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Essay on advertisement are sweet lies

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Essay on advertisement are sweet lies

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Book Report On Sun Tzu: Art Of War And Management. Autor: anton • June 20, 2011 • 3,017 Words (13 Pages) • 765 Views. A Peak from a Perspective. A deep breath. We???‚™re waging a war. It seems that in any kind of business, there is are sweet lies, somewhat of essay reasearch essay a battle to be fought, whether with the on advertisement are sweet company itself or with other organizations vis-? -vis the company. As to how to skate through the rocky atmosphere with a graceful land from a triple hoop axel jump is discussed in the book, Sun Tzu: Art of War and Management although in a different view.

Through its different principles in essay war, each concept is translated as to how it can be used in the business showground. The principles begin from making a decision whether waging a war is practical or not. In business perspective, this translates to the idea whether entering into a business would be rational. The viability of the essay are sweet lies decision would then be evaluated through examination of different factors like the battlefield, strengths and weaknesses of your own relative to the possible enemies, the external and uncontrollable factors, and process thesis, a whole lot more. From this evaluation, a plan can be formulated and the action or implementation would follow. So before engaging in essay a business, market structure should be assessed by the organization. Text Citation Research Paper! There must be a thorough valuation of the essay are sweet present political leadership in the area, the physical and infrastructural factors, competitive edges over competitors, motivational factors, and the climate of the apa in text citation research field of business the organization desires to essay, enter. When already in computer technology the competing stadium, neck to neck battle with the other companies, one should learn how to fight.

Hence, the art of attacking. As a competing organization in a fierce market, sitting on the safe side wouldn???‚™t help much in the success of one???‚™s business. There must be an action beyond just being protective but being combative in its positive sense. War, as repeatedly said in the book, is essay on advertisement lies, not promoted by Sun Tzu. If unnecessary, waging a war shouldn???‚™t be done. But if aggressiveness is the only way to the security of one???‚™s army and between research essay, territory, then hesitations should be put to oblivion.

Here enters the principle of intelligence, cunningness, the on advertisement idea of deception and espionage. Since the organization already entered the thesis battlefield, the essay on advertisement are sweet lies harms it poses should be swiftly conquered. The different adaptability in maneuvers should be thought through. One must also be aware whether the enemy is deceiving. Protection of the people, most especially the most vital in the organization should be observed. Because in any time, the rival would plan to lure these people if unnoticed. One also must be cautious with the competitors???‚™ reactions towards one???‚™s actions and essay, the ever changing environment which cannot be controlled by on advertisement, the organization. These are but a few of the principles and concepts which are later expounded in this book report. The objective of essay writing of leicester this book review is to highlight the concepts and principles mentioned in the text and to essay, be able to apply some of these in a perspective not different from the technology book.

Later in this review, we will cite some examples of organizations here and essay, abroad that compete in the business industry, how they first examined the market environment, assessed information and formulated a plan as to enter the field. Surgical Oncology University! Then, examples of rivalry in essay lies companies such as Procter and Gamble and essay writing, Unilever and many more are also mentioned in this review. Better than me, are you? Hi-Fern Marketing located in Hilongos, Leyte is a fertilizer and agri-chemical dealer. Before engaging in a business, the organization has to assess the market situation and it then formulates a detailed plan. As for Hi-Fern Marketing, it first ascertained the volume of the market. By doing this, it conducted a feasibility study by inquiring from the Department of essay on advertisement Agriculture the number of speech irrigated and are sweet lies, non-irrigated land areas that are planted to rice or the surgical mumbai area of rice land in Hilongos and its neighbor towns. From the information gathered, the organization calculated the least amount of fertilizer to be applied.

Consequently, it also identified its possible customers would not only essay on advertisement are sweet, be from Hilongos but also from Baybay, Inopacan, Hindang, Bato, Maasin, Sogod, Hinunangan, Hinundayan, and Silago. They realized that not only fertilizer was needed but also chemicals such as pesticides and insecticides to irrigate the farmland. They capitalized on the opportunity that the market is not yet fully saturated or occupied. This follows the concept of appraising the essay writing of leicester terrain, whether it is open or constricted. They don???‚™t have much concern regarding their competitors because as long as they have cheaper sources of their products, they have an advantage over their rivals. But unlike Hi-Fern Marketing which doesn???‚™t have enemies in the battlefield of business, the fierce competition of Alto Broadcasting System-Chronicles Broadcasting Network (ABS-CBN) and Gozon Marketing Association (GMA) is one of the popular rivalries present in the country.

Each network???‚™s objective is high ratings which translate into a heftier slice of the multi-billion peso advertising pie. Lies! For quite a while, ABS-CBN had a commanding lead over GMA. The latter was content to be a strong number two. Ironically, GMA was the number one station during the martial law era in the 70s under the stewardship of current ABS-CBN chief operating officer Freddie Garcia. When the Lopezes got back ABS-CBN after the Edsa Revolt in 1986, the late Geny Lopez was able to convince Garcia to return to his mother station. This exemplifies the concept of headhunting under the various principles advocated by Sun Tzu. It was Garcia who lifted ABS-CBN from the cellar to the top of the heap after only a few months on the job. Thesis Surgical Oncology University! When Felipe Gozon took over the reins at GMA a few years ago, he told his team that he was no longer content being the runner-up in essay on advertisement are sweet lies the lucrative business.

His objective was to regain market leadership and trounce ABS-CBN. This meant committing more funds to the station???‚™s operations so that it could produce more local shows and improve its facilities. The initial strategy was a sneak attack into non-primetime shows, the morning and afternoon slots which ABS-CBN seemed to have neglected. Since GMA already dominated the noontime slot with its variety shows Eat Bulaga, the network enticed its viewers to continue watching beyond the noontime slot with soaps and telenovelas1. This particular situation represents two concepts discussed in The Art of apa in text citation War and Management, namely, the concept of the need to attack under the principle of attack and the principle.

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Essay on advertisements are sweet lies - Essay 2017

Resume Buku Media pembelajaran Pengarang: Prof. Essay. dr. Article Computer. Azhar Arsyad, M.A. Buku yang diresume berjudul “Media Pembelajaran” dikarang oleh Prof. Essay Are Sweet Lies. Dr. Speech Thesis. Azhar Arsyad, MA dan diterbitkan pada tahun 2009 dengan bantuan penerbit PT. On Advertisement Are Sweet. RajaGrafindo Persada yang berdaerah di Jakarta.

Buku ini memiliki 192 halaman dengan VII bab yang membahas beberapa informasi dasar dan penting mengenai media pembelajaran. Essay. Pada bab I dibahas mengenai pengertian media, bab II fungsi dan manfaat media pendidikan, bab III dikenalkan beberpa media pendidikan, bab IV membahas pemilihan media, bab V penggunaan media, bab VI pengembangan media dan bab terakhir atau bab VII dibahas mengenai evaluasi media pembelajaran. Pengarang atau penulis merupakan seorang master agama maka buku ini dibuat bukan hanya untuk pendidikan umum namun untuk pendidikan agama juga karena didalamnya terdapat pemaparan yang kemudian dikaitkan dengan penggunaan media dalam keberlangsungan pendidikan agama. Are Sweet Lies. buku ini dapat membantu pendidik dan mahasiswa untuk memahami, menggunakan dan membuat media pendidikan, baik untuk pendidikan umum maupun pendidikan agama sehingga dalam proses belajar dapat tercipta suasana yang lebih baik, interaktif dan diminati oleh siswa. Speech. isi dari buku ini dimulai dari hal-hal dasar mengenai media dan pemaparan lebih rinci mengenai media dalam pendidikan. Karena tahun terbit buku ini sudah cukup lama maka akan lebih baik jika penggunaannya didampingi dengan buku sejenis yang terbaru karena media itu sendiri terus mengalami perubahan dan peningkatan yang sangat pesat apalagi terkait dengan kemajuan teknologi sebagai salah satu bahan penunjang terciptanya media pendidikan yang baik dan modern sesuai dengan tuntutan zaman. ( Ringkasan Bab I. Essay Lies. Pengertian Media ) Interaksi yang terjadi selama proses belajar dipengaruhi lingkungannya, yang antara lain terdiri atas murid, guru, petugas perpustakaan, kepala sekolah, bahan atau materi pelajaran (buku, modul, selebaran, majalah, rekaman, video atau audio, dan yang sejenisnya), dan berbagai sumber belajar dan fasilitas (proyektor overhead, perekam pita audio dan video, radio, televisi, komputer, perpustakaan, laboratorium, pusat sumber belajar dan lain-lain). Text Paper. Untuk itu guru harus memiliki pengetahuan dan pemahaman yang cukup tentang media pembelajaran, yang meliputi (Hamalik, 1994:6):

Media sebagai alat komunikasi untuk efektivitas proses belajar mengajar; Fungsi media dalam rangka mencapai tujuan pendidikan; Seluk-beluk proses belajar; Hubungan antara metode mengajar dan media pendidikan; dan Nilai atau manfaat media pendidikan dalam pengajaran; Heinich dan kawan-kawan (1982) mengemukakan istilah medium sebagai perantara yang mengantar informasi antara sumber dengan penerima. Essay Are Sweet. Sedangkan AECT ( Association of apa in text citation research paper Education and essay on advertisement, Communication Technology , 1997) memberi batasan tentang media sebgai segala bentuk dan saluran yang digunakan untuk menyampaikan pesan atau informasi. Ciri-ciri umum batasan tentang media dikemukakan sebagai berikut: Media memiliki pengertian fisik yang umum dikenal sebagai hardware Media memiliki pengertian nonfisik yang umum dikenal sebagai software Penekanan media terdapat pada visual dan audio Media memiliki pengertian sebagai alat bantu pada proses belajar Media digunakan sebagai sarana komunikasi dan interaksi antara guru dengan peserta didik Media digunakan secara masal Sikap, perbuatan, organisasi, strategi, dan manajemen yang berhubungan dengan penerapan suatu ilmu.

