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La vie d’Ahmed/Zahra ou la mise en crise de la masculinite chez Tahar Ben Jelloun. L’Enfant de sable et La Nuit sacree forment le diptyque qui a rendu Tahar Ben Jelloun celebre. Economic Case Studies. L’Enfant de sable raconte l’histoire d’une fille elevee comme un garcon et appelee Ahmed dans une societe phallocrate ou elle usurpe les droits et les pouvoirs des hommes. Essays. Dans La Nuit sacree , Ahmed reapparait sous les traits de Zahra, une vieille femme qui raconte l’histoire (vraie ?) du chemin douloureux qui l’a menee a la reconquete de sa feminite et lui a permis d’atteindre une liberation douteuse. Case Studies High. S’inspirant des ?uvres de Judith Butler, Thomas Laqueur et Elisabeth Badinter, cet article examine les facons dont Ben Jelloun aborde la question de la construction de la masculinite a travers l’exemple de cette fille forcee d’etre male, ainsi que la maniere dont la forme meme du roman (genre, structures narratives, registres…) est faconnee par la construction du genre. L’Enfant de sable and rural essay, La Nuit sacree form the economic studies high school diptych which made Tahar Ben Jelloun famous. Essays. L’Enfant de sable tells the studies high story of nature vs nurture essay psychology, a girl brought up as a boy called Ahmed in case studies, a male chauvinist society where she usurps men’s rights and jim hall, powers.

In La Nuit sacree , Ahmed comes back to economic studies high, life as Zahra, an paper jim hall old woman who tells the school (true?) story of honor essayist, her painful path to high, recover her womanhood and buy nursing essays online, reach a doubtful liberation. Case Studies School. Drawing on thesis statement, the works of economic high school, Judith Butler, Thomas Laqueur and online, Elisabeth Badinter, this article examines the economic studies ways in hunting thesis, which Ben Jelloun tackles the economic studies school question of the essay construction of economic school, masculinity through the rural upliftment in india example of case studies school, this girl compelled to children and the internet, be male, and economic studies school, how the essays online very form of economic case studies high school, fiction (genre, narrative structures, registers…) is honor essayist informed by studies high the construction of children internet essay, gender. 1 T. Economic. Ben Jelloun, L’Enfant de sable , Paris, Le Seuil, coll. Paper Jim Hall. « Points Romans », 1985 et La Nuit sacree (. Economic Case High School. ) 2 J. Nature Vs Nurture Psychology. Minces, Le Coran et les Femmes , Paris, Hachette, 1996, p. School. 78-79. 1 L’Enfant de sable et La Nuit sacree forment le diptyque qui a rendu celebre Tahar Ben Jelloun1. Honor Essayist. Il y met en scene une societe arabo-musulmane, traditionnelle et figee, obeissant a un ordre ancestral et a une conception archaique de la masculinite, herites de la Jahilia, la periode ante-islamique. School. Sans la nommer explicitement, les deux romans font aussi allusion a la charia , la loi islamique, qui consacre un systeme patriarcal et hierarchise, reservant tous les droits au chef de famille et reduisant la femme au statut d’un objet docile et soumis2. Internet. Ben Jelloun considere neanmoins que ces principes archaiques de masculinite sont alimentes par une lecture masculine du Coran, qui interprete le texte sacre dans le sens de ses interets.

2 Le point de depart de L’Enfant de sable repose bien sur une question de masculinite : ne pas avoir d’enfant de sexe male vaut comme signe d’impuissance pour un homme musulman. Economic Case Studies. Meme s’il rejette la faute sur le ventre de sa femme qui a fait « fille sur fille jusqu’a la haine du corps » (ES, p. Nature Vs Nurture Essay. 19), Hadj Souleimane veut prouver sa virilite a la societe. High School. Pour cela, il decrete qu’apres sept filles, le/la huitieme ne(e) s’appellera Ahmed pour mettre fin a la fatalite qui le poursuit. Buy Nursing Essays. L’histoire de L’Enfant de sable est donc celle d’une fille elevee en garcon dans une societe phallocratique, ou elle usurpe les droits et privileges des hommes. Case Studies School. Ce roman d’education particulier se termine par une apocalypse : disparition tragique de tout l’entourage d’Ahmed, expulsion du conteur de la place « sous l’instigation de jeunes urbanistes technocrates » (ES, p. Hunting. 135), perte du manuscrit et dislocation du texte en une serie de variantes. Economic Studies High School. Quelle que soit la version narrative, l’avenir de cet homme-femme reste chaotique et problematique, finissant a la « porte des sables » (ES, p. Paper Jim Hall. 199), la porte du desert. Economic Studies School. La suite, La Nuit sacree , fait renaitre Ahmed sous les traits de Zahra, une vieille femme qui fait le (vrai ?) recit de son douloureux itineraire pour reintegrer sa feminite et obtenir une liberation a laquelle elle ne parvient jamais totalement. 3 E. Online. Badinter, XY: de l’identite masculine , Paris, Odile Jacob, 1992, p. Case High. 25.

4 P. Essay Psychology. Bourdieu, La Domination masculine , Paris, Le Seuil, 1998, p. Case Studies. 28. 3 Parler d’une crise de la masculinite est devenu un lieu commun, dont Elisabeth Badinter dresse un historique a partir de la culture occidentale et, si elle puise de nombreux exemples chez des peuples d’Asie, d’Afrique ou d’Oceanie, elle n’evoque pas les societes arabo-musulmanes, que Ben Jelloun met en scene3. Upliftment. En revanche, Pierre Bourdieu etudie l’inconscient androcentrique de la societe berbere de Kabylie et montre comment l’opposition des genres est informee par des mythes cosmogoniques qui conditionnent symboliquement les femmes a une veritable incorporation de la domination masculine4. 5 « Le genre se revele performatif – c’est-a-dire qu’il constitue l’etre qu’il est cense etre. School. Ainsi (. Internet. ) 4 A travers l’histoire de cette enfant sommee d’etre un homme, Ben Jelloun pose la question de la construction du genre masculin, et d’une maniere qui peut se lire, entre autres, au filtre des theories de la performativite du genre de Judith Butler5. Case Studies High School. Mais construction du genre et elaboration de la fiction vont de pair, et l’evolution d’un roman a l’autre semble reduire l’audace de l’innovation formelle et ramener la problematique du genre ( gender ) a des schemas traditionnels. La construction de la masculinite ou la performativite du genre. 6 T. And The Internet Essay. Laqueur, La Fabrique du sexe: essai sur le corps et le genre en Occident , trad. Case. M. Paper. Gautier, Pari (. Economic School. ) 7 Voir E. Thesis Statement. Peyre et J. Economic Studies. Wiels, « Le sexe biologique et sa relation au sexe social », Les Temps modernes (. Honor Essayist. ) 8 Butler, Trouble dans le genre , p. Studies School. 109. 5 On connait la precarite de la distinction analytique entre sexe et genre : le premier releve d’une categorie biologique tandis que le second serait produit par des processus sociaux et culturels. Buy Nursing Online. L’etude historique de Thomas Laqueur marque bien l’instabilite de ces notions.

En effet, avant le xviii e siecle, le sexe etait considere comme un epiphenomene, alors que le genre, considere aujourd’hui comme une categorie culturelle, etait premier : etre un homme ou une femme etait avant tout un rang, une place dans la societe6. High. La situation se complique encore si l’on ajoute la categorie de la sexualite, qui releve d’une construction individuelle du sujet et ne depend pas necessairement du sexe. Jim Hall. Le discours scientifique lui-meme a ete sexue de facon dichotomique et selon les oppositions traditionnelles de genre, car connaissances biologiques et pratiques sociales vont de pair comme le montrent un certain nombre de feministes7. Studies School. Interpretant l’« etre » du genre comme un effet, Butler le soumet a une enquete visant a « esquisser les parametres politiques de sa construction sur le mode de l’ontologie8 ». 6 La societe mise en scene par Ben Jelloun dans ses deux romans est heteronormative, c’est-a-dire qu’elle institue un systeme asymetrique et binaire de genre, qui tolere deux sexes et deux seulement, ou le genre concorde parfaitement avec le sexe et ou l’heterosexualite (reproductive) est obligatoire, en tout cas desirable et convenable.

La binarite du systeme renvoie a un ordre social profondement inegalitaire – « Dans ce pays, tu reprimes ou tu es reprime » (ES, p. Internet. 121) – et a une structure familiale hierarchisee opposant « le pere tout-puissant » et « les femmes releguees a la domesticite avec une parcelle d’autorite que leur laisse le male » (ES, p. Economic Studies High. 89). 9 J. Hunting Thesis. Butler, Bodies that Matter: On the economic high Discursive Limits of thesis, « Sex » , Londres et New York, Routledge, (. Case. ) 7 C’est donc dans une societe ou le genre et le sexe connaissent une assignation stricte que Ben Jelloun decrit le passage transgenerique d’une fille non desiree a la naissance. And The Essay. Et ce sont la volonte et la parole paternelles qui instituent ce changement dans un texte qui se place d’ailleurs tout entier sous le signe de la parole et de la performance orale. Case High. Apres un reve ou lui apparait la mort sous les traits d’un adolescent androgyne, le pere decrete : « L’enfant a naitre sera un male, meme si c’est une fille ! » (ES, p. Honor Essayist. 21), parole qui est ensuite transmise a la mere : « L’enfant que tu mettras au monde sera un male, ce sera un homme, il s’appellera Ahmed meme si c’est une fille ! » ; « Il sera eleve dans la tradition reservee aux males » (ES, p. Case High School. 23). Honor Essayist. A la naissance, contre toute evidence biologique, la parole performative du pere (et de la sage-femme) cree l’etre masculin : « C’est un homme, un homme, un homme. Case Studies. » (ES, p. Honor Essayist. 26) Le texte met en scene le processus decrit par Butler comme « boying », par opposition a « girling », ce qui fait du genre le resultat pragmatique d’un enonce9. 10 Butler, Trouble dans le genre , introduction de 1999, p. Studies High. 36. 8 A propos du drag queen , Butler parle de performance inversee du genre, mais precise que le genre ne se reduit pas a une action theatrale : il ne suffit pas de se travestir pour subvertir la puissance du genre. Children Internet. Pour elle, l’action du genre requiert une performance repetee : elle est reiteration tout comme elle est assignation normative.

Le genre n’est pas notre essence, qui se revelerait dans nos pratiques, mais ce sont les pratiques du corps dont la repetition institue le genre : « L’idee que le genre est performatif a ete concue pour montrer que ce que nous voyons dans le genre comme une essence interieure est fabrique a travers une serie ininterrompue d’actes, que cette essence est posee en tant que telle dans et par la stylisation genree du corps10. Studies High School. » Ce que signifie Butler, c’est que l’identite sexuelle ne preexiste pas a nos actions car celles-ci sont elles-memes agies – conditionnees : le genre est l’effet des normes de genre. 9 Cette allegation se verifie dans la construction de la masculinite d’Ahmed. In India. Le pere, demiurge plus que geniteur, faconne un corps masculin par son discours : « Regarde comme il est beau, touche ses petits testicules, touche son penis, c’est deja un homme. Economic Case Studies High. » (ES, p. Hunting Thesis. 27) Des lors, il grandira « selon la loi du pere » (ES, p. Economic School. 32). Essays. Badinter dit nettement que la masculinite est une reaction plus qu’une adhesion, une protestation de virilite pour effacer tout soupcon de feminite11. Studies School. La regulation du genre s’exprime donc en termes de restriction, de prohibition et de regulation. And The Internet Essay. Battu par d’autres enfants, Ahmed recoit une gifle : « tu n’es pas une fille pour pleurer ! Un homme ne pleure pas. Case School. » (ES, p. Children Internet. 39) La petite fille devient un male par une serie de pratiques sociales dictees par le pere : la coercition du corps (poitrine bandee, cheveux coupes tous les mois et interdiction du henne « reserve aux filles »), une parodie de circoncision et une education a l’ecole coranique avec ses pairs, « d’autres garcons » (ES, p. Case. 32-33).

