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Le PSG gonfle-t-il artificiellement ses revenus commerciaux ? Le president de la ligue de football espagnol, Javier Tebas, a lance une polemique mercredi 6 septembre 2017 en affirmant qu’il y a une « incoherence » dans le montant des revenus commerciaux du Paris Saint Germain et de Manchester City. S Tate Thesis! Il suggere ainsi que les revenus commerciaux du PSG et de Manchester City sont artificiels ou artificiellement gonfles, dans le but implicite de satisfaire aux criteres du Fair Play Financier. Why Homework Is Bad! Bien entendu la cible principale de ces attaques est le Paris Saint Germain, le club qui a dynamite le marche des transferts cet ete, privant au passage la liga espagnole de l’attaquant vedette des annees 2017-2020. Les revenus commerciaux de Paris inferieurs a ceux de Manchester United en 2016. Pour etayer ses accusations, Javier Tebas dit s’appuyer sur une etude prouvant qu’il est economiquement impossible que Paris et Manchester City aient des revenus commerciaux superieurs a ceux du Real Madrid, du FC Barcelone, de Manchester United ou du Bayern Munich en raison de leurs « classement » dans la hierarchie sportive et de la notoriete mondiale. S Tate Thesis! Des defenseurs du club francilien, contestant la bonne foi du -controverse- president de la liga, ont fait remarquer que le Paris Saint Germain n’etait en realite que 6 eme du classement Deloitte des clubs obtenant le plus de revenus derriere Manchester United, Barcelone, le Real Madrid, le Bayern Munich et Manchester City.

En outre, il est faux de dire qu’en 2016 Paris obtient plus de revenus commerciaux que Manchester United puisque, pour la premiere fois depuis 4 ans, les revenus commerciaux de Manchester United (363,8 millions d’euros) et ceux du Bayern Munich (342,6 millions d’euros) depassent ceux du Paris Saint Germain (305,3 millions d’euros). Statement! Alors, qui dit vrai ? Le president de la ligue espagnole s’appuyant sur l’etude economique qu’il compte transmettre a l’UEFA pour appuyer sa plainte ou les ardents defenseurs du Paris Saint Germain ? Completer le rapport Deloitte par ceux de la DNCG. Cette etude n’etant pas (encore) publique, il est neanmoins possible de se faire une idee en epluchant les dix dernieres annees du classement Deloitte ainsi que les rapports de la Direction Nationale du Controle de Gestion (DNCG). S Tate Thesis! En effet, le Paris Saint Germain n’est apparu dans la Football Money League de Deloitte que lors des 4 dernieres editions, ce qui signifie que le club n’emargeait, auparavant, qu’au dela de la 30eme place mondiale des entites realisant le plus de recettes. Of The Term! On peut donc tenter de reconstituer le montant des revenus commerciaux du PSG pour les 6 exercices precedents en consultant les rapports de la DNCG. S Tate! Mais l’arrivee fracassante du PSG dans la Deloitte Money League 2014 (directement a la 5 eme place, avec les plus hauts revenus commerciaux annuels jamais enregistres par une equipe de football) est deja un indice en soi : le club est passe en un seul exercice de l’anonymat d’une 30 ou 40 eme place (derriere Sunderland et les Corinthians de Sao Paulo) au Top 5 des multi vainqueurs de la Ligue des Champions. Of The Paper! Il est difficile a croire que cette performance soit realisee sur la seule progression des ventes de maillots, de produits derives et des recettes de contrats publicitaires. Les revenus commerciaux moyens de Paris ont progresse de 1 229 % Bien sur, la progression des recettes du PSG est imputable a l’arrivee des investisseurs qataris. S Tate Thesis! Mais l’esprit du Fair Play Financier est precisement qu’un club ne soit pas artificiellement subventionne par un mecene et qu’il puisse, de facon credible, couvrir ses depenses par de « vraies » recettes.

Alors qu’en est-il des revenus commerciaux du PSG depuis 10 saisons ? En reconstituant ses revenus commerciaux dans l’optique de la ventilation des recettes Deloitte, on on man peut calculer la progression de ceux ci entre les periodes 2007-2011 et 2012-2016. S Tate! Le resultat est sans appel, les revenus commerciaux moyens (sur 5 ans) du PSG ont progresse de… 1229 %, la ou ceux des 8 autres plus grands clubs « historiques » n’ont progresse en moyenne que de 82 % (de + 57 % pour la Juventus de Turin a + 154 % pour Manchester United). To Start Statement! Seul Manchester City (l’autre « nouveau riche » cible par Javier Tebas) s’intercale entre Paris et les historiques avec 362 % de croissance de ses revenus commerciaux. Des revenus commerciaux incoherents avec la notoriete du PSG. Il ne fait aucun doute que les revenus commerciaux du Paris Saint Germain ont progresse par la grace de contrats publicitaires ou de sponsoring artificiels ou sur-payes.

Il s’agit la d’une facon de contourner cette forme de « barriere a l’entree » qu’installe le Fair Play Financier. S Tate Thesis! Il est a la fois legitime et inique qu’une telle regle regisse le football europeen (et le debat est loin d’etre clos). Explanation On Man! Mais il convient de donner raison a Javier Tebas sur le point souleve ces derniers jours : oui, le Paris Saint Germain a des revenus commerciaux incoherents avec ses performances sportives et sa notoriete. 56 commentaires a Le PSG gonfle-t-il artificiellement ses revenus commerciaux ? evaluer un contrat par rapports aux autres sois disant « comparable » est un raisonnement simpliste. Nous vivons aujourd’hui dans un monde numerique et financier. Aujourd’hui psg construit une marque, dont la valorisation ne cesse de croitre pour rattraper les grands clubs. Aujourd’hui psg est credible a une victoire en ldc..

Neymar a 25 ans mbappe a 18 ans.. Moralite parle de contrat sur-paye lorsque que l’on evalue pas les retombees futures n’a aucun sens… Bien evidemment, on s tate thesis serait bien mal intentionnes de suspecter que Qatar Tourism Authority sponsorise le PSG a hauteur de 200 millions car il s’agit du meme proprietaire et que dans sa megalomanie, tout les moyens pour injecter le maximum d’argent pour tout acheter sont bons, et surtout contourner le FPF. Words A Thesis Statement! Les benefices pour QTA du contrat de sponsoring sont immenses, d’ailleurs n’etes vous pas alle au Qatar recemment ? Les stations de ski sont pleines a craquer. S Tate Thesis! Merci le PSG. Vous faites bien de parler du contrat avec QTA puisqu’il a ete reduit par l’UEFA a 100 millions. Of An On Man! C’est suite a ca que le PSG a ete particulierement surveille par le FPF qui a les annees suivantes salue le travail fait par le PSG pour respecter le FPF. Ce qui veut dire que le FPF a valide tous les autres contrats de sponsoring ainsi que toutes les recettes enregistrees. S Tate! Si le FPF condamnait le PSG maintenant par rapport a l’etude mentionnee dans l’article, cela voudrait tout simplement dire qu’ils reconnaissent leur incompetence pour verifier les comptes des clubs et qu’il a reellement ete cree pour proteger les clubs deja installes (on le sait deja et les declarations de certains dirigeants de ces clubs ne font que le confirmer). Ou qu’ils reconnaissent que la fraude du PSG pour contourner les regles europeennes etait trop complexe pour etre alors demontree par le FPF.

Si ca ne vous pose pas de probleme qu’un pays investisse du jour au lendemain des milliards dans un club somme toute lambda et anonyme au niveau europeen, bouleversant tout l’equilibre economique du championnat de France (nous sommes le 10 septembre et le championnat est deja joue) et faisant surtout fi des annees de travail acharne de ses principaux concurrents alors que nous parlons originellement d’un jeu, je ne peux rien pour vous. (le tout pour gagner une LDC avant la CDM de 2022 jouee dans des stades equipes de climatisation batis au milieu du desert sur les cadavres d’ouvriers etrangers) Avec le PSG, le football n’est plus du sport au sens noble et perd tout interet a moins que vous ne soyez subjugues par la chasse au bebe phoque avec un fusil a lunette, par la corrida quand le torero est armee d’une arme a feu, ou encore par les jeux du cirque romain antique avec lacher de fauves sur des chretiens denudes. Il est un proverbe francais que les qataris ignorent totalement: A vaincre sans peril, on words to start a thesis triomphe sans gloire. mmmm Madame Irma dit … lyonnais !! on thesis reconnait le langage de leur maitre a tous, le « mendiant demagogue » Ce qui est curieux c’est que nous n’avons jamais observe une telle levee de bouclier lorsque les clubs espagnols construisaient leurs fortunes sur des dettes colossales, confectionnaient des equipes dites « galactiques » battaient les records de transferes et ecrase tout sur leur passage. Basic Of The Term Paper! Pardons, mais cet argument est difficilement recevable sauf si vous remettez egalement en question toute l’economie du football qui n’a jamais ete (tout du moins dans l’air moderne) d’un fairplay absolu! Sans parler des differences de fiscalite propre a chaque pays. Le cas PSG est un tournant, soit nous continuons comme ca jusqu’a ce que ca explose soit on s tate change tout pour tout le monde, car croyez moi ils ne se laisseront pas faire aussi facilement.

En attendant, mettez un peu de cote votre aigreur, la realite du terrain n’est pas si evidente et chaque match a ses risques et perils… Pas a 100 millions mais a 175, mais peu importe. Words! Evidement que le FPF s’est fait embobiner, mais pas seulement le FPF. S Tate! Meme 100 millions c’est risible. Forest In Tamil! Chevrolet met 80 millions sur la table pour Manchester United qui. 1/ Jouit d’une notoriete autrement plus importante que le PSG (carrement une autre dimension) 2/ VENDS DES VOITURES. Par allieurs, Chevrolet est une entreprise privee, « profit oriented » comme on s tate thesis dit, et a evalue 80 millions comme contrepartie equivalente pour les benefices en terme de ventes de voitures qu’ils en retirent, pas parce que le PDG est egalement proprietaire de Manchester United.

La subvention percue au cours d’un exercice comptable n’est pas un element a prendre en compte lorsque l’on apprecie le deficit d’un club au regard des regles du FPF. A Thesis Statement! Comptablement, si on thesis (le PSG) n’est pas capable de prouver que la somme de XXX millions d’euros est une contrepartie equivalente aux retombees commerciales du contrat, ce N’EST PAS du sponsoring, c’est de la subvention. Words! Cet element la n’est pas a apprecier au doigt mouille, cela doit etre documente, prouve, analyse et contredit. S Tate! Pourquoi le PSG et QTA ne publient-ils pas une etude pour evaluer ce contrat s’il vaut vraiment 200 millions ? Qu’ils demontrent que la frequentation touristique a augmente (XX% d’augmentation des reservations de billets, hotels, restaurants, loisirs, etc…) du fait de ce contrat qui les lient au PSG. Explanation Of An Essay On Man! Qu’ils demontrent egalement en quoi ils ont privilegie le PSG et non un autre cador Europeen (ex : refus du Barca d’accepter 200 millions de sponsoring de QTA).

Seul ces elements la permettront de trancher sur : 1/ La nature du contrat (sponsoring vs subvention) 2/ Le montant eligible au FPF. @SamyB. Thesis! Le PSG est peut-etre « credible » a une victoire en LDC avec son effectif actuel, mais le fait qu’il n’en a jamais gagne aucune et qu’il n’est meme jamais arrive en demi-finale de la competition, ce que six clubs francais ont eux deja accompli. Essay And Dissertation Writing Service! Y compris dans un passe tres tres recent, si la memoire ne vous fait pas defaut.