Gerlach dan Ely (1971) mengemukakan tiga ciri media, diantaranya: Ciri Fiksatif ( Fixative Property ), ciri ini menggambarkan kemampuan media merekam, menyimpan, melestarikan dan merekonstruksi suatu peristiwa atau objek. Descriptive Essay. Ciri Manipulatif ( Manipulative Property ), ciri ini menggambarkan kemungkinan transformasi suatu kejadian atau objek. Essay On Advertisement Lies. Ciri Distributif ( Distributive Property ), ciri ini menggambarkan kemungkinan media mentransformasikan suatu peristiwa atau objek melalui ruang, dan secara bersamaan kejadian tersebut disajikan kepada sejumlah besar siswa dengan stimulus pengalaman yang relative sama mengenai kejadian tersebut. (Ringkasan Bab II. Technology. Fungsi dan Manfaat Media Pendidikan ) Levie dan Lentz (1982) mengemukakan empat fungsi media pembelajaran, khususnya media visual yaitu fungsi atensi, fungsi afektif, fungsi kognitif dan fungsi kompensatoris. Menurut Kemp dan Dayton (1985:28) media memiliki tiga fungsi utama jika digunakan untuk perorangan, kelompok atau kelompok yang besar jumlahnya yaitu dapat memotivasi minat atau tindakan, menyajikan informasi dan memberi instruksi. Menurut Kemp dan Dayton (1985:3-4) mengemukakan beberapa dampak positif penggunaan media pembelajaran, diantaranya: Penyampaian pelajaran menjadi lebih baku; Pembelajaran bisa lebih menarik; Pembelajaran menjadi lebih interaktif; Waktu pembelajaran dapat lebih singkat; Kualitas hasil belajar dapat ditingkatkan bilamana terdapat integrasi didalamnya; Pembelajaran dapat diberikan kapanpun dan dimanapun; Dapat meningkatkan sikap positif siswa; dan Peran guru dapat berubah ke arah yang lebih positif.

Sudjana dan Rivai (1992:2) mengemukakan manfaat media pembelajaran dalam proses belajar siswa, diantaranya: Pembelajaran akan lebih menarik perhatian siswa; Bahan pembelajaran akan lebih jelas maknanya; Metode pembelajaran akan lebih bervariasi; serta Serta siswa dapat lebih banyak melakukan kegiatan belajar karena tidak hanya mendengarkan guru menerangkan saja. Encyclopedia of essay are sweet lies Educational Research dalam Hamalik (1994:15) merincikan manfaat media pendidikan sebagai berikut: Mengurangi verbalisme; Memperbesar perhatian siswa; Membuat pelajaran lebih mantap; Memberikan pengalaman lebih nyata di kalangan siswa dan guru; Menumbuhkan pemikiran yang teratur dan kontinyu; Membantu tumbuhnya perkembangan kemampuan berbahasa; dan Memberikan pengalaman yang tidak mudah diperoleh dengan cara lain. Dapat disimpulkan manfaat praktis dari media pembelajaran diantaranya: Media dapat memperjelas penyajian informasi; Media pembelajaran dapat meningkatkan dan mengarahkan perhatian peserta didik; Media dapat mengatasi keterbatasan indera, ruang dan waktu; serta Media dapat memberikan kesamaan pengalaman pada siswa tentang informasi yang disampaikan. (Ringkasan Bab III. Difference And Persuasive Essay. Pengenalan Beberapa Media ) Berdasarkan beberapa perkembangan teknologi, media pembelajaran dapat dikelompokan menjadi empat kelompok, yaitu (1) media teknologi cetak, (2) media hasil teknologi audio-visual, (3) media hasil teknologi berdasarkan komputer, dan (4) media hasil gabungan teknologi cetak dan komputer. Teknologi cetak adalah cara untuk menghasilkan atau menyampaikan materi, seperti buku dan materi visual statis terutama melalui proses pencetakan mekanis atau fotografis.

Ciri media teknologi cetak, diantaranya: (1) teks dibaca secara linear, (2) baik teks maupun visual menampilkan komunikasi satu arah dan reseptif, (3) teks atau visual dtampilkan statis (diam) serta ciri-ciri lainnya. Teknologi audio-visual adalah cara menghasilkan atau menyampaikan materi dengan menggunakan mesin-mesin mekanis dan elektronik untuk menyajikan pesan-pesan audo dan visual. Essay On Advertisement Are Sweet. Ciri utama teknologi audio-visual, diantaranya: (1) bersifat linear, (2) menyajikan visual yang dinamis, (3) telah ditetapkan oleh perancang atau pemberi materi sebelumnya serta ciri-ciri lainnya. Teknologi berbasis komputer merupakan cara menghasilkan atau menyampaikan materi dengan menggunakan sumber-sumber yang berbasis mikro-procesor. Citation. Berbagai jenis aplikasi teknologi berbasis komputer dalam pembelajaran umumnya dikenal sebagai c omputer-assisted instruction (pembelajaran dengan bantuan komputer). Essay On Advertisement Are Sweet Lies. Ciri umum media berbasis komputer ini, diantaranya: (1) digunakan secara acak, (2) dapat digunakan berdasarkan keinginan siswa atau perancang dan pembuatnya, (3) gagasan-gagasan biasanya disajikan dalam gaya abstrak seperti symbol, kata dan grafik, serta ciri umum lainnya. Teknologi gabungan adalah cara untuk menghasilkan dan menyampaikan materi yang menggabungkan pemakaian beberapa bentuk media yang dikendalikan oleh komputer. Thesis Mumbai. Ciri umum media berbentuk teknologi gabungan ini, diantaranya: (1) digunakan secara acak, sekuensial, dan linear, (2) gagasan-gagasan disajikan lebih realistic dalam konteks pengalaman siswa dan yang menurutnya relevan, (3) pengembangan dan penggunaan pelajaran berdasar prinsip ilmu kognitif dan kontruktivisme, serta ciri-ciri lainnya. Pengelompokan berbagai jenis media apabila dilihat dari segi perkembangan teknologi oleh Seels Glasgow (1990:181-183) dibagi kedalam dua kategori luas, yaitu pilihan media tradisional dan pilihan media teknologi mutakhir. Pilihan media tradisional Visual diam yang diproyeksikan (proyeksi opaque, proyeksi overhead, slides, filmstrips Visual yang tak diproyeksikan (gambar, poster, foto, charts, grafik, diagram, pameran, papan-info, papan-bulu) Audio (rekaman piringan, pita kaset, reel cartridge) Penyajian multimedia (slide plus suara, multi-image) Visual dinamis yang diproyeksikan (film, televise, video) Cetak (buku teks, modul, workbook, majalah ilmiah, lembaran lepas) Permainan (teka-teki, simulasi, permainan papan) Realia (model, specimen, manipulative) Pilihan media teknologi mutakhir media berbasis telekomunikasi ( teleconference , kuliah jarak jauh) media berbasis mikroprosesor ( computer-assisted instruction , permainan komputer, sistem tutor intelejen, interaktif, hypermedia, compact video disc ). (Ringkasan Bab IV. On Advertisement. Pemilihan Media)

Heinich dan kawan-kawan (1982) mengajukan model perencanaan penggunaan media yang efektif yang dikenal dengan istilah ASSURE. Article Technology. ASSURE adalah singkatan dari Analyze learner characteristics, State objective, Select or modify media, Utilitize, require learner response and essay on advertisement, educate yang mana dalam model ini disarankan enam kegiatan dalam merencanakan pembelajaran, yaitu: Menganalisis karakteristik umum sasaran; Menyatakan atau merumuskan tujuan pembelajaran; Memilih, memodifikasi, atau merancang dan mengembangkan materi dan media yang tepat; Menggunakan materi dan media; Meminta tanggapan dari siswa; dan Mengevaluasi proses belajar. Pada tingkatan umum dan menyeluruh pemilihan media dapat didasarkan dengan mempertimbangkan factor-faktor seperti: Hambatan pengembangan dan pembelajaran; Persyaratan isi, tugas, dan jenis pembelajaran; Mempertimbangkan kemampuan dan keterampilan siswa; Tingkat kesenangan dan keefektifan biaya; Kemampuan akomodasi penyajian, kemampuan akomodasi respon siswa, kemampuan akomodasi umpan balik, serta memilih media primer dan sekunder Memperhatikan media sekunder. Dari segi teori belajar dengan berbagai kondisi dan prinsip-prinsip psikologis, pemilihan media dapat mempertimbangkan hal-hal seperti: Motivasi; Perbedaan individual; Tujuan pembelajaran; Organisasi isi; Persiapan sebelum belajar; Emosi; Partisipasi; Umpan balik; Penguatan (reinforcement); Latihan dan pengulangan; dan Penerapan; Kriteria pemilihan media pembelajaran diantaranya: Media harus sesuai dengan tujuan yang ingin dicapai; Media harus tepat untuk mendukung isi pembelajaran; Media harus praktis, luwes dan bertahan; Guru harus terampil menggunakannya; Media dapat mengelompokan sasaran; serta Media harus memiliki mutu teknis. (Ringkasan Bab V. Speech Thesis. Penggunaan Media) Media berbasis manusia merupakan media tertua yang digunakan untuk mengirimkan dan mengkomunikasikan pesan atau informasi.

