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A (very long) essay on political communications, French style. Posted on 19 October 2011 | 12:10pm. The post has just arrived and in it a very nice surprise, the discovery that Jacques Seguela, one-time adviser to President Mitterrand, now close confidant of President and Madame Sarkozy (indeed he intoduced them), and something of a legend in French political communications, has dedicated his latest book to little old moi . With apologies for examples, the missing accents here and in the French bits of the long posting which follows the dedication to #8216; Le Pouvoir dans la Peau #8216; (Power in the skin) reads #8216; A Alastair Campbell, mon spin doctor prefere#8217; (three missing accents in one word mes excuses sinceres). So what did I do for this honour, you are asking? Well, perhaps the fact that he asked me to read his book, and write a #8216;postface#8217; assessment both of science dissertation his writing and of the issues he covers, and examples, the fact that I said yes, has something to do with it. He says some blushmakingly kind things in his #8216;preface to act essay prompts 2009 the postface#8217;, which I will have to leave to argument thesis French readers of the whole thing (published by Plon). Professional Letter Service Uk? But for the largely Anglophone visitors of this blog, I thought some of you might like to read the said #8216;postface#8217; in English (apart from the bits where I quote direct from his book). I hope all those students who write asking for help with dissertations will find something quotable in it. Statement? Meanwhile I am off to Norway for act essay prompts 2009, a conference and a meeting with the Norwegian Labour Party. I#8217;m looking forward to being in the country with the highest #8216;human development index#8217; in thesis statement examples, the world, and which showed such a mature response to the recent massacre of Oslo and Utoya.

Here is the postface to cooking Le Pouvoir dans la Peau. Jacques Seguela writes about political campaigns and communications not merely as an expert analyst, but as an experienced practitioner. Hence his latest book contains both insights worth heeding, but also enlivening tales of his own experience. He is observer and participant; outsider looking in, and thesis statement examples, insider looking out. There is can design with much to look at, not least in France with a Presidential election looming, and the outcome far from easy to argument examples predict.

We live in a world defined by english coursework, the pace of change, and whilst the statement examples velocity of that change has not always impacted upon our political institutions, many of which would remain recognisable to figures of history, it most certainly has impacted upon political communications. As Seguela writes: ‘En 5 ans le monde de la communication a plus evolue que dans les cents dernieres annees. #8216; Google, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook have quickly entered our language and changed the prompts way we communicate, live our private lives, do business, do politics. People do not believe politicians as much as they once did. Examples? Nor do they believe the hobby cooking media. So who do we believe? We believe each other. The power and the political potential of social networks flows from that reality. Though fiercely modern in their application, social networks in some ways take us back to the politics of the village square. They are an electronic word of mouth on a sometimes global scale. This has changed the way people interact with each other and with their politicians. My first campaign as spokesman and strategist for Tony Blair was in 1997, three years in the planning after he had become leader of the argument thesis statement Opposition Labour Party.

Some of the principles of strategy we applied back then would certainly apply to a modern day election. But their tactical execution almost certainly would not. Politicians and professional cover letter service, their strategists have to adapt to change as well as lead it. Seguela gives some interesting insights into those who have adapted well, and those who have done less well. He clearly adores former President Lula of Brazil and you can feel his yearning for a French leader who can somehow combine hard-headed strategy with human empathy in the same way as a man who left office with satisfaction ratings of thesis statement examples 87percent. Seguela probably remains best known in political circles for his role advising Francois Mitterrand. Yet wheras I am #8216;tribal Labour#8217;, and could not imagine supporting a Conservative Party candidate in the UK, Seguela came out as a major supporter of Nicolas Sarkozy.

I wonder if one of the reasons was not a frustration that large parts of the left in France remain eternally suspicious of modern communications techniques and styles which, frankly, no modern leader in a modern democracy can ignore. How he or she adapts to, or uses, them is up to them. But you cannot stand aside and imagine the world has not changed. If Lula is a star of this book, so too is discover can design with Barack Obama. American elections are of enormous interest to all political campaign junkies, a category in which both Seguela and I would almost certainly qualify. Examples? Much is made of Obama#8217;s use of the internet, a relatively new phenomenon in historical terms and one the young Senator used brilliantly in his quest to become President. Yet though it was an accurate expression of his modernity, underpinning its use were some very old-fashioned campaign principles. He used it to english coursework turn supporters into activists who both gave funds and also took his campaign materials and ideas and ran their own campaigns for him. Somehow he managed to argument thesis statement examples make one of the most professional, most disciplined and best funded campaigns in 2009, history look like an enormous act of argument thesis examples democratic participation.

It was less command and control the model we certainly adopted in 1997 and 2001, Labour#8217;s two landslide victories, easing off a little for our third win in 2005 than #8216;inspire and empower.#8217; #8216;Yes we can#8217; not #8216;yes I can#8217;. Cover Writing? His supporters were more than supporters. They were an active part of the campaign, and of the message. Statement? The key to cover writing uk this was something that had nothing to do with politicians and everything to do with science, technology and the internet. Ask me who has had the most influence on argument statement, campaigns in recent times and I might be tempted to reply Tim Berners-Lee, the man credited with gifting the web to the world. Its implications have been far reaching in virtually all aspects of dissertation our lives, politics and political campaigns foremost. The new household brand names of the cyber era have not replaced good policy work, messaging and organisation. But they have become essential components of the execution of statement them in letter uk, the campaign. Mainstream conventional media remains important and thesis statement, influential, not least because, bizarrely, in most democracies the broadcasters continue to let the press set their agenda for them.

But a candidate who tries to stand against the tide of new media will be making a big mistake, and missing big opportunities. If it has changed so much in the last five years, how much more will it change in the next five years? They will also be making a mistake if they think social media can be managed and massaged in the way that, often, mainstream media have been. The key on this I agree totally with Seguela is authenticity. And that should be good news for authentic political leaders and an authenticity hungry public alike. Essay Hobby Cooking? The public tend to get to the point of an election. Argument Thesis Examples? Seguela has an interesting account of the last UK election and in particular the first ever televised Leaders#8217; Debates. Though I had worked on three campaigns for Tony Blair, I am sufficiently tribally Labour to act essay prompts have answered a call from his successor, Gordon Brown, to go back to help him for his first election campaign as leader in 2011. One of the roles I ended up playing was that of David Cameron in Brown#8217;s preparatory sessions for the TV debates. These debates mattered, that much was sure.

Election planning for argument, Blair, I had always been doubtful about the benefit of such debates in a Parliamentary democracy where our leaders meet each other week in week out in the crucible of the House of Commons. I was worried the media would make them all about themselves, and that the policy issues would be drowned out. So it proved. Yet in a way the public did get to the point they wanted to. They did not particularly want Labour back after 13 years in power. They did not particularly yearn for David Cameron and prompts 2009, a Conservative Party unsure about thesis, its direction. So the third party leader emerged through the middle. Nick Clegg was judged the clear winner by the instant reactions of public and media alike. For a few days he seemed impregnable. Yet come the introduction essay on racism vote, he did not make a huge breakthrough.

It was only because neither Labour nor the thesis examples Tories could get over the line that Clegg ended up as deputy Prime Minister in a coalition government. The country had not been able to make its mind up, delivered a muddled result and asked the leaders to sort it out. The leader who came first and the leader who came third did a deal to do so. I think Seguela is how you with too kind to argument Cameron. Any rational assessment of the political landscape before the last UK election would have suggested a Tory victory. Labour in power a long time; the economic crash; a Parliament dominated by a scandal involving MPs#8217; expenses; Iraq back in the news because of the official Inquiry; Afghanistan not going well; the press even more strongly in favour of a Tory win than they had been for a Labour win in 1997, and vicious about Brown. A Level English Coursework? Also the Tories had big money to argument statement examples spend on cooking, the campaign and Labour did not. Yet Cameron could not secure a majority. Why not?

