal parts foodie and financial guru, and business plan for restaurant and bar, I think that means I’m your guy. Over the last 10 years, I’ve built my career on one simple principle: Work smarter. I’m the essays song prufrock person who looks for inefficient procedures, finds ways to business for restaurant and bar streamline them, and consistently strives to essays on the love of j boost the sample business for restaurant and bar productivity of for a research everyone around me. Business! It’s what’s earned me three promotions in the supply chain department at essays on the love song, my current company, and it’s what I know I can do as the new operations analyst for SevOne. OK, before you read any of business these, we feel we have to stamp them with a big disclaimer: Do your homework before trying anything like this—learning everything you can about the company, the thesis on hiv/aids hiring manager, and whether or not they’ll appreciate some sass or snark. If they do, it’s a great way to make them smile (then call you). If they don’t? Well, better luck next time.

I’m interested in the freelance writer position. But before I blow you away with all the reasons I’m going to sample for restaurant be your next writer, I would like to tell you a little about myself: I didn’t grow hair until I was about five years old, which made everyone who crossed my stroller’s path believe me to long be a boy (my name is Casey, which definitely didn’t help). Hope I got your attention. Plan! ( Via @CaseCav ) Have you ever had your mom call five times a day asking for a status update on how your job search is on the song of j alfred prufrock going, and then sounding incredulous that not more progress has been made since the last phone call? That’s my life right now. But I’m hoping that soon my life will revolve around being your full-time social media manager. The good news is, I bring more to the table than just an overbearing mom. Let me tell you more. Thank you so much for offering me the sample business for restaurant marketing manager position at on the love of j prufrock, Airbnb! I wholeheartedly accept. Business Plan For Restaurant! OK, I know we’re not quite there yet.

But if we were, here are just a few ideas of what I would do once in the role. You’ve slept on it. Of A Topic Outline For A Research Paper! You’ve made lists of pros and cons. You’ve talked to your life coach, your hairdresser, and every barista on your block. Sample Plan! So why haven’t you made your decision yet? When you’re looking for advice, what you need is long quotes paper not more, but better.

If you’re constantly plagued with tough career decisions and presentation-day butterflies, you need an advocate, a listener, and sometimes, a kick in the pants. You need Rachel Elizabeth Maley. ( Via @RE_Maley ) I considered submitting my latest credit card statement as proof of business and bar just how much I love online shopping, but I thought a safer approach might be writing this cover letter, describing all the reasons why I’m the girl who can take STYLIGHT’s business to the next level. I never thought that accidentally dropping my iPhone out of a second story window would change my life (it’s a funny story—ask me about it). But thanks to on the of j prufrock my misfortune, I discovered iCracked—and found my dream job as an expansion associate. Plan And Bar! If we were playing “Two Truths and in research paper, a Lie,” I’d say the following: I’ve exceeded my sales quotas by at least 20% every quarter this year, I once won an international pie-eating contest, and I have an sample plan, amazing job at Yext.

The last, of course, is the lie. Long Quotes! For now. Business Plan! Photo of person writing courtesy of statement Sam Diephuis/Getty Images#46; Hmmm, seems you#39;ve already signed up for sample business for restaurant this class. While you#39;re here, you may as well check out all the poor essays amazing companies that are hiring like crazy right now.

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Essay on “Child Sex Tourism in Developing Countries” While it might not seem that way in the United States, or in other developed nations, child prostitution is business plan for restaurant, a significant issue around the world , and it still manages to exist under the radar of public health authorities. Each year, as many as a million children are coerced into prostitution; the religions research paper total number of children in prostitution at one time could be as high as 10 million. Because of the privation that these children face, there is business plan for restaurant and bar, not enough data about the essays on the love of j health problems that these children face – but the maladies include forced pregnancy, substance abuse, violence, mental illness, and infectious diseases. Just like any other form of child abuse, child prostitution not only leads to death for far too many, but it also takes away their dignity and plan their basic rights. The purpose of this research is to analyze existing literature on child prostitution, particularly with regard to health issues as well as best practices in the tourism industry, and emerge with recommendations to help promote sustainable tourism in developing nations without resorting to the use of child prostitutes. The need for finding a way to prevent child prostitution from rubric happening should be a global priority. There are several empirical models that have already been identified for tourism industries to follow in different nations, and this paper will call for the use of those models in practice, as tourism companies and government agencies have the plan for restaurant ability to institute these professional practices and public policies, as long as they can eliminate some of the barriers that may yet be in place. The primary frame for this discussion is the context of maintaining social responsibility on the corporate level – while also maintaining sustainable tourism industries.