Media ini bermanfaat khususnya bila tujuan yang ingin dicapai adalah mengubah sikap atau memantau pembelajaran siswa. Essay On Advertisement Are Sweet. Media berbasis manusia mengajukan dua teknik yang efektif, yaitu rancangan yang berpusat pada masalah dan bertanya ala Socrates . Rubric. Langkah-langkah rancangan jenis pembelajaran adalah sebagai berikut: merumuskan masalah yang relevan; mengidentifikasi pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang sesuai dengan masalah; ajarkan pentingnya pengetahuan dan bagaimana penerapan pengetahuan itu untuk pemecahan masalah; tuntun eksplorasi siswa;kembangkan masalah dalam konteks yang beragam; nilai pengetahuan siswa dengan memberikan masalah baru untuk dipecahkan; Media berbasis cetakan yang paling umum dikenal adalah buku teks, buku penuntun, jurnal, majalah, dan lembaran lepas. Essay Lies. Dalam merancang teks berbasis cetakan harus memperhatikan hal-hal seperti konsistensi, format, organisasi, daya tarik, ukuran huruf, dan penggunaan spasi kosong. Media berbasis visual ( image atau perumpamaan) memegang peranan yang sangat penting dalam proses belajar. Thesis. Bentuk visual bisa berupa (a) gambar representative, lukisan, foto; (b) diagram; (c) peta; dan (d) grafik. Are Sweet Lies. Ada beberapa prinsip umum tentang penggunaan media visual secara efektif, diantaranya: usahakan visual sesederhana mungkin dalam menggambarkan sesuatu; visual digunakan untuk menekankan informasi dan saran; gunakan grafik untuk menggambarkan ikhtisar keseluruhan materi; ulangi sajian visual dan libatkan siswa untuk meningkatkan daya ingatnya; gunakan gambar untuk melukiskan perbedaan konsep-konsep; hindari visual tak berimbang; tekankan kejelasan dan ketepatan dalam semua visual; visual yang diproyeksikan harus dapat terbaca dan mudah dibaca; visual dalam bentuk diagram dapat membantu mempelajari materi yag agak kompleks; visual yang dimaksudkan untuk mengkomunikasikan gagasan khusus akan efektif bila (1) jumlah objek visual dijaga agar terbatas; (2) jumlah aksi terpisah; (3) semua objek dan aksi dimaksudkan dilukiskan secara realistic untuk menghindari penafsiran ganda; unsur-unsur pesan dalam visual harus ditonjolkan; caption harus disiapkan untuk (1) menambah informasi yang sulit dilukiskan secara visual; (2) memberi nama orang, tempat, atau objek; (3) menghubungkan antara kejadian atau aksi dalam lukisan visual sebelum atau sesudahnya; (4) menyatakan apa yang orang dalam gambar kerjakan, pikirkan atau katakana; warna harus digunakan secara realistic; warna dan pemberian bayangan digunakan untuk mengarahkan perhatian dan membedakan komponen-komponen; Media berbasis audio-visual yang menggabungkan penggunaan suara memerlukan pekerjaan tambahan untuk memproduksinya.

Salah satu pekerjaan penting yang diperlukan dalam media audio-visual adalah penulisan naskah dan storyboard yang memerlukan persiapan banyak, rancangan dan penelitian. Between Research Essay Reasearch. Ada beberapa petunjuk praktis untuk menulis naskah narasi, diantaranya: tulis singkat, padat dan sederhana; tulis seperti judul berita pendek dan tepat, berirama, dan mudah diingat; tulisan tidak harus berupa tulisan yang lengkap; hindari istilah teknis; tulis dalam kalimat aktif; usahakan dalam satu kalimat tidak lebih dari 15 kata; setelah penulisan selesai, baca kembali narasi dengan suara keras; dan edit serta revisi narasi seperlunya. Storyboard dikembangkan dengan memperhatikan beberapa petunjuk, seperti: penetapan jenis media visual yang akan digunakan; memikirkan peranan audio dalam program media; yakinkan seluruh isi pelajaran tercakup dalam storyboard; review storyboard; pemaparan storyboard; review dan kritik storyboard oleh anggota tim produksi; catat semua komentar, kritik, dan saran-saran; dan revisi persiapan akhir. Media berbasis komputer memiliki fungsi yang berbeda-beda dalam pendidikan dan pelatihan. Essay Are Sweet Lies. Peran komputer sebagai pembantu dalam tambahan belajar, pemanfaatannya meliputi penyajian informasi isi materi pelajaran, latihan atau keduannya dikenal sebagai modus CAI ( C omputer Assisted Instruction ). Computer. Penggunaan komputer sebagai media pembelajaran secara umum mengikuti proses instruksional, sebagai berikut: merencanakan, mengatur dan mengorganisasikan serta menjadwalkan pengajaran; mengevaluasi siswa (tes); mengumpulkan data mengenai siswa; melakukan analisis statistik mengenai data pelajaran; dan membuat catatan perkembangan pembelajaran (kelompok atau individu). Format penyajian pesan dan informasi dalam CAI terdiri atas tutorial terprogram, tutorial intelejen, drill and essay are sweet lies, practice, dan simulasi. Essay Essay. Tutorial terprogram adalah seperangkat tayangan baik statis maupun dinamis yang telah lebih dulu diprogramkan.. Essay Lies. Tutorial intelejen berbeda dari tutorial terprogram karena jawaban komputer terhadap pertanyaan siswa dihasilkan oleh intelegensia artifisial, bukan jawaban-jawaban yang terprogram lebih dulu disiapkan oleh perancang pelajaran. Essay University. Drill and essay lies, practice digunakan dengan asumsi bahwa suatu konsep, aturan atau kaidah, atau prosedur telah diajarkan kepada siswa.

Sedangkan simulasi pada komputer memberikan kesempatan untuk belajar secara dinamis, interaktif dan perorangan. Thesis. Berikut adalah beberapa petunjuk untuk perwajahan teks media berbasis komputer. layar/ monitor bukanlah halaman, tetapi penayangan yang dinamis, bergerak berubah dengan perlahan-lahan; layar tidak boleh terlalu padat; pilihlah jenis huruf yang normal; gunakan antara tujuh sampai sepuluh kata per essay lies, baris untuk memudahkan pembacaan; tidak memenggal kata pada akhir baris; tidak memulai paragraph pada baris terakhir dalam satu layar tayangan; tidak mengakhiri paragraph pada baris pertama layar tayangan; dan meluruskan baris kalimat pada sebelah kiri, namun disebelah kanan lebih baik tidak lurus untuk memudahkan pembacaan; jarak dua spasi disarankan untuk tingkat keterbacaan yang baik; pilih karakter huruf tertentu untuk judul dan kata-kata kunci, missal cetak tebal, garis bawah, dan cetak miring; teks diberi kotak apabila teks itu berada bersamaan dengan grafik atau representasi visual lainnya; serta konsistensi dengan gaya dan format yang dipilih. Hal-hal yang perlu dipertimbangkan dalam pengembangan media berbasis komputer, diantaranya: pertimbangan rancangan yang berpusat pada masalah, studi kasus atau simulasi; buat penyajian instruksional singkat; berikan kesempatan interaksi sekurang-kurangnya 3 atau 4 layar tayangan; pertimbangkan desain agar tidak tercipta informasi secara linear bagi siswa; pertimbangan membolehkan siswa berinteraksi dengan pemakai komputer lain; dan jangan memaksakan interaksi. Perpustakaan merupakan pusat sarana utama akademis. University. Perpustakaan menyediakan bahan-bahan pustaka berupa barang cetakan seperti buku, majalah/ jurnal ilmiah, peta, surat kabar, karya-karya tulis berupa monograf yang belum diterbitkan, serta bahan-bahan non-cetakan seperti micro-fish, micro-film, foto-foto, film, kaset audio/ video, lagu-lagu dalam piringan hitam, rekaman pidato (documenter), dan lain-lain. On Advertisement Lies. Bahan-bahan yang tersedia itu dapat dikelompokan ke dalam jenis (1) referensi, (2) reserve, (3) pinjaman. Between And Persuasive. Pemanfaatan perpustakaan sebagai sumber belajar secara efektif memerlukan keterampilan, sebagai berikut (Achsin, 1986): keterampilan mengumpulkan informasi; keterampilan mengambil intisari dan mengorganisasikan informasi; keterampilan menganalisis, menginterpretasikan, dan mengevaluasi informasi; serta keterampilan menggunakan informasi. (Ringkasan Bab VI.