There is no simple answer. The wonder of democracy lies in millions of people having their own experiences, impressions and argument thesis statement examples, judgements before deciding how to cast their vote. But the strategist in me says the simple answer is writing the social dissertation that Cameron lacked real strategic clarity. I think Sequela would agree that for argument statement, all the changes that technological and mediatic change has forced upon political campaigns, strategy remains the key. The cyber era has forced campaigners to rethink tactics, but strategy remains more important. He and I are clearly in how you a website, agreement that John McCain#8217;s appointment of Sarah Palin as running mate, for thesis statement, example, was a tactical masterstroke, but a strategic catastrophe. Tactically, he excited his base, gave the media a new toy, and momentarily unnnerved his opponent.

Strategically he blew a hole through the two central planks of discover how you can design a website his campaign experience, and being different from George Bush. In putting tactics before strategy, he broke one of the golden rules of statement campaigning. Strategists like rules. We like points of can design principle to act as anchors. I like the argument statement examples rules in Seguela#8217;s Chapter 5. On vote pour une idee. Pas pour une ideologie. On vote pour soi. Pas pour son candidat. On vote pour un homme. Pas pour un parti.

On vote pour le professionalisme. Pas pour l#8217;amateurisme. On vote pour un projet pas pour le rejet. On vote pour le coeur. Introduction On Racism? Pas pour le rancoeur. On vote pour le futur. Pas pour le passe. Argument Statement? On vote pour le bcbg.

Pas pour le bling bling. It is charmingly French that he illuminates the essay on racism rule about voting for argument statement examples, le couer pas pour le rancour to a tale of love and sex. #8216;Si votre femme vous trompe, ce n#8217;est pas en couvrant d#8217;insulte son amant que vous le reconquerez. Mais en lui redonnant envie de vous. Limit? La mecanique electorale est le meme, se faire elire c#8217;est se faire preferer.#8217; That may seem glib. But politics is a human business.

It is examples about feelings as well as policies, emotion as well as reason. Professional Cover Letter Uk? People often talk about their political leaders as though in a relationship with them. #8216;He#8217;s not listening #8230; Why on earth did he do that? #8230; I#8217;ve gone off him #8230; Oh, I still like him deep down.#8217; Political leaders sometimes talk of the people in the same way. How many times did I sit in the back of examples a car with Tony Blair, or fly over Britain in a ‘plane and he would look down and essay, say #8216;God, I wish I knew what they were thinking #8230; Do they still like us?#8217; Back at the time of our first landslide, talk of the country #8216;falling in love#8217; with Blair was widespread. Today, the thesis statement examples biggest accusations of betrayal against Blair will often come from those who #8216;fell in love#8217; most deeply at the outset of his leadership. Perhaps this trend towards relationship politics is being exacerbated by the tendency towards younger leaders. Introduction Essay On Racism? Obama, Cameron, Sarkozy, Merkel these are people who came to power much younger than their counterparts down the centuries.

Seguela, a man of a certain age, remains fascinated by argument thesis examples, youth and its impact. The brand manager in essay hobby cooking, him can barely disguise his glee that Coca Cola, the drink of the young trendy, is 130 years old. You can sense the excitement he felt on examples, meeting the young Americans not born when Seguela was advising Mitterrand who had developed Obama#8217;s digital strategy and prompts, so helped deliver a mailing list of 13m people. The focus on argument statement, youth also dominates his analysis of the political consequences of the how you can design a website economic crash whose impact runs through these pages, and offers some fascinating factoids half of all Europeans are over 50, whilst three quarters of Algerians are under 25. Argument Thesis Statement? There are as many people under 30 in China as in Russia, the US and Australia combined, and in India twice as many as in China. That too is a powerful force of global change, and will have its impact on Western politics of the future. As to what it all means for the next French elections, I don#8217;t know. But this book provides part of the backdrop, economic and political. It should make interesting reading for anyone involved in that campaign. Whilst clearly still of the view Sarkozy was and act essay 2009, is the thesis examples right choice for France, (though the professional letter writing service polls at thesis examples the time of writing indicate he is in a minority) he throws out ideas and challenges for right and left alike.

As traditional lines are drawn, careful reading might provoke candidates and parties to hobby see that they should always be looking to the next new ideas, not merely repackaging the statement examples last new, let alone the a level english coursework word old. Argument Examples? I was in Paris recently as a guest of the left think tank, Terra Nova, and met politicians, advisors, militants, experts, journalists and bloggers. I came away with some strong impressions. Discover How You Can Design? Firstly, virtually everyone told me that President Sarkozy was hugely unpopular, and his ratings as low as it was possible to argument go. Yet many of the same people told me he could still win. Introduction Essay? They know he relishes a campaign. They suspect he may have learned from some mistakes.

Incumbency is a powerful weapon. A comeback is a powerful narrative. And they worried that with the argument thesis President so unpopular, the economy sluggish, social issues raw, and essay, the left in power in many parts of France, the PS should have been doing far better in the polls (to which, incidentally, French politicians and media pay far too much attention.) Of course this was pre selection of argument thesis statement a PS candidate. Many of the coursework limit Socialists agreed with my analysis that once they had chosen the candidate, they needed to unite behind that candidate, resist their historic predilection for factionalism, run a campaign that was fresh, energetic and based upon a programme totally focused on thesis examples, the future and one which addressed people#8217;s concerns. They agreed too that the PS could no longer look down its nose at communication, but had to see it not just as an essential element of campaigning, but a democratic duty at a time when people have so many pressures on their lives and living standards, and concerns about the world around them.

But though they agreed with the analysis, some worried about the letter service uk Party’s capacity to deliver upon it. Statement? The fear of another defeat ought to be enough, surely, to deliver on the first and essential part: unity. As someone on the progressive side of the political divide, I continue to think the can design a website with French left#8217;s over intellectualisation of politics, its focus on never-ending debate instead of agreement around big points and unity behind one accepted leader remains a problem. I added that I felt the statement way was wide open for someone to come along and set out, with total honesty and clarity, the hobby challenges ahead, the limitations of what one leader or one country can do, but explain the world and begin to shape direction. Argument Statement? In other words, what I sensed behind the seeming confusion and rather disgruntled nature of French opinion was a real desire for leadership of a strategic rather than a tactical nature. There too, there were concerns, not least because of memories of the negative impact on Lionel Jospin’s campaign when he stated – truthfully – that the a level english coursework limit State could not do everything. Statement? I heard a lot about Marine Le Pen and certainly the polls tell a good story for writing science, the leader of the statement Front National. She has certainly shown she can mount a campaign and get the writing the social media to accept a sense of change. Examples? When even her enemies refer to as Marine, rather than the more toxic Le Pen, that is something of how you can design a website with a success. But whenever I have heard her, I have not heard a powerful argument for the future of France.

So France enters a fascinating period, where not one single person I met predicted the outcome of either first or second round without at least some doubt in examples, their eyes. When things are so tight, communications can make the essay cooking difference. It is not a dirty word. I don#8217;t agree with all of argument statement examples Seguela’s analysis. Hobby Cooking? I don#8217;t accept that only four US presidents radically changed the country. I am not entirely convinced that la pub de la pub is argument thesis examples more important than la pub. I am not sure that David Cameron#8217;s loss of a child had the political impact Seguela thinks it did.

I think Brits will be also be surprised at the dominant role he gives in the Tory campaign to his colleague David Jones. I think he overstates how Sarkozy is seen in the world. I agree with him that we need to be cautious about the potential abuse of the internet which has no global governance or regulation to match, but I#8217;m not sure I agree this risks being #8216;en bras arme de l#8217;anarchie#8217;. But it is science a book full of statement understanding of science dissertation some of the big themes and the small details required for a successful campaigning mindset. He is, as one would expect for someone who has been close to different leaders, clued up on the importance of argument examples good chemistry between leader and can design with, strategist. He understands the importance of body language as well as language. He knows the argument importance of emotion as well as reason.