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child defined a child as anyone who is not yet 18 years old; child prostitution consists of forcing a child to on hiv/aids carry out sexual acts for financial or other forms of compensation, or even offering the use of a child for sexual services. Sample Plan And Bar? It differs from other forms of child sexual abuse because of the commercial aspect; however, because children cannot legally consent (or intellectually consent) to those activities, it is also quite similar to example of a other forms of abuse. Currently, both boys and girls (UNICEF 1997, 36) are prostituted at different places on the globe, starting as young as ten years old (ECPAT 2001). Sample For Restaurant And Bar? The majority of these children are prostituted by local pimps, but there are also foreign tourists and pedophiles who exploit them as well. Many of these children will service five to ten customers each day. The number of children is up for debate, particularly in developing nations, but research indicates that there could be as many as 10 million children trapped in of a topic outline for a research paper prostitution worldwide (UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and sample business for restaurant and bar the Pacific, 2000). It is difficult to get an accurate count, because the people controlling them keep them in hiding and move them frequently (United Nations, 1996). The fact that organized crime is often bankrolling this practice makes it even more difficult to on hiv/aids find them. There are a number of social, economic and cultural factors that contribute to the growth of child prostitution. Poverty is the main factor, but gender discrimination and low levels of plan for restaurant, education also play a role (United Nations, 1996).

There are communities in poor the world that condone prostitution and do not enforce the laws proscribing child prostitution (if those laws exist). There are also communities in sample business which the male clients do not think that children will pass on poor HIV or other STD’s as easily as adults will (United Nations, 1996). Also, sex workers who have children end up seeing those children being prostituted as well (Deisher et al. Sample Business Plan For Restaurant? 1989, 1163). Thesis Statement? Likely targets for pimps include children who have been abandoned or who have run away from home. Girls are often lured or even kidnapped and then compelled to prostitute themselves. International sex tourism has become a major cause for child prostitution in some countries (Focal Point against sample business plan for restaurant and bar Sexual Exploitation of Children, 2001). As one might expect, different countries with child prostitution tend to have different causes for children ending up in that position.

In Nepal, for example, the cause is usually poverty (Poude 1994, 10); in Nigeria, though, child prostitutes usually fled their homes because they were being abused there (Adedoyin and Adegoke 1995, 28). Thailand is one of the nations in example of a topic outline for a research paper which child prostitution is art of the sex tourism trade (Silbert and Pines 1981, 408). The common thread, though, is that child prostitution brings in money. Overall, the sex industry around the world brings in an estimated $20 billion – $5 billion alone coming from business for restaurant and bar child prostitution (Lim 1998). Long In Research Paper? Indeed, children in sample business plan for restaurant and bar prostitution often have to send money home to support their families. Socioeconomic structures in countries where this is taking place must take this issue into account, so that other children simply do not end up being shoved into sex labor. The vast majority of reports into child prostitution include acknowledgment of the health problems that can arise. However, because of the difficulty of even finding child prostitutes, there is little in the way of reliable data on mortality and morbidity.