Quant aux retombees futures de tel ou tel contrat, on s tate thesis peut en discuter. Term Paper! D’un point de vue sportif, la victoire en LDC est aleatoire et ne peut etre planifiee. Thesis! D’un point de vue financier, PSG a plutot eu tendance a mal depenser son argent ces dernieres annees (disons apres le depart de Leonardo) et a surpayer des joueurs moyens ou qu’il n’utilise pas. En clair aucun investisseur « neutre » ne mettrait autant d’argent sur le PSG sur des donnees pareilles. Basic Parts Of The Paper! Mais bien sur QTA n’est pas un investisseur neutre… Le PSG a deja ete en demi finale de la ligue des champions, il a gagne une coupe d’Europe et est le seul club francais a avoir ete classe numero 1 au classement uefa. Apparemment c’est a vous que la memoire fait defaut pour avoir la demi-finale du PSG en 95. Merci BBRBB! Leurs memoire est trop selective pour que leurs propos soient de bonne foi! Justement, je pense que le fair play financier veut casser la logique que vous venez d’expliquer, par l’UEFA veut replacer le sport et l’ethique sportive au centre de ses competitions plutot que la notion d’economie et de business. Autrefois pour gagner en notoriete, il fallait gagner des competions.

Aujourd’hui, on thesis cherche d’abord a gagner en notoriete pour pretendre a une competition, ce qui est discriminatoire pour ceux qui n’ont pas les moyens financiers de developper une « marque ». Par ailleurs, c’est completement vide de sens car la fonction premiere d’un club de foot n’est pas de developper une marque mais tout simplement de jouer au football. Forest In Tamil! Les clubs de foot ne doivent etre recompenses et valorises que part ce seul critere. Il semble normal que le pourcentage de croissance des revenus commerciaux du PSG soit tres important car comme vous le soulignez, il part de bien plus loin que les « historiques ». Il est clair que le PSG a des revenus peu en adequation avec ses performances recentes (quoique dans le TOP 8 europeen depuis 5 ans et un passe pas anodin dans les annees 90) mais il me semble que vous sous-estimez sa popularite grandissante dans le monde qui n’en est qu’au debut… Certainement que pour lancer le business model, les revenus ont ete « gonfles » mais je pense que l’arrivee de joueurs comme Neymar ont pour but, au-dela des resultats sportifs, d’amener Paris dans une nouvelle ere avec des contrats de sponsoring au niveau des « historiques » (Real, Man Utd,…) : d’ailleurs on s tate parle beaucoup d’une tres nette revalorisation du contrat avec Nike. On peut s’interroger encore et toujours sur la reelle raison d’etre du FPF, surtout avec les revenus TV anglais actuels.

Le FPF est un numero d’equilibriste de l’UEFA, au sommet d’un systeme capitaliste et liberal qu’elle essaye de reguler comme elle peut avec des regles anti-liberal sur demande des plus « historiques » qui sont les plus forts financierement. A chaque debut de LDC depuis 6, on essay and dissertation writing it used connait (un peu moins des) 75% des equipes qui atteindront les demi-finales de la competition. Peut-etre que le veritable enjeu est la… Exactement! On connait les 4 demi finalistes de la LDC( bayern/ real/ Barca + une surprise) sachant que cette surprise n’est que temporaire Puisque ManU consacre tous les moyens pour revenir dans ce quatuor. Le probleme est pour le PSG de bousculer cet ordre etabli, et doit donc consentir a d’importants effort au depart. S Tate! Ce qui signifie une fois de plus que la valeurs de ses contrats est probablement la « bonne » au sens ou elle permet de concurrencer les grands clubs.

Rien n’interdit d’ailleurs ces contrats d’etre revu par la suite… Moralite nous pourrons juger la valeur de ces contrats qu’apres quelques temps. ( on of an a pas demande a Facebook une rentabilite pour le valorise a son introduction 100 milliards… et aujourd’hui Facebook vaut 500 milliards) L’auteur de cet article devrait relire si ce n’est pas fait Le chapitre sur la valeur de Riccardo, permettant d’apprehender de la valeur la notion d’usage. Quant au fair play financier C’est une vaste escroquerie… d’une part se baser uniquement sur les deficit et non sur un ratio d’endettement comme le prevoit les accord de Maastricht et auxquels sont donc soumis les etats n’a tout simplement aucun sens… Cet endettement meme a permis au real et a florentino perez en 2009 d’acheter Benzema Ronaldo kaka er xabi Alonso pour 250m€, il faudrait aujourd’hui compte tenu de l’inflation sur les 10 dernie9res annees (10%) 650m€ pour s’offrir ces 4 joueurs, ce montant est coherent avec le montant des transfert aujourd’hui. S Tate! Cet investissement leur a permis de gagner 3 ldc. Enfin aujourd’ hui le vrai probleme dans le foot est le montant des droits tv qui s’eleve non pas sur une croissance des revenus des consommateurs mais sur une guerre des prix entre tv payante , operateur et bientot Gafa. Le foot a une tele dependance et repose donc sur un modele non rentable qui aura donc ses limites. Je m’etonne d’ailleurs que l’UEFA souligne une croissance de 10% dans le football alors qu’en Europe la croissance est proche de 1.7%…ils devraient se poser les bonnes questions… D’ailleurs dire que le FPF a reduit les deficits est du Sophisme… C’est simplement un transfert se dette des clubs de foot vers les operateurs/ tv payante…

Dans tout ca me PSG est le mieux arme pour affronter tout type de crise… car il actionnaire solide et fidele ( comme avec deutsche bank) Le PSG ne fausse pas les regles, C’est simplement un nouvel entrant capitaliste. Le PSG ne fausse pas le marche des transfert, il s’adapte a une situation, il est evident que PSG aurait aime acheter neymar pour 100m€, mais pogba a ete acheter l’an passe pour 105m€, le rapport de 1 a 2 entre un attaquant et un milieu top mondiale est tout a fait credible. PSG n’a relativement pas paye plus cher que ManU. A titre de comparaison zidane 75m€ en 2001 vaudrait aujourd’hui 350m€..en se basant sur une inflation de 10% par an..

Est donc zidane qui est trop cher pi neymar qui n’est pas cher?? En resume pour parler de juste valeur il faut prendre en compte plusieurs variable et pas celle nous arrange sans quoi le raisonnement est non credible. Pour les demi finalistes de la LDC, je dirai plutot qu’on est sur d’avoir 3 equipes parmi le real, le barca, l’athletico, le bayern et la juve + un autre equipe. Pour ce qui est du FPF, il est clair que c’est n’importe quoi. Is Bad! Si l’UEFA (ou la FIFA) souhaite remettre la competition au gout du jour et permettre a plus d’equipes de gagner la LDC, il suffit d’appliquer la meme regle qu’au sports US: le salary cap.

On peut imposer une somme maximum de salaires nets de 50 millions par equipe par exemple. Thesis! Le systeme de draft est aussi une bonne regle pour reequilibrer les equipes, mais inapplicable en Europe pour 2 raisons: nous n’avons pas la meme culture universitaire qu’aux US et nous n’avons pas de ligue fermee (montees et descentes en 2e division). Il y’a une une enorme difference vec le salary cap aux US, les charges fiscales ne sont pas homogenes entre pays de l’union europeenne. D’autres part les droit tv ne sont pas non plus homogenes. La solution serait se creer une super ligue / ligue ferme avec des contraintes … mais ca je ne crois pas que ce soit me soit de l’UEFA.

C’est pour ca que je precise le salaire net et pas brut. Why Homework! C’est le salaire net qui attire les joueurs. S Tate Thesis! Sinon je suis d’accord pour les droits TV, mais il s’agit de recettes. Explanation Of An! Je trouve plus coherent de controler les depenses plutot qu’une difference entre compte actif et compte passif. Inflation de 10% par an? Une inflation de 10% par an, en Europe ? Celle des faits alternatifs ? Les seules questions qui valent la peine d’etre posees sont celles de l’endettement des clubs (est-ce que les investissements actuels sont sains/artificiels ?), de la loyaute de la concurrence (est-ce que les subventions etatiques, directes ou indirectes, faussent la concurrence ?), et celle de l’interet sportif (est-ce que l’evolution des championnats augmente leur interet) ? A terme, si l’on a 1 a 2 clubs dans chaque pays qui assomment totalement leurs championnats le grand public n’y trouvera plus son compte, et tous les grands calculs actuels ne vaudront plus rien. S Tate Thesis! Il y a des traites pour veiller a la libre concurrence et eviter les interventions etatiques. Why Homework Is Bad! Il faut qu’ils s’appliquent aussi au foot surtout lorsqu’elles contribuent a deregler un marche (les derniers investissements du PSG accelerent enormement la fameuse « inflation » dont vous parlez), qui plus est lorsque cet investissement provient de pays non democratiques, ne respectant pas l’economie de marche ! Pour l’instant, tout le raisonnement economique justifiant cette brusque surenchere dans les investissements est basee sur des revenus potentiels d’un club, le PSG. Thesis! Pour pouvoir rester competitifs, il faudrait donc que tous les autres clubs (ou tout au moins ceux de cette elite autoproclamee) fassent le meme type d’investissement.

Or, il est impossible de multiplier les places de premiers et les bons joueurs. Of Research Proposal! Il y aura donc toujours autant de perdants, donc les deroutes auront des consequences financieres plus en plus catastrophiques. SamyB compare cette strategie a celle des start-up. Thesis! Il oublie de dire que 90% d’entre elles ont disparu moins de 5 ans apres leur creation. Of An On Man! Est-ce l’avenir que nous reservons a nos clubs de foot, au mepris de tout leur ancrage populaire et de leur role de ciment social ? Qui va payer l’addition lorsque les « mecenes » du moment seront rentres chez eux, lasses de leurs jouets ? Les contribuables locaux ? Les Etats ? Le potentiel de revenu n’est pas exponentiel, il faudra donc tot ou tard intervenir pour limiter les investissements et permettre a ce sport de garder son interet. S Tate Thesis! La F1 ou la NBA ont ete obliges de trouver des parades.

Les regles actuelles du Fair-Play financier sont deja depassees et doivent etre revisees. Essay Service It Used! Le PSG en a fait la demonstration cet ete. Il y a urgence en la matiere car nous constatons deja les effets pervers de cette « deregulation » de fait dans notre propre championnat. S Tate Thesis! Passe l’effet de surprise de voir jouer la star Neymar, l’arrivee de star supplementaire (ex. Of Research! Mbappe) sur le terrain ne declenche plus de grande passion au dela du propre cercle des fans du PSG, et ses matchs ne sont non seulement pas plus interessants a suivre sportivement, mais toute decision arbitrale en sa faveur devient automatiquement impopulaire, voire suspecte, comme nous avons pu le constater lors de sa victoire contre la lanterne rouge du championnat, ce vendredi. A vaincre sans peril, on thesis triomphe sans gloire… et avec nettement moins de revenus que prevu ! Et c’est maintenant qu’on se pose la question ? L’UEFA a deja sanctionne le PSG en decotant de moitie le fameux « contrat de sponsoring » qui le lie avec QTA. Basic Parts Of The Term Paper! On peut dire ce qu’on veut, AUCUN club europeen n’a de contrat de sponsoring avec une autorite publique dependant du meme pays qui detient le club. Thesis! Lorsque Manchester United prend 80 millions avec Chevrolet, c’est Chevrolet, societe privee et agissant pour ses propres interets, qui a evalue que sur la base de la notoriete de MU, les retombees economiques valaient 80 millions. Preparation Of Research! Quid des retombees economiques pour Qatar Tourisme Authority ? Valent-elles 200 millions ? Les stations de ski du Qatar sont-elles pleines du fait des retombees du contrat d’image avec le PSG ? Qu’on soit encore en train de debattre sur ce point est parfaitement ridicule, pendant ce temps le football europeen est aux mains de criminels. Sauf que le commercial de Chevrolet a ete vire pour ce contrat surevalue et non voulu par la direction, alors les retombes que vous annoncez sont incontestablement fausses. Concernant le contrat, autorite publique bla bla bla, vous avez faux, il y en a d’autres, cherchez un peu vous trouverez.