Au hammam, il quitte un jour le cote des femmes, espace de la parole et des mots interdits « autour du sexe » (ES, p. Children Internet Essay. 35), pour celui des hommes, communaute du silence, des plaisirs illicites et des epanchements solitaires. Economic Case Studies. C’est d’ailleurs au hammam, espace ou les corps se mettent a nu, que se deroule une scene tres lacanienne : Ahmed regarde son bas-ventre dans un miroir afin de se convaincre que le sien ne ressemble pas a ceux « charnus et poilus » des femmes qu’il cotoie au bain (ES, p. Rural In India. 36). High School. La construction de la masculinite passe par une serie d’epreuves qui requiert un certain stoicisme de la part du jeune homme. Nature Psychology. Cependant, si Ahmed se construit en homme par l’injonction paternelle, il devient aussi feminin par l’experience (passive) de la menstruation (ES, p. Economic. 46). Nature Essay Psychology. A l’image de ces creatures qui finissent par depasser leur createur, Ahmed veut prendre le jeu a son compte et substituer sa propre volonte a celle de son pere : « Pere, tu m’as fait homme, je dois le rester. High School. » (ES, p. Rural In India. 51) Radicalisant les normes de genre qu’il enonce – la femme se soumet et s’enveloppe dans « un linceul de silence » (ES, p. Studies. 53) –, il decide de confronter sa masculinite a une epreuve supreme : le mariage avec sa cousine Fatima, fille reprouvee car epileptique. Buy Nursing Essays. Le « oui » du mariage heterosexuel est le second performatif decisif apres celui de la naissance, selon Butler, or, la encore, il y a detournement du genre. 12 Butler, Trouble dans le genre , p. Studies High School. 261. 10 Dans La Nuit sacree , Ahmed fait le chemin a l’envers pour devenir Zahra. Honor Essayist. Neanmoins, il a deja entame ce parcours dans L’Enfant de sable et le retour passe par une « performance » theatrale puisque dans une fete foraine, a cote de la « femme a barbe », on economic studies high, lui propose de jouer un role androgyne – homme puis femme fatale (ES, p. Children Essay. 121). High School. S’affirme ici la dimension parodique qu’evoque Butler a propos du drag queen chez celui qui sera « l’homme aux seins de femme ». Vs Nurture Essay. Mais cette posture « ne presuppose pas l’existence d’un original qui serait imite », l’imitation serait « sans original »12. Studies High. Pour Butler, il s’agit de prendre appui sur les exceptions (comme le drag queen ) pour penser la regle, non comme inversion, mais comme modele d’invention de nouvelles formations du sujet et, en meme temps, comme verite generale de la norme.

C’est l’exception, l’etrange qui permet de comprendre comment est constitue le monde ordinaire, que l’on considere comme « normal », des significations sexuelles. Statement. Le jeu du travesti, parodique, fait prendre conscience de ce que l’on joue un role, quel que soit son propre degre de conformite aux normes de genre et de sexualite. Case Studies. Meme si le protagoniste, Ahmed/Zahra, ne va pas jusqu’aux performances ostentatoires du travesti, on research, observe chez elle/lui tout un jeu sur les composantes de son identite corporelle : le sexe anatomique, l’identite de genre et la performance du genre. 11 « Redevenue femme, du moins reconnue comme telle par le geniteur » (NS, p. Economic School. 34), Zahra peut tenter de mettre fin a vingt ans de mensonge, car elle a ete liberee par la parole du pere mourant. Rural Upliftment Essay. Avant de mourir, ce dernier resume son « ?uvre » : « Que de fois, je dus te rappeler que tu etais un petit homme, un garcon », avant de decreter : « Tu viens de naitre… Tu es une femme. Economic. » (NS, p. Children. 32) La construction du genre apparait bien comme une performance : « Redevenue femme […], j’avais encore a jouer le jeu, le temps de regler les affaires de succession et d’heritage. Case High School. » (NS, p. Honor Essayist. 34) Elle doit ensuite plier son corps a de nouvelles postures, decouvrir un nouveau langage corporel : « marcher avec souplesse » (NS, p. Studies High School. 35) ou se deplacer dans la rue « en tenant un homme par le bras » (NS, p. Rural Upliftment Essay. 123). Economic Studies High School. Toutefois, pour avoir trop longtemps vecu dans le simulacre, Zahra reste prisonniere de son histoire et fixee sur le « monstre » que son pere avait fabrique (NS, p. Honor Essayist. 55 et 172). Case High. Ce blocage amplifie son alienation : « Mon corps s’etait arrete dans son evolution ; il ne muait plus […] ni un corps de femme plein et avide, ni un corps d’homme serein et fort ; j’etais entre les deux, c’est-a-dire en enfer. Rural Upliftment Essay. » (NS, p. Studies High. 178) N’ayant pas pris un genre fixe, Ahmed/Zahra s’avere inintelligible pour les autres mais aussi a lui/elle-meme. 13 Voir Butler, Bodies That Matter . 12 Pour Butler, la masculinite n’est pas une essence mais une ideologie, qui tend a justifier la domination masculine.

Le corps existe, mais il est le produit d’une histoire sociale incorporee. Children Essay. Neanmoins, l’emprise des normes n’empeche pas de penser une prise sur les normes et d’avoir une reflexion sur celles-ci. High School. Et, de fait, le personnage Ahmed/Zahra presente une conscience lucide de l’impact des forces sociales et politiques dans la fabrication du genre : il/elle dit la force de la loi patriarcale qui pese sur les etres dans la societe arabo-musulmane, notamment la subordination sexualisee de la femme et la violence qui pese sur elle du fait de l’ordre phallocentrique. Research Paper Jim Hall. Butler concede que l’on ne peut parler d’un pur determinisme car la materialite du corps possede ses propres lois et obeit a une nature, mais elle choisit de s’interesser au corps, non comme realite prealable, mais comme effet bien reel des regulations sociales et des assignations normatives13. Le pouvoir, l’errance et la construction du genre. 14 J. High. W. Jim Hall. Scott, « Genre: une categorie utile d’analyse historique », « Le genre de l’histoire », Les C (. Case Studies School. ) 13 En effet, pour Joan W. Upliftment Essay. Scott, le genre est moins la construction sociale de la difference des sexes qu’« une facon premiere de signifier des rapports de pouvoir » et ces derniers s’incarnent dans la societe patriarcale qui tente d’assujettir et de contenir la femme14. Economic Case Studies. Comme pour echapper a l’action du pouvoir sur la construction du genre, les personnages de Ben Jelloun deviennent mobiles dans l’espace et la structure des romans s’organise davantage selon la spatialite que selon la chronologie : « J’ai perdu la notion du temps », reconnait Ahmed (ES, p. Vs Nurture Essay Psychology. 105).

Ainsi, la revolte du heros se traduit par sa decision de partir et consiste en la revendication d’un retour a son corps de femme, qu’il libere des bandages lui enserrant la poitrine et auquel il donne du plaisir par la caresse (ES, p. Economic Case Studies High. 111). Thesis Statement. De meme, dans La Nuit sacree, Ahmed/Zahra se lance dans un long periple qui doit lui permettre de defaire le genre qui lui a ete impose. Economic High School. L’errance geographique est associee aux variations du genre, a l’image d’Antar, « un homme exemplaire, au courage legendaire », qui est en fait une femme et est devenu, apres sa mort, « un saint ou une sainte […] le marabout de l’errance » (ES, p. In India Essay. 84-85). 15 Butler, Trouble dans le genre , p. Case Studies School. 60. Paper Jim Hall. 16 Citee par Butler, Trouble dans le genre , p. Economic Case Studies High School. 230. Nature Essay. 17 Voir I. Economic Case High School. Lowy, L’Emprise du genre: masculinite, feminite, inegalite , Paris, La Dispute, coll. Honor Essayist. « Le g (. Economic Case High School. ) 14 Suivant les theories de Michel Foucault, Butler explique que nous sommes constitues en tant que sujets par le pouvoir15. Honor Essayist. « Il y a une plastie du langage sur le reel », ecrit Monique Wittig, mais cette conception foucaldienne qui fait du langage une sorte de prison peut etre contestee16. Case High School. Penser les normes qui nous definissent amene a reformuler la question de la domination, pour la poser en termes de pouvoir. Paper. Cela revient a dire que le pouvoir ne reprime pas seulement, il fait exister. Economic Case Studies High. L’assignation que nous endossons et reprenons a notre compte est la condition paradoxale de notre capacite, voire de notre puissance d’agir ( agency ). Hunting Statement. Ahmed/Zahra est une femme faite homme par une volonte masculine, puis une femme qui souhaite renouer avec son identite corporelle, mais sans pour autant accepter les roles sociaux impartis au genre feminin. Economic Studies School. En cela, elle experimente toute l’asymetrie qui existe entre une masculinite se construisant de maniere autonome, et une feminite s’organisant dans sa relation a l’autre sexe17. Hunting Statement. Par les modulations de son genre, Ahmed/Zahra entre bien dans le programme de Butler, pour laquelle l’exception et l’etrange constituent une propedeutique a la remise en cause des categories toutes faites.

15 Si Ben Jelloun donne a voir le caractere veritablement transformationnel et performatif du genre, notamment masculin, ce qui lui permet de depasser la logique binaire et hierarchisante de la difference sexuelle, il n’en demeure pas moins que le discours romanesque n’echappe pas completement au dualisme et vient fournir au systeme – l’hegemonie masculine et la structure patriarcale – les arguments de sa propre perpetuation. Jeux de la fiction ou le retour aux normes de genre. 16 La difference de structure narrative entre les deux romans, tout en soulignant l’impossible reconciliation du masculin et du feminin dans l’entreprise de liberation amorcee par Ahmed/Zahra, signale finalement le retour en force de la Loi et des stereotypes du genre, comme si la realite de la transgression ne pouvait etre maintenue. Studies School. C’est un certain type de litterature qui prend alors le relais, le conte et aussi la poesie, releguant la problematique du genre dans un univers fantastico-merveilleux. 18 L. Hunting Thesis Statement. Kohn-Pireaux, Tahar Ben Jelloun, « L’Enfant de sable » et « La Nuit sacree » , Paris, Ellipses, 2 (. Economic Case. ) 17 La parole se met en scene sur la place Jemaa El Fna de Marrakech, veritable forum public, sinuant sous les volutes de l’hyperbole et les arabesques de la metaphore, puis s’egarant dans le dedale des sept portes de la medina. Honor Essayist. Comme le montre Laurence Kohn-Pireaux, L’Enfant de sable est pris en charge par une chaine de sept conteurs, chacun abandonnant son histoire pour ceder la parole a un autre conteur18. Case Studies High School. Le premier, anonyme, transmet la parole a Si Abdel Malek, le frere de Fatima. And The. Quand le manuscrit disparait, les conteurs revent, chacun a sa maniere, l’histoire d’Ahmed/Zahra, qu’il s’agisse de Salem, le fils d’un esclave ramene du Senegal, d’Amar, le vieil instituteur retraite ou de Fatouma. Economic. Ensuite, le troubadour aveugle, en qui l’on reconnait Borges, pretend avoir rencontre Ahmed, redevenu femme, a Buenos Aires, avant de laisser la parole a l’etranger au turban bleu, qui conclut, mais sans l’achever, l’histoire. Honor Essayist. Symboliquement, il renvoie le lecteur a un astre peu bavard pour connaitre le denouement – la lune, « quand elle sera entierement pleine » (ES, p. Studies School. 209). 19 Voir l’etude de R. Essays. Elbaz, Tahar Ben Jelloun ou l’Inassouvissement du desir narratif , Paris, L’Harma (. Case Studies High. ) 20 A. Paper Jim Hall. Hafez-Ergaut, « Jeux de masques: L’Enfant de sable et La Nuit sacree de Tahar Ben Jelloun », ht(. High School. ) 21 Voir la lecture de J. Hunting Thesis Statement. Derrida faite par F. Case High School. Regard, L’ e criture feminine en Angleterre , Paris, PUF, c (. Honor Essayist. ) 18 La construction puis la deconstruction de la masculinite d’Ahmed/Zahra passent ainsi par une esthetique du fragment : « Fragmentaire mais non depourvu de sens, l’evenement s’impose a ma conscience de tous les cotes.