He understands how the web is changing politics. One of cover writing service uk my favourite phrases is argument thesis statement examples that #8216;life is on the record#8217;. He has a different way of putting it. #8216;Le #8220;off#8221; n#8217;existe plus desormais. Tout ce que vous direz pourra se retourner contre vous.#8217; It is professional cover letter writing service why the whole #8216;droit d#8217;etre oublie#8217; is argument statement examples emerging as a debate. How many of the cover letter writing service young men and women today filling the argument thesis statement examples web with pictures and confessions from introduction on racism, their private lives may end up running for office one day, and regretting their openness? On verra. Perhaps I can end where I began, with the changes the social media has brought. At the argument thesis statement examples last election Labour did not do poster campaigns. This was a shame.

In previous campaigns we had had some brilliant posters. But under Gordon Brown, we had very little money for the campaign. A Level? The Tories had plenty of it and, as Seguela records, they ran a lot of posters. Argument? One of writing the social science their most expensive billboard campaigns was of statement a giant photo of Cameron with an anti-Labour slogan #8216;we can#8217;t go on like this.#8217; Someone noticed that the Tory leader#8217;s face had been airbrushed. This fact became the introduction source of thousands of tweets. Then someone set up a website where people could send their own, largely anti-Tory, versions of this poster. These were sent in in their thousands, and many were much better, wittier and more politically devastating than the original. I#8217;ll tell you when I knew they had wasted their money when the newspapers carried photos of argument statement examples one giant poster site which had been defaced #8230; Cameron#8217;s hair had been replaced with a painted version of Elvis Presley#8217;s hair, and to the slogan #8216;we can#8217;t go on writing uk, like this#8217; had been added the words of one of Elvis#8217; most famous songs #8230; #8216;with suspicious minds#8217;. The combination of the internet and wit had reduced the political impact of argument statement a hugely expensive campaign to zero. That is cover writing service uk my final thought as you begin to read Jacques Seguela’s account. It is a quote from a former colleague, Labour MP Hazel Blears #8230; #8216;Campaigning is like sex.

If you#8217;re not enjoying it, you#8217;re not doing it properly.#8217; The ego has landed. Thesis Statement? fascinating view on essay hobby, the affective, the argument thesis statement examples emotional response of the hobby individual. Tories always bang on argument, about how they view what Labour left them as nefast and professional letter writing service uk, noxious, Labour defends limply- the statement examples truly great things we did in fact achieve. The above text would clearly show both miss the point. On vote pour le futur. Pas pour le passe. The presidential focus of this text On vote pour un homme. Pas pour un parti- may jar greatly with many in this country. T.B was viewed as too much this way by many.

Another masochist ? It#8217;s truly weird. A Level English Coursework Word Limit? The emergence of social media is an interesting development and may, in time, alter the political dynamic. Argument Statement Examples? It is satisfying to be able to debate issues online, particularly important for those on essay, the left who so rarely see or hear progressive opinions in the media. Since joining Twitter I feel better informed and in touch with political issues of the day. Argument Thesis Examples? Useful campaigning information can be spread quickly and it has the potential to strengthen social bonding between groupings of like minded people.

I am surprised how many journalists, media organisations and politicians are active on Twitter. It seems they at least, are aware of its potential and introduction essay, are wary of ignoring its influence. I suspect much of the antagonism directed towards Nick Clegg was spread through social media. Tenagers don#8217;t generally read newspapers or watch TV news, but they do talk to argument each other via Facebook. Let#8217;s hope it will make a difference.

Since the the social science collapse of widescale union membership, too many natural Labour supporters don#8217;t hear our political message. Most probably read right wing papers and watch Sky TV. We need to maximise our reach through new social media to counteract the argument examples all pervasive right-wing bias everywhere else. Norway is an english coursework word limit amazing modern country, and how it has used it#8217;s oil and natural resouces for the best of all its people should be a set lesson to any country in the World. Argument Examples? Efficiency in act essay prompts 2009, it#8217;s extraction, and efficiency in using its resulting wealth.

And this group from Norway here I have always liked since they started up, here with a guest star from argument examples, Sweden. Royksopp and Robyn, And well done for having respect from La France, but that personally does not surprise me. But the professional cover book on thesis statement, sharp end political communication, to act essay prompts tell you honestly, is not up my street. I am into other things in life, you might have noticed. Anyway, Alastair, isn#8217;t it about time you thought of becoming an MP? Glenda Jackson was older than you when she became one, if I remember right.

Ah yes, just checked, she was about 56, while you are only, ahem!, 54, but without a couple of oscars#8230; you total wanks. I know who you are and everything. You are pathetic in trying to be higher. Higher than what, you tell we banging keyboard in your own worlds. Statement? Need a keyboard to grow vegetibles? Don#8217;t think so somehow. Act Essay 2009? Time, ey? Who#8217;ll have it? Raised with praise to die?

Parentals withering before eyes, heartbreaking before yourself die. Life, who#8217;ll have it? asked? Not by many with sense. Argument? To see life#8217;s gymnastics performed, buck over a horse yes or no the normed. More scandanavian, with a 23 windowed VW german Samba minibus, and red riding hood, yes, her and her subliminal hidden story, Grimm from Copenhagen-like, Saw Clarissa Dickson show today brilliant! Especially when she said you would most probably have a glass of wine, while I will partake in a ginger beer.

Have wild garlic growing everywhere around here, with those baggy flowers and that smell in the social science, the air when you pass them. Will have to statement note them so to dig the bulbs when ready. Gawd knows what garlic strain they be though. After helping Tony Blair to secure a historic third term in office, Alastair Campbell might have hoped to make good his long-planned escape from Downing Street. Blair, and Gordon Brown, had other ideas.

Having negotiated Brown’s pivotal role in the 2005 election victory, Campbell then became fundamental in the transition from one Prime Minister to another.

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Creating an Argument: Thesis vs Purpose Statements

[MCAT] Technology vs. Underdeveloped world. The introduction of modern technologies is harmful to underdeveloped areas of the world. Describe a specific situation in which the introduction of examples, modern technologies might not be harmful to an underdeveloped area of the world. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the introduction of modern technologies is harmful to underdeveloped areas of the world. In 1996, the discover how you with pharmaceutical giant Pfizer conducted a clinical trial study in examples, Nigeria, where a meningitis epidemic broke out.

The conduct of the dissertation company in this clinical trial was called into argument examples, question because of the lack of proper approval and controversial procedure. Some argued that Pfizer neglected the code of ethics and pushed for favorable data in the expense of human lives. Such stories may not be uncommon. When the gap between the developed and the underdeveloped parts of the world increases, the balance of power, resources, and knowledge becomes increasingly lopsided. The Nigerian people lacked the power to demand a properly approved and cooking supervised treatment because of argument thesis, their desperate poverty, impending disease, and corrupt government.

Modern technology, which is almost exclusively created by the developed world, is professional letter, often used as tools to argument thesis statement, exploit the underdeveloped areas, or its making exploited these less fortunate people. At the very least, modern technologies which strengthen the developed world in the expense of global resources will inevitably weaken the underdeveloped areas of the world and increase the damning disparity. However, to act essay prompts, blindly attack all modern technologies as harmful to underdeveloped areas of the world is too conservative if not malicious. Billions of dollars are spent on AIDS research, and the Gates Foundation, among many other charitable organizations, aims to bring hope to the African people living through the devastating AIDS pandemic. Researchers funded by the Gates Foundation work diligently to improve the existing antiviral treatment and patient care, and new methods of distribution in argument thesis statement, the rural areas of the prompts African continent should surely not be regarded as “harmful”.

Modern technologies do not need to carry any inherent favoritism. They are merely newer tools that the developed world create. The world hunger, poverty, and disease crises are caused by how people develop these new, perhaps much more powerful tools, and what people do with them. It may not have been expected that computer would reach Kenya when it was first developed, but through the hands of altruistic visionaries, this modern technology is now connecting many Kenyan children to the rest of the world. [MCAT] Television and Public Opinion. Of all the argument thesis forms of media, television has the how you can design with strongest influence on public opinion. Describe a specific situation in which television might not have the strongest influence on public opinion. Discuss what you think determines whether or not television has the strongest influence on public opinion.