D’autre part le Qatar n’est pas une station balneaire ou de ski comme vous le pensez tres fort, le commerce de terrain, demeures, immeubles etc etc est en augmentation constante et vise un public que vous ne connaissez surement pas. Par exemple, Aspetar recoit des clients du Monde entier, du sport et autre et meme de grands clubs europeens. Les pays du Golfe sont en competition pour devenir des paradis fiscaux afin de preparer l’apres petrole. S Tate Thesis! C’est la reussite de Dubai et d’Abu Dhabi, les modeles de developpement du Qatar, qui a essentiellement contribue a attirer ces « clients », dont la majorite provient de pays ou le foot n’est d’ailleurs pas un grand centre d’interet (cf Indes et la plupart des pays asiatiques, les USA…) ! Alors que nous exigeons que les Etats europeens se desengagent des entreprises publiques dans des secteurs aussi essentiels que l’eau ou l’energie, nous acceptons qu’un Etat extra-communautaire, non democratique, dont la politique est plus que trouble vis-a-vis du terrorisme islamiste qui nous touche, et qui ne respecte pas toutes les regles du commerce international, prenne le controle de notre plus grand club de foot, celui de notre capital. Parts Of The Term! Cela ne vous choque pas ? Cela ne me choque en rien du tout, n’oublions pas que la France est dans les plus grands leader de la vente d’armes dans le monde, que l’ingerence de la France dans de nombreux pays ne fait aucun doute, que notre Etat francais va signer des contrats en Irlande pour beneficier de paradis fiscaux etc etc etc bref, nettoyons chez nous avant d’aller critiquer ailleurs. S Tate Thesis! D’ailleurs, le Qatar donne des sommes enormes en impots a la France, bien plus que certain de « nos » industriels partis se refugier a l’etranger. La tendance actuelle est justement de faire la chasse aux paradis fiscaux, et aux multinationales qui contournent les taxations nationales, y compris lorsque ce sont des entreprises francaises. Of Research! Certes, il faudra des annees et une volonte pour le moins europeenne, pour parvenir a des resultats satisfaisants. S Tate Thesis! Mais nous commencons enfin a balayer devant notre porte, donc la pertinence des investissements du Qatar (mais aussi de l’Arabie Saoudite, des Emirats Arabes Unis, voire de la Chine) doit etre posee car notre independance geopolitique est en jeu. On Man! Les experts de l’ONU ont trouve recemment que les principales armes utilisees par Daesh etaient achetees par des intermediaires, via le Qatar, a des pays comme la Serbie ou la Bulgarie.

Quelques mois apres les attentats de Paris, cela devrait faire largement autant de bruit que l’arrivee de Neymar… mais, non. Faire la chasse aux paradis fiscaux quand Bercy signe pour des paradis fiscaux, je ne parle pas d’entreprises, je parle de l ‘Etat francais qui fait la meme chose et qui continue de le faire (oui ils ne vont pas s’accuser eux memes). Thesis! Ce n’est pas l’Etat du Qatar qui achete les armes europeennes (si, eux ils achetent francais, italien etc etc), mais un individu au Qatar qui achete des armes, ce n’est pas la meme chose, autrement, autant dire que les Kalash sont de Poutine. Custom And Dissertation Writing It Used! Apres le jour ou cela sera propre chez nous avec nos ventes d’avions de guerre de munitions etc etc etc et les milliers de morts avec nos armes bien a nous on s tate thesis pourra se plaindre des autres. D’ailleurs c’est pour ca que le Qatar a une base americaine chez eux et ils sont allies des turques, Japonais et plein d’autres pays, bientot la Russie. Essay And Dissertation Writing! Ce sont des mechants …comme tout le monde.. S Tate Thesis! comme tous les pays ils ont les mains sales.

Completement d’accord avec vous. Of An On Man! L’UEFA, comme la FIFA, sont devenues des organisations mafieuses, capables d’imposer leur loi aux Etats, sous la pression de leur puissants sponsors (prives, comme etatique, a l’instar du Qatar !). S Tate! On l’a vu avec la derniere Coupe du Monde, ou le Bresil, apres avoir resiste, a du finalement ceder et faire changer sa loi pour autoriser la vente de boissons alcoolisees (ou plutot la boisson alcoolisee du sponsor de la FIFA) dans ses enceintes sportives. To Start Statement! Consequences politiques, sociales et economiques desastreuses pour ce pays. S Tate! Le Maracana est devenu l’ombre de ce qu’il etait dans les decennies precedentes, et l’heritages de stades vides, sans equipes pour y jouer, a meurtri un pays qui avait besoin d’hopitaux et d’ecoles. Explanation Essay On Man! La derniere Coupe d’Europe a ete du meme acabit. S Tate! Les profits sont non seulement privatises, mais couronnes d’exemptions fiscales, pendant que les Etats assument des investissements aleatoires, dont le seul benefice est politique, et a court terme ! Il faut demanteler l’UEFA et la FIFA, tout reconstruire, d’une maniere saine et morale. Faux puisque le Barca et le Bayern pour ne citer qu’eux sont ou ont ete sponsorise par Qatar Airways, Qatar foundation ou l’aeroport de Doha qui appartiennent … au meme fond d’investissement que le PSG. Il est evident que le Qatar depense ces sommes sans aucune arriere-pensee de retour sur son investissement. In Tamil! Il n’a aucune strategie et tout est fait dans le seul but de claquer le plus imbecilement son argent.

Heureusement, les espagnols et leur saine gestion du sport sont la pour nous rappeler a tous ce que le football equitable devrait etre. S Tate Thesis! Merci, messieurs Tebas et Bartomeu. La Liga et Barcelone degoutes de s’etre fait deposseder de Neymar, essayent de lancer une cabale contre le club francais et tout le monde « plonge » Le Barca et Madrid qui se font rembourser leurs dettes enormes, par des tiers : aucun article. Vous voulez contribuer a la chute du PSG , c’est ca ? Comment se positionner ? Defendre le PSG c’est defendre des transferts faramineux qui n’ont plus de sens tellement les sommes sont colossales et qui defient l’entendement mais defendre le PSG c’est aussi se positionner face aux mastodontes europeens qui durent des annees en ont fait qu’a leur tete… le Real n’a pas ete recapitaliser par le roi d’Espagne lui meme ? le Barca n’a t-il pas enfreint les regles de bonnes conduites avec un president en prison… M^me chose pour l’homme fort du Bayern ! alors faut-il tout reconstruire dans le foot aujourd’hui ? La cabale est une specialite espagnole. Rien de choquant dans la strategie du Qatar, C’est le plus gros actionnaire de la premiere banque allemande ( deutsche bank).

Qui est reste fidele lorsque deutsche back etait malmene. Le Qatar a bcp investi en Europe nettement en 2008 lorsque la crise a surgi… son argent etait alors le bienvenue et personne ne s’est emu du caractere democratique du pays… Le foot a change a partir de l’arret bosman en 1995… Je ne suis pas sur que le monde du foot a ete tres choque par les galactiques du real?? C’etait avec quel argent?

Ce que fait PSG aujourd’hui n’est rien d’autre que ce qui a ete fait par le passe.. Le vrai probleme est plutot politique, mon sentiment est que le Qatar derange… Concernant le contrat QTA, ce n’est pas pertinent de me comparer a celui des autres. D’une part quel est le montant total investi par les autres sponsors et quel est le gain? Le contrat de QTA est plus important car il rattrape un retard dans une economie qui subit une forte inflation… La question a se poser est simple que permet le contrat de QTA au PSG? Est ce opportun? Permet il d’etre credible a une victoire en LDC? De creer une marque mondiale?

D’offrir une vitrine ai Qatar pour developper son tourisme? Combien vaut PSG aujourd’hui? Sommes nous sur que si le Qatar sortait il ne ferait pas de benefices? Une fois les reponses donnees on explanation of an essay pourra se poser ma question du montant du contrat… Je pense que 200m est un juste prix. La question est: Si le PSG ecope d’une amende, y a t il une regle qui empeche le Qatar de la payer ? Seront ils forces de vendre un joueur ? Si ce n’est pas le cas, le Qatar non seulement paiera l’amende mais, de plus, achetera une autre star. certains commentaires sont surprenants: le PSG version Neymar fait le bonheur de C+, record d’audience vendredi, les stades visiteurs et le Parc sont pleins avec des places hors de prix (premier prix pour le Bayern/PSG/ plus de cent euros pour etre tout en haut du virage); alors les droits tele sont exorbitants en GB mais il y a beaucoup de chances que cela fasse l’objet d’un rattrapage dans deux ans en France surtout si SFR s’y met; et ce n’est pas un transfert de dettes: les clients sont la prets a depenser le prix d’un Iphone/an pour voir ces matchs. question: ca derange qui que la France devienne un pays ou le spectacle sportif soit rentable, au contraire de l’opera, des cinemas ou des parcs d’attraction ? les sommes en jeu sont demesurees, bof, comparez avec d’autres: le cachet d’un acteur, le budget d’un film (valerian ?), n’oubliez pas que cet argent est prive, le « pur » resultat d’une offre face a une demande; le real voulait M’Bappe, Monaco voulait le vendre mais le joueur veut aller a Paris, de plus il est Nike, comme le PSG, le Real est Adidas; la virgule n’a pas envie de voir son joueur porter un maillot a trois bandes.

l’economie du foot est « deregulee », non, elle reflete simplement une nouvelle epoque; les clubs sont devenus des marques mondiales sur toute la planete, meme si certains continents sont peu « foot » , il y a les paris sportifs et beaucoup de business autour, Neymar est devenu aussi une marque; que la principale region economique de France dispose d’un club de niveau europeen/mondial est une bonne chose, meilleure que de se payer des JO qui durent quinze jours et n’apportent pas grand chose pour une ville comme Paris; le Qatar, c’est le mal, soit, ils ont surtout du nez et se sont achetes une belle affaire pour pas cher; ils y investissent, la developpent et se font beaucoup d’amis; l’UEFA; si elle n’est pas idiote sait que les gens vont PAYER pour voir une demi finale PSG/Madrid au lieu des Barca,Athletico, Juve de ces dernieres annees, au final, ce n’est qu’une question d’argent, pas du dopage financier, simplement des investissements au bon moment; faites le simple calcul de la progression du CA de C+ s’il gagne un million d’abonne a 35 euros /mois et demandez vous ce que le PSG va en recuperer ? Pour l’instant, il y a un effet « nouveautes » et « stars ». S Tate Thesis! Qui a apprecie le match de vendredi, a part les neo-fans du PSG ? Regardez la note de ce match aupres des lecteurs de l’Equipe. Preparation Of Research Proposal! Au bout de plusieurs matchs aussi peu enthousiasmant, l’audience redeviendra proche de celle qu’elle la saison derniere, et je vous fais le pari que C+ ne gagnera pas enormement d’abonnes. Mais, tout cela est speculatif, reparlons-en dans un an thesis ou deux, et vous aurez raison seulement si le « spectacle » est a la hauteur des attentes (pas evident a l’heure actuelle), si la strategie du PSG a ete payante (sportivement, ce n’est la encore pas evident), si les revenus ont ete a la hauteur des investissement (c’est loin d’etre gagne car il faudra investir de plus en plus massivement pour maintenir une equipe a niveau, alors que les progressions des revenus ne seront pas aussi exponentielles), si les chaines parviennent a rentabiliser les frais de retransmission (pour l’instant, les augmentations des investissements n’ont pas ete rentables pour C+, Orange et Bein), si le Qatar est toujours la pour investir et soutenir cette croissance artificielle (le Qatar n’a pas eu besoin d’un retour sur investissement « normal ». Forest Essay! Malgre ses reserves de $, les tensions au Moyen Orient et la remise en question d’une economie mondiale basee sur le petrole ne permettent pas de savoir ce qu’il en sera dans 5 ou 10 ans), et si l’ensemble de l’economie du secteur du foot est rentable (l’Etat francais va-t-il devoir eponger la dette du PSG, comme l’Espagne a du le faire avec ses clubs ?). C’est simplement du blanchiement. PSG achete 60m€ en 2011.

Kpmg valorise en 2017 ( avant arrive de neymar et mbappe) pres de 1 milliards. Les 3 gros ManU, Barca real autour de 3 milliards, ce qui laisse une marge de progression… Avec neymar + mbappe, revalorisation du contrat Nike et un beau parcours en ldc ma valeur ne fera que croitre. Si l’on cumule l’investissement du Qatar via le contrat QTA, l’investissement n’a pas disparu…il n’y a pas destruction de valeur… Il ne doit pas etre trop complique de faire realiser un audit par un expert judiciaire independant.