Le manuscrit que je voulais lire tombe en morceaux […]. Case Studies High. » (ES, p. Upliftment. 108) Chaque fragment, chaque microrecit constitue un nouveau commencement narratif qui tente de pallier le manque dans lequel s’origine le texte, travaille par son « inassouvissement narratif19 ». Economic High School. La parole publique du conteur devoile l’ecriture secrete du journal intime redige par Ahmed/Zahra, dont le roman donne a lire quelques extraits, mais ce texte se caracterise par des lacunes, des ellipses – « un espace blanc, des pages nues » (ES, p. Hunting. 41-42), ou il est demande au lecteur/auditeur d’imaginer l’adolescence du personnage. Economic. Faute de pouvoir etre racontee jusqu’au bout – les conteurs multiplient les defaillances –, l’histoire s’interrompt, laissee a l’interpretation du public, incapable de dire le devenir d’un etre au genre ambivalent, un veritable etre de sable, liquide mineral impossible a modeler et a saisir20. Buy Nursing Online. La parole se livre a une incessante correction du recit, conjugue repetition et alterite, difference et differe et, en cela, procede de la deconstruction derridienne, d’une ecriture de la differ a nce. Case Studies School. La genese du sujet se fait dans l’espacement, l’ecartement : le personnage d’Ahmed/Zahra existe « entre », il explore infiniment de nouveaux contextes, deploie des simulacres dans une interaction constante du feminin et du masculin, mais resiste a toute assignation a une identite fixe21. Rural In India. Le roman L’Enfant de sable elabore ainsi une veritable cryptographie, echouant a dire le secret de l’etre. 22 « There is case studies no space from jim hall which the case school sexed subaltern can speak », G. Honor Essayist. C. Economic. Spivak, « Can the psychology Subaltern S (. Case High. ) 19 La fragmentation extreme de la descente aux enfers que constitue L’Enfant de sable se resout dans La Nuit sacree . Nature Essay. Certes, l’on retrouve le conteur au turban bleu au debut du roman, mais c’est Zahra qui assume son propre mandat narratif. Case. Hormis quelques narrateurs secondaires ponctuels, La Nuit sacree prend une allure autobiographique et met en scene une voix unifiante, celle d’Ahmed/Zahra devenu(e) femme, apparemment libere(e) du role que son pere lui avait assigne. And The Internet Essay. La parole restituee dit l’histoire incorporee de/par Zahra : parole de temoignage, de souffrance et d’affirmation de soi, de celle/celui qui a voulu disposer de son corps et de sa liberte, malgre la marginalite et l’errance. Economic Case Studies High. A sa maniere, ce personnage de femme marocaine semble contredire les allegations de Gayatri Spivak, pour laquelle il n’y a pas de lieu possible d’expression pour la femme subalterne22. Children And The Internet. En fait, le recit de Zahra, relaye par le consul qui tente de denouer le labyrinthe de son histoire par l’ecriture (NS, p. Economic High. 169), retrace l’itineraire d’un etre qui s’efforce de reconstruire son genre, mais au prix d’un retour aux principes de la masculinite la plus archaique. Rural In India Essay. Parallelement, de L’Enfant de sable a La Nuit sacree , Ben Jelloun passe d’une esthetique postmoderniste a la Borges a une forme romanesque plus canonique, comme s’il voulait effacer les audaces de l’experimentation mise en ?uvre pour la construction « genree » de son protagoniste.

Le retour aux stereotypes du genre feminin. 20 Liberee et re-nee la vingt-septieme nuit du Ramadan, celle de la premiere revelation faite a Mahomet par l’archange Gabriel dans une grotte du mont Hira en Arabie, Zahra accomplit un parcours qui, loin de la liberer, l’enferme dans le cycle des malheurs reserves aux femmes, dans la reification d’une configuration ancestrale qui hierarchise les genres. Economic High School. Zahra, ou Ahmed dans sa vie anterieure, connait une serie d’epreuves dans sa quete d’identite et de feminite, imposee par la violence de la societe patriarcale. Upliftment In India Essay. Tout d’abord, c’est par un viol commis par un homme « sans visage » qu’elle devient femme (NS, p. Case High School. 63). Research Jim Hall. L’image evoquant cet acte est sans doute ambivalente, « [u]n poignard caressant le dos » (NS, p. Economic School. 58), mais elle conforte d’une certaine facon un prejuge masculin, selon lequel le viol est toujours secretement desire par la victime. Rural Upliftment In India. Quant au premier acte sexuel consenti avec l’homme qu’elle aime, le consul, il s’accomplit dans le cadre du bordel et par ruse : Zahra se fait passer pour une prostituee, en profitant de ce que son partenaire est aveugle (NS, p. Case School. 126). Children Internet Essay. Zahra se trouve plus tard condamnee a quinze ans de prison pour le meurtre de son oncle, le pere de Fatima, son epouse lorsqu’elle etait Ahmed. High School. Dans une scene aux limites du fantastique, ses s?urs reviennent, membres d’une « secte de s?urs musulmanes, fanatiques et brutales » (NS, p. Research. 157), version arabo-islamique des Eumenides ou des Erinyes.

Avides de se venger de l’usurpation du suppose Ahmed, qui leur a indument impose une tutelle masculine, elles s’attaquent a la feminite meme de Zahra : apres l’avoir tondue, elles pratiquent une excision sauvage, lui cousent le sexe, contrepoint tragique du simulacre de circoncision qu’avait subi Ahmed enfant. Case Studies High School. La plupart des experiences de Zahra dans la reconquete de sa feminite tendent a illustrer l’alienation du corps feminin, brutalement soumis a la loi d’une societe phallocratique et rarement sujet de son desir propre. 23 « Il n’est plus une volonte du pere. Hunting Thesis. Il va devenir sa propre volonte. Economic Case Studies School. » (ES, p. And The Internet. 48) 24 E. Studies High. Varikas, Penser le sexe et le genre , Paris, PUF, coll. Research Paper Jim Hall. « Question d’ethique », 2006, p. Studies High. 123. Hunting Statement. Com (. Case High School. ) 21 Un destin tragique pese sur Ahmed/Zahra, peut-etre provoque par l’hybris du pere qui avait voulu faconner un homme a partir d’un corps feminin, et cette faute paternelle, endossee par le heros qui a pris le jeu a son compte et l’a radicalise23, semble peser jusqu’au bout. And The Internet. Grace a l’amour du consul, l’enfant de sable est certes devenu une « statue de chair desiree et desirante » (NS, p. Case High School. 138), mais elle continue a considerer son corps comme « un sac de sable » (NS, p. Nature Vs Nurture Essay. 167). Case School. Malediction et/ou disposition personnelle, Zahra est vouee a l’incompletude et au malheur, qui revet les formes multiples de la repression imposee aux femmes et illustre indirectement le determinisme qui agit sur la construction du genre. Nature Essay. Un graffiti representant un « vagin avec des dents » (NS, p. Case Studies School. 77), avatar du vagin dente de « Berenice » d’E. Essay. A. Economic Case Studies School. Poe, allegorise la difficulte d’etre femme. Paper. En definitive, la liberation du desir passe pour Zahra par un champ de ruines et de morts – maison effondree du pere, assassinat de l’oncle, violences de la prison –, et le parcours initiatique qui la malmene – on case studies school, serait tente de dire « male-mene » – ne remet pas en cause la hierarchie des genres edifiee par la societe arabo-musulmane.

Le desir provoque certes un elan et une regeneration, mais l’etre feminin n’est pas decolonise. Essay Psychology. Toutefois, ce dernier accede a la parole, ce qui est significatif dans une societe ou les femmes sont enfermees dans le silence. Case Studies. Et, comme le dit Eleni Varikas a propos des recits d’esclaves, « la reconstitution creatrice de la narration a la premiere personne qui transforme le bien meuble en sujet parlant […] revele des aspects inedits de la domination et de la liberte24 ». Le detour du conte ou la necessite de la derealisation. 22 Ahmed/Zahra est un etre profondement subversif : nee femme, elle est faite homme, avant de tenter de renouer avec son identite d’origine. Paper Jim Hall. Cet episode transgenre a ete inspire a Ben Jelloun par un fait divers, mais ne donne pas lieu a un recit realiste. Economic School. En fait, la transgression est double, par la nature des faits relates et par l’identite de la narratrice dans La Nuit sacree : une femme, meme agee, ne peut tout dire « frontalement ». Upliftment. Dans les societes arabo-musulmanes, le poids des tabous est tel que la liberte d’agir, de disposer de soi et de s’exprimer librement n’est pas donnee a une femme (ni a un homme sans doute). 23 Le recit apparait comme « derealise » par le recours au conte et la transgression est relativisee par sa projection dans le registre du merveilleux, ce qui est aussi un moyen d’operer une restylisation du feminin, et du genre en general.

L’audace de la transformation generique d’Ahmed/Zahra est ainsi contenue par une forme litteraire ancestrale et canonique du monde arabe. Case. En effet, la structure de L’Enfant de sable met en scene toute une serie de conteurs, heritiers de la tradition orale, meme si le dispositif retenu rappelle davantage les complexites borgesiennes que Les Mille et Une Nuits , tandis que l’espace narratif et discursif se trouve projete dans un monde perdu et quasi utopique, le Maghreb precolonial. Statement. Dans La Nuit sacree , la multiplication des scenes oniriques eloigne le texte du canon realiste et destabilise le lecteur. School. Le roman se clot d’ailleurs par une vision de Zahra ou elle retrouve le consul, scene en conformite avec l’indecidabilite generale d’un texte tiraille entre reel et surreel. 24 Le chapitre de La Nuit sacree intitule « le Jardin parfume » (NS, p. Hunting Thesis. 39-49), inspire par la poesie d’Abu-I-Ala, al-Ma’arri, le Risalat al-Ghufran 25, est significatif de cette tendance de l’ecriture. Economic Case High School. Enlevee par un Cheikh, Zahra est conduite dans un lieu utopique, le village des enfants – « une petite republique revee et vecue par les enfants » (NS, p. And The Essay. 41) –, espace regi par l’oubli et ou se reunissent ceux « dont le c?ur a souffert et qui ne nourri[ssen]t plus d’illusion sur le genre humain » (NS, p. Economic School. 42). Statement. L’imagerie de ce « jardin parfume » rappelle bien sur le Coran et son paradis aux parfums enivrants, aux fruits exquis et aux jeunes filles toujours pures, mais il s’agit ici d’un monde d’enfants, d’avant la sexualite, representant sans doute pour Zahra la nostalgie d’un temps d’innocence, qu’elle n’a pas connu sous l’identite d’Ahmed. Economic Case Studies High. Ce lieu utopique est toutefois synonyme de mort car les enfants y vivent « en dehors du temps » et « a l’abri des vivants » (NS, p. Honor Essayist. 49). Economic Studies School. L’amnesie et la denegation de la sexualite sont mortiferes et Zahra doit fuir si elle veut vivre et tenter d’etre elle-meme. Honor Essayist. Le registre du conte merveilleux, meme s’il a partie liee avec la sexualite – Bruno Bettelheim l’a bien montre –, offre une cryptographie, une serie de codes symboliques, reconnus et admissibles par une culture, qui permettent a la fois d’idealiser et d’euphemiser une realite trop crue.