Television is more vivid and engaging than radio, more up-to-date than movies and documentaries, more programmed towards issues that invoke “public opinion” than music and shows, and perhaps most importantly, it also has more audience than any other traditional forms of media. Argument Thesis Statement Examples. This places television in a position to better influence public opinion than the cover rest. But what is “public opinion”? Is it the statement shared values or believes of a significant portion of the essay society? Or is argument thesis statement examples, it the collection of different opinions from writing service every member of the public? For the sake of thesis, our discussion, let’s define “opinion” as what a person think of english word limit, something or someone, with the connotation of argument thesis statement examples, moral judgment, and “public opinion” as the opinion of every members in a society. National television programs can reach millions of viewers in an instant, and hobby cooking frequently these programs cover stories that would influence what we think of the subjects in them. For example, a news story on CBC about the argument thesis crackdown on demonstrating Tibetan monks by the Chinese government caused an uproar in the Canadian community and greatly influenced the essay hobby cooking Canadian public opinion of the examples politically restrictive regime. However, the essay influence of argument examples, television on public opinion as a medium may arguably be less universal than the introduction essay on racism Internet, especially for some specific subjects.

The newest technological progress cannot be covered adequately by any television program if only because of the speed and quantity of these advances. Instead, the army of bloggers, technical journalists, and online discussion forums lead the eyes and ears of the argument thesis explorers and developers of the computer world. When Microsoft launches the World Wide Telescope, a ground-breaking project that maps out our understanding of the universe in an intuitive, 3D simulation map, it is first demonstrated in professional service uk, the TED conference and argument statement uploaded to the Internet. Soon it got the english coursework word limit attention of countless bloggers, and thesis statement examples the buzz spread through the cyberspace. This changed many people’s opinion about Microsoft, which was widely perceived as a monstrously large, arrogantly money-thirsty monopoly which lacked the innovation and energy of some of its competitors. Had the World Wide Telescope been aired on hobby cooking, national television, would it have caused the same effect on public opinion as the Internet? No, because the audience that would be excited about such technological break-throughs are moving away from the argument examples television as a provider of information. Writing The Social Science Dissertation. The television nowadays is statement, only a source of entertainment for the younger generation, and CSI does not really have much influence on prompts, the public opinion of anything. The key in thesis statement examples, determining the discover with dominance of statement examples, television and act essay the Internet as the argument thesis statement major influence of public opinion, then, is where the audience is essay, who would care to have an opinion on this issue at all. The object of education should be to teach skills, not values.

Describe a specific situation in which the object of education might be teaching values rather than skills. Argument Thesis. Discuss what you think determines when the object of education is to teach skills and when it is to teach values. Education, if narrowly defined as the systematic training and teaching of students, can be seen as the act essay prompts 2009 tool to equip the younger generation of work force with the skill and knowledge necessary to carry on the vital functions of argument thesis, our society. English Word Limit. As such, the education system has to be professional and impersonal to be efficient. Moral education or the argument thesis statement examples teaching of values do not have a place in the education system designed to transfer practical knowledge and coursework word skills, because they are inherently biased. For this reason, the nurses teaching sexual education focus on argument thesis statement, safe practices, STI prevention, and act essay prompts 2009 other professional advise, and they avoid making moral judgments about argument statement contraception and abortion for their students. This is because the discussion of values in writing the social science, these programs may be offensive to some audience, or at least they are disrespectful of the audience’s right of personal choice. But values must be learned. If education is more broadly defined as the sharing of experiences and thesis statement ideas between people, then the discussion of values certainly has an important place in the development of the younger generation. If the hobby cooking children do not learn about the thesis morality behind different sexual practices from the discover how you public nurses, they should learn about it from their parents, because they not only need the skills to protect themselves, they also need to argument thesis, know what they must protect themselves from.

Knowing how to put on a condom is not enough; somewhere in the broadly defined “education” we must also teach children how to choose between “Yes” and “No”. It has been repeatedly pointed out that our doctors are well-trained medicine practitioners, but some of them lack the appreciation of the value of patient care. Their medical education has been too narrowly focused on the teaching of skills, and too little emphasis was paid to the discussion of introduction on racism, values. Note that I use “discussion” instead of “teaching”, because I believe that values cannot be taught. It is through experience, conversation, and discussion that values can be incorporated into education. Education, then, can be thought to have two different flavors. One is the formal, systematic teaching of skills and knowledge, which is essential for training our students into skillful practitioners of thesis statement examples, knowledge. The other is the informal, individualized nourishment of morality and values, which is indispensable for building a healthy, compassionate, and a level coursework word moral generation. Dear goodness… a list of MCAT essay prompts… There are at least 150 questions in here… if I write three a day, I may be able to finish them in two months… Nop, there are 375 questions in argument thesis statement, here, and if I write 6 a day, I may be able to finish them in 2 months.

Taken from act essay prompts 2009 AAMC website: Writing Sample Items. Copied them over just in statement, case AAMC decides to pull it off their website. Of course, they have the copyright and writing the social science dissertation if they ask me to remove this list I’ll have to. Describe a specific situation in which the object of thesis examples, education might be teaching values rather than skills. Discuss what you think determines when the cover writing uk object of education is to argument thesis, teach skills and hobby when it is to teach values. Describe a specific situation in which citizens in a democracy might justifiably not be dependent upon one another. Discuss what you think determines when citizens in a democracy should be dependent upon argument statement examples, one another. Describe a specific situation in which television might not have the strongest influence on public opinion. Discuss what you think determines whether or not television has the strongest influence on public opinion.

Describe a specific situation in which history might be the record of something other than humanity’s wars. Discuss what you think determines when history should be the a level english limit record of humanity’s wars and when it should be something else. Describe a specific situation in which obeying an unjust law might not necessarily mean approving of it. Discuss what you think determines when disobeying a law is justified. Describe a specific situation in argument statement examples, which government might justifiably intrude upon a citizen’s personal privacy. Discuss what you think determines when government has a right to intrude upon citizens’ privacy and when it does not have a right to intrude.

Describe a specific situation in which the introduction of discover how you can design, modern technologies might not be harmful to an underdeveloped area of the world. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the introduction of statement, modern technologies is essay hobby, harmful to underdeveloped areas of the world. Describe a specific situation in thesis statement examples, which the good of a society might not depend upon how you can design, the defense of individual rights. Argument. Discuss what you think determines when the good of a society depends upon essay cooking, the defense of individual rights. Describe a specific political situation in which one’s friends and one’s enemies might not be the same. Discuss what you think determines whether or not one’s friends in statement, politics are also one’s enemies. Describe a specific situation in which a student’s academic success might depend more on intelligence than on hard work. Coursework. Discuss what you think determines whether a student’s academic success depends more on argument statement examples, hard work or on intelligence. Describe a specific situation in which the benefits of act essay prompts, a new technology might not hide later problems.

Discuss what you think determines when the benefits of a new technology outweigh potential problems. Describe a specific situation in argument examples, which displaying intelligence might not be a politician’s downfall. Discuss what you think determines whether or not displaying intelligence will be a politician’s downfall. Describe a specific situation in which maintaining public support in a time of war might not be difficult. Discuss what you think determines when maintaining public support in times of war is difficult and when it is not. Describe a specific situation in which television news might not be expected to present both sides of an issue. Discuss what you think determines when television news should be expected to present both sides of an act essay issue and when it should not. Describe a specific situation in which the public might be swayed more by argument statement examples a good idea than by a new one. Discuss what you think determines whether the public will be swayed by new ideas or by good ones. Describe a specific situation in which it might be better not to be cautious in a financial matter. Discuss what you think determines whether or not it is best to be cautious in financial matters.

Describe a specific situation in which a person’s first priority in life might not be financial security. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a person’s first priority in life should be financial security. Describe a specific situation in which a plan for discover can design a website, achieving social justice might succeed without approval by argument statement examples those affected. Discuss what you think determines whether or not plans for achieving social justice can succeed only can design, when approved by those affected. Describe a specific situation in which political freedoms might be appreciated in a country where such freedoms do exist. Discuss what you think determines whether political freedoms are best appreciated in argument thesis examples, countries where such freedoms are denied or where they exist. Describe a specific situation in which a good movie might not teach a moral lesson. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the quality of a movie depends upon its ability to a level english coursework word, teach a moral lesson. Describe a specific situation in which a government might not be justified in regulating what is thesis statement, broadcast over the public airwaves. Discuss what you think determines when a government is justified in regulating what is letter service uk, broadcast over the public airwaves and when it is not.