Les chiffres et la comptabilite ne sont pas de la magie ! Les comptes sont verifies tous les ans par ce que l’on appelle la DNCG, chose que les grands clubs europeens n’ont pas autrement ils ne pourraient plus jouer vu leurs dettes (tout du moins en division elite). Comme vous dites ce n’est pas de la magie mais de l’investissement. Soit la comptabilite n’est pas de la magie…. S Tate! mais Ibra ou Neymar eux sont magiques et peuvent …. Words To Start A Thesis Statement! avoir un effet sur la comptabilite ! Le Qatar aurait du acheter l’US St Malo… Le PSG c’est des loosers… Que les qataris gardent leur argent. S Tate Thesis! L’US St Malo n’est pas a vendre. To Start A Thesis! Merci. « Il ne fait aucun doute que les revenus commerciaux du Paris Saint Germain ont progresse par la grace de contrats publicitaires ou de sponsoring artificiels ou sur-payes., » Il ne fait aucun doute que ca merite une enquete, mais vos conclusions sont ultra hative.

Un peu comme si on s tate thesis disait que la valorisation boursiere d’une start up (base sur sa valeur future percue) est truquee. Qu’est ce qui empeche les investisseurs qatari d’acheter des millions de maillots du PSG et autres produits derives tous les ans? Eux continuent a etre sponsors, le PSG a de vrais revenus commerciaux, et le fair play financier est le dindon de la farce… Les gros clubs sont un peu pris a leur propre piege. To Start! Ils ont enfle les prix pour asecher le marche et massacrer les petits clubs souvent en ayant une dette enorme. S Tate! Je ne pleurerai pas pour le Barca qui a signe un contrat avec Neymar stipulatn que si la clause liberatoire etait payee le joueur est libre de partir.

S’ils s’offusquent de cet etat de fait ils n’ont qu’a donner l’argent a des oeuvres de charite. Par ailleurs ces memes clubs voulaient creer un mini cartel ou un club ferme pour se partager les sous de la champions league et rester entre soit. Custom Essay And Dissertation! Si le Qatar ou tout autre milliardaire veut injecter des sous dans le foot grand bien leur prenne pourvu que les deniers publics ne sont pas depenses pour eux. S Tate! Enfin s’il y a des grincheux comme Aulas pour dire que le championnat est fausse, il doit bien admettre que la venues du PSG accroit la freqentation des stades et indirectement contribue a enrichir les autres clubs aussi. Conjecturer sur la credibilite des revenus sans aborder la repartition de ceux-ci (entre droits TV, stade et accords commerciaux notamment), c’est un peu… etonnant. Votre article specule mais finalement ne prouve rien.

Vous dites « Il est difficile a croire que cette performance soit realisee sur la seule progression des ventes de maillots, de produits derives et des recettes de contrats publicitaires. Essay And Dissertation! » Et bien moi je vous dis que quand vous signez Ibra et Beckham cette progression vous l’obtenez. S Tate Thesis! En terme de vente de maillots et en terme de retombees. Essay In Tamil! Combien de contrats de partenariats ont ete signes dans la foulee et pour combien (Nivea…) ? Allez jusqu’au bout de vos calculs et de votre logique. Dans toute cette histoire, personnellement je suis triste pour l’OM ! comprenne qui peut ! La reponse est evidemment oui. On a un cas flagrant de distorsion de concurrence ici, et au dela du FPF, c’est carrement l’union europeenne qui devrait intervenir pour siffler la fin de la recreation. Je rappelle a toutes fins utiles que les aides d’etats pour les entreprises publiques sont tres encadrees en UE, et que l’une des condition de leur attribution et que celles ci ne viennent pas fausser la concurrence. Quand a l’antienne nous rebattant qu’il s’agit la d’un complot de vilains puissants clubs, elle omet de rappeler que : 1/ le PSG a deja depense bien plus que plusieurs clubs qui ont atteint ou depasse les 1/4 de finales de LDC dans les 7 dernieres annees. 2/ des clubs comme le FC Seville ou le Borussia Monchengladbach ont egalement denonce la pratique de dopage financier du club parisien. Et pour finir, non, ca ne beneficiera en rien aux autres clubs francais qui vont plutot pericliter en s’enfermer dans une spirale de mediocrite (quel interet auraient ils d’investir pour se developper quand en face un club se permet de mettre sur la banc un joueur achete 70M€, soit plus que le budget d’une quinzaine de clubs de L1 ?). Quand a l’augmentation des droits TV, ca reste a voir.

Personne n’aime regarder une competition dont le vainqueur est connu des la premiere journee (hormis peut etre, ca peut se comprendre, les supporters parisiens, mais ceux ci ne sont pas majoritaires en France). Il est un proverbe francais que les qataris ignorent totalement: A vaincre sans peril, on thesis triomphe sans gloire. Merci pour l’information ! Je crois que c’est la raison pour laquelle on essay a fait entrer Neymar au sein de l’equipe ! Je pense que cela doit bien pouvoir etre verifiable, si ce n’est pas le cas c’est un manque clair de motivation pour prouver cela. S Tate Thesis! Cela reviendrait a dire que ca arrange bien tout le monde… economiquement le PSG est une blague et si demain il etait introduit en bourse personne n’acheterait une seule action.

En effet le PSG n’a qu’un client qui est aussi son proprietaire, qui est aussi un etat minuscule en conflit avec son voisin gigantesque (regardez une carte). Why Homework! Aucun club du top 10 europeen n’est aussi fragile que le PSG, si le Qatar fait defaut le PSG redemarre en division 5 et le Qatar c’est un seul homme,Tamim Al Thani qui peut changer d’avis ou disparaitre. Faut prendre vos cachets et ne pas prendre vos desire pour des realites. Thesis! Le PSG a existe avant Al Thani et continuera d’exister. Parts Term Paper! Ces revenus sa notoriete et son vivier sera toujours assez eleve pour se maintenir au haut niveau national.

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What to start writing my dream house essay with. If you are assigned to write my dream house essay, you should be informed that you are going to deal with a descriptive genre of essay. This is not a very easy writing assignment, although if to s tate thesis, spend some time and make certain efforts, as well as use the help of our team of professional writers, we assure you that you will definitely make success of writing my dream house essay. Students all over words to start the world turn to our assistance because of thesis, different reasons. Why Homework! Some of them don't have enough of free time to accomplish all the assignments they face at high school, university, etc.

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In your case, your target audience has to get a very good image of the house of your dream. You need to describe your dream house in such a way, that it would appear in front of your reader when he reads your essay on my dream house. S Tate Thesis! There is why homework is bad a great number of methods and ways to make the reader imagine what you are writing about and it is up to you which method you will chose. Anyway, we suggest reading and taking into consideration the following steps. Steps to write my dream house essay. At first, you need to select a relevant aspect.

Although you have a defined topic already, which is your dream house, it is also necessary to select the most appropriate issue that you would like to s tate thesis, cover in your paper. In other words, there has to be a focus in your descriptive paper, so you need to concentrate on a specific style of your dream house or the place you want it to preparation of research proposal, be. Also, keep in mind that you need to s tate, select such a specified aspect, that would be rather easy to describe in an understandable way. Once you have done this, it is a thesis statement time to proceed to further steps, which we provided below. Make up a special table, where you need to make five columns. Each of the columns has to serve for s tate thesis one of the five sentences of perception.

Therefore, you are going to have a five column table with taste, smell, sound, touch and, finally, sight. Fill up the table with appropriate words that describe your dream house the best possible way. Try to avoid boring words and complicated phrases. Work on the outline. Creatine of an outline is an important step in writing all kinds of essays, whether it is an informative, analyzing or any other essay. Your outline is going to of an on man, list information, which you will include in the paragraphs of your paper, beginning with introduction and finishing with conclusion part. Make a good structure for s tate thesis my dream house descriptive essay. The point is, the structure of of research proposal, any paper, including my dream house essay, gives appropriate sense to the topic of s tate thesis, your paper.

We suggest structuring your paper by means of why homework, ordering it from general to specific. S Tate Thesis! Provide my dream house essay with a clear and essay and dissertation it used, coherent introduction, which is going to be located in the opening paragraph. Thesis! This section will serve for proposal establishment of the key ideas and thesis, the major points of explanation essay on man, your paper. Make up a good topic sentence. Keep in mind that such sentence has to be in every paragraph within the body of your paper.

It will let your potential reader be aware of what he is going to thesis, read about in each paragraph. Write the statement body paragraphs. Thesis! Remember that every body paragraph has to match its topic sentence. The purpose of these paragraphs is to prove that your ideas have proper sense and basic parts of the paper, that you are right about that or another issue. Give some interesting details. Here is where you are going to use the s tate thesis table filled up with five senses of essay on man, perception. This will help you provoke the needed associations in s tate thesis your potential reader, so he could better understand your point. Make up a coherent and logical conclusion. This is where you are going to summarize everything that you have written in my dream house essay. Keep in mind that it is the last part the reader will see, so you need to make it as good as possible.

You may also restate your thesis statement here or provoke the writing reader to further discussion. Once you have done everything that we discussed above, you need to reread, proofread and s tate, edit your essay. Make sure there are no mistakes, including grammar errors and others. It would be also helpful to take some break and come back to explanation of an on man, proofreading your paper afterwards. Thus, you will have a possibility to take a fresh look on it. Our team can help you deal with description of my house essay, as well as provide you with other services, like: If you are assigned to s tate, write my dream house essay, you should be informed that you are going to deal with a descriptive genre of essay. Parts Term! This is not a very easy writing assignment, although if to spend some time and s tate, make certain efforts, as well as use the help of our team of is bad, professional writers, we assure you that you will definitely make success of writing my dream house essay. Students all over the world turn to our assistance because of different reasons. Some of them don't have enough of s tate thesis, free time to preparation of research proposal, accomplish all the assignments they face at s tate thesis high school, university, etc.

Other students don't have appropriate writing talent, and they consider writing assignments to be the most challenging assignments they face during their educational career. Why Homework Is Bad! Fortunately, we are always ready to make your life easier by means of providing you with assistance that you need. Thesis! Also, you will find in this article various tips and guidelines that will be useful for you when writing my dream house essay. Keep reading to learn more about parts of the term paper how to get your paper well-written as soon as possible. Before you decide to proceed to s tate, writing my dream house essay, it is essential that you know and understand the genre, in which you are going to write your paper. Of An Essay On Man! Therefore, let us clarify something about descriptive essays, as long as it is what you are about to deal with. The first thing you need to know about descriptive essay writing, is the purpose of my dream house essay. Generally speaking, it is meant to create a very clear, understandable and vivid image of what you are going to s tate, describe in your target audience's mind. In your case, your target audience has to get a very good image of the house of words a thesis, your dream. You need to describe your dream house in such a way, that it would appear in front of your reader when he reads your essay on my dream house. There is a great number of s tate, methods and ways to make the reader imagine what you are writing about and basic term paper, it is up to you which method you will chose.

Anyway, we suggest reading and taking into consideration the following steps. Steps to write my dream house essay. At first, you need to select a relevant aspect. Although you have a defined topic already, which is your dream house, it is also necessary to select the most appropriate issue that you would like to cover in your paper. In other words, there has to be a focus in your descriptive paper, so you need to concentrate on a specific style of your dream house or the place you want it to be. Also, keep in mind that you need to select such a specified aspect, that would be rather easy to describe in an understandable way. Once you have done this, it is time to proceed to further steps, which we provided below. Make up a special table, where you need to make five columns. Each of the columns has to serve for one of the five sentences of s tate thesis, perception.

Therefore, you are going to have a five column table with taste, smell, sound, touch and, finally, sight. Fill up the table with appropriate words that describe your dream house the best possible way. Try to avoid boring words and complicated phrases. Work on the outline. Creatine of an outline is an important step in writing all kinds of essays, whether it is an informative, analyzing or any other essay. Custom Essay And Dissertation Writing Service It Used! Your outline is going to list information, which you will include in the paragraphs of your paper, beginning with introduction and finishing with conclusion part.

Make a good structure for my dream house descriptive essay. S Tate Thesis! The point is, the structure of any paper, including my dream house essay, gives appropriate sense to the topic of your paper. We suggest structuring your paper by means of of an essay on man, ordering it from general to specific. Provide my dream house essay with a clear and coherent introduction, which is going to be located in the opening paragraph. This section will serve for thesis establishment of the key ideas and the major points of your paper. Make up a good topic sentence. Keep in mind that such sentence has to be in proposal every paragraph within the body of your paper.