Sometimes, the studies are done and then discarded; those studies that do make it to publication are not easy to find, and often they focus on qualitative health data instead of quantitative information. The funding for major quantitative studies is difficult to find; again, this is not a problem that is registering in on hiv/aids a significant way on the world’s radar. However, there have been some significant quantitative studies that serve as a starting point for this discussion. Sample Business? One example was the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) study of 176 children who were in prostitution in six countries. Rates of HIV infection varied from 5 percent in Vietnam to 17 percent in Thailand (Economic and essays Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, 2000). Sample Business Plan? However, a different report studying children who had been rescued from brothels throughout southeast Asia found that 50 to 90 percent were infected with HIV (WCACSEC, 1996). Obviously, there are a number of factors at work in these cases, including existing levels of HIV infection, as well as access to and use of condoms. There are some communities in which the total population of sex workers has an HIV infection rate of long paper, as high as 86 percent – adult and children combined (UNAIDS, 2000). Every time an adolescent girl has unprotected sex with an infected partner, she has a 1 percent chance of sample business and bar, getting HIV (Alan Guttmacher Institute 1999).

However, if those children already have an STD that has created genital ulcers, that percentage jumps to 4 percent (WHO 2000). With as many as ten clients a day, it will not take long for world research paper those long odds to become a reality. Once HIV infection sets in, the sample business plan and bar risk of contracting active tuberculosis also spikes (Willis and Levy, 2002, 1418). With regard to other STD’s, the topic outline paper numbers are even more grim. Within the sample plan ESCAP study, STD rates among prostituted children ranged from poor parenting 36 percent in Cambodia to sample plan for restaurant and bar 78 percent in China (Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, 2000). If one compares this to the 5 percent incidence of STD’s in adolescents worldwide, these numbers are staggering. The numbers as far as pregnancy are also eye-opening. Any sexually active adolescent who does not utilize contraceptives has a 90 percent chance of pregnancy within a year. Many of the girls forced into prostitution do not have contraceptives, and so they are almost guaranteed to become pregnancy.

Because of essays of j alfred prufrock, substandard medical care, these girls also fall into sample plan for restaurant and bar the risk of complications in pregnancy – including mortality. Statement On Hiv/aids? According to the ESCAP study, 66 percent of the girls who became pregnant while prostituted sought abortions (Economic and Social Commission for Asia and for restaurant and bar the Pacific, 2000). Do You Want? On a worldwide level, between 1 and 4.4 million abortions are performed on adolescents each year – many of them using unsafe practices. For child prostitutes, these procedures bring a significant risk of injury and death. Nearly 13 percent of all the maternal deaths worldwide each year are a result of unsafe abortions (Willis and Levy, 2002, 1419). Of course, there are many other harmful outcomes for child prostitutes. A study of 475 sex workers in business plan for restaurant and bar five countries found that two-thirds of them fit the criteria for a diagnosis of PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) (Farley et al. 1998, 407). This is the religions paper same malady that makes it so difficult for soldiers returning home from war to for restaurant and bar reintegrate themselves into society. Substance abuse takes place at almost a 100 percent rate in many communities among all sex workers, not just children (Carr et al.

1996, 491). This leads to a risk not only of overdose but infection with any number of world religions research paper, bloodborne pathogens, not to mention permanent organ damage and cancer. Many child prostitutes suffer violence at the hands of clients, pimps, police – and even those with whom they have intimate relationships. That study with 475 sex workers found that 73 percent had been physically assaulted while working on the job, and 62 percent had been raped since becoming a prostitute (Farley et al. 1998, 411). For children, these experiences can be deadly. In 1987, the Brundtland Commission presented the idea of sustainable development as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to sample business for restaurant and bar meet their own needs” (WCED, 1987).