Describe a specific situation in which price is an examples accurate reflection of act essay prompts, value. Discuss what you think determines when price reflects value and when it does not. Describe a specific situation in which education frees the human mind. Discuss what you think determines when education restricts the thesis statement human mind and when it frees it. Describe a specific situation in which creativity might flourish in circumstances where freedom of cooking, speech is argument examples, not openly permitted. Writing The Social Science Dissertation. Discuss what you think determines whether or not freedom of speech encourages creativity. Describe a specific situation in which granting mercy might not be the best way for a judge to serve justice.

Discuss what you think determines when granting mercy serves justice and when it does not. Describe a specific situation in thesis statement, which a politician should take into account the essay beliefs of constituents when voting. Discuss what you think determines whether politicians should vote according to their beliefs or those of their constituents. Describe a specific situation in which local governments should not be allowed to govern free of federal interference. Argument Thesis Examples. Discuss what you think determines whether or not local governments should be allowed to govern free of writing the social science, federal interference. Describe a specific situation in thesis, which a fortune might be made without harm to other people. Discuss the principles you think determine whether or not fortunes are made at the expense of act essay prompts 2009, other people. Describe a specific situation in which the courts might justifiably take circumstances into account when punishing the guilty. Discuss what you think determines whether the courts should consider the crime or other factors in order to decide punishment.

Describe a specific situation in argument thesis statement, which an advance in communication might not lead to word limit, a loss of personal privacy. Discuss what you think determines when advances in communication lead to argument, a loss of personal privacy. Describe a specific situation in which an individual’s private acts should not become a public concern. Writing. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the acts of an individual should become a public concern. Describe a specific situation in which a country might not need an enemy in order to maintain its identity. Discuss what you think determines whether the thesis statement examples existence of enemies is necessary for english coursework word, a country to maintain its identity. Describe a specific situation in which a politician might not turn a public matter into a private gain. Discuss what you think determines whether or not politicians will turn public matters into private gains. Describe a specific situation in which studying another culture might not increase the understanding of one’s own culture. Thesis. Discuss what you think determines when the introduction study of another culture increases the understanding of one’s own culture and when it does not.

Describe a specific situation in which a democratic government might not have to provide equal opportunity for all its citizens. Discuss what you think determines when democratic governments must provide equal opportunity for all citizens and when they need not. Describe a specific situation in which an act or opinion objectionable to the majority of the people should not be protected by the right to argument thesis, free speech. Discuss what you think determines when an objectionable act should be protected under freedom of letter uk, speech. Describe a specific situation in argument thesis statement examples, which a leader might be effective without anticipating future problems. Discuss what you think determines whether or not it is necessary for a leader to act essay prompts 2009, anticipate future problems. Describe a specific situation in which leadership might involve keeping silent.

Discuss what you think determines whether a leader should speak out or keep silent. Describe a specific situation in which good intentions in politics might justify a bad action. Discuss what you think determines whether or not good intentions in thesis examples, politics can justify bad actions. Describe a specific situation in which human behavior might not be guided primarily by self-interest. Discuss what you think determines when human behavior is guided primarily by self-interest and when it is not. Describe a specific situation in which a country’s strength might not increase in direct proportion to its freedoms. Discuss what you think determines when a country’s strength will increase in direct proportion to its freedoms and when it will not. Describe a specific situation in which politicians might attempt to hobby, affect people’s beliefs rather than make policy. Discuss what you think determines when politicians should concentrate on making policy and thesis statement examples when they should attempt to affect people’s beliefs. Describe a specific situation in writing, which a wealthy politician might offer fair representation to all the people.

Discuss what you think determines whether a wealthy politician can or cannot offer fair representation to all the people. Describe a specific situation in argument examples, which government policy might be directed at english coursework, addressing concerns of the future rather than the needs of the presents. Discuss what you think determines when government policy should be directed at examples, addressing present needs and writing science when it should be directed addressing future concerns. Describe a specific situation in which an alliance between nations might be a matter of shared ideology. Discuss what you think determines when alliances between nations are a matter of economics and when they are a matter of thesis statement, shared ideologies. Describe a specific political situation in act essay 2009, which a positive outcome might not be the result of skillful planning. Discuss what you think determines whether or not skillful planning in politics will result in positive outcomes.

Describe a specific situation in argument statement examples, which a democratic government might place individual interests ahead of the good of the whole society. Discover How You Can Design With. Discuss what you think determines when the good of society should take precedence over the interests of thesis statement, individuals. Describe a specific situation in which the cooking role of a political opposition might be something other than to argument thesis statement, criticize the policies of those in power. Discuss what you think determines when the role of a political opposition should be to criticize the policies of a level english coursework word limit, those in power and argument thesis examples when it should not. Describe a specific situation in which technology might justifiably affect human values. Discuss what you think determines whether or not technology should affect human values. Describe a specific situation in which higher education would not be more effective if colleges were more selective in choosing students. Discuss what you think determines whether or not higher education would be more effective if colleges were more selective in choosing students. Describe a specific situation in cover writing service uk, which a nation’s ability to survive might not depend on its military strength. Discuss what you think determines when a nation’s ability to survive is dependent upon statement examples, its military strength. Describe a specific situation in which stability in society might not lead to stagnation.

Discuss what you think determines whether or not stability in society leads to stagnation. Describe a specific situation in which education might justifiably not promote learning outside the classroom. Discuss what you think determines whether or not education should foster learning outside the classroom. Describe a specific situation in which the truth might be less harmful than lies. Discuss what you think determines whether or not lies are less harmful than the truth. Describe a specific situation in writing the social dissertation, which globalization might not eliminate important cultural differences. Discuss what you think determines whether or not globalization eliminates important cultural differences.

Describe a specific situation, in business, in which the product itself might be more important than the image of the product. Discuss what you think determines, in business, whether or not the image of argument examples, a product is more important than the the social dissertation product itself. Describe a specific situation in which the most effective way to change people’s opinions might not be to appeal to their emotions. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the most effective way to change people’s opinions is to appeal to their emotions. Describe a specific situation in which art challenges our perception of the world. Argument Thesis Statement Examples. Discuss what you think determines whether or not art should challenge our perception of the world. Describe a specific situation in which a witness who has something to gain from providing testimony might not be lying. Professional. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a witness who stands to gain from providing testimony will lie. Describe a specific situation in which it might be better to change the law than to tolerate minor defects in it.

Discuss what you think determines when it is better to tolerate minor defects in the law than to change it and when it is argument thesis statement, better to change it. Describe a specific situation in how you can design with, which careful planning might result in the best solution to a problem. Discuss what you think determines whether creative inspiration or careful planning can best solve a problem. Describe a specific situation in which a good education might not be its own reward. Argument. Discuss what you think determines when a good education is its own reward and writing science when it is not. Describe a specific situation in which social justice might occur without people accepting the equality of others. Discuss what you think determines whether or not social justice can occur only when people accept the thesis statement equality of others.

Describe a specific situation in which progress might come from the deliberations of a group rather than the creative thinking of professional letter service uk, individuals working alone. Discuss what you think determines whether the deliberations of a group or the argument examples creative thinking of individuals working alone will result in essay, progress. Describe a specific situation in which heroes, not ordinary citizens, determine the history of a nation. Discuss what you think determines whether ordinary citizens or heroes determine the history of a nation. Describe a specific situation in argument thesis, which a public figure should not have to introduction, surrender personal privacy. Discuss what you think determines when a public figure’s personal privacy ought to be surrendered.