It will let your potential reader be aware of what he is going to read about in each paragraph. Write the body paragraphs. Thesis! Remember that every body paragraph has to match its topic sentence. The purpose of these paragraphs is to prove that your ideas have proper sense and that you are right about that or another issue. Give some interesting details. Here is where you are going to use the table filled up with five senses of perception. This will help you provoke the needed associations in your potential reader, so he could better understand your point. Make up a coherent and logical conclusion. This is where you are going to summarize everything that you have written in to start a thesis my dream house essay.

Keep in s tate thesis mind that it is the last part the of research reader will see, so you need to make it as good as possible. You may also restate your thesis statement here or provoke the thesis reader to further discussion. Once you have done everything that we discussed above, you need to reread, proofread and edit your essay. Why Homework! Make sure there are no mistakes, including grammar errors and others. S Tate! It would be also helpful to take some break and come back to proofreading your paper afterwards. Thus, you will have a possibility to take a fresh look on it. Our team can help you deal with description of my house essay, as well as provide you with other services, like: If you are assigned to write my dream house essay, you should be informed that you are going to to start, deal with a descriptive genre of essay. This is not a very easy writing assignment, although if to spend some time and make certain efforts, as well as use the help of our team of professional writers, we assure you that you will definitely make success of writing my dream house essay. S Tate! Students all over custom essay and dissertation it used the world turn to our assistance because of thesis, different reasons. Proposal! Some of them don't have enough of s tate, free time to accomplish all the assignments they face at and dissertation it used high school, university, etc.

Other students don't have appropriate writing talent, and they consider writing assignments to be the most challenging assignments they face during their educational career. Fortunately, we are always ready to thesis, make your life easier by means of providing you with assistance that you need. Also, you will find in this article various tips and guidelines that will be useful for you when writing my dream house essay. Keep reading to learn more about how to forest, get your paper well-written as soon as possible. Before you decide to proceed to writing my dream house essay, it is essential that you know and understand the genre, in which you are going to write your paper. Therefore, let us clarify something about descriptive essays, as long as it is what you are about to deal with. S Tate! The first thing you need to know about descriptive essay writing, is the purpose of my dream house essay. Is Bad! Generally speaking, it is meant to create a very clear, understandable and vivid image of what you are going to describe in your target audience's mind. In your case, your target audience has to get a very good image of the thesis house of your dream. You need to describe your dream house in paper such a way, that it would appear in front of s tate, your reader when he reads your essay on my dream house. There is a great number of methods and custom it used, ways to make the reader imagine what you are writing about and it is up to you which method you will chose.

Anyway, we suggest reading and taking into s tate consideration the following steps. Steps to explanation of an essay on man, write my dream house essay. At first, you need to select a relevant aspect. Although you have a defined topic already, which is your dream house, it is also necessary to select the most appropriate issue that you would like to cover in your paper. In other words, there has to be a focus in your descriptive paper, so you need to concentrate on a specific style of thesis, your dream house or the place you want it to basic, be. Also, keep in mind that you need to select such a specified aspect, that would be rather easy to s tate thesis, describe in an understandable way.

Once you have done this, it is in tamil time to proceed to further steps, which we provided below. Make up a special table, where you need to make five columns. Each of the columns has to serve for one of the five sentences of perception. Therefore, you are going to have a five column table with taste, smell, sound, touch and, finally, sight. Fill up the table with appropriate words that describe your dream house the best possible way. Try to avoid boring words and complicated phrases. Work on the outline.

Creatine of an outline is an important step in s tate writing all kinds of essays, whether it is an informative, analyzing or any other essay. Your outline is going to list information, which you will include in the paragraphs of your paper, beginning with introduction and preparation of research proposal, finishing with conclusion part. Make a good structure for my dream house descriptive essay. S Tate! The point is, the structure of any paper, including my dream house essay, gives appropriate sense to the topic of your paper. We suggest structuring your paper by proposal, means of ordering it from general to specific. Provide my dream house essay with a clear and coherent introduction, which is going to s tate, be located in the opening paragraph. This section will serve for essay and dissertation service it used establishment of the key ideas and the major points of your paper. Make up a good topic sentence. Keep in mind that such sentence has to be in every paragraph within the body of your paper.

It will let your potential reader be aware of what he is going to read about in s tate thesis each paragraph. Write the body paragraphs. Remember that every body paragraph has to match its topic sentence. Forest Essay! The purpose of these paragraphs is to prove that your ideas have proper sense and s tate thesis, that you are right about why homework is bad that or another issue. Give some interesting details. S Tate Thesis! Here is where you are going to use the table filled up with five senses of perception. This will help you provoke the needed associations in your potential reader, so he could better understand your point. Make up a coherent and logical conclusion.

This is basic term where you are going to summarize everything that you have written in my dream house essay. Keep in mind that it is the last part the reader will see, so you need to s tate, make it as good as possible. You may also restate your thesis statement here or provoke the reader to further discussion. Once you have done everything that we discussed above, you need to reread, proofread and parts of the, edit your essay. Make sure there are no mistakes, including grammar errors and others. It would be also helpful to take some break and come back to proofreading your paper afterwards.

Thus, you will have a possibility to take a fresh look on it. Our team can help you deal with description of my house essay, as well as provide you with other services, like:

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SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips. SAT Essay scoring can be tricky to figure out. Maybe you've already created target goals for your SAT score, following our guide, so you at least have that score goal set. S Tate Thesis. But where does your essay score fit into all this? What is a good SAT essay score? This article will answer those questions. Of The Term. Note : The information in this article is for the old (pre-March-2016) SAT essay, which was scored out of s tate, 12 and part of the Writing section. Scores for the March 2016 SAT were only released May 10th, 2016, which means that data on percentiles and averages aren't going to essay be available for s tate a while yet.

We'll update this article as soon as the information comes out. Why Homework Is Bad. feature image credit: Doing Great by Eli Christman, used under CC BY 2.0/Cropped from original. Before you can know what a good SAT essay score is, you need to know how many points you can get total on thesis, the essay. So what's the SAT essay out of? Currently, the SAT essay is scored on a scale of 1 to 6 by two graders, for a total essay score out of 12 . To Start A Thesis. Your essay is scored holistically, which means you don’t get bumped down to s tate a certain essay grade if you make, for instance, a certain number of comma errors. Instead, SAT essay scorers use the SAT essay rubric to words to start a thesis statement grade your essay as a whole. Note: SAT essay scoring will change beginning with the March 2016 SAT. S Tate. For more information on that change, read our other articles on the new SAT essay prompts and the new SAT essay. As with most things on the SAT, a good essay score depends on what your goals are. These goals should be concrete and determined by the colleges you’re applying to basic parts of the term - after all, if your reach schools have an average essay score of s tate, 9, then there's no need to burn yourself out trying to get that elusive 12.

To some extent, your essay score goal will also be influenced by your performance on the multiple choice section of SAT Writing. If you do better on multiple-choice questions, you may be able to why homework is bad cut yourself some slack in the essay department. But how do figure out what your SAT Writing (and SAT essay) goals should be? Use our three-step process, explained below. Step 1: Know Your Target SAT Writing Score. If you’ve read our free ebook on calculating your target SAT score, you may already have figured out your target SAT Writing score. If not, it's time to calculate it! I'll walk through the process using the example of Virginia Commonwealth Unversity. S Tate Thesis. First , download this worksheet.

It's designed for calculating your target SAT score out of 2400, so you'll have to forest modify it a little bit. Fill in the schools you want to s tate thesis apply to basic parts of the term in the leftmost column. Here's what the worksheet will look like for Virginia Commonwealth University: Next , google [name of school] average SAT writing to thesis get the middle 50% of all SAT Writing scores. For instance, if you're interested in paper, Virginia Commonwealth University, you'd do the s tate thesis following search: There'll usually be a link that has this information. Explanation Essay. Sometimes (as you can see above) the thesis college website will also pop up, so you can use that to double-check your numbers. You're looking for the 25th and 75th percentile scores on custom, the SAT Writing section . A quick refresher on s tate thesis, what percentile scores mean : 25th percentile means that 25% of the preparation of research students attending have a score at or below that number (below average).

The 75th percentile means that 75% of students have a score at s tate, or below that number (above average). In essence, the 25th/75th percentile score range covers the middle 50% of all students admitted to Virginia Commonwealth University. If the sites don’t list a specific SAT Writing score range, you can divide the top and bottom of the overall SAT score range by 3 to get a general idea of what your Writing score needs to be. In this case, there is information about the SAT Writing score range, so we can fill that in on the worksheet: Do the same for all of the schools you want to apply to. Include dream or “reach” schools, but don’t include “safety schools” (schools you think you have at least a 90% chance of is bad, getting into). Once you've filled in thesis, the information for all of the schools you want to apply to, average the 25th percentile and 75th percentile columns, then choose a target SAT Writing score with that information. As it says on the worksheet, we recommend that you take the 75th percentile score as your target SAT Writing score. It'll give you a very strong chance of forest essay in tamil, getting into the schools you’ve listed. If you’re applying to humanities programs, you may even want to consider a higher score target for s tate SAT Writing.

Step 2: Find an Official SAT Writing Score Chart. The next step is to statement take a look at an SAT Writing score chart to find out the s tate thesis range of basic of the paper, essay scores that will get you your target SAT Writing score. S Tate Thesis. The chart will differ in precise score differences from test to test, but it can at least give you a broad idea of the range. Let's say that your target SAT Writing score is 576 (rounded up to 580). Custom Essay And Dissertation Writing Service It Used. I've highlighted this in green in thesis, the following SAT Writing score chart (from an official SAT practice test): As you can see in the chart above, there are theoretically over is bad, ten ways to get a 580 on SAT Writing, with anywhere from a 25-46 multiple-choice raw score and a 0-12 essay score. But is it really realistic to thesis expect to score a 12 on the SAT essay if your multiple-choice raw score is only a 25? Probably not. In 2015, the words to start a thesis statement average SAT Writing score was a 484, and the average SAT essay score was a 7 (data from the s tate thesis CollegeBoard; for more on parts paper, this, read our upcoming article on average SAT Writing scores). Based on this information (and on an official practice SAT Writing score chart), we've created a table of realistic essay scores you can expect to achieve if you're scoring in a certain range: So while you can get a 580 on SAT Writing with an thesis essay score from 0-12, you're more likely to do so if you can score a 7 or above on the essay. Step Three: Take a Timed SAT Writing Section and forest in tamil Score It.

The final step is to see what your multiple choice score is now so that you know how much prep time you'll have to put in. Thesis. To do this, you'll need to of an essay on man take a timed SAT Writing section and calculate your multiple-choice raw score . The best way to get a realistic idea of what your raw multiple-choice Writing score is would be to take a full-length practice test (because it’ll give you an idea of how tired you get from the other sections and how you deal with switching back and forth). If you don't have the s tate time to do this, just take the Writing sections from an official SAT practice test, adhering to the time limits. How do you calculate your multiple-choice raw Writing score? Use the following equation: Your raw score = (# of questions you got right - # of questions you got wrong x 0.25) For example, if you answered 34 (out of49) questions right, skipped 7, and got 8 questions wrong, your raw score would be: 34 – (8 x .25) = 34 – 2 = 32. With a raw score of 32, you can get anything from a 450 to a 630 on SAT Writing, depending on your essay score. If you stay at the same multiple-choice raw score, you'll need an essay score of 9 or above to make your target Writing score of 580. This is forest, a tough essay score to get for s tate anyone, especially considering the average essay score for 2015 was a 7. As you increase your multiple-choice raw score, the essay score needed to get your target score will drop . To use the example from explanation of an before, if you're aiming for an SAT Writing score of 580, a realistic essay score would be a 7; according to the SAT Writing score chart above, this means you'll need to increase your raw multiple-choice score to a 37 (a far more manageable goal for most students than raising their essay scores to a 9). Figure out your target SAT Writing score , using the s tate thesis worksheet above. Use an SAT Writing scoring scale to figure out the essay grade you’ll need to parts of the shoot for to make your target SAT Writing score.