26 Ibn Arabi a vecu en Andalousie au temps de l’apogee de la civilisation musulmane (1165-1240); El Ha (. High School. ) 25 Tendant au merveilleux, la parole est egalement sacralisee par les references au livre fondateur de la civilisation arabo-musulmane, le Coran. Hunting Thesis Statement. Le « Journal » d’Ahmed est d’ailleurs explicitement assimile au livre sacre : « Des phrases ou des versets se levent pour dissiper la brume de l’attente. Economic Studies High School. » (ES, p. Essays. 107) Quant au manuscrit, sa presentation suit un veritable rituel qui le sacralise et sa lecture consiste en fait en une recitation, ce qui rejoint le sens meme du mot « Coran », qui signifie recitation. Case High School. Contestant les recuperations theologiques, le consul declare aimer le Coran « comme une poesie superbe » (NS, p. Buy Nursing Essays Online. 79), et l’ecriture de Ben Jelloun se fait prose poetique. Economic High. Fatima se retire pour lire les poetes mystiques (ES, p. Nature. 104), egalement presents dans les propos du conteur Amar, qui cite Ibn Arabi et El Hallaj (ES, p. Economic Studies. 146-147), deux grands theoriciens et poetes du soufisme, qui font d’ailleurs figure de passeurs entre islam et christianisme26. Children And The Essay. Il est vrai que les variations identitaires d’Ahmed/Zahra ne sont pas sans evoquer « la maniere de nos poetes mystiques pour qui l’apparence etait le masque le plus pervers de la verite » (NS, p. Case Studies School. 134). Nature Essay Psychology. La encore, Ben Jelloun joue sur les attentes culturelles de son lectorat ; il englobe le discours du genre et du sexe, dont le caractere prosaique et potentiellement subversif s’absorbe dans la scansion d’une parole fortement metaphorique, dans la recitation sacralisante d’un texte profondement poetique. 26 On peut lire le diptyque de Tahar Ben Jelloun comme une mise en crise de la masculinite a travers l’itineraire douloureux de l’etre double Ahmed/Zahra. Studies High School. La societe arabo-musulmane qu’il met en scene se caracterise par le pouvoir absolu du pater familias , consacre par la loi et la coutume et impose par la coercition economique et la force physique, ce qui fait apparaitre les categories de la masculinite et de la feminite comme stables et immuables.

Cependant, loin de proposer une definition essentialiste des genres, la fiction illustre bien plus une approche constructionniste : le genre s’elabore a partir de la repetition d’un certain nombre d’actes, definis par les normes sociales. Honor Essayist. Comme le dit le texte, Ahmed n’est pas « une erreur de la nature mais un detournement social » (ES, p. High School. 160). 27 La portee potentiellement subversive du discours de Ben Jelloun sur la masculinite est neanmoins reduite par le proces de l’ecriture et l’apparent retour a la norme accompli par son personnage, qui se retrouve assujetti aux stereotypes du feminin. Honor Essayist. La Nuit sacree semble ratifier l’asymetrie des genres et le systeme patriarcal tandis que la transgression peut passer pour une exception confirmant la regle de l’ordre symbolique traditionnel. Case School. De maniere visible, les structures de la fiction euphemisent la mise en crise de la masculinite, d’une part en passant de la structure narrative polyphonique et fragmentaire de L’Enfant de sable a la monophonie de La Nuit sacree , texte a la construction plus classique, d’autre part en recourant au registre du merveilleux et au fonds culturel traditionnel du conte arabe, qui tendent a metaphoriser les deviances et a derealiser le substrat ideologique. 28 L’orientation prise par La Nuit sacree peut ainsi inviter a interpreter l’?uvre de Ben Jelloun comme un jeu fictionnel sur les identites sexuelles, mais qui se bornerait au constat du patriarcat universel et indepassable. Thesis. Ben Jelloun recreerait ainsi un Orient litteraire, ou predomine l’oppression du genre feminin par un masculin hegemonique et totalitaire et, ce faisant, jouerait avec l’hypertexte colonial et les stereotypes occidentaux sur l’Orient eternel et cruel, mais profondement fascinant. Economic Studies High School. Toutefois, la transgression absolue de L’Enfant de sable est loin d’etre abolie par le dispositif fictionnel, et elle ouvre la voie aux lectures feministes, a la denonciation d’une barbarie archaique, et a la revendication de l’egalite des sexes dans un monde ou elle parait impensable. 1 T. Jim Hall. Ben Jelloun, L’Enfant de sable , Paris, Le Seuil, coll. Economic Case Studies High. « Points Romans », 1985 et La Nuit sacree , Le Seuil, coll. Essay. « Points Romans », 1987. Economic Case High. Les references seront respectivement precedees des mentions ES et NS.

2 J. Children And The Internet Essay. Minces, Le Coran et les Femmes , Paris, Hachette, 1996, p. Economic School. 78-79. 3 E. Honor Essayist. Badinter, XY: de l’identite masculine , Paris, Odile Jacob, 1992, p. School. 25. 4 P. Honor Essayist. Bourdieu, La Domination masculine , Paris, Le Seuil, 1998, p. Economic Case School. 28. 5 « Le genre se revele performatif – c’est-a-dire qu’il constitue l’etre qu’il est cense etre. Hunting. Ainsi le genre est toujours un faire, mais non le fait d’un sujet qui precederait ce faire », J. Economic High. Butler, Trouble dans le genre: pour un feminisme de la subversion , trad. Thesis Statement. C. Economic Studies. Kraus, Paris, La Decouverte, 2005, p. In India. 96; Gender Trouble: Feminism and economic case school, the Politics of internet, Subversion (1990), Londres et New York, Routledge, 1999. 6 T. Case Studies. Laqueur, La Fabrique du sexe: essai sur le corps et le genre en Occident , trad. Jim Hall. M. Studies School. Gautier, Paris, Gallimard, coll. Nature Vs Nurture Psychology. « NRF Essais », 1992. 7 Voir E. High. Peyre et J. Nature Vs Nurture Essay Psychology. Wiels, « Le sexe biologique et sa relation au sexe social », Les Temps modernes , n o 593, 1997, p. Case School. 14-48. 8 Butler, Trouble dans le genre , p. Hunting Thesis Statement. 109. 9 J. Economic Case. Butler, Bodies that Matter: On the internet Discursive Limits of case high school, « Sex » , Londres et New York, Routledge, 1997, p. Vs Nurture Essay Psychology. 7.

10 Butler, Trouble dans le genre , introduction de 1999, p. Economic Case Studies High. 36. 12 Butler, Trouble dans le genre , p. Nature Vs Nurture Essay. 261. 13 Voir Butler, Bodies That Matter . 14 J. Economic Studies School. W. Nature Essay Psychology. Scott, « Genre: une categorie utile d’analyse historique », « Le genre de l’histoire », Les Cahiers du GRIF , n o 37-38, printemps 1988, p. Economic Case. 125-153; « Gender: A Useful Category of rural upliftment in india, Historical Analysis », dans Gender and high, the Politics of buy nursing essays, History , New York, Columbia University Press, 1988. 15 Butler, Trouble dans le genre , p. Case High. 60. 16 Citee par Butler, Trouble dans le genre , p. Research Paper. 230.

17 Voir I. Economic. Lowy, L’Emprise du genre: masculinite, feminite, inegalite , Paris, La Dispute, coll. Thesis Statement. « Le genre du monde », 2006, quatrieme de couverture. 18 L. Economic Studies School. Kohn-Pireaux, Tahar Ben Jelloun, « L’Enfant de sable » et « La Nuit sacree » , Paris, Ellipses, 2000, p. Honor Essayist. 18. 19 Voir l’etude de R. Case Studies High. Elbaz, Tahar Ben Jelloun ou l’Inassouvissement du desir narratif , Paris, L’Harmattan, 1996, p. Paper. 38. 20 A. Case High School. Hafez-Ergaut, « Jeux de masques: L’Enfant de sable et La Nuit sacree de Tahar Ben Jelloun », (consulte le 1 er septembre 2007). 21 Voir la lecture de J. Essay. Derrida faite par F. Studies High. Regard, L’ e criture feminine en Angleterre , Paris, PUF, coll. Nature. « Perspectives anglo-saxonnes », 2002, p. High School. 72-81. 22 « There is rural in india no space from economic high which the hunting sexed subaltern can speak », G. Studies High. C. Research Paper. Spivak, « Can the studies high school Subaltern Speak? », dans P. Honor Essayist. Williams et L. Economic Case Studies School. Chrisman, dir., Colonial Discourse and children and the internet essay, Post-Colonial Theory: A Reader , Hemel Hempstead, Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1993, p. Economic Case School. 103. 23 « Il n’est plus une volonte du pere. Research Paper Jim Hall. Il va devenir sa propre volonte. Case Studies High. » (ES, p. Online. 48) 24 E. Case School. Varikas, Penser le sexe et le genre , Paris, PUF, coll. Children And The. « Question d’ethique », 2006, p. Studies. 123.

Comme d’autres theoriciennes feministes, Varikas reproche a Butler une conception du genre ou tout est gouverne par la fonction reiterative et performative du langage. Honor Essayist. Elle postule la singularite irreductible du processus cognitif, fait de moments discursifs et non discursifs, et la possibilite de configurations totalement inedites. 25 Voir Kohn-Pireaux, op. Economic High School. cit. Statement. , p. Case Studies High School. 42. 26 Ibn Arabi a vecu en Andalousie au temps de l’apogee de la civilisation musulmane (1165-1240); El Hallaj a vecu a Bagdad ou il a ete crucifie pour blaspheme en 922. Buy Nursing Online. Le soufisme se caracterise d’abord par le denuement materiel et le refus des biens de ce monde avant de devenir une theosophie. School. Voir A.-J. Essays Online. Arberry, Le Soufisme: la mystique de l’islam , trad.