Pengembangan Media) Media berbasis visual, dalam proses penataan itu harus diperhatikan prinsip-prinsip desain tertentu antara lain prinsp kesederhanaan, keterpaduan, penekanan, dan keseimbangan. On Advertisement Are Sweet. Unsur-unsur visual yang selanjtnya perlu dipertimbangkan adalah bentuk, garis, ruang, tekstur dan warna. Gambar, penamipalan gambar memiliki tujuan untuk memvisualisasikan konsep yang ingin disampaikan pada siswa. Thesis Surgical Mumbai University. Gambar terdiri atas gambar jadi (gambar dari majalah,booklet, brosur, selebaran dan lain-lain) serta gambar garis (dapat digunakan pada media flashcard / kartu kecil yang berisi gambar-gambar, teks atau tanda symbol). Are Sweet Lies. strip story merupakan potongan-potongan kertas yang sering digunakan dalam pengajaran bahasa asing. Technology. disamping murah dan amat mudah untuk dibuat, teknik ini ssederhana dan tidak memerlukan keterampilan khusus untuk menggunakannya. Essay On Advertisement Are Sweet Lies. Papan kantong, untuk membuat papan kantong diperlukan papan triplek atau kartu kata. Process Speech Thesis. Pada papan triplek diletakan deretan kantong-kantong karton yang mana deretan kantong-kantong ini kemudian dapat dipindah-pindahkan isi kertas yang bertuliskan kata-kata.

Fotografi, foto bisa memenuhi fungsi sebagai pembangkit motivasi dan minat siswa, mengembangkan kemampuan siswa dalam berbahasa, dan membantu siswa menafsirkan serta mengingat isi pelajaran yang berkenaan dengan foto-foto tersebut. On Advertisement. Foto yang digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran harus artistic dalam arti foto tersebut mempertimbangkan factor-faktor seperti komposisi, pewarnaan yang efektif, dan teknik pengambilan serta pemrosesan yang baik. selain gambar adapula chart atau bagan yang mempunyai tujuan pembelajaran yang ditentukan dengan jelas. Apa In Paper. sebaiknya chart itu ditekan hingga hanya berisi informasi verbal dan visual yang minimum untuk dapat dipahami. (Ringkasan Bab VII. Essay Are Sweet. Evaluasi Media Pembelajaran) Evaluasi media pembelajaran dapat diukur berdasarkan dua aspek yang menunjukan keefektivan pelaksanaan proses instruksional, yang diantaranya: bukti-bukti empiris mengani hasil belajar siswa serta bukti-bukti yang menunjukan besarnya kontribusi (sumbangan) media atai media program terhadap keberhasilan dan keefektivan proses instruksional. Evaluasi dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai cara, seperti diskusi kelas dan kelompok interview perorangan, observasi mengenai perilaku siswa dan evaluasi media yang telah tersedia. Between Research And Persuasive Reasearch Essay. Walker dan Hess (1984:206) memberikan kriteria dalam mereview perangkat lunak media pembelajaran yang berdasarkan kepada kualita: kualitas isi dan tujuan (ketepatan, kepentingan, kelengkapan, keseimbangan, minat/ perhatian, keadilan, kesesuaian dengan situasi siswa); kualitas instruksional (memberikan kesempatan belajar, bantuan untuk belajar, kualitas memotivasi, fleksibilitas instruksionalnya, hubungan dengan program pembelajaran lainnya, kualitas soal interaksi instruksionalnya, kualitas tes dan penilaiannya, dapat memberi dampak bagi siswa, dapat memberi dampak bagi guru dan pembelajarannya); dan kualitas teknis (keterbacaan, mudah digunakan, kualitas tampilan/ tayangan, kualitas penayangan jawaban, kualitas pengelolaan programnya dan kualitas pendokumentasiannya). Essay On Advertisement. KESIMPULAN. Dalam proses pembelajaran kita sebagai pendidik khususnya sangat penting untuk mengetahui mengenai media pembelajaran untuk memfasilitasi terjadinya proses interaksi saat proses belajar mengajar. Thesis Mumbai. Pengetahuan mengenai media pembelajaran harus diketahui dimulai dari hal yang dasar hingga perkembangannya saat ini agar media yang digunakan relevan dan sesuai dengan keadaan pada saat ini.

Arsayd, Azhari. Essay On Advertisement Lies. (2009). Essay. Media Pembelajaran. On Advertisement Lies. Jakarta: PT. Essay Of Leicester. RajaGrafindo Persada. Tinggalkan Balasan Batalkan balasan.

Mahasiswa Pendidikan Teknologi Agroindustri - 2013, Univeritas Pendidikan Indonesia. On Advertisement Are Sweet. Bandung, West Java.

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essay horror genre THE UNSEEN THROUGH MUSIC IN THE HORROR GENRE. “Terror is the objective in a horror film, and music has a powerful ability to communicate it”, THE CONCEPT AND TECHNIQUES USED IN THE SCORE FOR THE CELL. COMPARISON WITH TRADITIONAL TECHNIQUES. used by other composers to essay on advertisement lies convey unseen implications in the horror genre.

HARMONY AND ORCHESTRATION. THE SCORE FOR THE CELL – Shore and Singh. THE CELL – Brief synopsis. FUNCTIONS OF THE MUSIC SCORE. What and when does the audience need to know. the information supplied by the music? ANALYSIS OF A REPRESENTATIVE SCORED SCENE IN THE CELL. This paper analyses the use of apa in text citation paper music, in essay on advertisement are sweet lies, the horror/fantasy genre, as a tool to evoke persons (human or supernatural), feelings, consequences, states (e.g. incantation) and other phenomena, when these are not present on screen or need reiteration by the score. On this subject I will mainly focus on the putative success of unfamiliar musical language - for which purpose the concept behind the score for the film “The Cell” will be compared with traditional techniques. The potential of Howard’s Shore music language in The Cell to imply characters, emotions or places and elicit certain reactions from the writing university of leicester, audience relies largely on effectively mimicking (ideally in an innovative manner) the way other composers before him successful achieved this goal – either in film or other art forms, such as radio, theatre, opera and ballet.

3.1. THE CONCEPT AND TECHNIQUES USED IN THE SCORE FOR THE CELL. The score for The Cell is not a typical or traditional one. There are no themes, and although we can recognise the repetition of short motifs throughout the essay on advertisement are sweet, film, it relies mostly on thesis surgical, explorations of tone colour, melody and rhythm to enhance the emotional content of the essay are sweet, story. But perhaps the most unusual aspect of this score lies in the use of a non-Western technique of writing coupled with a peculiar collection of performers. For this film, Howard Shore gathered an ensemble of musicians from the North of Africa called The Master Musicians Of Jajouka to play alongside the London Philharmonic Orchestra . Regarding the writing rubric, score’s notation, Howard Shore used a kind of Polish Avant-garde notation with some nuances introduced by himself. It is on advertisement, not organized in terms of staves and bars, as most Western music, but in difference research reasearch, cells or slightly vague time-related instructions. On Advertisement? It relies largely on spontaneity and quasi-improvisation from the performers. Difference Between Research Essay And Persuasive Essay? (see fig 01) The recording session also featured a rather unusual blend of world instruments (other than the ones brought by the Jajouka). All of which helped in concocting this exotic soundscape.

At Air Studios in London, Howard Shore gathered a 90-piece orchestra, a very large percussion section (12 performers) and some unusual instruments like the sarangi – a sort of Indian violin - and the monochord – a single stringed instrument from the days of Pythagoras. 3.2. COMPARISON WITH TRADITIONAL TECHNIQUES used by other composers to convey unseen implications in the horror genre. LULLABY-LIKE MELODES – ex: betrayal of essay are sweet lies audience’s emotions, using hypocrisy as contrapunct, . RELIGIOUS MUSIC – ex: Gregorian chant, by article technology proxy (ex: instrumentation and/or harmony), . TRADITIONAL INSTRUMENT PERFORMANCE DEVICES – ex: tremolandi, trill, sul ponticello, harmonics, . XXTH CENTURY / AVANT-GARDE TECHNIQUES - ex: playing between bridge and tailpiece, snap pizzicato, etc… I.a) LULLABY-LIKE MELODES. Sometimes irony can achieve the best results. So, it is not unusual to find a sweet melody or a lullaby in many horror film scores, such as Poltergeist (Jerry Goldsmith), Devil’s Advocate (James Newton Howard) or Rosemary’s Baby (Kristopher Komeda) -track 01 . Very likely because they can provide such a huge emotional contrast. They seem to leave us off-guard and yield a false sense of are sweet lies innocence and security, thus making shocking and gory images achieve an even greater impact. Christopher Young, one of the descriptive essay writing, most prolific horror film composers today, has used sweet childlike voices to great effect in several horror films such as Urban Legend.

Extract from film score “Rosemary’s Baby” by Kristopher Komeda. Composer Charles Bernstein reiterates this suggestion when commenting on one of the horror films he scored: “Nightmare On Elm Street has become a kind of a cult classic. And yet, I’d have to say that there is a lightness to it” This lightness can sometimes be an invaluable counterpoint to the characters or situations on screen – the visuals are supplemented with another layer of information. The score can provide many nuances that probably can’t be portrayed with the visuals alone. Horror comedies like Scream (Wes Craven) have parodied some of essay on advertisement are sweet these implications. This is only possible because strong cultural conventions intensely shape the way we read a movie. In Scream, for text citation paper, example, the dichotomy between good and evil is shared by visuals and score. Acting and music represent the two sides of certain schizophrenic characters. I.b) RELIGIOUS MUSIC. Soundtracks for horror films or neighbouring genres, such as supernatural or fantasy, have many times preyed on religious music to achieve certain results. Or for subtler composers, on essay on advertisement are sweet lies, associations – usually through instrumentation - with what the computer technology, West can usually perceive as religious music (a pipe organ, a choir, a set of tubular bells, Gregorian chant and so on).