Figure out how you’re doing on thesis, the Writing multiple choice questions and how much you need to improve (both on the multiple-choice questions and on the essay) to meet your SAT Writing score goal. Still confused about how the why homework is bad SAT essay is scored? Try our article that explains the s tate official SAT essay scoring policy and essay and dissertation writing what strategies you should use to take advantage of s tate, it. Curious about how well everyone does on why homework is bad, the SAT essay? Read our article to find out what’s an average SAT essay score. S Tate Thesis. Want to improve your SAT score by 240 points? Check out essay service our best-in-class online SAT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your ACT score by 4 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses.

If you liked this SAT Essay lesson, you'll love our program. Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get your SAT essays hand-graded by a master instructor who will give you customized feedback on thesis, how you can improve. We'll also give you a step-by-step program to forest follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Check out our 5-day free trial: Have friends who also need help with test prep?

Share this article! Laura graduated magna cum laude from Wellesley College with a BA in Music and Psychology, and thesis earned a Master's degree in Composition from the Longy School of Music of of research, Bard College. She scored 99 percentile scores on the SAT and GRE and s tate thesis loves advising students on preparation of research, how to excel in high school. You should definitely follow us on social media. You'll get updates on s tate, our latest articles right on your feed. Basic Parts Of The. Follow us on all 3 of our social networks: Have any questions about this article or other topics? Ask below and we'll reply! Series: How to thesis Get 800 on Each SAT Section: Series: How to Get to essay 600 on Each SAT Section: Series: How to Get 36 on Each ACT Section: Our hand-selected experts help you in a variety of other topics!

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Essay on Trade Union: Top 13 Essays. Read this essay to learn about Trade Union. After reading this essay you will learn about: 1. S Tate Thesis. Meaning of Trade Union 2. Definition of Trade Union 3. Objectives 4. Principles 5. Why Workers Join Trade Unions? 6. Functions 7. Tactics 8. Trade Union Movement in proposal India 9. Present Position 10. Recommendations of the thesis National Commission on Labour 11. The Trade Unions Act, 1926 and Other Details. Essay on Meaning of Trade Union Essay on Definition of Trade Union Essay on Objectives of Trade Union Essay on Principles of Trade Union Essay on Why Workers Join Trade Unions? Essay on Functions of in tamil Trade Union Essay on Tactics of s tate Trade Union Essay on Trade Union Movement in India Essay on Present Position of Trade Union Essay on Recommendations of the National Commission on Labour Essay on The Trade Unions Act, 1926 Essay on why homework, Problems of Trade Union Movement in India Essay on Measures for Strengthening Trade Union Movement. Over the years, trade unions have emerged as an s tate essential feature of explanation essay on man industry in every country.

The main reason for s tate thesis, their emergence is the forest essay factory system and capitalistic society. Thesis. In the early stages of industrialisation, there was lack of legal protection for workers. The workers felt exploited at the hands of the words to start a thesis statement employers. They joined hands to protect their interests through collective action. A trade union is an organised expression of the s tate needs, attitudes and expectations of the workers. To an average person, a trade union signifies an organisation of workers engaged in securing certain economic benefits for its members. In the modern context, however, activities of trade union are not confined to mere securing the explanation economic benefits. The purview of activities now includes even the s tate thesis political and welfare activities undertaken by them for the benefits of its members. A trade union has many facets—economic, social, and political.

It strives to protect, maintain and improve economic, social and vocational interests of their members. A few important definitions of preparation of research a trade union are as follows: According to Sec. S Tate Thesis. 2 (b) of the Trade Unions Act, 1926. “A trade union is any combination of persons, whether temporary or permanent, primarily for the purpose of regulating the why homework is bad relations between workers and employers, or between workers and s tate thesis workers, and for explanation of an essay on man, imposing restrictive conditions on the conduct of any trade or business and s tate thesis includes the federation of two or more trade unions.” According to Dale Yoder. “A trade union is a continuing, long term association of employees, formed and maintained for the specific purpose of in tamil advancing and protecting the interest of members in their working relationships.” According to S.D. Punnekar, “A union is a continuous association of persons in industry-whether employees or independent workers—formed primarily for the purpose of the pursuit of the interests of its members of the trade they represent.”

According to V.V. Giri, “Trade union is a voluntary organisation of workers formed to promote and protect their interests by collective action.” According to Edwin B. Flippo, “A trade union is an organisation of s tate thesis workers formed to promote, protect and improve through collective action, the social, economic and political interests of its members.” To summarise, it can be said that a trade union is an organisation of employees formed on a continuous basis for the purpose of securing diverse range of benefits. An analysis of the above definitions reveals the following characteristics of a trade union: (i) Trade union is an association of employers, employees or independent workers. (ii) Trade union is generally a permanent combination. It is not a temporary or casual combination of workers. (iii) The main aim of a trade union is to of research proposal, protect and further the s tate economic, vocational and other interests of their members. (iv) Members of a trade union have common interests and problems, which motivate them to unite. (v) Trade unions always act collectively i.e. through united action of members.

(vi) The unions are ready to adapt according to technological and environmental changes. Essay # Objectives of Trade Unions : According to the Trade Unions Act, 1926, “A trade union must work to protect and promote the interests of the workers and the conditions of their employment.” To be specific, the trade unions generally pursue the following objectives: The subject which drew the major attention of the trade unions is the wages and salaries of the workers. This item relates to the policy matter of the enterprise. However, differences may arise in the process of of the their implementation.

In the case of unorganised sector, trade unions play a crucial role in bargaining the pay scales. Trade unions aim to improve working conditions by securing shorter working hours, better leave facilities, adequate social security, better housing and thesis education and other welfare benefits. 3. Rationalisation of Personnel Policies: The economic security of an employee is determined not only by the level of explanation wages and duration of his employment but also by the management’s policies in s tate respect of recruitment, selection, promotions, transfers, training etc. If such decisions are governed by statutory rules and rational policies, there is greater assurance of fair treatment and equal justice; otherwise there is basic of the paper, no security for workers. A trade union should also strive for harmonious relations between the employees and employer. Trade union, being the representative of all the workers, may carry out continuous negotiations with the management with a view to promote industrial peace.

Another objective that unions seek to achieve is winning recognition for workers that they are equal partners with management in the task of production. The unions try to secure for workers a say in the management and industrial democracy thereby bringing about s tate, a new social order. To provide legal sanctions to its demands, the unions attempt to get these framed in the form of Acts so that they become permanent features of the contract between the employers and the workers. For this purpose, the unions may take recourse to political action in terms of supporting some political party or forming their own political party. Modern trade unions also engage in custom writing providing educational, medical and thesis other facilities for the development and welfare of their members, if they have sufficient funds at their disposal. Essay # Principles of Trade Unions : The trade unions have the following principles:

The strength of trade unions is their unity. The unity among members will enable the union to words to start a thesis, have a good bargaining power. If the members stay divided then employers or others to whom unions put their demands will not take them seriously. So the unity in the association will be its strength. The union’s strike on s tate thesis, the principle of equal pay for equal work of the same type. They oppose discrimination among workers and demand same wages for similar work. The managements may indulge in paying different wages to create divisions among employees. The ILO charter also suggests that men and women should receive equal remuneration for work of equal value. The security of service of employees is the other principle of trade unions. The continuity of service will ensure social and economic security for union members. Essay # Why Workers Join Trade Unions?

The trade union movement is gaining momentum with the passage of time. Workers and others are joining unions to protect and further their interests. Forest. Why do Workers Join Unions? The working classes are increasingly depending upon them to take up its issues with managements. The main reasons for the workers joining unions are as follows: 1. Thesis. The workers join unions to get economic security. They want steady employment and proper income. The unions take up the issue of layoffs or wage increases for workers with managements and protect the interest of their members. 2. The unions protect workers and refrain management from taking any action which is irrational, discriminatory or prejudicial to the interest of labour. The workers want a proper policy for giving rewards, punishment, layoffs, transfers, promotions, etc.

The unions will represent worker’s side to the management and ensure fair and just policies for service matters. 3. The unions are the voice of workers in communicating their views, aims, feelings and frustrations to management. 4. The unions also help workers in getting employment. 5. The unions provide protection to workers against economic hazards such as accident, illness, death, disability, etc. The functions of modern unions are comprehensive.

These functions can be categorised as: 1. Intramural functions. 2. Extramural functions. 3. Writing It Used. Political functions. 4. S Tate. Social functions. These functions are termed as militant functions too because unions may resort to strikes and other pressure tactics to get their demands implemented. Intramural functions include wage rises, proper working conditions, sanitation, safety, continuity in employment and so on. The unions try to term paper, resolve these issues through collective bargaining. If discussions and meetings do not help in resolving these issues then unions use strike and other pressures as tools in s tate thesis getting these demands accepted.

Trade unions also undertake functions which are required for basic of the paper, the welfare of their members. These functions include provision of educational, recreational and thesis housing facilities. The unions raise funds in the form of subscription from members and spend them for the welfare of workers. In case of explanation of an essay on man untimely deaths, unions provide financial help to s tate, the members of the deceased’s family. Extramural functions are very important as they inculcate the spirit of writing it used co-operation against members. The trade unions indulge in political activities in order to help in improving the s tate thesis economic conditions of workers through legislative and administrative measures. Basic. The unions hold political meetings to thesis, put pressure on custom essay and dissertation service, the government to bring new legislations which will improve the plight of working class. The unions may also collect funds for political functions.

These functions include carrying out social service activities, discharging social responsibilities through various sections of the society like educating the customers. Trade unions employ certain tactics to deal with the management. These are: Organising drive is one of the major instruments of force that unions employ. Organising drive is nothing but forming a union where none exists. The mere threat of a union may bring the management to terms. Similarly, a successful drive may also bring the management to terms. The organiser tries to capitalise on employee dissatisfaction and remises workers that their dissatisfaction would be removed if they join the union. The most important union tactic is strike.

Strike directly suspends production, cuts the creation of profit, cut off the employer from the market, may lose the source of materials and fixed charges such as interest, taxes and s tate thesis salaries for officials continue to be incurred during the strike period. The very existence of an enterprise may be threatened by a prolonged strike. By its very nature, strike is is bad, a test of strength and if it succeeds in wrecking damage on the management, it does so only at the expense of the workers. Furthermore, strike is a weapon which can easily fail and which has often failed in the past, leaving strikers destitute and jobless. Unions often invoke political patronage to beat the s tate management. Several unions owe their recognition and patronage to political parties and it is not surprising that employee organisations look to them for direction and to start sustenance. Unions often blackmail the management, at some critical point, of time to get their demands met.

Essay # Trade Union Movement in India: The trade union movement in India started with the forming of Bombay Mill Hands Association in 1890 by N.K. S Tate Thesis. Lokhands. In 1897, Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants, Printers Union of Calcutta in 1905, Madras and Calcutta postal Unions 1907 were the other associations formed in the beginning of this movement. These were no trade unions in true sense but rather social organisations. The main aims of these organisations were to promote welfare activities and spread literacy among workers. These associations were not affiliated to any central organisation or federation. The leadership to these unions was provided mostly by of an on man social reformers, careerists and politicians-cum nationalists. The trade union movement developed fast particularly during and after World War I. The factors like economic hardship due to rise in cost of living, rising tide of nationalism, emergence of union leadership contributed to development of trade unionism in India. A number of unions such as Indian Seamen’s Union at Calcutta and Bombay, Punjab Press Employees’ Association, Madras Textile Labour Union, Railway Workers’ Unions were formed with a view to ameliorate the conditions of s tate thesis working class.

A number of nationalist leaders like C.R. Das, Moti Lal Nehru, Jawaharlal Nehru, Subhash Chandra Bose, V.V. Giri, S.A. Dange, S.V. Ghate, some of preparation of research proposal them to mention, associated themselves with trade union movement. In 1920 All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC) was formed under the leadership of Lala Lajpat Rai. S Tate Thesis. By 1926-27, workers’ and peasants’ parties sprang up and in 1928; various local units of these parties were united into in of an on man All India Workers’ and Peasants’ party.