Describe a specific situation in argument thesis statement examples, which an action taken for the good of the greatest number might not be detrimental to discover a website with, the interests of the argument thesis statement few. Introduction Essay. Discuss what you think determines whether or not action taken for the good of the greatest number will be detrimental to thesis statement, the interests of the few. Describe a specific situation in on racism, which it might be possible to be objective in the recording of history. Discuss what you think determines when objectivity in thesis statement, the recording of history is possible and writing when it is not. Describe a specific situation in which someone not willing to compete might benefit in a competitive society. Discuss what you think determines when the benefits of a competitive society extend only to those willing to compete. Describe a specific situation in statement, which a business might justifiably not be concerned with the professional writing long-term consequences of its actions. Argument Thesis. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a business must be concerned about the long-term consequences of its actions. Describe a specific situation in which offering hope to the voters might not lead to political success. Discuss what you think determines when offering hope to the voters will lead to political success and when it will not. Describe a specific situation in which the strength of a democracy might not depend upon its citizens’ respect for the ideas of others.

Discuss what you think determines when the strength of a democracy depends upon its citizens’ respect for the ideas of others. Describe a specific situation in which a government’s use of force to maintain social order might not be justified. Discuss what you think determines when a government’s use of force to maintain social order is justified and english word when it is not. Describe a specific situation in which the argument statement arts might significantly enhance the quality of human life. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the arts significantly enhance the essay cooking quality of human life.

Describe a specific situation in which success in business might not be due to the mistakes of argument examples, others. Professional Writing Service. Discuss what you think determines when success in business is the result of the mistakes of argument examples, others. Describe a specific situation in which some dishonesty is not necessary to keep a friendship strong. Discuss what you think determines whether or not some dishonesty is necessary to essay hobby, keep a friendship strong. Describe a specific situation in which a nation did or might attempt to solve a social problem with a new approach. Discuss what you think determines when a new approach would be the best way for a nation to solve a social problem. Describe a specific situation in which a good law might derive from emotion rather than rational thought.

Discuss what you think determines when the best laws derive from rational thought and when they derive from emotion. Describe a specific situation in which a new technology might not be beyond our ability to use it wisely. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a new technology can be used wisely. Describe a specific situation in which a popular television show might not reveal more about a nation than the argument examples editorial page of professional letter service uk, a newspaper would. Argument Examples. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a popular television show reveals more about a nation than the editorial page of a newspaper does.

Describe a specific situation in which the responsible use of power might not be rewarded with greater power. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the responsible use of power will be rewarded with greater power. Describe a specific situation in which the government should regulate scientific research. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the government should regulate scientific research. Describe a specific situation in which the way to achieve political success might not be to act essay prompts 2009, promise people that their lives will be better. Thesis Statement Examples. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the way to achieve political success is to writing dissertation, promise people that their lives will be better. Describe a specific situation in which it might be better for a researcher to follow a hunch. Discuss what you think determines whether a researcher should be disciplined or follow a hunch.

Describe a specific situation in which progress might simplify more than it complicates. Discuss what you think determines whether progress complicates or simplifies. Describe a specific situation in which a nation’s foreign aid might justifiably not be directed to help those countries that help themselves. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a nation’s foreign aid should be directed to help those countries that help themselves. Describe a specific situation in statement, which it might be possible to introduction essay, understand a people without knowing about their culture. Discuss what you think determines when knowing another culture is necessary for understanding its people.

Describe a specific situation in which a law might be an argument thesis statement examples effective means of achieving social change. Discuss what you think determines whether or not laws can effectively bring about social change. Describe a specific situation in with, which praise might not teach better than criticism. Argument. Discuss what you think determines whether praise or criticism teaches better. Describe a specific situation in which someone might be educated more by a level limit success than by mistakes. Discuss what you think determines whether or not one learns more from statement mistakes than from successes. Describe a specific situation in which a teacher might justifiably not accept some responsibility for the failure of a level english word limit, a student. Statement Examples. Discuss what you think determines whether or not teachers should accept some responsibility for the failure of one of uk, their students. Describe a specific situation in which a politician’s true beliefs might not be displayed during a crisis. Argument. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a crisis will bring out prompts 2009, a politician’s true beliefs.

Describe a specific situation in which a celebrity should not lose the right to argument examples, privacy. Discuss what you think determines whether or not celebrities should lose their right to act essay prompts 2009, privacy. Describe a specific political situation in which the argument statement examples plurality of opinions might not lead to deadlock. Discuss what you think determines whether or not an abundance of opinions will lead to political deadlock in letter service uk, a democracy. Describe a specific situation in which a politician’s ideas might be more important than his or her public image. Discuss what you think determines when a politician’s public image might be more important than his or her ideas and when it might not. Describe a specific situation in which a great leader might not follow the will of the majority.

Discuss what you think determines whether or not great leaders follow the will of the majority. Describe a specific situation in which receiving a political endorsement might not be harmful. Thesis Examples. Discuss what you think determines when political endorsements are harmful and when they are helpful. Describe a specific situation in how you can design, which violence might be justified as a way to resolve disputes. Discuss what you think determines whether or not violence is justified as a way to resolve disputes. Describe a specific situation in which the rich might not have a responsibility to help the poor. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the rich have a responsibility to help the argument poor. Describe a specific situation in which a politician might need an asset other than common sense to cooking, be successful. Discuss what you think determines when politicians need common sense in argument thesis, order to achieve success and writing the social science dissertation when they do not. Describe a specific situation in which the thesis statement examples government, in a democracy, might be justified in essay hobby, lying to thesis, its citizens. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the letter uk government, in a democracy, is ever justified in argument statement examples, lying to its citizens.

Describe a specific privilege of citizenship in a democracy that might not involve responsibility. Essay On Racism. Discuss what you think determines when privileges of citizenship in thesis statement, a democracy involve responsibilities. Describe a specific situation in which the exercise of political leadership might not be limited to those holding office. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the cover writing exercise of political leadership is limited to those holding office. Describe a specific situation in which environmental concerns might not justifiably take priority over economic concerns. Discuss what you think determines whether environmental or economic concerns should have priority. Describe a specific situation in which an argument examples employee should not have the introduction essay same right to argument statement, privacy in the workplace as outside it. Discuss what you think determines whether or not employees should have the same right to service, privacy inside the thesis statement workplace as they do outside it. Describe a specific situation in which a law should not be subject to change in a free society.

Discuss what you think determines whether or not a law in a free society should be subject to change. Describe a specific situation in which the english limit primary purpose of law might be to ensure justice. Examples. Discuss what you think determines whether the word limit primary purpose of law should be to maintain order or to ensure justice. Describe a specific situation in argument, which advertising might promote individuality rather than conformity. Discuss what you think determines whether advertising promotes individuality or conformity. Describe a specific situation in which a government might not be obligated to see that the basic needs of its citizens are met. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a government is discover with, obligated to argument statement examples, see that its citizens’ basic needs are met. Describe a specific situation in which entertainment might be both “popular” and “excellent.” Discuss what you think determines when entertainment can be both “popular” and “excellent.” Describe a specific situation in which government might justifiably make a law regarding people’s personal safety. Discuss what you think determines when government is justified in making laws regarding people’s personal safety and when it is essay on racism, not. Describe a specific situation in which a technology might not create a new problem.

Discuss what you think determines when a technology’s benefits outweigh its potential problems. Describe a specific situation in which the examples concern of a democracy might be something other than the protection of essay hobby cooking, human rights. Discuss what you think determines when the concern of a democracy should be the protection of human rights. Describe a specific situation in which the successful politician in a democracy does not resemble the ordinary citizen. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the successful politician resembles the ordinary citizen. Describe a specific situation in which a country might justifiably interfere with the internal politics of another country. Argument. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a country should interfere with another country’s internal politics.

Describe a specific situation in how you can design, which society might not be best served by giving people as much freedom as possible. Discuss what you think determines when society is best served by giving people as much freedom as possible. Describe a specific situation in argument examples, which people might not ignore the flaws of national leaders. Prompts. Discuss what you think determines when people might ignore the flaws of national leaders and examples when they might not. Describe a specific situation in which a wise leader might not follow the advice of essay, others. Discuss what you think determines when it is argument, wise for a leader to follow the advice of others and when it is unwise. Describe a specific situation in which a financial decision might not be made because of a level english limit, greed. Statement. Discuss what you think determines when greed is the basis for making a financial decision. Describe a specific situation in which a less than fully informed electorate might vote responsibly.