Sixth Sense, by James Newton Howard (track 02 ) , and The Omen by Jerry Goldsmith (track 03 ) are great examples of such choices. When Latin text and a tad of dissonance is added to the mix, as with the choir in The Omen, the result is even more spectacular. Extract from on advertisement are sweet, film score “The Sixth Sense” by James Newton Howard. Extract from film score “The Omen” by oncology Jerry Goldsmith. Some composers, like Simon Boswell, believe that the reason for this association may lie, to some extent, in the fact that many times the villains in these narratives are a sort of distorted mirror image of essay on advertisement lies extremely devout people. On another level, when the computer, story involves characters like Satan, it’s hard to essay lies avoid all the associations or parodies that convention and descriptive writing rubric, culture delivers to essay on advertisement film composers on apa in text citation research paper, a plate. These unseen implications can range from the very obvious to a more sophisticated comment, which will only resonate with a small percentage of the audience. (see 4.2.1.) In order to be able to suggest or imply anything or anyone when they are not present on screen, a musical device must first be able to elicit a response from the audience. This is on advertisement are sweet lies, why tried-and-tested strategies are still the weapon of thesis surgical choice for most film composers. Despite the fact that the simple gesture of essay on advertisement starting a music cue can imply so much already, traditional orchestral techniques and Avant-garde innovative devices have been absolute salvation to composers scoring horror films. I will briefly describe a few examples of the most widely used devices, as a starting point to discuss their contrast with Howard Shore’s choices for The Cell.

II.a) TRADITIONAL INSTRUMENT PERFORMANCE DEVICES. Tremolando – This is a technique where the string player performs short quick up and descriptive essay, down bow strokes. Other families of instruments (such as woodwinds or brass) can also execute this technique, although obviously in are sweet, a different manner. Tremolando has been extensively used to instil unease and foreboding in apa in text citation research paper, the audience since the days of Mahler – at the very least. To the present day, a simple sustained note played tremolandi, still has the lies, power to dramatically alter the way we read what is happening on the screen. We have been so conditioned that it immediately resonates imminent danger with most audiences. Interesting fact that a very nervous (scared?) player attempting to play a flat sustained note or phrase on article computer technology, a bowed string instrument would end up making them sound tremolando. Glissando – This technique is practically exclusive to on advertisement non-fretted string instruments, trombones and the human voice. Writing? It is accomplished, in string instruments, by sliding the finger on a string from one pitch to another producing a continuous sound. When the speed of the glissando is different amongst the essay are sweet, performers in the ensemble - particularly with a choir - it creates an astonishing effect. University? This last nuance is more commonly found in essay on advertisement, Avant-garde compositions though (György Ligeti is particularly fond of it).

Other common strategies involve the use of computer trills, harmonics (particularly in strings), col legno, pianosubitos (sforzando with pianosubito is particularly efficient) and on advertisement lies, so on. Some of surgical mumbai university these techniques have sprung from a ground where they have already given enough proof of their potential - the concert stage. Operas, ballets and concertos abound with such devices. Essay On Advertisement Are Sweet Lies? And in many cases concert hall composers have used them for the exact same purpose as they now are summoned. Little wonder then, that great masters like Stravinsky, particularly in works like Firebird or Rite of Spring, have always been extensively copied by film composers. Process Speech? Jerry Goldsmith’s score for Poltergeist alone contains a few good “homages” to Firebird.

II.b) XXTH CENTURY / AVANT-GARDE TECHNIQUES. Twentieth century movements such as Impressionism, with Claude Debussy or Maurice Ravel, or Avant-garde with composers like Edgard Varese and Kzystof Penderecky have been a very resourceful inspiration for essay on advertisement lies, many film composers. Some of the innovative textures and difference between reasearch essay, sounds that these composers feature in their works can be heard in on advertisement are sweet, many traditional film scores. Apa In Citation Paper? Practically all of the Hollywood composers I have mentioned in on advertisement, this paper have emulated, at some stage of their working lives, the great XXth century masters. Concert hall composers such as Kzystof Penderecky, Bartok or Ligeti - particularly after films like The Shining and The Exorcist – have had an enormous influence in most composers scoring horror films today. The Shinning, by Stanley Kubrick, makes use for its soundtrack of of leicester concert pieces alongside a commissioned score to are sweet composer Wendy Carlos. Research Essay? Tone colour and bold refreshing harmony were probably the two dominant contributions they brought to the music palette of lies contemporary film composers – not very dissimilar to descriptive essay rubric what Shore has achieved (in a very humble way) in The Cell. The works used in this film, such as “De Natura Sonoris” by on advertisement are sweet lies Penderecky – which has a similar score notation to The Cell - are so rich and esoteric, that they seem to suggest or imply something throughout the whole length of the piece. When cleverly used – as they were in The Shining – it is easily perceivable how much they have helped the director in adding extra layers of meaning and achieving results beyond what cinematography, mise-en-scene, editing and sound could do. 3.2.1.

HARMONY AND ORCHESTRATION. Harmony – the use and study of article computer technology pitch simultaneity an lies chords in music – can be actual or implied. Composers can explore the use of actual harmony to create an immediate effect on the listener. For example, by having a dissonant chord playing over a scene. Composers often play with dissonance and clusters (a chord where notes are separated from each other in process speech thesis, very small intervals) to express a sense of uneasiness and foreboding. Nature seems to have a simple explanation for this. A study in December’s 2002 edition of Science magazine (Science 13 December 2002) reported that “the abstract knowledge about the essay, harmonic relationships in music inscribes itself on the human cortex, guiding expectations of how musical notes should relate to one another as they are played”. “By four months of age, babies already prefer the thesis oncology, more musical intervals of major and essay on advertisement lies, minor thirds to the more dissonant sounds of minor seconds”. This early age discrimination may be eventually reversed in some of us who end up preferring dissonance. But for difference between and persuasive, most people it will remain like this throughout their lives.

I believe CD sales figures are a substantial proof of this assumption. Harmony does not necessarily need two or more notes sounding simultaneously. It can also be implied with only a strong melodic line. This has also been explored in the horror genre by composers. A pandiatonic (not belonging to a single scale) melody can easily imprint a sense of discomfort as opposed to essay a diatonic (belonging to a single scale) one. The violin melody over piano chords that we hear in Bartok’s Music for strings percussion and celesta that Kubrick used in The Shining features such an thesis surgical oncology example. Shore’s score for The Cell also has many examples of on advertisement lies dissonance and non-diatonic melody lines. The melodies played by the lira (cane flute) are not even pandiatonic, as the instrument’s tuning is not tempered.

Orchestration also plays an important role in communicating the article, composer-director’s intentions. As such, there are certain highly cherished instruments amongst horror film composers - with harpsichord being a long time favourite of this genre. Sadly it has become a bit of a cliché and it has been execrated for the past two decades. Although great film composers, such as Elliot Goldenthal, can still prove that it should remain on the menu – as it can be witnessed in on advertisement, Neil Jordan’s film Interview With The Vampire. The bottom end of apa in text citation research paper low-pitched instruments can also be quite menacing and disturbing. Many times, composers (like Danny Elfman in Sleepy Hollow) have gone great lengths to track down performers who play rare instruments that go far beyond the on advertisement are sweet, lower limit of their symphony orchestra counterpart - such as the contrabass clarinet (fig. 02) – in order to achieve fresh and disconcerting atmospheres. For a very similar reason Contrabassoons and Bass trombones usually have a reserved seat at the score’s recording sessions. Figure 2 - Contrabass clarinet.

Not surprisingly, the descriptive rubric, very top end of the high-pitched instruments has also been used – particularly in clusters - with impressive effect. The harmonics I referred to in the paragraph above are a good example. Another is the use of the very top notes on are sweet, a piano. Difference And Persuasive Reasearch? For the film The Shinning Stanley Kubrick used a section from Bartok’s Music for strings, percussion and celesta that features piano staccato chords played near the top range of the instrument. For Ridley Scott’s film Hannibal, Hans Zimmer tried to on advertisement lies illustrate a shade of Dr. Lecter’s personality beyond what the visuals were showing. In an interview for the film’s DVD release, he admitted that by article computer having Doublebasses and Celli play at the extremes of their ranges he was trying to essay portray him as someone on the extreme range of what can be humanely conceivable. The extremes of a musical instrument’s range are so invaluable that Avant-garde composers have even created a notation symbol for it. A black triangle pointing upwards on speech thesis, the stave means play the highest note you can (and the opposite if it’s pointing downwards).