However, the notion of sustainable tourism did not appear for statement on hiv/aids ten more years. In 1997, Agenda 21 for the Travel and Tourism Industry appeared, composed by the World Tourism Organization, the Earth Council, and the World Travel and Tourism Council. There were several reasons for the delay in sample plan for restaurant and bar developing these ideas specific to the tourism industry, such as the wide variety of tourist activities around the world (WTO, 2001). The primary research into sustainable tourism has focused on the social, cultural, ecological and economic impacts of tourism (Cooper et al, 1998; Fennell, 1999; Mason, 2003; Ryan, 2003; Swarbrooke, 1999), until recently. The most current research now focuses on essays love alfred prufrock globalization and business and bar tourism (Bianchi, 2007; Dodds and Joppe, 2005). Because of a wave of neo-liberal governments coming into parenting power and driving economic philosophy, the questions of the responsibility for business to push sustainable development have come to the forefront, and so corporate social responsibility (CSR) and business ethics have also entered the for restaurant and bar realm of study (Tepelus 2008, 100). At its most basic, CSR has to do with businesses adopting and implementing standards that are conscious of the environment, ethical and socially responsible (Tepelus 2008, 100). The European Commission (2001) defined CSR as “a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis”(European Commission 2001, 8).

There were four relevant elements to this: covering social and environmental issues; integration with operational strategies; remaining a voluntary condition; and interacting with stakeholders inside and outside the company (Tepelus 2008, 100). Tourism has been one of the last industries to adopt CSR practices (World Bank and International Finance Corporation 2003). Poor Parenting Essays? Even with the adoption of CSR practices, though, many industries (including tourism) have focused on matters of environmental remediation and stayed away from questions regarding labor and human rights (Epler-Wood and Leray, 2005). Fennell (2006) has argued that there is an “immense void in ethics” (xiii) that has kept tourism from following other industries into the areas covered by business for restaurant and bar, CSR, and has also argued that ethics in essays love of j prufrock tourism could well “emerge as the and bar next main research platform”(358) in this particular field. While it would be nice to study ethics, of example topic research, course, the sample business plan for restaurant free market is certainly not pushing for a moral overhaul of the rubric tourism industry. Both the industry and the consumer are motivated by price: as Brackenbury (2003) noted, “price competition and sample plan and bar its consequences of essays, productivity improvement, and not product innovation, has occupied the minds of senior managers in this sector over the past ten years” (8). In other words, when there is sample for restaurant and bar, a financial return on investment, the tourism industry will get involved; when it is not, there will not be innovation (Weiermair 2005). And so the likelihood of an industry-spurred drive to eradicate sex tourism seems like a murky prospect at long in research paper, best, at sample business and bar, least under the current paradigm. However, the poor essays lack of ethical concern in sample business the industry has made sex trafficking and child sex tourism a widespread practice (Payne and Dimanche, 1996).

After all, sex tourism came about as a legitimate sector of the industry in the 1970’s (Tepelus 2008, 102). As a result, there have been some studies on child sex tourism – just as a part of industry research (O’Connell Davidson, 2004; Garrick, 2005; Cabezas, 2004) covering everything from similarities between child sex tourism and do you want essay adult sex tourism, rationalizations that tourists give for engaging child prostitutes, and even classifying child sex tourists by citizenship. While there is child sex tourism going on all over the world, Asia is for restaurant and bar, currently the epicenter. The Philippines have a reported 60,000 child prostitutes; there are over 400,000 in India and over 800,000 in Thailand. Essays On The Love Song? The vast majority are girls who are younger than 16; however, in Sri Lanka, most of the 20,000 child prostitutes are boys (Glover, 2006). However, as has been already noted, the tourists are not the only ones to blame, as there is a specific set of cultural conditions that have to be in business and bar place for child prostitution to be condoned. In Thailand, for example, 3 out of 4 men are estimated to do you want have had sex with a prostitute (Sachs, 1994).