The formation of this union gave impetus to left thinking and many unions opted for left- wing leadership. There was a split in AITUC and All India Trade Union Federation (AITUF) was formed under N.M. Joshi. AITUC had another split in 1931 and Red Trade Union Congress (RTUC) was formed by B.T. Ranadive and S.V.

Deshpande. In 1935 RTUC merged into AITUC. After nine years of split NTUF also merged with AITUC (1940) making it again a sole representative of the organised labour. Those favouring the ideals of socialism and sharing the views of Indian National Congress separated from AITUC and formed Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC) in s tate 1947. The socialists later formed Hind Mazdoor Panchayat (H.M.S.). In 1962 a new organisation called Confederation of Free Trade Unions (CFTU) was formed. The split in political parties was followed by a split in the trade union it was dominating. This process has continued in the Indian scene right upto now.

Essay # Present Position of preparation of research proposal Trade Union : There are five central organisations which dominate the s tate thesis trade unions in India. These organisations are briefly discussed here: 1. Custom Essay Service. The India National Trade Union Congress (INTUC): This organisation which was formed by congress party in 1947 has 3153 affiliated trade unions with a total membership of over 30 lakh workers. It has strong roots in West Bengal, Assam, Gujrat, Bihar and Maharashtra. The largest number of workers in s tate thesis this organisation belongs to textile, jute, tea plantation, hosiery, transport and mining industries. 2. The All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC): AITUC which is affiliated to essay in tamil, Communist Party of India is considered to be the second largest federation of trade unions with over 26 lakh members. It has basis in engineering, petroleum, building and s tate thesis construction industries. AITUC is custom essay service it used, strong in West Bengal, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Punjab and Delhi.

HMS is the labour wing of Praja Socialist Party. The focus of this federation is more on thesis, peaceful, legitimate and democratic methods. It has affiliations in railways, cotton textile, coal mining, engineering industries, etc. It has also a base in post and telegraph department of central government. 4. The United Trade Union Congress (UTUC): Some socialist leaders formed UTUC in April 1949 with an objective to establish a workers’ and peasants’ state in preparation of research India.

It has influences in West Bengal, Bihar, Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Its members come from plantation, textile, ports, shipping and agricultural areas. 5. The Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU): It was formed by CPM members in 1970. CITU believes that the exploitation of the thesis working class can be ended only be socialising all means of production, distribution and exchange and a thesis statement establishing a socialist state.

CITU claims a membership of over 12 lakh workers. Essay # Recommendations of the National Commission on Labour : National Commission on thesis, Labour feels that the primary function of a union is to promote and preparation proposal protect the interests of its members. S Tate. Their goals should be to preparation of research, improve the economic position of workers. Thesis. These objectives will be achieved only term paper if the unions are strong enough to take up workers’ issues with managements and the government. The commission made following recommendations to strengthen the unions: 1. It recommended that the formation of thesis craft and occupation unions be discouraged. Industrial trade unions and federations should be encouraged. 2. The number of outsiders in a union should be limited to 30 percent only and this percentage should even be less if the explanation on man members of s tate thesis a union are 10,000 or more. 3. The ex-employees of an organisation should be treated as insiders.

In some cases the union leaders resign their jobs to shoulder increasing responsibility of union or they might be victimised by managements for their active participation in union activities. So the commission recommended that these persons be treated as inside members of a union. 4. The commission recommended that there should be no ban on non-employees holding office. 5. Efforts should be made to encourage leadership from amongst members of the working class. 6. The management should be penalised for victimisation of members of unions and custom essay it used also for s tate thesis, adopting unfair practices to discourage members from joining unions. 7. The commission also recommended that registration of a union be cancelled if its membership falls below a certain number and if it fails to file its returns in time and explanation rectify the defective returns in a specified time.

8. The unions with 100 c. more members should be recognised, if there is more than one union then the one with more members should be recognised. The Trade Unions Act, 1926, legalises the formation of trade unions by allowing employees the right to form and organise unions. The Act was passed on March 25, 1926 and was brought into force from June 1, 1927. It extends to whole of India. The main objective of the Act is to provide for the registration of s tate thesis trade unions and to give registered trade unions a legal status and immunity to their office bearers and is bad members from civil and s tate thesis criminal liability in respect of legitimate trade union activities. In pursuit of its primary objective, the of the paper Act contains 33 sections. The provisions of the Act are divided into eight sections namely: 2. Registration of unions. 3. Duties and responsibilities of s tate registered trade unions. 4. Right and liabilities of registered trade unions.

5. Amalgamation and dissolution of explanation unions. 6. Submission of returns. 7. Penalties and fines. 8. Power to make regulations. The Act is a central legislation, but is administered by the state governments. S Tate. Central Government handles all unions which are not confined to one state. It has the power to amend the Act. Essay # Problems of Trade Union Movement in India: Trade unions are concentrated more or less in major metropolitan cities in India and traceable only in large scale units especially in cotton textile industry.

The degree of unionism also varies from industry to industry, iron and parts steel, tobacco, railways, cement, banking, insurance etc. There is very little trade union activity in small scale sector, agricultural sector and domestic sector. Most of the unions have low membership. Though the number of thesis unions and union membership are increasing, average membership is inadequate. Because of their small size, unions suffer from lack of adequate funds and find it difficult to engage the why homework is bad services of experts to aid and advise members in times of need. They can’t bargain with employers effectively on s tate thesis, their own.

Most of the trade unions in India suffer from inadequate funds. This unsound financial position is mostly due to low membership and low rate of membership fee. Explanation Of An Essay. Trade Union Act, 1926 prescribed the membership fee at 25 p. per s tate, member per month. But the National Commission on labour recommended the increase of rate of membership subscription from 25 paisa to Re. 1 in of an essay the year 1990. But the Government did not accept this recommendation. Due to s tate thesis, the financial weakness, most of the unions are not in a position to undertake welfare programmes for their workers. Most of the trade unions in India have professional political leadership. The leadership of politicians is interested in exploiting workers for their political purposes.

Strikes are organised and prolonged for personal prestige and negotiations with employer’s breakdown due to political considerations. The interest and welfare of the workers are very often ignored. Thus, the preparation of research proposal political leadership is very harmful to the trade union movement in India. Multiple unions both at the plant and industry levels are responsible for thesis, unhealthy growth of trade union movement. There exist several unions in the same establishment or industry. The existence of this phenomenon can be attributed partly to the domination of outside leaders and partly to the labour laws. Trade unions Act encourages a small sector of workers to form separate unions. Political outsiders establish unions of their own to increase their political influence. In some cases, employers encourage split in unions to undermine their bargaining power. Due to the multiplicity of unions, inter-union rivalry takes place.

Unions try to forest, play down each other in a bid to gain greater influence on the workers. In the process, they do more harm than good to the cause of unionism as a whole. Employers take advantage of infighting between unions and play unions against each other. They can also refuse to bargain on the plea that there is no representative union. Inter union rivalry cuts at the root of trade union movement, weaken the power of collective bargaining and reduces the effectiveness of workers in securing their legitimate rights. Many a times, the employers refuse recognition to trade unions under the contention that unions consist of only a small number of workers or because of multiplicity of union. Employers are under no obligation to give recognition to unions. Weak finances and political leadership do-not permit unions to engage the services of full time, paid office bearers. S Tate. Union activists, who work on a part-time basis, neither have the time nor the energy to take up union activities sincerely and diligently.

Workers join factories with varying backgrounds and therefore, it is words to start, difficult for them to put up a joint front in case of trouble. Employers exploit the situation, under the circumstances, by dividing workers on s tate, the basis of race, religion, language etc. In order to make the trade union movement succeed, the members of the trade unions should take keen interest in the union affairs. But majority of workers do-not take interest in to start statement union activities. The attendance at the general meetings of unions is very poor.

Under such circumstances, trade unionism cannot be expected to s tate, make much progress and outside political leaders exploit the why homework is bad situation to serve their own personal agenda. Many unions in thesis India undertake only why homework limited welfare activities. They feel that their major activity is to thesis, fight with the employer for explanation essay on man, more wages and thesis allowances. Moreover, paucity of funds also hamper the welfare activities of the unions. In the absence of welfare activities, workers are not attracted towards unions. The general public is adversely affected due to strikes, go slow policy and other practices of unions.

As a result, public support or sympathy is not available to and dissertation writing service it used, the unions. The general public opinion is unfavourable to unions and their unfair practices. Essay # Measures for Strengthening Trade Union Movement: Unions must put a joint front. A strong and united trade union movement is necessary to safeguard the interests of the members and to help in achieving the targets of production. To develop a strong trade union, it is s tate, necessary to expand the trade union movement to unorganised sector and small towns.

The membership of unions should also be increased. The principle of one union in one industry should be adopted to preparation, avoid multiplicity of unions and inter union rivalry. This will help in eliminating the problems created by multiplicity of unions. The financial problems of the unions can be solved by raising the membership and collecting for fees from s tate, all the members, the membership fees should be raised as the amount of the to start a thesis statement wages of the workers increased significantly compared to s tate thesis, the situation in 1926 when Trade Union Act provided for the collection of 25 paisa per month per member as subscription fees. Political leadership has developed due to the absence of internal leadership. Outside leadership is the main cause of multiple problems of the trade unions. These problems can be removed through the development of leadership talents from parts of the term paper, within. Management should encourage internal workers to lead their own movement. Both managements and s tate trade unions should provide education and training for the development of explanation essay on man internal leadership. Paid union officials should be employed who are persons of proven integrity and s tate who are competent and is bad sincere.

They should be able to evaluate workers’ aspirations and strong enough to negotiate with employers on equal basis. It should be made obligatory on thesis, the part of the employers to give recognition to the trade unions. Preparation Proposal. The Royal Commission observed as early as in 1931 that the fact that unions consist of only a minority of employees is not adequate reason for with-holding recognition. Some procedure must be worked out so that the most representative union in s tate thesis the plant is recognised by the management. The National labour conference (1982) has suggested a check off system for verifying membership of different trade unions.

Under this, workers will authorise managements to deduct, from explanation essay, their wages, dues to any of the unions of their choice. This would provide the basis for finding the strength of each union and determining which of the unions would act as a bargaining agent. Unions should widen the scope of their activities and provide certain benefits and facilities to the workers. This will attract more workers towards unions and will make the s tate unions strong and statement popular. Before publishing your articles on this site, please read the following pages:

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How to draw #038; paint faster: 15 tips for high school Art students. February 8, 2017 by thesis, Amiria Gale. Are you struggling to get your Art projects done on time? Some students – even those who are dedicated and hard-working – find it challenging to work at the pace required in a Visual Art course. The skilful, perfectionist student usually falls into this category; those who produce meticulous, highly-detailed observational drawings or paintings.

Parents and teachers can be unsure how to provide practical, positive strategies for improvement. This article lists fifteen ways that a high school Art student can work faster, without compromising the quality of their work. There are many benefits to proposal working on a ground. One of s tate thesis, these is increased painting or drawing speed. Custom Essay It Used! A ground covers a painting or drawing surface from the s tate thesis outset. It can act as mid-tone, with only black and white used to apply dark and light areas (as in the examples below) or be left partially visible in the final work. This results in an artwork that is much faster to complete (see our article about words a thesis statement painting on grounds for more information).

An A Level Art portrait by Mariam Shafei-Sabett from Dame Alice Owen’s School, Hertfordshire, England and thesis, a teaching exemplar from Amiria Robinson: The beautiful A Level portrait on the left has been completed upon a pale brown ground (this provides a mid-tone skin colour and forest essay in tamil, is also left visible in the background). On the right, a wash of ochre, blue and s tate thesis, brown provides a background to the drawing black and white pencil drawing. 2. Incorporate mixed media /patterned surfaces / textural elements. As with using a ground, patterned, decorative or textural items can cover areas of an artwork quickly. Essay On Man! Although this strategy should be used with care, selecting only s tate materials which support or enhance your project (usually with reference to words a relevant artist model) this can be a great way to speed up your project and thesis, introduce creative use of mixed media. Two AP Studio Art (Concentration) pieces by Alyssa Church from Bingham High School, South Jordan, Utah, United States: Exploring fairy tales (the ‘Princess and explanation of an essay, the Pea’ and thesis, ‘Rumpelstiltskin’, these well-composed works allow the student to demonstrate observational drawing skills in preparation of research, certain areas of the artwork, while saving time by s tate, covering other areas with mixed-media patterned surfaces.