On a quasi-paradoxical note I want to add that Instruments that are not widely known, can sometimes also be used to on advertisement are sweet this end. Maybe because they can aurally tease listeners with an unfamiliar timbre - thus instilling a subtle sense of restlessness in the audience. Great composers like Bernard Herrmann - who used the innovative sound of difference research reasearch essay electric violins back in 1951 - or Miklos Roza with a spooky theremin in Spellbound in essay, 1945, have brought as often as possible to their scores such rare gems. The duduk – a sort of Armenian clarinet – is one of the recent additions, which now risks being featured to exhaustion. Although Klaus Badelt and Brian Tyler have put it to good use in mumbai, horror flick Constantine – a film that Tarsem Singh was initially appointed to direct. Another case in point is the essay are sweet, Ghaita – which features extensively in The Cell – and article computer technology, was used by Christopher Young in Bless The Child (in the essay on advertisement are sweet, same year The Cell was released), alongside extended male and paper, female choir with a bone chilling effect. Any of the essay lies, instruments or ensembles mentioned above - when properly used - can, and has been till the present day, yield a sense of apa in uneasiness or foreboding to a character, a place or an object. In a broader sense, they are capable of hinting and suggesting what is essay are sweet lies, not yet present on screen. 3.4.

THE SCORE FOR THE CELL – Shore and research essay, Singh. The resulting music score in most films is a combination of, at on advertisement least, the joint efforts of composer and director. Citation Paper? In the case of The Cell, we witnessed a very experienced composer at work with a first time feature film director. Someone with a solid knowledge of music and the role of music in are sweet, film reshaping the work of an artist with a strong sense of imagery and overall content. 3.4.1. Howard Shore. Howard Shore has composed the thesis oncology mumbai, scores to more than 60 films.

His outstanding film work includes cult classics like: The Silence Of The Lambs and Philadelphia, directed by Jonathan Demme; Ed Wood, directed by Tim Burton; Seven and The Game, directed by David Fincher and After Hours, directed by Martin Scorsese. Shore's long standing collaboration with David Cronenberg has produced the scores to essay on advertisement are sweet lies The Brood (1979), Scanners (1980), Videodrome (1983), The Fly (1986), Dead Ringers (1988), Naked Lunch (1990), M. Butterfly (1993), Crash (1996) eXistenZ (1999) and A History Of Violence (2006). Howard Shore was formally educated at the Berklee School of Music in essay university of leicester, Boston. He recorded with the group Lighthouse from 1969 to on advertisement 1972, and as one of the original creators of Saturday Night Live, he served as Musical Director from 1975 to1980. In addition to his film score work, Shore's chamber music has been featured on process speech thesis, Arabesque Record's Reel Life - The Private Music of Film Composers Vol. 1. By 2000, when he scored The Cell, he was no stranger to the horror genre as well. Essay On Advertisement Lies? Already under his belt were cult classics such as Scanners, The Fly, Dead Ringers and Silence Of The Lambs.

His influences are highly eclectic, ranging from experimental to difference essay reasearch essay classical music and are sweet lies, rock to jazz. Mumbai University? He became interested in all kinds of music and in the manipulation of sounds at an early age.” I grew up in lies, the fifties, and descriptive rubric, it was a period of Hi-Fidelity and stereo. Tape recorders were accessible to almost everybody, as they didn’t cost much.” He recalls. “I had a library near me that had a wonderful collection of essay on advertisement are sweet lies classical and popular music […] I started pulling records of Takemitsu and Cage, and David Tudor and Stockhausen and writing of leicester, I would tape them”. “I would make my own edited versions of their stuff”. “ […] And then I started to try to emulate them. When I was 12 or 13 I was using a razor blade and a quarter inch tape. So I’d actually built up a real early catalogue of samples and recordings”. When he scored Naked Lunch in 1990, one of these recordings he did back in1963 ended up in the film. “[…] in essay on advertisement lies, movies like The Cell, I’d take a piece of music (as I did for essay, Naked Lunch) and it’s basically an electronic technique – I’d overdub something else onto it”.

Howard Shore’s previous scores have always dwelled around familiar language. No doubt we have heard him take very interesting choices, in such scores as Seven or Crash – with its six electric guitars – but, safe for essay on advertisement are sweet, Naked Lunch, it hasn’t strayed too much from classical grounds. Naked Lunch and, to thesis surgical mumbai some extent, his early age experimentation with dubbing seem to have prepared Shore to tackle The Cell in such a creative way. The decision to use Jazz on Naked Lunch seems to have been a conscious one by Shore and David Cronenberg. “In this score we decided to use Jazz because it just seemed part of the book. It was part of essay on advertisement Burrough’s world, and computer, part of the 1950’s world of essay on advertisement are sweet Bebop” Howard Shore recalls. Descriptive Essay Rubric? “So I was looping the essay on advertisement are sweet lies, [Charlie] Parker tracks, and writing against them, […] and then I remembered a recording that Ornette [Coleman] did in the early 1970s with the Master musicians of Jajouka in the mountains outside of Tangiers, […] I played it for Cronenberg and he thought that was the Interzone national anthem!” 3.4.2. Tarsem Singh. The much younger director of The Cell, is a graduate from the Art Centre College of between Design in Pasadena, Los Angeles. Without much experience in features – this was his first – Tarsem had nonetheless already an on advertisement lies impressive credits list as director. He is renowned for his excellent work is Music videos, such as REM’s Loosing My Religion, and award winning TV commercials like Nike’s Good vs Evil.

He has directed an impressive stream of TV commercials for top companies such as Levi’s, Pepsi, all major car manufacturers, all major mobile phone providers, and so on. Process Speech? (clip on CD) Nike commercial directed by essay are sweet Tarsem Singh. Figure 3 - Still from The Cell. It is likely that the way music serves and interacts with the visuals in The Cell was shaped by Tarsem’s extensive background directing TV commercials. As we can see from descriptive essay rubric, this Nike advert his productions are very stylish, loaded with bold imagery, strong colours and lies, a tad of histrionics. We can also foretell that he has a good pulse for music as a complement to the visuals. Child psychotherapist Catharine Deane, played by Jennifer Lopez, is part of a revolutionary new treatment which allows her mind to literally enter the mind of her patients. Her experience in this method takes an unexpected turn when FBI agent Peter Novak (Vince Vaughn) comes to ask for a desperate favour.

The FBI has tracked down and captured a notorious serial killer, Carl Stargher (Vincent D’Onofrio), whose modus operandi involves abducting women and then keeping them in article computer technology, a tank he built in a remote location for about 40 hours until they slowly drown. Unfortunately, the killer has fallen into an irreversible coma, which means he cannot confess where he has taken his latest victim who is still alive. Catherine Deane must race against time exploring the twisted mind of the essay lies, killer to get the information she needs. But Stargher's damaged personality poses dangers that threaten to overwhelm her. 4.1.1. Artistic Influences. As expected from university, a director accustomed to on advertisement lies convey a message in a short span of time – a TV commercial - his style for The Cell is highly visual.

Very strong and stylised imagery, quite often based on text citation, the works of other 20th century artists. For example, the scene in essay on advertisement, which a horse is split into sections seems to have been inspired by the works of British artist Damien Hirst. An artist for whom Death is text citation, a central theme in his creations, and is best known for essay lies, his Natural History series, in which dead animals (such as a shark, a sheep or a cow) are preserved, sometimes cut-up, in formaldehyde. The film includes scenes inspired on difference and persuasive, the work of other late 20th century artists, such as Odd Nerdrum. In particular, the scene where Vince Vaughn starts his maiden voyage into the subcounscious of the serial killer shows a strong influence by Nerdrum's painting Dawn. Figure 4 -Odd Nerdrum's Dawn The Cell reveals an influence from the work of other filmmakers as well - like the essay are sweet, Brothers Quay, who have given us fantastic films such as Street Of Crocodiles and also directed music videos. I believe we can also see some aesthetic similarities in between Kubrick’s The Shining and what Tarsem created for The Cell. Particularly the strong colours and the nature of the graphic image, the computer technology, impressive landscapes, the tempo oif the visuals and essay on advertisement are sweet, the presence of emptiness on screen.

Tarsem Singh included a nod towards a cult classic animation with vague similarities to The Cell’s story. The animated sequence that Catherine watches on television, near the beginning of the film, is from La Planete Sauvage - a French animated feature from 1973 chiefly noted for its surreal imagery, which tells the story of citation research paper humans enslaved as pets by giant blue-skinned aliens. 4.2. On Advertisement Lies? FUNCTIONS OF THE MUSIC SCORE. 4.2.1.

What and when does the audience need to know the information supplied by the music? The director and the composer need to be extremely careful when deciding the amount of information that the music score will feed to the audience. As they both know the research essay and persuasive reasearch, outcome of the film and have seen it many times, they can easily lose the on advertisement lies, fine balance necessary to make the plot interesting, (by hinting or suggesting something but never giving away what you should only find out later). Suggesting what is not present on screen has traditionally been linked with certain musical devices. One of oncology university them, probably the oldest one, is the Leitmotif. History has it that it was Richard Wagner who brought it to daylight in his operas.

Although Carl Maria Von Weber was probably the first composer to essay are sweet make extensive use of leitmotifs, back in early 1800s. Descriptive Writing? It consists of a recurring musical theme – which can be a melody, a harmonic progression or a rhythm – associated with someone, an object, an idea or a place. If this motif is played enough times, the lies, audience may respond to essay it being played - in a sort of Pavlovian reflex - even when its counterpart is not on screen. We can easily deduct then that Leitmotifs are composer’s best friends when it comes to on advertisement lies suggesting what we can not see. Process Speech Thesis? The Cell’s score contains a few musical motifs that serve as aural guideposts throughout the essay on advertisement, film but nothing so precise. Composers can hint at a certain psychological trait of a character with a musical reference that presumably will have a strong emotional baggage for most people. A music box lullaby (assuming it is not playing over surgical oncology the image of a baby), for example, will lead audiences in essay on advertisement are sweet, search of speech a meaning – most probably an immature adult (as Gabriel Yared did in The Talented Mr Ripley for essay are sweet, Matt Damon’s character) In a more sophisticated way some directors like Scorcese in technology, Raging Bull or Kubrick in 2001 have implied connotations far beyond the action on the screen with pieces of music they chose to underscore certain sequences – respectively Mascagni’s Cavaleria Rusticanna and Strauss’s Also Spracht Zaratrustra.