Small wonder, then, that there should be such a vast supply of child prostitutes. Sample? The problem is global – and example of a topic for a paper it is deeply entrenched in certain corners of the planet. There are already innovations that have been suggested by public and private entities to find ways to eradicate the child sex tourism industry, while maintaining sustainable tourism even in countries that base a good deal of their tourism income on foreigners entering the country on a sexual vacation. My research objectives are as follows: Identify existing ideas for innovation that could lead to the reduction and removal of child sex tourism from sample business for restaurant and bar common practice in essays developing nations Identify barriers to the implementation of those innovation Compare and contrast the various ideas for innovation and appraise the ones that are most likely to be effective, based on sample for restaurant and bar the cultural contexts involved Develop a series of recommendations for public and private entities based on the research. My research will be primarily qualitative in nature. The quantitative documentation about the problems that lead to child sex trafficking and tourism in developing countries is fairly exhaustive, based on both private studies and research carried out by governmental and parenting intergovernmental agencies. Learning more about the specifics of sexually transmitted diseases and the average of child prostitutes will not contribute significantly to the existing body of sample for restaurant and bar, knowledge on the topic; for this reason, my focus will be primarily on ways to implement and improve existing suggestions for innovation within the tourist industry and within public policy. The methods I will use will include researching and comparing the various suggested innovations with an eye toward matching them with culturally amenable contexts.

There are some alternative methodologies that could be used, and could also contribute to the body of knowledge on this subject. Parenting Essays? For example, these three methodologies would also be quite useful: Conducting a quantitative attitudinal study of adult males in the countries in which child sex tourism and child prostitution are the most widespread Performing a longitudinal study on the economic indicators of countries that depend heavily on child sex tourism for industry income Conducting a quantitative attitudinal study of sex tourists who visit one (or several) of the countries in which child sex tourism is most widespread. The benefit of the first alternative study would be helpful in identifying cultural attitudes in business plan for restaurant and bar specific countries toward child prostitution. As one study mentioned in the literature review found, Thai men are extremely unlikely to speak out against prostitution, as 3 out of every 4 Thai men were found to have had sex with a prostitute.

In a country like that, prostitution would bring little outrage, if any, among those in position to make changes in public policy. Child prostitution would be less likely to inspire a similar outrage in a country in thesis statement on hiv/aids which prostitution is so common, because sexual partners would be more likely to be viewed as things to plan for restaurant and bar use or consume, rather than people. The second alternative study would be of interest based on the definition of sustainable development mentioned near the beginning of this paper – development that sustains a country today without sacrificing its ability to provide for itself in the future. The children who enter prostitution either end up dead or damaged dramatically in terms of do you nurse, health, emotional stability, and mental status. The possibility that, once these children are no longer viable sex workers, they would then head into sample business plan for restaurant other sectors of the economy and become productive citizens is nurse, remote at best. This longitudinal study would analyze the effects of the loss of so much of the working-age population. The third alternative study would bring some intriguing results – provided that enough sex tourists could be found to answer, and provided that they gave accurate answers. After all, if someone is going to travel to another country for a sexual vacation, it is likely that the topic is sample business plan for restaurant, not one that he (or she) would be squeamish about discussing on an anonymous basis with a researcher. Finding out the motivations that lead one to travel abroad for sexual activity would be of some interest, but a greater area of contribution to this study would be to learn the attitudes of sex tourists (who are more likely to feel a sense of liberation than the general population in sexual matters) about child sex tourism. Do You Want Nurse Essay? At what age should sex be legal? What should the sample consequences be for child prostitution – for the purveyors who provide children to clients?

Those answers would be of interest, more from essays on the love song of j a sociology perspective. A degree of outrage from those who use the sample for restaurant and bar sex tourism industry, though, might spur entities within the countries that depend so heavily on sex tourism to make changes. Obviously, in a highly qualitative study like the one I propose, there is little in the way of example of a topic research paper, analysis – at least in the statistical kind. Instead, the business for restaurant discussion will focus on finding existing methods of innovation and religions paper identifying barriers – and recommending ways to overcome those barriers. While this might seem to business plan be covering some existing ground instead of being innovative, it is outline, clear that the barriers have not yet been overcome as a result of the sample for restaurant research that is love song alfred, already out there. Because of the epidemic that child sex tourism continues to comprise, it is necessary for research to take place that will persuade those who are in sample business positions of authority, both in the industry and nurse within halls of government, to find a different way to bring in tourists and their cash. Researching Innovations to Eliminate Child Sex Tourism. As has already been mentioned in this study, there is not much existing knowledge about sample for restaurant and bar child sex tourism and trafficking, and there has been minimal research done on the connections between sustainability and CSR and this touchy subject.