J. Economic School. Gouillard, Paris, Le Mail, 1998. Yves Clavaron , « La vie d’Ahmed/Zahra ou la mise en crise de la masculinite chez Tahar Ben Jelloun », Itineraires , Numero inaugural | 2008, 149-161. Yves Clavaron , « La vie d’Ahmed/Zahra ou la mise en crise de la masculinite chez Tahar Ben Jelloun », Itineraires [En ligne], Numero inaugural | 2008, mis en ligne le 01 decembre 2008, consulte le 05 octobre 2017. Upliftment. URL : ; DOI : 10.4000/itineraires.2219. Celec, universite Jean-Monnet, Saint-Etienne. « Banlieues » : entre imaginaires et experiences 2016-2 | 2017. Livre, serialite et transmedialite 2016-1 | 2016. Ecrire et creer avec les villes en mouvement 2015-3 | 2016. Ethos numeriques 2015-2 | 2016. Stumbling blocks. Studies. Entraves et obstacles aux circulations 2015-1 | 2015.

Recits de societe 2014-3 | 2015. Le polar en Europe : reecritures du genre 2014-2 | 2015. Tisseurs : transtextualisation et interculturalites 2014-1 | 2015. Textualites numeriques 2013-2 | 2014. Sade et les femmes 2013-1 | 2013. La fiction aujourd’hui 2012-3 | 2013. Lire les villes marocaines 2012-2 | 2012. Intime et politique 2012-1 | 2012. Genres et avant-gardes 2011-4 | 2011. Ecrivains communistes francais 2011-3 | 2011. Recits du corps au Maroc et au Japon 2011-2 | 2011.

Le concept de memoire 2011-1 | 2011. Les Memoires, une question de genre ? 2010-4 | 2010. Modernites shakespeariennes 2010-3 | 2010. Medievalisme 2010-2 | 2010. Les blogs 2010-1 | 2010. Vies possibles, vies romanesques 2009-4 | 2009.

Pour une histoire de l’intime et de ses variations 2009-3 | 2009. Modernites occidentales et extra-occidentales 2009-2 | 2009. Caraibe et ocean Indien 2009-1 | 2009. Corpographeses Numero inaugural | 2008. ISSN electronique 2427-920X.

Informations Titre : Itineraires Litterature, textes, cultures En bref : Revue etudiant l’emergence de nouveaux espaces litteraires, en termes d’aires culturelles, de supports, d’ideologie, de representation du sujet.

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Cinco de Mayo guest essay: A Conversation with the Serpent. With the current hostility towards Latinos and economic case studies “illegal aliens” drummed up by the presumed Republican nominee for president, Donald “Bigly” Trump, I thought I’d hand over my blog to my wife, Andrea. She is one of the honor essayist, people the Trump thugs will be looking for, so her voice is much more powerful than mine on this topic. She’s also a much better writer than I am. Economic High School! When I first read this, I wept for what she’d lost to be here in the “land of the free.” This piece might remind you of the great Mexican writer, Octavio Paz. Or it might remind you that we are all continuing journeys that our families began for upliftment, us. In honor of the hard working people who won’t be drinking margaritas today or having sombrero contests, please spend some time with mi familia.

“Entre mas bien te portes, mas bien te va a ir” you said to me once. Yes, you told me once and left me puzzled. You, Anastasia, the boss lady of the economic case, Rosas clan. Eighty some years old, with hoses for veins. I’m not sure how you came to be, how you came into this world.

You seem too old for upliftment essay, anything to have created or birthed you. You look and economic case high smell like sweet tree bark as if you had been standing there, in that same spot, taking root for years and years just watching Mexico’s story unfold from the time of the pyramids to now. Internet! T ienes una calma admirable . High School! You have that calmness about honor essayist you, the kind of calm serene spirit only the air between strong growing trees have. You were never taught to make sense of letters, but have always had plenty of economic case studies high wisdom to share about how a life should be lived. You represent our land, Mexico, in all it’s wholeness, with all it’s jungles, trees, garbage, tierra , oppression, cactus, esqueletos , all of it. Honor Essayist! Your words are always so sure of themselves, they stand over us and economic studies give us a dirty look when they come out of your mouth. “The better you behave, the better life will be to you” you said. With iPhone in hand, I recorded your voice without you noticing. It might be the last time I would get to hear it since I moved North, to the United States of upliftment in india essay America. Your voice.

A voice that reminded me of the economic case studies high school, one place I belonged to and wanted to upliftment in india, hold on to, but also a voice that yanked on the back of my neck hairs and reminded me that I wasn’t there anymore. Economic Studies! But it wasn’t until I crossed over to the other side that your words made sense. Only there, in between worlds, on that shaky bridge, did I find the nature psychology, meaning to your words. I found what you really meant to say. Split into uno, dos . When our people move North and cross the waters of the Rio Bravo to the other side, we get split into two. It’s funny how even the river that divides this land and that land has two names: they call it The Rio Grande, the “big river.” We call it El Rio Bravo, the “angry river.” Different names, different experiences. Split into two. Economic Case School! Everything about buy nursing me seems to economic studies school, be split in two. Statement! You would never understand because you are whole. Case Studies School! You have all your parts and know them well, because they have been a part of thesis you always. You’ve never had to add or subtract anything from yourself.

Everything is where you left it, just the way you know. But me, my everything splits into case high, dos ever since I left our place. In India Essay! I have two heads, two tongues, two brains, two, two, two. Two mouths, two homes, dos modos de ser , two. And just like the Mexican female goddess was split into two by Spanish religion, split into the virgin and the whore, Tonantsi and economic high Coatlalopeuh, I too, along with all the women in your family have been split. Octavio Paz would say we, the women of your country, only become more damaged when we cross over, because according to him we are born damaged. Buy Nursing Essays! He says women are born with a wound that never heals. A raja or opening that bleeds out every month to remind us we are weak, and sinful. He repeats that “a woman is case high school a domesticated wild animal, lecherous and sinful from birth, who must be subdued with a stick and guided by the reins of religion.” He would say that when we cross over rural upliftment, and abandon our homes the wound tears and only opens up more and we bleed out. But I know you, and I can see you start to laugh, and I know how you raised us, and I can hear you tell Paz that he can shove his book up his ass. Up his on raja . Economic Case Studies School! You never needed nada de nadie , nothing from honor essayist no one and studies school would be proud to children and the, say you bleed and are still strong.

I can hear you say that to me and studies high tell me that you are both the whore, and nature vs nurture essay the virgin. You were both La Llo r ona and La Malinche . The wailing woman, crying your songs for economic case studies school, her lost children at the river by the border, and the one who Cortez slept with because he wanted your power. You are both Tonantsi and Coatlalopeuh, and are not gonna apologize for any of it. In a way, I have always been jealous of your life, grandma. A life with a poor but constant home. A life that to American standards would seem miserable.

But you live happy because their standards don’t exist to you because you who have been untouched by American culture and and the internet expectation. You own and know yourself so well, unlike us on the other side who have two faces, because having one would not be enough. Economic School! We keep a third face in our closet because it’s too sad for even us to look at. Nature Psychology! So you see us, on this side of the line, and we walk cradling our dried up roots in our arms, with our two sad brown faces swinging as we go. You are whole in the way that I cannot be. You are the constant force, the motherland. Just looking at you, a serpent woman, could scare you in the sweetest way. You know when you do it don’t you abue? You know when you scare us because after you notice, you smile and your face gets all wrinkled with satisfaction. The same half fear is what I feel when I think of returning home, to case studies high school, what our country has become. Jim Hall! The kind of fear you want to feel because it feels good.

Home scares me, but it’s impossible not to long to economic case studies high school, go back, not to go back crawling into familiar arms. You and our country are full of life, but also full of holy death. Death does not scare us. Magic doesn’t make us laugh. You taught us to live with it, to not fear it. Children Essay! You and our ancestors have built altars to venerate lady death, la flaca, la huesuda . You light the dead candles so they can find their way back home once a year, and set out a feast of case studies bread and jim hall tequila for them to enjoy while we sleep and case school they dance around us. You don’t let us go out into the streets without “La benediction” for research, fear of the spirits, but mostly out of case high respect for rural upliftment essay, the evil in all of us. You cover the mirrors in case studies school, the homes when someone in the family dies, you say that if you don’t the psychology, deceased will take us with them to that other place, and you say it’s not our time. You believe in the life in us, but also teach us that we should not be scared of case school death.

All your beliefs intact because you’ve never crossed to the North. It’s another world, Grandma. In the words of Gloria Anzaldua, your beliefs would be classified as “fiction, make-believe, wish-fulfillment.” they say that “Indians have primitive and therefore deficient minds.” And that label, is what our people deal with on hunting statement, the other side. We are classified as having deficient minds because we believe in gods and goddesses that don’t line up with theirs. So we stand here and high school are scared to hold onto our brown Gods, and the Gods sense we are scared. They know it and frown and hunting thesis statement slowly step back from us, leaving us here, on the other side with nothing to believe in. All that is left is the holes in our bodies from when we were whole, but now are hollow. Economic Case Studies High School! The further our people get from our brown Gods, the closer they get to the United States.

You grew up with the land and the land grew with you and around you; framing the honor essayist, beautiful lines on high school, your face. Grandma, unlike in your old Mexico where the trees are welcomed into homes through the windows and doors and wrap around the and the internet essay, houses in a protective embrace, or where the dust and soil are like part of the family, or where the fireflies light the case high, red sky, the paper, scenery in the United States is case studies high not welcoming. Children And The Essay! It doesn’t embrace you. It doesn’t grow with you. It grows, expands, decays, grows again, never once acknowledging your presence. Economic Case Studies High! A neighborhood once full of essays online life gets bought out to make room for bigger and better concrete. All while the people with our skin color get pushed out economic case studies school, further and further into the decay. And from internet essay that decay, they rebuild and dwell. The United States hosts so many of our peoples bodies, but it never really welcomes them. There is always that awkward feeling floating around the air that one gets when a guest has overstayed its welcome and both parties smile nervously awaiting for a departure. School! You know that nervous feeling Grandma, I saw you make that face when your comadre wouldn’t leave last Saturday night after you had coffee with her and your tired obsidian eyes just danced around her as if you were trying to cha-cha her right out of your house.

I know you feel for me, and nature vs nurture essay psychology feel a loss. Studies! Because even though your roots are firm and thesis statement stable, you see that ours aren’t and you can’t do anything but watch us leave and return tired. Our existence here is economic case high school uncertain. Our limbs decaying. You notice how damaged our roots are from the transplant and children dried up from not having a stable place to high school, grow into and hold on to. Buy Nursing! The soil is not the case studies school, same. Our people can’t grow on concrete. It’s too bad you brought us up with so much pride, I think to myself sometimes. It’s all your fault Anastacia. You, the warrior goddess who raised and fed all those children on corn you grew on your back.

You, who reminded yours that you brought them into the world and could take them out of it, if you wished to. Y o the traje a este mundo, y si quie r o te puedo saca r , you would say. Buy Nursing Essays! You and economic case studies your proud serpent spirit, the statement, shadow beast. You never needed nada de nadie , and you wished the economic studies high school, same for honor essayist, us. You infected all the women in economic studies high, your family with that same spirit, the same pride. Upliftment In India Essay! The same kind of pride I hate when I see it coming from the whites who say all the illegal aliens are taking over their country. But I just look at my skin and the constellations my moles make on my arms, and the patterns they make remind me of yours and I laugh. Economic Case Studies High School! I laugh because I don’t blame them, not always. Buy Nursing Essays! I imagine them moving South and economic studies school bringing their dull religion and customs with them and I cringe.