Discuss what you think determines how much information is enough to allow for responsible voting. Describe a specific situation in which uneducated people might be able to take advantage of a new technology. Discuss what you think determines whether only educated people can take advantage of writing the social, new technologies. Describe a specific situation in argument thesis examples, which the government of a democracy might be justified in keeping a secret from the voters. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a democratic government is justified in keeping secrets from the voters. Describe a specific situation in discover how you can design a website with, which a free press would be justified in not reporting something. Discuss what you think determines when something should be reported by the press. Describe a specific situation in which a politician might achieve a political goal without ignoring the needs of the constituents. Examples. Discuss what you think determines whether or not politicians can achieve political goals by essay on racism ignoring the needs of constituents.

Describe a specific situation in which adaptation might not be necessary for success in business. Statement. Discuss what you think determines when adaptation is necessary for success in business and when it is science, not. Describe a specific situation in thesis statement examples, which the discover a website with main purpose of a business might justifiably be something other than making a profit. Argument Thesis Statement. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the main purpose of essay hobby cooking, a business should be to make a profit. Describe a specific situation in thesis statement examples, which a political end might justify using questionable means for accomplishing that end. Professional Cover Service. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a political end justifies the argument examples means for word, accomplishing that end. Describe a specific situation in which a political decision made for the sake of a present good might not prove to be a mistake. Argument Thesis Statement. Discuss what you think determines whether or not political decisions made for the sake of a present good will prove to be mistakes.

Describe a specific situation in which a democracy might not reward mediocrity. Discuss what you think determines when democracy rewards mediocrity. Describe a specific situation in which a government might not have a responsibility to regulate a company that provides a necessary service to citizens. Discuss what you think determines whether or not governments have a responsibility to english, regulate companies that provide necessary services to citizens. Describe a specific situation in argument thesis examples, which the study of history might be more of a science than an coursework limit art. Discuss what you think determines whether the study of history is more an art or a science.

Describe a specific law whose purpose is not to argument thesis statement examples, ensure order. Discuss what you think determines when the purpose of law should be to ensure order and when it should be concerned with something other than order. Describe a specific situation in essay, which a government might not be justified in requiring its citizens to do something they do not want to do. Discuss what you think determines when a government has the thesis statement examples right to make its citizens do something they do not want to do. Describe a specific situation in writing the social science, which an indifferent citizenry in a democracy might not encourage an indifferent government. Discuss what you think determines whether an indifferent citizenry in a democracy will or will not encourage an thesis statement indifferent government. Describe a specific situation in which an individual’s right to professional cover letter writing service, privacy might justifiable take precedence over the public’s right to know. Discuss what you think determines when the public’s right to argument thesis statement, know is more important than the individual’s right to privacy. Describe a specific situation in introduction on racism, which history might not be a record of the struggle between opposing ideologies.

Discuss what you think determines when history is a record of the struggle between opposing ideologies and argument thesis examples when it is 2009, not. Describe a specific situation in which the restriction of individual freedom in a society might be justified. Discuss what you think determines when the restriction of examples, individual freedom in a society is justified and when it is not. Describe a specific situation in how you a website, which highly paid executives might not be essential for thesis, the continued success of a business. Discuss what you think determines whether or not highly paid executives are essential for the continued success of a business. Describe a specific situation in discover with, which the expression of an idea should be censored, even in a free society. Discuss what you think determines whether an idea should be permitted expression.

Describe a specific situation in which a politician might not vote according to the will of the constituents. Discuss what you think determines when a politician should vote according to the will of the constituents. Describe a specific situation in which an alliance between countries might be based on something other than mutual convenience. Discuss when you think convenience should determine the basis of an argument thesis examples international alliance. Describe a specific situation in which compulsory education might not inhibit a student’s motivation to essay, learn. Discuss what you think determines when compulsory education inhibits a student’s motivation to learn and when it does not. Describe a specific situation in statement, a democracy when a law might justifiably not protect individual rights.

Discuss what you think determines when the function of law in a democracy should be the act essay prompts protection of individual rights. Describe a specific situation in which a human right might not involve responsibility. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a human right involves responsibility. Describe a specific situation in which a law might not derive from the moral code of the majority. Discuss what you think determines when the moral code of the majority is the basis of law. Describe a specific situation in statement examples, which a person’s moral principles might be affected by circumstances. Introduction. Discuss what you think determines when a person’s moral principles should be absolute. Describe a specific situation in which the argument thesis examples grading system might not increase students’ motivation to learn. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the grading system increases students’ motivation to learn. Describe a specific situation in which the primary concern of television news is or could be to introduction, inform.

Discuss what you think determines whether the concern of television news should be to entertain or to inform. Describe a specific situation in which someone who owns land might not have the right to do as they choose with it. Discuss what you thank determines whether or not those who own land have the right to do with it as they choose. Describe a specific situation in which a just legal system might risk convicting an statement examples innocent person before freeing a guilty one. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a just legal system should risk freeing a guilty person before convicting an how you can design with innocent one. Describe a specific situation in argument examples, which a political idea might not be applicable only to the age that produces it. Discuss what you think determines when political ideas are applicable only to the age that produces them and when they are not. Describe a specific situation in act essay prompts, which a political campaign did not present a true image of a candidate. Discuss what you think determines the degree to which a political campaign presents the argument thesis examples truth about a candidate.

Describe a specific situation in a level english, which a simple solution might not be the most popular solution to argument thesis examples, a problem. Discuss what you think determines when the simple solution to a problem will be the most popular solution and when it will not. Describe a specific situation in which one branch of government might justifiably have more power than another branch. Discuss what you think determines when one branch of government should not have more power than another branch and when it should. Describe a specific situation in which a crime committed by an individual might not be considered a crime when committed by a government. Discuss what you think determines whether or not crimes committed by how you a website individuals should also be considered crimes when committed by argument thesis governments. Describe a specific situation in which citizens of a democracy who do not vote can affect their nation’s political destiny. Discuss what you think determines whether citizens who do not vote can affect the political destiny of a democracy. Describe a specific situation in which society might reasonably consider someone an essay hobby cooking adult without using the examples concept of legal age.

Discuss what you think determines whether or not the 2009 concept of legal age should be used to argument thesis statement, establish adulthood. Describe a specific situation in which the ideals that soldiers defend might be the same as the ideals of prompts, those who send them into battle. Discuss what you think determines when the ideals that soldiers defend differ from the ideals of those who send them into battle and when they are the thesis statement examples same. Describe a specific situation in essay cooking, which the media’s use of unethical investigative practices might be justified. Discuss what you think determines when the media’s use of unethical investigative practices is justified and when it is statement, not. Describe a specific situation in which the public might not have the right to discover can design a website with, know about the private life of a public official. Discuss what you think determines when the public has the right to argument, know about the private lives of public officials and when it does not. Describe a specific situation in which it might be justifiable to act essay, exercise political power for personal benefit. Statement Examples. Discuss what you think determines when it is appropriate to exercise political power for personal benefit. Describe a specific situation in which justice might not be served by truth. Discuss what you think determines whether or not truth serves justice.

Describe a specific situation in which a news report might justifiably not be completely objective. Introduction Essay. Discuss what you think determines whether or not objectivity should be the thesis statement primary goal of news reporting. Describe a specific situation in which what is being sold might be more important than the introduction essay way it is sold. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the way something is sold is more important than what is being sold. Describe a specific situation in argument thesis examples, which the cover letter writing service personal liberty of citizens might not depend on a nation’s wealth. Discuss what you think determines when the personal liberty of citizens depends on a nation’s wealth and when it does not.

Describe a specific situation in statement examples, which people’s dissatisfaction with their living conditions might not lead to social progress. A Level Coursework Limit. Discuss what you think determines whether or not people’s dissatisfaction with their living conditions leads to argument, social progress. Describe a specific situation in which innovative methods used by the press might not end up providing an audience with less information. Discuss what you think determines when innovative methods used by dissertation the press to thesis, reach a broader audience end up providing less information. Describe a specific situation in which individuals in essay cooking, a free society should not be allowed to do as they choose. Discuss what you think determines when a free society is justified in restricting an thesis statement examples individual’s actions. Describe a specific situation in which idealism in government might not have to give way to reality. Discuss what you think determines when idealism in government should give way to reality. Describe a specific situation in which a public figure is trusted despite not admitting a mistake.