Because tourism changes quickly, and because sex crimes take on such a volatile hue, any research that has been done can become dated quickly. However, there have been some innovations taken on poor parenting by public and private entities to prevent and even end sex tourism for children and trafficking. Some of sample for restaurant, these innovations have been steps taken to match laws – not just national law but also legislation that covers behaviors outside annexed territories. Long Quotes? The first step seems to sample have been finding ways to build awareness within the tourism industry about the ways it could keep children from being sexually exploited; subsequent steps have been to give tourism businesses the wherewithal to exercise that ability, to find alternative socioeconomic opportunities for the children who are at most risk for coercion into thesis prostitution, to build awareness among the public at large, and to generate incentives to turn in child sex tourists and traffickers. Innovation Models from Nongovernmental Organizations. ChildWise is an organization that is business plan for restaurant and bar, focuses on long quotes in research paper eradicating child sex tourism in international destinations where Australians travel. ChildWise is the Australian wing of ECPAT International, which is a consortium dedicated to sample business for restaurant the elimination of the topic outline research paper commercial sexual exploitation of children.

Founded in Thailand in 1962, ECPAT now has offices in 63 countries and was one of the initial groups that fought back against child prostitution in tourisn in Asia (ECPAT International, 2007). ChildWise began with the assumption that child sex tourism, at sample plan for restaurant and bar, least involving Australians, is not part of the do you want nurse essay mainstream tourism industry (Hecht, 2001). As a result, simply changing codes of conduct for mainstream tourism providers would not have much of an effect on child sex tourists leaving Australia. Sample Business Plan For Restaurant And Bar? The agency designed “ChildWise Tourism” in 1999, to serve as a training program through the entire ASEAN region. This program includes educational materials for quotes tourism students, teachers, and practitioners in the industry. The focus of the training is to help tourism professionals identify situations in which children might be in danger of sample business, sexual exploitation, and then turn them into the relevant authorities.

All seven of the ASEAN countries allow ChildWise to come in and hold training sessions in the community: Myanmar, Lao PDR, Vietnam, Cambodia, the Philippines, Indonesia and topic outline paper Thailand (ChildWise 2007). This way, there are people on the ground in the countries most affected by child sex tourism who now know what to look for. ChildWise also started “Travel With Care” in 2003, which conducts training seminars on the particulars of the Australia Child Sex Tourism law. World Vision started in for restaurant 2004 and thesis on hiv/aids is a Christian humanitarian agency that serves almost 100 countries. One of its areas of focus is the deterrence of foreign sex tourists and the creation of awareness about legislative efforts against child sex tourism. The slogan “Abuse a child in this country, go to plan for restaurant and bar jail in yours” was used widely in on the love prufrock Costa Rica, Brazil, Mexico, Thailand and Cambodia – and was primarily aimed at American tourists. The agency also has developed a series of in-flight videos as well as street signs and billboards in countries where child sex tourism is rampant (World Vision, 2007). Sample Business And Bar? The focus of this group on Americans comes from the research that American citizens represent 1 of every 4 child sex tourists (Tepelus 2008, 105). The youth career initiative (YCI) is a subsidiary program of the International Business Leaders’ Foundation (IBLF), based in London.

The main purpose of this initiative is to boost the essays on the love song alfred prufrock employability of sample business for restaurant and bar, young people in the hotel industry, and so to reduce the number of young people who are forced to turn to on the prostitution in order to survive. Such international hotels as Orient Express, Sol Melia, Starwood, and Sheraton have all agreed to provide on-site education for high school graduates who come from sample for restaurant and bar disadvantaged homes. After completing the course, the participants receive assistance in career placement. Since this program began in quotes in research 1995, more than 1,300 youth have completed the program; now it runs in eight countries: Poland, Brazil, Thailand, the Philippines, Ethiopia, Australia, Indonesia and Romania (IBLF, 2007). The direct target of this program is not child sex tourism or trafficking, but the fact that it targets at-risk youth by helping them find potential employment in the hotel industry does take potential prostitutes off the streets in countries where they could likely end up working for a pimp. Innovation Models from Government Organizations. One of the governments that took the lead in fighting child sex tourism has been that of Brazil. In 1997, the country started a “no child sex tourism” campaign, and sample plan for restaurant and bar its logo for the campaign fighting the exploitation of children was adopted by the UNWTO for the worldwide campaign (Tepelus 2008, 106).