I understand they are only trying to thesis statement, protect the high, little identity they have. Research Paper Jim Hall! Their red, white and blue colored pride. Economic Case School! But yes abue, that same pride has taken over jim hall, me, it both empowers me and tries to trip me up, to hurt me as I go. The pride is like the ancient serpent goddess: it will let you grab a hold of high school her but you never know her mood. She might be at peace that day and just dance in your hands, or she can grab you using her fangs and coil herself tightly around your arm. But, because I can’t hold on to you or our country, I risk it and I grab a hold on to that pride shaped like a snake. I blame all this pride on statement, you. I have a hard time deciding if it’s useful or not. Like the old Aztecs, the one’s before the warfare tactics took over economic case studies high school, and the female spirit was split into two and before the Spanish rapists tried to erase our spirit, I, like the old Aztecs grew up with you, with a matriarch, as the nature essay, goddess.

Even if you, the aging goddess never misses Sunday mass and makes us, your grandchildren stand and kneel and case studies high stand again and praise the bleeding male God on buy nursing, the cross. A God that was pushed on studies high school, you and us, but one you took in because you saw that he too was an orphan. I wonder if you know we praise you? And stand and kneel only for you. You are our God, our Tonantsi. Blessed are you amongst grandmas.

Bendita seas tu . Buy Nursing Essays! You who can make water turn into tequila, and provide it for our whole family who faithfully drinks for economic studies high, their sins every Sunday. So you ask me what changes when you go North and you ask me why I return to you so pale? Grandma, you don’t know this, but the further North you go into the US, once you cross, the paler the air gets. Air so pale and internet dry it strips your skin of case school colors. So please, stop teasing me about being so pale, it’s not my fault. You can rub all the beets in the world on my face and research jim hall I still wouldn’t get the economic studies high school, color I once had, the color I had before I left. I still qualify as a person of color to thesis statement, the whites, so that’s something, right? I agree with you, the air, the rain and clouds in the U.S. are cab r ones because they keep our people so colorless, so pale. We can’t even wear our rightful brown skin. The browns and reds and economic burnt yellows we inherited from our aunts and uncles, the Aztecs and Los Mayas . Instead we walk around with just enough of a lazy brown to nature, make us stand out from their whiteness.

Enough to economic case, make us different. Enough to make us “aliens.” Brown aliens. So our color get’s washed away, slowly being taken away by the foreign clouds and the American rain. Our color washed away, but never our stupid pride, Grandma. You ask me why I come back so thirsty? You don’t know, but there are less real cantinas , or what you call them “Mexican water holes.” Less gossip, and less me r cados – yeah the ones with the pinatas on the ceiling, and essays the pig heads hanging from hooks, and the smell of the spices and candied air… we don’t have those. The me r cados or tiendas that do exist are here for the amusement of the whites, so they can feel all warm and fuzzy and cultural. School! Whites like to buy all our colors, even if they are overpriced. I once went into a tienda and tried to have a conversation with the person at the counter taking my money and all I got was my change back and rural a “I don’t speak your language, I’m not Mexican.” back. I don’t like that they accuse our people of not belonging, yet take our colors to make up for the lack of theirs. They take us and leave us as they please.

They like some parts of us, but not the whole. The whole is case studies too much to handle. Too much of a bother to research paper jim hall, deal with. Too much to understand. Case! We are not as simple as they want us to be. You ask me why I come back so tongue-tied?

Why do I come back hablando chistosito ? My r’s weak from the long trip. English, which was once unnatural to essay, me tries to case studies, take over thesis, my mouth and you notice it and frown. My tongue is economic case too, split into two. And with my serpent tongue I speak here and there. Each end of the nature vs nurture psychology, tip of the tongue dancing to a different rhythm. Our people are so confused when it comes to language. We can’t speak Spanish, but some of us don’t know English, so we mix them together. High! Un r evoltijo de lenguas , but that isn’t acceptable. The mixing of languages isn’t acceptable, it’s illegitimate, like us. Our people have created a border language, a language that lives on the bridge where we too live. In India! “ Deslenguadas. Somos los del espanol deficiente . We are your linguistic nightmare, your linguistic aberration, your linguistic mestisaje, the subject of your burla . Because we speak with tongues of economic case school fire we are culturally crucified.

Racially, culturally and linguistically somos huerfanos – we speak an rural upliftment in india orphan tongue.” says Anzaldua. I hear stories of parents who prohibit their kids from learning their mother language for fear that if they speak something other than English they will be seen as less. Don’t they know they are making them into “less?” I am thankful of my tongue split into two when I hear stories like this, because I’d rather have the tongue of a serpent, split into case studies, two at the end, than to not know las palabras que salen de tu boca . In the wise words of nature Ray Gwyn Smith, “who is to say that robbing a people of its language is less violent than war?” And war is what those language borders create in our Mexican heads, but Grandma you wouldn’t understand. Your tongue is agile and your r’s are strong. You ask me why I run wild into the sugar cane fields in studies, the back of your house, in and out and in and out. I run wild when I come back to stretch out the stiffness of life on the bridge. because our people are tired of hiding. We are so used to hiding up north.

We are so tired of buy nursing online burrowing our brown faces deeper and deeper into the ground for the fear of being seen, being caught. So tired from giving in to economic case school, the addictions of hiding out behind our masks. Our people get home from work and in their isolation sit and eat their loneliness. Rural Upliftment Essay! Only they know how lonely it is to case high school, be here, not surrounded by people who look like you, who sound like you. Hunting Statement! That is what life is like on the bridge, and it get’s tiring. So when we are back on the other side of the bridge: our side, we rejoice and drink, we take off our masks, sun our faces and shoot guns into the sky like fools who wish to reclaim what they left behind. To shoot it down from the economic case, heavens hoping we have the right aim and thesis statement that thing we’ve been stripped from when we left falls right on economic case, our heads. You too, have asked me why our people come back so slouched?

Todos jo r obados . With green dollars in nature essay, their hands, but slouched. I think the case, expectation is for our people to check their pride at children, the border, you see, and some do. Some forget who they were before they walked with the masks over their face, their real face. They don’t light candles for their deceased, they don’t remember how not to fear, they are scared to look at their faces, they are scared of death. Not me. I managed to sneak that pride in just like the bottles of economic case school Mezcal, the kind with the little worm I always manage to nature essay psychology, sneak in when I fly back now that I have my papers. Now that I was given a piece of paper than says my crossing over economic high, doesn’t have to be the cause of my death. A green plastic card with my brown face on rural upliftment in india, it that says that I’m one of the lucky ones that can go out into school, the streets without the jim hall, fear of being kicked back. Case Studies High! I managed to sneak in that dark pride you gave me because its color matched the black and blue night over our heads the night we crossed the Arizona desert. That night when I and the other sixty something brown faces full of color crossed the dusty Arizona desert leaving tracks on the sand with our bellies as we dragged them through.

The blue night we had to claw ourselves into the ground to hide from the border patrol in order to cross over to nature vs nurture psychology, a land that once belonged to our people. We didn’t fear because in some way, we had already been there. Case School! The desert recognized our faces and said hello and helped us on the way. The desert trusted us and essays online said “I missed you” and “come back.” A desert that hid us behind her black arms so that we could make the journey back to our old land safely. We knew the way and the way knew us. So the pride was snuck in, but something else got left behind. Either something gets left behind or you pick something up as you cross into this country. Whatever it is, you never get it back. Case Studies! Whatever it is nature vs nurture essay it’s heavy and makes the Mexican men walk all slouched, not like the case high school, men who walk like roosters on Sundays in your little towns plaza. Buy Nursing Essays Online! I see the economic case high school, heaviness of nature psychology that thing weigh down their bottom eyelids. Sometimes that thing is so heavy that their whole head tilts towards the ground.

Sometimes it splits them in case studies high, half and you see only half of their body moving as they go, just when you think Mexican men can’t be any more damaged. Half of our women and half of our men out here in these American streets. Fragmented by their struggles, stripped of their beliefs, little decayed beings. “But I’ve behaved badly, and life has been pretty good to me” was what you said to me once, after that other thing you said to me. Then it all made sense. Essays! You, with your twisted tongue, the cactus goddess, said with your eyes, a message in code that I don’t even think you understood. You could not have understood what it would mean to be because you are whole.

You said to studies high school, me in code, and I understood. You knew you hadn’t conformed, no te portaste bien. You had owned both the light and the dark in essays, you, the economic case studies, virgin and the whore. You didn’t let anyone take your wholeness away and that is what you wanted for us. That was the only way to be for you. You weren’t speaking to me as the virgin, or the buy nursing, whore. You owned your everything. And that to you was the economic studies school, only way to behave “well.” You let our ancient goddesses speak through your eyes and nature told me to hold on to that thing they passed down to case high school, you, and you to me.

To our people. I finally understood your words on buy nursing essays online, the bridge. You tugged down on my ankles and I smiled at you. 11 thoughts on “ Cinco de Mayo guest essay: A Conversation with the Serpent ” Helluva post. Beautiful. Thank you.

how very lovely. i never thought about what you left behind. also thought you were lucky to be in our country. i didn’t consider you left a culture that you loved and understood, for a strange land. sometimes that new land did not welcome you or treat you kindly, thinking we are better than you are. for that i apologize. i feel the economic case, same unwelcome when i have gone to your country. the language and food and customs are as strange to me, as ours must have seemed to you. how sad, that most of the time, we can’t just be human, not one race or another. we would learn and gain so much. i can only say welcome and will now have better understanding of what i see when i interact with your culture. Reblogged this on hunting thesis statement, Poem Blogger and commented: Though 3 weeks late, I have thoughts to what Andrea Barrios wrote though covers only part where she wrote of los conquistadores, Aztecs Mayas. Yes, los conquistadores did what was in Spain’s interests. But though I think Andrea Barrios knows this, for her to imply Aztecs were ‘noble savages’ living in peace with other Indians isn’t honest. Yes, los conquistadores sometimes raped Indian women but Andrea Barrios omits that Aztecs also sometimes committed rapes in that Aztecs would kidnap other Indian women girls to take as wives. Aztecs also had human sacrifices. Pre-Columbian Aztecs and Incas conquered other tribes before los conquistadores Hernan Cortez and Francisco Pizarro conquered them.

This gets to los conquistadores from Spain (Portugal for Brazil). Hernan Cortez got alot of help from economic studies Indian allies during conquest of Mexico, which took him 2 years to do. Hunting! Los conquistadores were able to economic, conquer Mexico because among other reasons they got help from Indian allies who were not happy being under the Aztecs. Los conquistadores would tell Aztecs, Incas other tribes was that the rural upliftment in india, Indians had land, metals (iron, gold, silver, copper bronze) which they wanted, that to give it to them, or they’d fight a war to case studies, take it. They did this for Spain’s interests, which ended with 300 years of online Spanish and Portuguese colonisation (Brazil). Case High School! Colonization of rural in india essay Iberoamerica by Spain and Portugal in the 1500s would be imposing culture, including religion (Christianity) on Native Americans.

I am against this as I believe in democracy and free will. Studies High School! I oppose el sistema de las castas which existed in rural upliftment essay, Iberoamerica. But I also would not have wanted to live in economic studies school, Mexico during time of Aztec sacrifices Andrea Barrios gives Noble Savage Myth here. ^^With my post above, point is not to agree with los conquistadores because los conquistadores did what was for Spain Portugal’s benefit @ American Indians expense. Point is that it’s dishonest to imply Aztecs were peaceful as Paintress Andrea Barrio implies. No, Native American tribal wars did not go into other continents while the conquest of Native Americans by Europeans did. But the idea is the research paper, same. if Aztecs had the advanced technology, the Aztecs would have been conquering other places in world as the Aztecs conquered other tribes before the Aztecs were conquered. When it comes to thinking, people are the same. Case Studies High! American Indians must be treated fairly. Aztecs must be treated with fairness.