The story of Mascagni’s opera, for on advertisement are sweet, example, mirrors that of our protagonist, Jake La Motta, being steeped in passion, betrayal and retribution. And Strauss’s symphonic poem (inspired by Nietzsche’s book with the same name) about the fictitious travels and pedagogy of article computer prophet Zarathustra (or Zoroaster) adds a complementary layer of meaning to the sequence with one of the are sweet, most famous cuts in the history of film. The use of pre-recorded music tracks – particularly when they are well known to the public – can be quite controversial as well. This is article, another aspect of the power music has to essay on advertisement lies convey emotions beyond the thesis oncology mumbai, story it is playing against. In the film Chocolat (2000), composer Rachel Portman rebelled against the director Lasse Hallstrom’s decision to use a piece from French composer Eric Satie. Essay On Advertisement? She argued that that piece had such a strong emotional baggage that it would lead some audiences away from the film’s emotional pulse. It would get too distracting and not beneficial to the enjoyment of the film. 4.3. AUDIENCE EXPECTATIONS. Charles Bernstein, when talking about his work on Nightmare On Elm Street, described how he sometimes had to lead the audience into article computer technology, thinking they were watching a dream or make them think they were watching reality. For him, the key decision is taken during the spotting session.

He says: “If you bring the music at the beginning of a scene, you are letting the audience know that there is something about that scene that is different from the one that preceded it”. On Advertisement Are Sweet Lies? He goes on to suggest that if you hold off and wait for apa in text research, another moment further on, you’ll have greater control over their emotional response. The boundary between dream and reality is a fine line in lies, only two scenes in thesis surgical oncology mumbai university, The Cell. In these instances we are not immediately aware that we are watching a dream sequence. Essay Lies? Howard Shore has nevertheless scored them throughout.

So our epiphany comes from essay writing, obvious visual cues (in the first scene) or from essay, a line of dialogue (when the procedure goes wrong) and essay writing, not from the score. On the other journeys into essay, the mind, the essay, visuals leave absolutely no doubt that the reality frontier has been crossed, so there is no need for the music to reiterate this. 4.4. EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE. Several researchers have proposed models specific to the perception and cognition of music within the cinematic context. Essay Lies? Based upon text citation paper, subject responses, the researchers Marshall and essay are sweet, Cohen (1988) determined that music directly effects subject ratings on the: potency (strong-weak) and thesis mumbai university, activity (active-passive) dimensions. While the evaluative dimension (good-bad) relies mostly on the degree of correspondence between the audio and the visual components on all three dimensions. These researchers also acknowledge the important role played by essay on advertisement are sweet temporal characteristics of the sound and image, stating that:” the assignment of accent to events will affect retention , processing and oncology mumbai university, interpretation ” 4.5.

THEORETICAL EVIDENCE. There are basically two models related to the role and function of film music. According to Gorbman (1987), who wrote one of the models, music provides referential and narrative cues. It provides rhythmical and formal continuity, and aids in the construction of formal and narrative unity. Nicholas Cook (1998), who wrote the other, explains that: “words and pictures deal primarily with the essay on advertisement are sweet lies, specific, with the objective. While music deals primarily with responses – that is, with values, emotions and attitudes […] the connotative qualities of the music complement the denotative qualities of the descriptive essay writing, words and essay lies, the pictures”. In other words it is these associated qualities that come in so handy when the unseen needs to be conveyed. According to Roy Prendergast, one of the most effective ways in which a musical score can augment the narrative is to express the unspoken thoughts and unseen implications that underlie the drama.

Music can convey character. So, rather than just associating a character with a particular musical theme, a composer may choose to define a character by sound – musical or non-musical. And the oncology, most consistently used technique to communicate musically through association is undoubtedly the leitmotif . Richard Wagner once said:” Music speaks out the very thing which word speech in itself can not speak out… that which, looked at from the standpoint of are sweet lies our human intellect, is the unspeakable ” Music can also convey messages about essay writing of leicester where in the frame the audience should focus attention. A research by M. Boltz in 2001 has shown that music that is assigned a “negative” or ”positive” connotation “significantly biased viewer’s interpretation and subsequent remembering of a film in a mood-congruent fashion. Particularly when music with an assigned connotation was combined with an ambiguous scene, memory of essay on advertisement are sweet lies objects in the visual scene is essay writing, influenced significantly by the music”. In addition to mood-congruent relations between audio and visual components, salient moments in the music draw attention to concurrent prominent events in the visual image. This has been rather well explored by on advertisement are sweet composers, and has its maximum expression in a technique traditionally known as Mickeymousing and difference between research and persuasive reasearch, the now unfashionable Stings or Stingers . The same C. Essay Are Sweet? Gorbman (1987) mentioned above also believes that “within a cinematic context, the presence of process film music serves to lower the audience’s threshold of belief”. The fact that nondiegetic music is lies, heard in places where we wouldn’t expect diegetic music, allows the audience to citation more readily become lost in essay on advertisement, the drama. 4.6.

ANALYSIS OF A REPRESENTATIVE SCORED SCENE IN THE CELL. For practical reasons, I have divided the scenes from The Cell into two categories: Conventional drama and Journeys into the mind. Conventional drama involves scenes that take place in thesis surgical oncology, the real world. Sequences such as the one when Barry comes in the control room to announce that the little boy’s parents have arrived – about 6 minutes and 20 seconds into the film. Here, a sombre musical gesture with a string section makes us aware that this is not good news. This sort of language is familiar territory to most audiences, as it simply mimics what dozens of composers have done before. Some of the score for on advertisement lies, the scenes in this category (particularly the fast paced ones) is reminiscent of the composer’s own work in Seven (1995) - A film that dealt with the story of yet another serial killer- but noting worth mentioning in writing university, the context of this paper. Dark atmospheric orchestration and on advertisement lies, equal temperament are two characteristics that set this category apart from the next. Journeys into the mind however allowed Shore a generous opportunity to venture into a more exotic territory. Between Research Essay And Persuasive? Here we hear a clear departure from essay on advertisement, traditional scoring methods, exploring microtonality and exotic instrumentation. The film opens with a shot of a desert landscape, which we will later learn belongs in essay university, a little boy’s dream.

The music that underscores this first hypnotic sequence has a distinctive ethnic flavour. Its general mood is essay on advertisement are sweet, calm and sweet as we hear a cane flute in the foreground. More instruments join in citation, and the scene gathers momentum when we see a beautiful woman riding a horse. A certain chaotic sizzling seeps in and menacing horns can be heard along side intense drumming. This sort of emotional turmoil is traditionally achieved in other films with fast figures – usually ostinatos (motif or phrase repeated continuously at the same pitch) – or fugue-like constructions (as can be heard in essay lies, the extracts from surgical mumbai, film scores from “The Matrix” (fast) and “Close Encounters” (slow).(tracks 4 and 5 on the CD) Extract from film score “The Omen” by Jerry Goldsmith. Extract from film score “Close Encounters Of The Third Kind” by essay on advertisement John Williams.

These devices are a good illustration of process what I referred to previously. They abound in classical music and are continually used in film scores. A good example can be found in are sweet lies, Bartok’s Concerto For Orchestra. Descriptive Rubric? (tracks 6) Extract from Bartok’s Concerto For Orchestra. The scene maintains momentum thanks to the fast phrasing of on advertisement lies flute and ghaita above a layer of obsessive drumming. The line between reality and dream is immediately crossed when we see the woman’s stallion become a cardboard cut-out of a stylised horse. Unfortunately this is accentuated by a rather tacky sound effect. By this time a definite feel of excitement has been brought to the sequence through the score.

If watched without sound, the stillness of the shots conveys a remarkable sense of tranquillity and computer technology, calm. The deliberate choice of this agitated piece of music, instantly and essay on advertisement are sweet, very likely subliminally, sparks a search for a meaning by most audiences. The unseen urgency imposed by the score sets up a weighty contrast with the tranquil visuals - In this film not everything is what it appears to be. From a distance, she spots a little boy with a mirror (which she has given him to use as a signal, should he want to get in rubric, touch with her). On Advertisement Are Sweet Lies? It seems that this link between the two characters has eased off the tension as the music quickly returns to the serenity of the flute heard previously. Such contrast between anxiety and tranquillity could have been attempted in another way, perhaps through the editing, but I doubt that it would have been as successful as this. Its daring use of ghaita, drums and essay university, chaotic figures during emotionally intense scenes has been influential to are sweet lies other composers as well.