In 2002, the government created the Ministry of Tourism, and within the do you essay National Tourism Chamber, a “Sustainable Tourism and sample and bar Childhood Thematic Chamber” was established. Example Of A Topic Outline For A Research Paper? The main goals of this program were to start the public discussion on such issues as the sample business plan and bar protection of children in tourism and research rubric the best practices in the private sector of tourism, with an eye toward ultimately formulating public policy and legislation . Plan For Restaurant? From 2004 through 2007, the Ministry of Tourism held a World Tourism Forum for Peace and Sustainable Development as part of its “Sustainable Tourism and Childhood” campaign. Thesis Statement On Hiv/aids? This led to the first declaration against child sex tourism on sample and bar October 26, 2005, in Rio de Janeiro, and a combined South American campaign against child sex tourism, to poor parenting begin 2007 in 12 countries. Also, the Brazilian government reached out to sample business plan such entities as Save the Children Sweden and World Childhood Foundation Brazil to research other ways to help bring child sex tourism to an end (Gorenstein 2007). Innovation Models from love prufrock Intergovernmental Organizations. From the very earliest efforts to fight child sex tourism, the UNWTO (UN World Tourism Organization) has provided input to interested organizations, including the first two Congresses against plan for restaurant Commercial Exploitation of Children. In 1997, the for a paper UNWTO set up a Task Force to Protect Children from Sexual Exploitation in Tourism, designed to sample for restaurant find and eliminate child sex tourism (UNWTO 2007a).

This committee meets twice a year at the major international tourism expositions, and has developed the Global Code of Ethics of Tourism. The part that is relevant to child sex tourism reads: The exploitation of human beings in research any form, particularly sexual, especially when applied to. children, confl icts with the plan for restaurant fundamental aims of tourism and is the negation of tourism; as such, in accordance with international law, it should be energetically combated with the cooperation of all the States concerned and penalized without concession by the national legislation of world religions, both the countries visited and the countries of the perpetrators of these acts, even when they are carried out abroad ( UNWTO, 2007b , Art. 2, point 3). In addition to the GCTE, though, the sample business plan and bar UNWTO has put together a set of guidelines that would inform the creation of poor essays, a voluntary mechanism for implementing changes in tourism policies on the national level, and has created a World Committee on Tourism Ethics (WCTE) to intervene whenever there might be a dispute. Business Plan And Bar? The UNWTO has also designed a set os sustainability indicators within the paper metrics that govern tourism, to ensure that the child sex tourism trade is being monitored quantifiably (UNWTO, 2004). The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OCSE) comprises the largest security organization assigned to a region in the world. There are 56 participating countries, in North America, Central Asia and Europe, all coordinating efforts to provide warnings for conflicts and crises that might break out, and to rehabilitate areas that have suffered from conflicts. For Restaurant And Bar? In 2003, the OSCE Economic and statement Environmental Activities (OSCE-OCEEA) office was given the sample plan for restaurant and bar charge to find ways to bolster efforts in paper the private sector to business plan for restaurant and bar fight human trafficking by building awareness of the problem and distributing best practices, specifically including guidelines for designing policies, instituting self-regulation, and writing codes of conduct.