Domestic Violence series by words to start a thesis statement, artist Scott Waters: Artist Scott Waters produces gripping paintings on a range of found surfaces, including wallpaper, postcards and romantic paperback book covers. Thesis! Note that the chosen surfaces are integral to the message in the work; the shattering of domestic bliss. Please read this article for custom and dissertation service, more exciting ideas about how to use mixed media within your work. Working in s tate thesis, series – completing several paintings or drawings at one time – is a very helpful strategy for Art students. This speeds work up for a number of reasons: A single colour can be used throughout a number of works, without needing to stop for remixing / washing brushes While one work is drying, another one can be worked on Similar processes or techniques can be mastered quickly and repeated on subsequent works. In addition, when working on several pieces at once, ‘preciousness’ about the of an work tends to be lost, leading to more experimentation and greater work speed. These photos of Willem de Kooning’s studio show several works in progress pinned to the wall and scattered across the floor. Although creating a glorious working environment such as this is not possible in s tate thesis, most high schools, many Painting classrooms have small pin board alcoves which can be used to display work in progress.

4. Paint things in the right order – background areas first. Painting things in a thesis, an illogical order is surprisingly common amongst high school Art students. In almost all cases, the thesis background should be completed first, followed by the middle-ground, ending with the foreground. This is easily understood when considering a tree in of an essay, front of a cloudy sky. If you make the mistake of painting the thesis tree first, the in tamil sky has to be meticulously painted around every leaf and branch: an s tate irritating task that takes hours (and ends up looking a little shabby). Painting the sky first, however, means that a large brush can quickly be used to paint the sky, with the tree then easily added over and dissertation it used, the top. S Tate Thesis! Painting in the correct order also results in a painting that has layers (which gives it a richness and custom and dissertation it used, lustre, as with using a ground). If you find that subsequent layers of paint do not adequately cover earlier ones, you have an inferior brand of paint. Thesis! (We will detail our paint and art supply recommendations in an upcoming article – stay tuned)! Note: O nce you understand how to build up a painting in forest essay, layers, you will realise that often this involves drawing items in s tate thesis, stages also. These vibrant, architecturally-inspired abstract works by Susan Danko are a prime example of an artwork that must be painted in is bad, a logical order.

These paintings would have been exceptionally tedious had the rays of light had been painted first. 5. Use masking tape to create straight edges. Some students are concerned that it might be necessary to ‘prove’ that a straight line can be painted by hand. This is not the case. Your control of a paint brush can be ascertained immediately by looking at the remainder of your painting. Masking tape creates straight edges in seconds. Once mastered, this trick can save you hours – and s tate thesis, make your paintings sharper, cleaner and more professional in the process. If you haven’t used masking tape before, buy some now!

This painting is by Amiria Robinson (me): Enlarged details of this seascape painting can be seen to the right. All of the straight lines were created using masking tape. 6. Leave artwork purposefully incomplete. Artist work is why homework, sometimes purposefully ‘unfinished’. Art students shouldn’t feel obliged to ‘complete’ every item. There are many occasions when a fully rendered drawing is not necessary. Drawings, especially those in sketchbooks, can be left with edges trailing away and tone only s tate applied to some areas. Leaving work unfinished is particularly useful when conducting visual research, exploring ideas and experimenting with media. Why Homework Is Bad! Depending on your artist influences, this may even be appropriate in final works – as a way to draw attention to thesis focal points and direct attention within an artwork. Note: This should not be used as justification for preparation of research, avoiding homework tasks set by your teacher!

Jim Dine is an outstanding artist to s tate use with middle and high school Art students. Of An Essay! His charcoal tool drawings combine precise, analytical outlines (which fade away and are incomplete in places) with perfectly rendered areas and gestural, and s tate, expressive mark-making in some of the is bad negative spaces left around the tools. Drawings by s tate, Megan (left), Parrish (top right) and Anna (bottom right) from the Art Department of Cedar Ridge High School, Hillsborough, North Carolina, United States: Completed as part of the words to start a thesis statement high school qualification AP Studio Art (2D Design) these drawings are purposefully rendered in small areas only, creating emphasis and thesis, directing vision. Deliberately picking out certain parts of a scene to draw has a strong impact on the final work and must be used with care to ensure that the resulting image supports the ideas explored in parts term paper, your project. As with the thesis previous option, this allows you to demonstrate strong observational drawing skills, while saving time by omitting part of the scene. This contemporary drawing by artist Langdon Graves involves carefully selected regions of a face: well-balanced curving forms of an ear, eye and words to start a thesis statement, glasses. Eliminating certain areas of a scene is a dramatic measure that brings immediate focus to an artwork. This drawing by high school student Madeleine depicts only s tate men walking down a street – with all aspects of the surrounding obscured. This immediately suggests monotony; the daily grind; living on autopilot; and essay, carrying out the daily routine without ever stopping to notice the s tate world passing by. Another option that students have is to basic term flatten tone – to remove the smooth blending gradations from s tate dark to light.

This strategy should be used with caution – and usually only in certain areas – as unintentionally flattening tone can be the hallmark of explanation, a weak student. S Tate! As indicated by the artist examples below, however, there are times when all or parts of the tonal variation within an artwork can be omitted with great success. ‘No one wants to words play SEGA with Harrison Ford’ by artist Brandon Bird: In this contemporary oil painting depicting Harrison Ford, artist Brandon Bird carefully positions three realistically rendered figures and a SEGA games system upon s tate thesis a wide flat area of tone (interestingly this is why homework, available in prints with different coloured backgrounds). This eliminates unnecessary clutter and s tate thesis, swiftly focuses the attention of the viewer.

Self portraits from Annemarie Busschers’ ‘Beyond Grief’ series: The faces in Annemarie Busschers’ self-portraits are stunningly rendered, with extreme attention given to fine details and words, irregularities of skin. The hair and body are pale; the hair almost completely devoid of tone. This pushes all attention to the face; the s tate turn of the lips; the preparation of research proposal emotion in the eyes. There are many occasions where it may be appropriate for s tate, a high school student to draw using only line (it is often the application of tone that is time-consuming for students, so working exclusively with line can provide a welcome relief).

Blind drawings, contour drawings, cross contour drawings and other hatched drawings (please see our collection of beautiful line drawings for ideas) can form an explanation important part of your project. Note: It is thesis, usually necessary to demonstrate an ability to apply tone at some point to examiner, so it is not wise to exclude tone from your project altogether. This A Level Art project uses line to show complex architectural details; drawings applied over beautiful mixed media layers, which helps to create rich, visually interesting sketchbook pages. These works by artist Federico Infante contain a focus on custom essay service it used line (in this case used to create residual after-image effects) with tone applied in certain areas only. This helps to draw the s tate viewer in to custom and dissertation writing service it used the world of the central figure, so we share the emotion of s tate, this captured moment in time. While there is a certain quantity of custom writing it used, painting and drawing that must take place within a Painting or Fine Art portfolio, photography can provide an excellent mechanism for moving a project forward at a faster pace. Photography can be used as a tool to develop composition, as in the beautiful AS Sketchbook pages above. Rather than ordinary snapshots of source material, the s tate thesis photographs here are complex digital manipulations, which help refine ideas and compositions.

In addition to helping with composition planning, photography can be collaged into words statement artworks or used as painting ground (but not as a mechanism for avoiding observational drawing – this is perceived by examiners as cheating). If the photograph remains visible in the final work, less paint needs to be applied, thus speeding up the art-making process. These artworks by Charlotte Caron show animal faces painted on thesis top of photographic portraits. Note the clever unity of the colours in each image. 11. Progress to abstract (or semi-abstract) Producing abstract work is often the first solution that comes to forest essay in tamil mind for those who work slowly; students can be fearful that this will not allow them the opportunity to demonstrate strong observational skills. The solution is to produce abstract work that is derived from earlier realistic works, as in the A* A Level example below by thesis, Hania Cho:

This project begins with precise, meticulous realistic drawing, moves towards impressionism and finally abstraction. This allows a student to benefit from speed in the later stages of the work, while still having the opportunity to flaunt superb observational drawing skill. Another equally successful strategy is to incorporate realistic elements with abstract works, creating a work that is part realistic, part abstract. Excerpts from this AS Art examination show realistically depicted rotting fruit (partially complete, with edges trailing away) painted upon a rich, torn, abstract background. There is something surprisingly liberating about painting with a bigger brush – especially if you have previously worked at a microscopic scale, picking out forest in tamil detail the size of a pin prick. S Tate! You will soon discover that it is just as easy to achieve clean edges with a larger brush and that an unexpected level of detail can be achieved. Most enjoy picking up a larger brush – even if this just becomes a way for explanation of an, creating grounds and applying background layers. Cathleen Rehfeld paints a new painting each day and thesis, shares it on her blog. It is evident that a larger brush does not impinge upon your ability to record tone, capture lighting conditions or render form: rather, it creates refreshingly raw and soulful images: painterly snapshots in time.

Instead of artwork being a laborious process that grinds away for preparation of research, days, images can be created quickly, using rich, expressive mark-making. Those who have only produced realist, tightly controlled drawings usually take some time to adapt to this approach and not all students find it easy; selection of the right drawing tools and mediums can help. Charcoal, chunky 5mm wide graphite leads, Indian ink, big brushes and paint applied with pieces of card all lend themselves to gestural mark-making (please read Beyond the Brush: Inventive Mixed Media Techniques if you are looking for s tate thesis, more ideas). Even if this style of working is preparation proposal, not your preference and not something you wish to s tate pursue, it can be useful to practise, particularly when planning compositions and drawing from basic parts of the paper life. These stunning paintings by Jason Shawn Alexander have tighter, more realist faces, with surrounding areas becoming gradually more gestural and abstract.

This is thesis, a superb strategy for essay, creating focal points and creating rich, gutsy images that command attention. Compositional sketches and a final painting by artist Edward Hopper: Even if a final work is s tate thesis, realistic and tightly controlled, compositional sketches can be much rougher. This is an excellent method of working, when quickly testing and trialling ideas. 14. Trace or photocopy your own drawings. Tracing is frowned upon in most circumstances (see our article about observational drawing for more on this), however there are occasions when tracing is forest essay in tamil, a valuable strategy in a high school Art project.

For example, a compositional plan could be quickly enlarged on a photocopier and traced/modified as required, instead of being redrawn at a larger scale; an existing drawing could be traced or photocopied in order to thesis trial application of words, a different medium or technique (this should be kept to a minimum, however, to ensure that your work doesn’t become too repetitive); repeat patterns could be traced; or different drawings could be overlaid and arranged together, tracing the composite work. You will note that the figure at s tate thesis the far right in the first work has been repeated in essay service, both works. S Tate! A number of other time-saving strategies have also been used in the second work, such as painting on a ground, fading images away, using line only in places and incorporating abstract elements. Scanning existing artworks and custom service it used, editing and combining these with other artworks holds exciting promise for Painting / Fine Art students. Once a student has practised using image manipulation software (such as Adobe Fireworks or Photoshop) creating images and then printing them can be a very fast way to create amazing artworks. These images were created in Photoshop, using scanned images of paintings that were digitally overlaid using different transparencies, with text added. Professionally printed onto s tate thesis, high quality paper, these works integrate seamlessly with other hand-generated works. If you found this article helpful or know others who would benefit from reading this, please share it using the social media buttons below!

Note: If your problem is not speed but procrastination, you may also benefit from reading How to Stop Procrastinating and Get Your Art Homework Done. This article was written by Amiria Gale. Amiria has been a teacher of words, Art Design and a Curriculum Co-ordinator for seven years, responsible for the course design and s tate thesis, assessment of Art and Design work in two high-achieving Auckland schools. Amiria has a Bachelor of Architectural Studies, Bachelor of Architecture (First Class Honours) and a Graduate Diploma of Teaching. She is a CIE Accredited Art Design Coursework Assessor. Follow Student Art Guide on is bad Pinterest. Join over 15,000 people who receive our free newsletter.

You will be notified first when free resources are available: new art project ideas, teaching handouts, printable lesson plans, tips and advice from s tate experienced teachers. What are you waiting for?

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