In fact, all ethnic groups must be treated with fairness. But to jim hall, make Native Americans to be Noble Savages who lived in peace is dishonest. This will be a long post. Case Studies! Other things-I lived in paper jim hall, Spain from 1981 to 1984 (I speak Spanish) have been to economic case school, Spain twice in my adulthood 2012 (Madrid, el escorial, Segovia, Avila Salamanca along with visiting Fatima Portugal Lisboa Portugal) in May 2014 (Madrid, el escorial, Toledo, Cordoba Sevilla). Spaniards Portuguese are nice. Nature Vs Nurture! Have also visited Costa Rica in Sept. 2013. With Mexico, my guess is that Paintress Andrea Barrio is Mestiza-Spanish Amerindian mixed.

If she is Mestiza, there is no need to put down her Spanish ancestry. Yes, Mexico other Iberoamerican nations were Spanish Portuguese (Brazil) colonies but they have been independent since 1800s. When it comes to thinking, Spaniards, Portuguese American Indians are the economic, same, only honor essayist that Spaniards Portuguese having better weapons were able to colonize. Economic High! again, in the case of Incas Aztecs (Mexico), los conquistadores took away American Indian conquests. Paintress Andrea Barrio also knows that US tourists travel most to Mexico it’s American companies who do work in Mexico. Gringos do help Mexico’s economy. American Indians must be treated fairly, fairly but also treat Europeans fairly. After the 2016 Ecuador earthquake, Spain was 1 of nations which sent help to Ecuador, it’s former colony. Honor Essayist! In my next 2 posts after this 1, I’ll discuss Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro. Though Paintress Andrea Barrio knows this, with American Indians or who are sometimes called Native Americans, American Indians ancestry goes back to Asia. Sioux Orientals would be distant cousins thousands of years earlier.

Wouldn’t be surprised if with some of the Indian tribes in Mesoamerica, if their ancestry goes back to India. They have found mummied remains of Whites in Peru Mexico, though this # is small, so there were a few Whites living there. I have read comments by Whites raising the studies high, fact that they treat Blacks, American Indians other groups fairly that it’s wrong to internet essay, condemn them for economic case studies school, past wrongs which happened long ago, such as slavery. I believe it’s wrong to children and the essay, condemn people for past wrongs what matters is economic high school that they are fair. But there are Blacks, American Indians who condemn Whites no matter how fair a White person is.

This condemning is wrong. If a White person treats a Black, American Indian, etc. fairly, then don’t make an issue. All ethnic groups must be treated fairly, which also means that American Indians must treat Whites fairly. Rural In India Essay! I support democracy and = rights for all ethnic groups.People are the same everywhere-Whites, Blacks, American Indians, etc. Anyhow, if it is about seeing American Indians have same rights as all others, then I support that. American Indians must have = rights when it comes to jobs, housing = punishment for crime based on facts circumstances of each case. I am against discrimination. But it must not be an us against them thinking let’s not have the Noble Savage theory because hypothetically, American Indians would have done the studies high, same thing if they had the capability or capacity to do it as people are the same everywhere.

If American Indian tribes (esp. tribes like the Sioux, Comanches, Apaches, Aztecs, etc.) had better weapons capabilities, they would have been conquering other places in the world imposing their laws on others. What I’ve found with American Indians is that many times when they talk of ‘stolen land’ what they imply is ‘you did what I wanted to do.’ BRAVO, well said! With this post next 1, though it’s indirectly related to Paintress Andrea Barrio’s article in online, that it’s about Venezuela (a nation which like Mexico used to school, be a Spanish colony), it is indirectly relevant as it’s about Spaniards. Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro Moros critiques Spain’s Leader Mariano Rajoy Brey because Spain supports Venezuela’s opposition by research paper jim hall, saying 1. Spain should only economic high care about Spain’s problems not meddle in Venezuela’s affairs.

2. Accuses Spain’s PM of colonialism, racism, etc. Children Internet! With #1 , nothing wrong with that but Nicolas Maduro Moros sponsored Spain’s party Podemos to economic studies, push policies favorable to him so Nicolas Maduro Moros talks with forked tongue. With #2 , while I don’t always agree with Mr. Mariano Rajoy Brey, bringing up past colonization is wrong. Hunting Statement! Nicolas Maduro Moros is economic studies a dictator, almost as bad as his ally Cuba’s Castro. Spaniards must not be censored for speaking against children and the essay, Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro Moros because Venezuela was once a Spanish colony. This contin. finishes my last post. Spain’s Pres. Mariano Rajoy Brey is wrong to support bullfighting as there are faster ways to economic studies high, kill for food such as rifles. Most Spaniards under 30 years old are against bullfighting. Pres.

Mariano Rajoy Brey is right to essay, be against Cataluna trying to unilaterally be a separate nation by school, referedums and Pres. Mariano Rajoy Brey is right to be against Venezuela’s dictator Nicolas Maduro Brey. It’s not racist to bring up fact that Nicolas Maduro Moros morally supports FARC guerrillas and buy nursing online drug traffickers. Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro Moros is corrupt. My Adventures As A Stay At Home Dad. Fighting hate by networking resources. Fighting hate by networking resources. Showing the world why conservatism is economic case school so Cool. Life#039;s a trip; this is Audreality.

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Catholic Priest For Air Force Base. Colorado Springs , CO 80903. Roman Catholic Priest for the members of the Peterson Air Force Base Catholic Community. Areas of responsibility include presiding at all required Catholic liturgical, worship, and economic studies high, religious rites/activities. The individual will also be responsible for upliftment in india essay advising on the overall development, coordination, and economic high school, management of any other Catholic-related programs. 20 hours per week in support of the required sacramental ministry needs of rural upliftment in india essay, Catholic Air Force members and their families. The schedule may be adjusted to meet requirements for duties outside of the normal 0730-1630 duty hours on economic case high Wednesday and Sunday. The office hour schedule will be coordinated with the Wing Chaplain in order to internet essay, maximize customer service to the Peterson Air Force Base Catholic community. Arrive no later than one hour prior to economic studies high, each service in order to honor essayist, provide 30 minutes for reconciliation and 30 minutes for service preparation. Provide administrative support, religious services, and pastoral care in support of: one daily Mass, one Sunday Mass, and economic studies high, an opportunity for one Sacrament of rural in india essay, Reconciliation, First Friday Mass with an opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, baptisms, weddings, annulments, funerals, last rites, Lent/Advent Penance Services, Ash Wednesday, Holy Triduum Services, Christmas Service, Holy Day Masses, fellowship (as scheduled), counseling (Catholic pre-marital, etc.), invocations/benedictions, attend weekly staff meetings, preside over Catholic Parish Advisory Council meetings, compile ministry information for economic case studies high school the Air Force Chaplain Corps Statistical Report (AFCCARS) statistical data form, complete necessary documentation for rural upliftment essay the purchasing of Catholic supplies out of economic case studies high, Chapel Tithes and Offering Fund (CTOF), and any necessary training to become proficient in administrative duties.

Conduct one Wednesday Mass per week as scheduled. Jim Hall. Daily mass will normally last at least 30 minutes, but not more than two hours. Conduct Sunday mass at 0900. Sunday Mass will normally last one hour, but not more than one and a half hours. Conduct Holy Day Masses/Special Services as scheduled and required (i.e. Lent, Christmas, Easter, etc.). Holy Day Masses/Services will normally last at least one hour, but not more than two hours. Conduct reconciliation, baptisms, weddings, annulments, Ash Wednesday, and Triduum Service as scheduled and required. Masses/Services will normally last at least one hour, but not more than two hours. School. Be present for, and hunting thesis, assist volunteers in, coordinating fellowship immediately following Mass on that day. Case Studies. Fellowship will normally last one hour, but not more than one and a half hours.

Attend weekly staff meetings – Wednesday afternoons at honor essayist 1:30 pm. Staff meetings will normally last one hour, but not more than two hours. Arrive at the chapel facilities at studies least 10 minutes prior to the meeting start time. Assist the Wing Chaplain and chapel staff in developing goals and objectives that meet Air Force, AFSPC, 21st SW, and Catholic Church requirements. Provide technical expertise to the Wing Chaplain, and the chapel staff regarding spirituality, traditions, laws, policies, procedures, directives, worship, devotions, and sacramental preparation requirements of the Catholic Church and the Archdiocese for the Military Services (AMS). Assist in recruiting and training volunteers to research paper jim hall, participate and provide support to Catholic and chapel-sponsored activities and economic case studies school, programs. Essays. Participate in select base-wide Chapel events and Chapel Young Adult ministry events. Additionally, the economic case school candidate may meet with Airmen at the Airman Ministry Center (Cyber Cafe).

This is to research paper jim hall, create visibility for the Catholic program across the base and case studies, help the priest identify underserved active0duty Catholic members and and the, their families. Provide technical expertise and recommendations to the Wing Chaplain concerning Catholic service funds, the Catholic portion of Chapel Tithes and Offering Fund (CTOF), and needed resources including equipment, supplies, and space to ensure accomplishment of economic, parish goals and internet, objectives. Ensure maintenance of sacramental records and pre-marital documentation per the requirements of the AMS. Case Studies. Assist in establishing and online, scheduling a pastoral advisory council to meet at least quarterly to foster pastoral activity and to studies high, address Catholic community-related concerns and issues. Preside over the meetings and ensure minutes are taken and made available to Peterson AFB chapel attendees. Honor Essayist. Serve as a liaison maintaining a working relationship between the AMS, their Archdiocese, the clergy of the local Catholic parishes and the Army and Navy Chaplains in the Peterson AFB and Colorado Springs area, home parishes of base personnel, 21st SW unit commanders, First Sergeants, senior enlisted personnel and base support agencies. Economic Studies. Coordinate, plan, and schedule with other Peterson AFB organizations concerning Catholic-related events, ceremonies, sacraments as appropriate. Provide direction, instruction, counseling, and hunting, assistance with applications, testimony, documentation, and the processing of annulment applications to high school, all of those wishing to honor essayist, petition for a marriage annulment and for those eligible members that practice within the Catholic faith. Be available for invocations and benedictions at Peterson AFB functions when a Catholic priest is specifically requested. Serve as point of contact, reachable by telephone, email, or text message for all on economic case studies high school and off base emergencies requiring Catholic support or assistance for active duty members and their families to include visitation of the honor essayist sick by a priest for anointing when necessary.

Provide civilian resources references to economic case studies high school, provide the same for retirees, civilians, and anyone else who requests assistance who is not active duty or the vs nurture psychology dependent of an active duty member. Provide pastoral and spiritual care to Catholic family members within 24 hours of death notification and assist in the planning and preparation of funeral services. Maintain proficiency or currency in any required Air Force Chaplain Corps or in-house staff training plan. Have valid ecclesiastical credentials prior to employment to include a certificate of ordination, letter of school, approval from the Bishop, and certified authorization of essays, ecclesiastical credentials endorsed by the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA. Shall be able to clearly communicate in English and conduct administrative requirements in verbal and written format as necessary. Economic Case Studies School. Maintain professional conduct and present self in honor essayist, a neat, clean, and well-groomed manner. Maintain healthy and case high, professional interpersonal relationships with staff and parishioners in a pluralistic military environment. Vs Nurture Psychology. Must be able to work in an environment that accommodates all faith traditions but will not be required to perform duties that are incompatible with the Catholic faith or his professional role. Must respond to any emergency calls such as, but not limited to, disaster support, the economic case high death of a parish member, or to perform an psychology, individual’s last rights. Shall respond within one hour of receiving the call, to include travel to Peterson AFB within the one-hour time frame.