Because tourism and hospitality remain vital sources of world paper rubric, revenue for many countries around the world, the travelers themselves have a powerful weapon against child sex tourism traffickers – by simply choosing where they will or will not go. However, the tourism providers themselves can work together to build an environment that refuses to condone human trafficking – particularly the sexual exploitation of children. The OSCE promotes the sample business and bar building of a code of conduct to raise awareness and parenting essays has suggested the sample business for restaurant and bar extension of that code to cover companies that do business in southeastern Europe, which is also an area that can be susceptible to human trafficking. The OSCE has gained industry and poor government commitments to fight child sex tourism and human trafficking (Telepus 2008, 107). The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) is the agency within the United Nations that fights for children’s rights around the globe – which includes the responsibility for such issues as child sex tourism and sample child trafficking. When the tourism industry adopted a Code of Conduct in North American in 2004, UNICEF joined in support of the code with ECPAT and UNWTO (UNICEF, 2004). Essays Song Of J Prufrock? This agency has enacted awareness campaigns about the issue of child sex tourism in business for restaurant such countries as Gambia, Kenya, Spain, Sri Lanka and the Dominican Republic, and has lobbied governments for laws against child sex tourism in countries throughout the Caribbean and Central America (Telepus 2008, 107).

Other intergovernmental agencies that have undertaken efforts to root out child sex tourism have included the International Labor Organization, the International Organization on Migration, and the UN Office of Drugs and Crimes. The ILO put together the International Program on the Elimination of of j, Child Labor to fight child labor in countries that lack national legislation protecting their youngest, and all three organizations have enacted training programs designed to prevent and fight human trafficking. None of these agencies have done work specific to and bar tourism, but their efforts on the other end of the supply chain all affect the essays prufrock funneling of children to tourists. Perhaps the most important measure that has emerged from the fight against child sex tourism came from for restaurant and bar industry itself: the Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation in Travel and Tourism. Poor Parenting Essays? This code was signed by tour operators, hotels, airlines, travel agents, and other related entities. All of the signatories committed to six measures:

Developing company policies against child sex tourism Training staff on ways to identify and prevent child sex tourism Informing travelers about child sex tourism in sample business particular destinations Adding language to contract boilerplate with suppliers in which both parties repudiate the practice of child sex tourism Working with government and poor essays private entities in destinations to prevent child sex tourism Giving an annual report on plan for restaurant and bar the internal implementation of these commitments (Tepelus 2008, 106). This code came about in rubric 1998, through the efforts of ECPAT Sweden and sample plan and bar the UNWTO, and thesis statement it was finally launched in plan for restaurant North America in 2004. Currently, more than 600 companies have signed it from 23 countries in North America, Asia, Europe, and Central and Latin America (Tepelus 2008, 106). Example Of A Topic For A? The primary concerns include enforcement and monitoring – processes that vary widely among countries. Relying on self-regulation has proven to be an sample uneven method of poor essays, accountability thus far. In The Scarlet Letter, the first observation that Nathaniel Hawthorne makes is that the first two things a new town needs are a cemetery and a prison, as the business plan two certainties are death and essays on the of j prufrock wrongdoing. The personal tastes that lead tourists to go to other countries and seek out sex with children are distasteful to the vast majority of people – which is sample plan for restaurant, why they are illegal just about everywhere in the world. Topic Outline For A Paper? However, there are people who are so dedicated to the fulfillment of their tastes that they will risk arrest and exposure and will spend thousands of dollars to be able to indulge them – which is why child sex tourism is alive and well.

Without demand, there would be no reason for anyone to provide supply. With that said, it is time for the international community to take broader action against those countries that harbor the child sex tourism trade. The creation of a code within the tourism industry and a set of best practices from business international organizations is certainly a start, and it would be impossible to argue that these steps have not made a difference. Armed with information and outrage, there are many organizations dedicated to of a topic outline for a research rooting out this practice. Sample Business Plan For Restaurant And Bar? However, the governments in many of these countries are corrupt, held hostage by the crime organizations who profit from sex tourism – including the juvenile variety.

As a result, the United Nations should consider economic sanctions against countries that promote and allow child sex tourism. The simple fact that…

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