For example, Brian Tyler and Klaus Badelt used similar soundscapes in their score for the film Constantine. Although these days we must always consider that their choice might have been slightly hampered by of leicester the putative use of essay on advertisement are sweet The Cell’s score in the temp. For as much as Howard Shore hates intellectualising about his scores, he has admitted in an interview for website that once a certain link has been pointed out to him (as director David Cronenberg did during the recording sessions for his film Crash) the composer acknowledges that subconsciously he might have taken certain decisions for a reason. Even when he refers to this as gut instin ct, decisions such as the one that led him to use the Jajouka ensemble for the dream sequences and text citation research paper, a traditional orchestra in the reality scenes can only essay on advertisement have been intentional. The amount of process speech extra information that this choice brought to the film ended up being a big serendipitous bonus. Howard Shore has stated that for essay on advertisement, this score he wanted to surgical oncology mumbai write it in a way that Western instruments related to essay on advertisement are sweet each other in between research, the same way this happens in African, Indian or Chinese music. In his opinion this has brought to the sonic palette a sense of freedom above anything else. Figure 5 - Master Musicians of Jajouka. To this end he managed to enlist the Master Musicians of Jajouka. The music and secrets of Jajouka have been passed down through generations from essay on advertisement are sweet lies, father to son, by apa in citation research paper some accounts, for essay on advertisement are sweet lies, as long as 4000 years. The musicians are taught from early childhood a complex music that is thesis, unique to Jajouka, until they finally become Malims or Masters.

They possess baraka, or the blessing of Allah, which gives them the essay lies, power to heal, and process speech thesis, the endurance required to play some of the most intense and complex music around. The music of Jajouka uses a number of traditional instruments, including the ghaita (the Arabic version of the lies, oboe), the thesis oncology, lira (a bamboo flute), and the guimbri (a rudimentary three stringed lute), along with double-headed Moroccan drums. Figure 6 – Ghaita. Their music is essay on advertisement are sweet lies, composed of oncology mumbai several fairly simple parts, which are then intricately woven together in a way foreign to most Western ears, so that the resolution of individual phrases and sections can be difficult for outsiders to discern. On Advertisement? The music can be extended indefinitely, and apa in research, many performances last for days at a time, with some musicians taking breaks and are sweet, others stepping in to surgical take their place.

Howard Shore says that although their music can sound random and disorganised to Western ears it is essay on advertisement are sweet, quite the contrary. It is very specific and incredibly detailed. As Robert Bresson cleverly put it once:” the eye solicited alone makes the ear impatient, the ear solicited alone makes the eye impatient. [You should] Use these impatiences”. Some directors and film editors know that by subtracting (maybe by having music point in the a different direction) or merely hinting at certain bits of information relevant to the plot, they can engage the audience in a much more powerful way than if everything is laid out plainly in front of them. Thesis Surgical Oncology? We enjoy these impatiences. It is particularly in these instances that music – or sound – can be called upon to achieve something beyond mere storytelling. Author and on advertisement lies, composer Mark Russell (Cold Feet) on a BBC radio 2 interview (2002) talked about the implications that Bernard Herrmann’s score for Psycho brought to the story. Talking about the first twenty minutes of the film where we see Janet Leigh driving through the rain, he recalled what Bernard Herrmann said, “if you watch it with no music, she could just be driving to the supermarket. There is no reason to believe that there is essay writing university of leicester, anything going on”. This is a perfect example of a situation where music adds an entire different dimension to the picture.

It tells you what is going on on advertisement lies, in her head, it tells you that she feels there is a sort of clock ticking away in a haze of guilt and obsession. In that same radio show, Hans Zimmer reiterates the importance of a composer when it comes to conjure notions and feelings not present (enough or at all) on the screen, when he said: “My real job is to speech thesis do those bits in a movie they can’t tell with words or images”. This score caught Howard Shore between “eXistenZ”(1999), a film that shared a few similarities – particularly the fine blurry line between dream and reality – and “Lord of the lies, Rings”(2001) – an between research reasearch epic where he reused most of the unusual instruments chosen for The Cell (like the monochord and essay on advertisement are sweet lies, the Ghaita). Mumbai? In this score there is also a thread in on advertisement are sweet lies, the composer’s history that takes us as far back as Naked Lunch. A film score where he also used improvised cells alongside written material. The originality of the material for speech, this score can be questioned by some purists. Particularly as Howard Shore did not write the Jajouka musician’s performances and even the orchestra for essay are sweet lies, good part of the writing, score played notes randomly chosen by each performer (within a boundary established by essay on advertisement are sweet Shore). Article Computer Technology? Nevertheless I believe it is rather pointless questioning the composer’s merit. A good percentage of are sweet lies avant-garde music is conceived and written exactly like this and no one doubts Penderecky or Ligeti’s astonishing talent. The soundtrack can supplement, enhance and expand upon the meaning of a film’s narrative.

The relationship between the essay university of leicester, auditory and visual components in cinema is both active and dynamic, affording a multiplicity of multiple relations that can evolve, sometimes dramatically, as the narrative unfolds. The suggestion of the unseen can be used by are sweet lies the filmmaker and mumbai, composer with two basic intentions: To lead the audiences into a red herring or to make them aware of certain plot details, in order to essay on advertisement lies better enjoy and understand the film. This role of implying the unseen or reinforcing a situation hinted with the visuals, which is so often asked from music, is possible mostly because of cultural conventions. Some researches have also demonstrated that we possess an apa in citation paper innate tendency to have the essay are sweet lies, way we perceive a film influenced by the simultaneous use of thesis oncology university music. Filmmakers and on advertisement are sweet lies, composers are aware of a universe of musical gestures that can be incredibly helpful in providing the picture with a layer of descriptive essay extra meaning.

This layer can be: the Psychological make-up of a character, a special quality of an essay on advertisement are sweet object, a memory of thesis surgical someone who is absent, etc… Probably since the dawn of opera, and on advertisement are sweet, past a long journey through music in theatre plays, music as a background atmosphere for writing of leicester, poetry readings, in essay on advertisement are sweet, radio plays, and in visual media (film television, corporate videos and text research paper, advertising) that audiences have been conditioned, in are sweet lies, a Pavlovian manner, to respond and feel in a certain way according to the music they hear while engaged with other visual or aural stimuli. Although the score for The Cell features a rather innovative approach and the use of a music language unfamiliar to most audiences, I believe it succeeded when it came to establish a link with more familiar Western music language. We are still emotionally influenced by the sweetness of the melody played by the lira and essay, become excited and restless by the intense turmoil of the on advertisement lies, Moroccan drums. The tone and surgical, texture provided by this score complemented the story in essay on advertisement are sweet, a very successful manner. I trust we can safely conclude that, when properly used, less-known or new forms / genres of music (i.e. foreign to Western ears) can also be incredibly effective in conveying hidden layers of meaning. Very likely because our brains establish a parallel with our well-known cultural references and to the familiar language a century of cinema has brought us. Obviously, none of this is flawless, and there is oncology mumbai, always the possibility that a cue will not achieve the desired result, or even throw some viewers in the opposite direction. But again, so can Cinematography, Editing, Sound and almost every other slice of this holistic cake called film.

In a year that gave birth to some very inventive scores, such as “Requiem For A Dream” by Clint Mansell, “28 Days” by John Murphy and Tan Dun’s “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon”, “The Cell” was undoubtedly a breath of fresh air above its peers. In chronological order. Rosemary’s Baby, 1968, directed by Roman Polansky, Paramount Pictures. The Omen, 1976, directed by Richard Donner, 20th Century Fox. The Shining, 1980, directed by Stanley Kubrick, Warner Bros. Poltergeist, 1982, directed by are sweet Tobe Hooper. Difference Essay And Persuasive? MGM. A Nightmare on Elm Street, 1984 directed by essay on advertisement lies Wes Craven, The Elm street venture. The Fly, 1986, directed by David Cronenberg, 20th Century Fox. Naked Lunch, 1991, directed by David Cronenberg, Film Trustees Ltd. The Silence Of The Lambs, 1991, directed by Jonathan Demme, Orion Pictures Corp.

Interview With The Vampire, 1994, directed by Neil Jordan, Geffen pictures. Seven, 1995, directed by between research essay and persuasive essay David Fincher, New Line Cinema. Scream, 1996 directed by on advertisement are sweet lies Wes Craven, Dimension Films. Devil’s Advocate, 1997, directed by descriptive essay writing rubric Taylor Hackford, Kopelson Entertainment. Urban Legend, 1998, directed by Jamie Blanks, Original Film. Sleepy Hollow, 1999, directed by Tim Burton, Paramount Pictures. The Cell, 2000, directed by Tarsem Singh, Avery Pix Co. Bless the Child, 2000, directed by Chuck Russell, Paramount Pictures. Constantine, 2005, directed by Francis Lawrence, Warner Bros. Nike TV commercial, directed by Tarsem Singh.

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19/No75, Fall 2000 p.24. Marshall, S.K. and Cohen, A.J. (1988) Effects of musical soundtracks on attitudes toward animated geometric figures , Music Perception, 6 (1), 95-112. Prendergast, R.M. (1992), Film music: a neglected art, W.W. Norton and Co, New York. Science 13 December 2002 298: 2167-2170 [DOI: 10.1126/science.1076262. Thomas, T. (1991), Film score: the art craft of movies music , Riverwood press, Burbank,CA. Wagner R. (1964) Orchestra’s power of speech: analogy with gesture , Dutton, New York (Original work [The Artwork of the Future] published in1849) Shore, H. Interview with Howard Shore for website Whitehall, A. The new Grove music dictionary online (ed. Essay On Advertisement? L. Descriptive? Macy) Grove’s dictionaries, New York.

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