Create a job alert for studies school Catholic Priest For Air Force Base at Colorado Springs, CO. Great! You'll now receive job alerts for Catholic Priest For Air Force Base at Colorado Springs, CO. Create a job alert for Catholic Priest For Air Force Base at Colorado Springs, CO. Partner Services Coordinator Air Force Academy. Posted 1 days ago. VIEW JOBS 10/4/2017 12:00:00 AM 2018-01-02T00:00 IMG College is the nation’s leading collegiate sports marketing company, offering national, regional, and local multi-platform marketing opportunities targeting 190 million college sports fans – the largest and most attractive sports fan base. IMG College employs more than 700 people in nearly 100 offices throughout the U.S. IMG College is a division of buy nursing essays, IMG Worldwide, a global sports, fashion, and media business. In 2014, IMG was acquired by WME, a leading global entertainment agency. • All aspects of corporate sponsorship support, including: -Supporting new business and potential partners at the property level with the ability to manage local, regional and national sponsor support issues -Developing sponsorship packages designed to meet clients’ needs -Support closing of new business -Expertly fulfilling IMG College activation requirements exceeding client expectations • Fulfilling advertising/sponsorship packages, including: -Signage fabrication and installation -Management of studies high, merchandise, tickets, autographed items, and other related hospitality items -Management of property trade agreements and oversight of corporate requirements concerning tracking and usage -Flawless Promotional execution (event, community, in-market, and in-business) -Organize and run partner events and functions including as primary liaison to our Partner and University services group, Events group and Premium hospitality • Fulfillment of nature vs nurture psychology, IMG College regional and high school, national partnerships, including: -Serving as the main property contact for the IMG Sponsor Services team and client contact -Responsible for regular and ongoing communication throughout the organization and flawless contract execution -Development of efficient procurement and psychology, delivery strategies as it relates to servicing these accounts -Managing inventory aspects of the operation, including: -Coordinating with other sales executives on inventory availability -Coordinating with vendors and appropriate University personnel to ensure all contract fulfillment is executed within scope of project and on time -Supporting sales strategists and sellers on client presentation materials • All aspects of customer service and client relationship building, including: -Cultivating relationships with current and prospective sponsors -Entertaining existing and new sponsors during hospitality and athletic events -Assisting the local, regional and national sales teams in managing and handling their accounts and contacts as it relates to case high, the property • Partnership marketing -Assists in development and implementation of marketing initiatives intended to and the, increase partner exposure on property and within the studies school community • Conceptual sales / fulfillment -Deliver on all sales commitments made to honor essayist, partners throughout the sales cycle -Provides status updates to economic case school, sales leaders and partners on a regular basis -Generation of honor essayist, new conceptual and experiential sales platforms through an economic case studies high school, ongoing knowledge base of pertinent developments at the property and institutional level -Identifies and pursues local sales opportunities with new and existing sponsors • Customer Relationship Management database (KORE) administration -Entering and confirming all applicable data as it relates to inventory, sales, and clients into the company CRM -Responsible for keeping the property sales staff and media crews apprised of KORE system needs and requirements -Provides reports and buy nursing essays online, information about all property sales data from the CRM as needed • Other duties as assigned + Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent work background) + Demonstrated track record of economic high, success in a sports marketing environment supporting a sales group is strongly preferred + A history of success in a media, entertainment or sports organization would be strongly preferred. + Experience in research, a customer service/support role is economic case studies high, essential + Diligent self-starter and project manager + Innovative, energetic and self-motivated + Excellent communication and organizational skills + Superior knowledge of the rural MS suite with an emphasis on Word, Excel and PowerPoint + Experience with CRM tools and systems management skills would be preferred + Client facing abilities – poised with the economic studies school ability to present in a business setting + An entrepreneurial spirit + Relationship-based selling approach + Creative solution development IMG College is an affirmative action-equal opportunity employer.

It is the policy of IMG College not to discriminate against any applicant for employment, or any employee because of age, color, sex, disability, national origin, race, religion, or veteran status. ID: 2017-3820 External Company URL: Img Colorado Springs CO. Posted 1 days ago. VIEW JOBS 10/4/2017 12:00:00 AM 2018-01-02T00:00 Job Description and Requirements: USfalcon, recognized as one of the fastest growing, privately held companies in the United States, is online, seeking a Space Mission Force Planner IV to work out of Schriever AFB, Colorado. **This position is contingent on award of contract.** **Requirements:******- Ten (10) years of planning, developing, coordinating and/or executing participation in Service, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of economic studies, Staff (CJCS), and Combatant Command (CCMD) exercises, demonstrations and children essay, experiments. Studies High School. * Master's degree from an accredited institution. And The Internet Essay. Eight (8) additional years of experience may be substituted for education requirement. * Headquarters staff experience in the Operations or Requirements Directorate. * Proven ability to lead large teams in case high school, a collaborative, multi-project environment. * Excellent writing and communication skills with the buy nursing online ability to focus on economic case building customer relationships. * Ability to statement, work in stressful and studies, high-pressure situations. **Clearance:**- Final Top Secret/SCI Security clearance. Nature Vs Nurture Essay. **Travel:**- This position requires limited travel.

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Hunting Statement. * Distributed Mission Operations (DMO) experience. * Experience with or knowledge of AFSPC’s Space Mission Force (SMF) concept. * Aptitude to gather diverse and sometimes opposing stakeholders to work collaboratively to solve complex problems across multiple Space Wings, 14AF, and economic studies, HQ Air Force Space Command (AFSPC). * Possess strong leadership, negotiation, time management, organization, problem solving, risk analysis, and team building skills. * Current or previous experience (within the last five years) working in a Space Operations Squadron (SOPS), Space Wing (SW), the 614 AOC/Joint Space Operations Center (JSpOC), or the Joint Interagency Combined Space Operations Center (JICSpOC). * Experience with the honor essayist Space Security Defense Program (SSDP). * Experience with Combined Air Operations Center (CAOC) operations supporting the Director, Space Forces (DIRSPACFOR) or in the Space Cell on the CAOC floor. * Possess working knowledge of tools used for exercise planning such as Joint training Information Management System (JTIMS), Joint Master Scenario Event List (JMSEL), Joint Lessons Learned Information System (JLLIS), Defense Collaboration Services (DCS), Joint Operational Planning and Execution System (JOPES, etc. Studies High School. * Proficient in Microsoft Office applications (e.g., Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access, and vs nurture essay psychology, Outlook). Duties: * Design, develop, plan, coordinate, and execute AFSPC Advanced Training (AT) events and/or SPACE FLAG (SF) exercises as required to studies school, support AFSPC’s Ready Spacecrew Program (RSP). * Lead/facilitate meetings and planning conferences with AFSPC units (14AF, 614 AOC/JSpOC, 50SW, 21SW, 460SW) to establish timelines, communications requirements, and execution events. * Develop, coordinate and execute space and cyber events and capabilities in buy nursing, SPACE FLAG (SF) exercises and Advanced Training (AT) events. * Identify gaps and economic high school, shortfalls in MS; tools needed to provide timely, realistic OPFOR exercise capabilities. * Review appropriate OPLANs, previous lessons learned (LL), CCMD websites, etc. to gather historical information to assist training audiences in drafting advanced training objectives (TOs). * Provide assistance during exercise planning conferences, coordination meetings, training events, etc. * Lead/facilitate meetings and planning conferences with AFSPC units (14AF, 614 AOC/JSpOC, 50 SW, 21 SW, 460 SW). * Manage and control exercise events as part of the Exercise Control Group (ECG). * Provide support to children and the, the exercise white cell, as required. * Present quarterly update and readiness briefings to HQ AFSPC and Distributed Mission Operations - Space (DMOC-S) leadership. * Develop exercise point papers, exercise quad charts, and produce exercise messages. Economic Case High School. * Observe/collect LL during exercise/event execution and publish them to appropriate repositories. * Conduct Hotwash debriefs with AFSPC senior leadership. * Prepare event-related documents (e.g., trip reports, exercise planning/execution products, after-action reports, lessons learned, meeting minutes, etc.) in children internet, accordance with government-directed timelines. Studies School. * Advocate for and integrate operational DMOC-S modeling and buy nursing online, simulation (MS;) capabilities into AT/SF events, where appropriate. * Provide accurate responses to economic studies, DMOC-S tasks and paper jim hall, coordinate responses in accordance with command policies and procedures. * Provide inputs to and, as required, participate in AFSPC’s annual and quarterly Exercise Coordination Team (ECT) meetings. * Additional duties as assigned. Case High School. Applicants selected will be subject to a security investigation and essays, may need to meet eligibility requirements for access to classified information; SECRET, TS, or TS/SCI clearance is required. About the Company: USfalcon provides integrated technology solutions worldwide to Department of Defense and National Security clients in the areas of Aerospace, Mission Systems Engineering, Information Technology and Education and Training. USfalcon has been recognized as one of the fastest growing privately held companies in the United States, with offices in Cary, NC, Reston, VA, Colorado Springs, CO, Dayton, OH and Huntsville, AL.

USfalcon is an Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Employer, Minority/Female/Disability/Veterans/Gender Identity/Sexual Orientation. *Location:* Colorado Springs, CO Usfalcon, Inc. Colorado Springs CO. Force Flow Systems Analyst Colorado Springs CO. Posted 1 days ago. VIEW JOBS 10/4/2017 12:00:00 AM 2018-01-02T00:00 KBRwyle is an Equal Opportunity Employer Minorities/Females/Disabled/Veterans OFCCP's EEO is the Law Poster Supplement at CAS-CO-CO-17007: Force Flow Systems Analyst - Colorado Springs, CO Category Analyst Group Engineering - CAS Location CO-Colorado Springs (CAS) Schedule Full Time Job Description KBRwyle has a near future requirement for a DOD Force Flow and Operation Plan (OPLAN) Development Subject Matter Analyst to support JTE work to economic high, develop and test develop a Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTP) to program supportable Interagency Infrastructure Assessments, directly improving DOD mission assurance and paper, interagency planning and preparedness in the event of disruptions. Case Studies High. Location of support is Colorado Springs CO. Hunting. The selected candidate will serve as team member for economic case studies school a combined government/contractor team that will provide support for research, development, testing, analysis, validation, and publication of TTPs related to thesis statement, a Joint Test and Evaluation (JTE) Quick Reaction Test (QRT). Economic Studies School. The candidate requires demonstrate experience in the Department of Defense’s Operation Plan (OPLAN) development and DOD Force Flow requirements. Candidate will be experienced in developing Time Phased Force Deployment Data (TPFDD) requirements, particularly estimates of transportation requirements. Support on this contract is vs nurture, anticipated to start mid October 2017.

Wyle CAS Group is an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer. EOE/Minorities/Females/Veterans/Disabilities Bachelor's degree and 8 years of experience. The candidate requires experience in the DOD’s Operation Plan (OPLAN) development and DOD Force Flow requirements. Will be experienced in developing Time Phased Force Deployment Data (TPFDD) requirements, particularly estimates of transportation requirements. The ideal candidate would have high-level DOD Force Flow experience at economic USTRANSCOM or the US Army Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC) (Formerly known as MTMC). Strong research skills. Individual will be well organized and statement, have strong leadership and interpersonal skills. Able to operate well in team environment.

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