Discuss what you think determines whether admitting a mistake will gain the public’s trust. Describe a specific situation in discover can design a website, which the government might be better than concerned individuals at solving a social problem. Argument Thesis. Discuss what you think determines whether the cooking government or concerned individuals will be better at solving social problems. Describe a specific situation in which education might teach students to respect authority. Discuss what you think determines when education should teach students to question authority and when it should teach them to respect authority. Describe a specific situation in which an election might not be the surest way to bring about political change in a democracy. Discuss that you think determines when elections are the surest way to argument thesis, bring about essay on racism political change in a democracy and thesis statement examples when they are not. Describe a specific situation in english coursework limit, which an thesis statement examples idea might continue to the social, be believed even after the introduction of an idea that challenges it. Argument Examples. Discuss what you think determines whether or not our belief in an idea will be displaced by cover writing uk a new idea. Describe a specific political situation in which resorting to argument thesis statement examples, personal attack might not be an indication of the weakness of one’s own position. Discuss what you think determines when resorting to personal attack in politics is an indication of the weakness of one’s own position.

Describe a specific situation in which students might not be their own best teachers. Discuss what you think determines when students can be their own best teachers and when they cannot. Describe a specific situation in english word limit, which the best policy for a nation might not be to exert a strong foreign influence. Discuss what you think determines when a nation should exert a strong foreign influence and when it should not. Describe a specific situation in which the abundance of information on the Internet might not limit its usefulness. Argument Statement. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the abundance of information on the Internet limits its usefulness. Describe a specific situation in which education might occur without the english coursework student’s having a desire to learn.

Discuss what you think determines when education requires that the statement examples student have a desire to learn and when it does not. Describe a specific situation in introduction, which a threat to argument examples, disrupt order might be more effective than a rational argument in achieving a political compromise. Discuss what you think determines whether a rational argument or a threat to disrupt order is more effective in achieving political compromise. Describe a specific situation in introduction on racism, which the power of a politician might not be due to reputation. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a politician’s power is argument thesis statement examples, due to reputation. Describe a specific situation in which a politician’s lifestyle might not reflect his or her political views.

Discuss what you think determines whether or not a politician’s lifestyle should reflect his or her political views. Describe a specific situation in which we might measure our freedom by what we should do. Discuss what you think determines whether we measure our freedom by our obligations or our lack of them. Describe a specific situation in act essay prompts, which an employer might justifiably withhold information from employees. Discuss what you think determines when employers should withhold information from their employees and when they should not. Describe a specific situation in which a politician might have a goal other than to stay in argument thesis statement examples, office.

Discuss what you think determines when staying in office becomes the sole objective of a politician and when it does not. Describe a specific business situation when a quick solution might address the act essay real source of argument examples, a problem. Discuss what you think determines when quick solutions in business address the real source of a problem and when they do not. Describe a specific situation in writing the social, which a group attempting to influence government policy might be interested in benefiting others. Thesis Examples. Discuss what you think determines when groups attempting to influence government policy do so for their own benefit and when they do so for act essay 2009, the benefit of others. Describe a specific situation in argument, which good ideas might lead to professional cover writing service, success in politics. Discuss what you think determines whether good ideas or personal influence leads to success in politics. Describe something that should be taught in thesis, school but does not represent “the best that has been thought and said in the past.” Discuss what you think determines when education should emphasize the past.

Describe a specific situation in which pride would not weaken a powerful nation. Discuss what you think determines whether or not pride weakens powerful nations. Describe a specific situation in which a leader might act fairly and still please everyone. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a leader’s acting fairly can please everyone. Describe a specific situation in how you a website, which making decisions in politics might be more important than appearing decisive.

Discuss what you think determines when it is more important in politics to appear decisive and thesis when it is more important to make decisions. Describe a specific historical event that was or might be unique rather than a repetition of a previous event from a different time and context. Cooking. Discuss what you think determines when historical events can be said to be unique and when they can be described as repetitions of events from earlier times and contexts. Describe a specific situation in argument thesis, which good government might not demand that principles be compromised. Discuss what you think determines whether or not good government requires that principles be compromised. Describe a specific situation in essay cooking, which a developed nation might not be obligated to provide aid to an underdeveloped nation. Discuss what you think determines when developed nations have an obligation to provide aid to underdeveloped nations. Describe a specific situation in which researchers might reasonably assume they have found the truth.

Discuss what you think determines whether or not researchers can reasonably be said to statement, have found the discover can design truth. Describe a specific situation in which a politician should not be expected to argument, maintain higher ethical standards than other citizens. Discuss what you think determines when politicians should be expected to maintain higher ethical standards than other citizens and when they should not. Describe a specific situation in which advertising does or might help consumers make rational choices. Discuss what you think determines whether or not advertising prevents customers from making rational choices. Describe a specific situation in which a scientist might seek to refute a theory or hypothesis rather than to confirm it.

Discuss what you think determines when scientists should seek to confirm theories or hypotheses and when they should seek to introduction, refute them. Describe a specific situation in which people might be more influenced by statement their parents’ values than by the media. Discuss what you think determines whether or not people are influenced more by the media than by their parents’ values. Describe a specific situation in which a person or group was or might be successful in business without appearing socially acceptable. Discuss what you think determines when success in business depends upon on racism, appearing socially acceptable. Describe a specific situation in which visual images might not convey reality more accurately than words do. Discuss what you think determines whether or not visual images convey reality more accurately than words do. Describe a specific situation in which education does not make everyone equal.

Discuss what you think determines whether or not education makes everyone equal. Describe a specific situation in which music might have the power to argument thesis statement examples, educate. Discuss what you think determines when music has the essay hobby cooking power to entertain and when it has the power to educate. Describe a specific situation in argument examples, which the success of a business might not depend on the social science, its ability to compete. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the success of a business depends on its ability to compete. Describe a specific situation in which wealthy people should not be required to share a portion of their wealth with the less fortunate. Argument Thesis Statement. Discuss what you think determines whether or not wealthy people should be required to share a portion of their wealth with the less fortunate. Describe a specific situation in which television can or might educate. Essay. Discuss what you think determines whether or not television can be educational. Describe a specific situation in which a nation’s history might be shaped more by argument statement examples the actions of english word, its government than by argument statement popular ideas. On Racism. Discuss what you think determines whether a nation’s history is shaped more by popular ideas or by the actions of its government.

Describe a specific situation in which one who does not approve of a law might justifiably break that law. Argument Statement. Discuss what you think determines when it is justified to break a law. Describe a specific situation when the press might be justified in a level coursework word, attempting to thesis statement examples, influence the public’s opinion. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the press should attempt to influence public opinion. Describe a specific situation in act essay, which someone might be heroic because of something other than circumstance.

Discuss what you think determines when heroism is dependent on circumstance and thesis when it is not. Describe a specific situation in which a person might not need to learn discipline before learning anything else. Discuss what you think determines when a person must learn discipline before learning anything else. Describe a specific situation in which political debate might not get in the way of political action. Discuss what you think determines whether or not political debate will get in the way of a website with, political action. Describe a specific situation in which a democratic nation should not offer refuge to citizens of an oppressive government. Discuss what you think determines whether democratic nations should offer refuge to citizens of oppressive governments. Describe a specific situation in which a campaign promise is likely to statement, be kept after an election is cover letter writing service, won. Argument Statement. Discuss what you think determines whether a particular campaign promise will be kept. Describe a specific situation in which the main concern of a law might be to protect property rather than persons. Discuss what you think determines when the letter writing uk main concern of law is the protection of argument thesis examples, persons and writing service uk when it is the protection of property.

Describe a specific situation in which the argument statement examples study of a nation that was or is not free might be worthy of study. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a nation’s history is worthy of study. Describe a specific situation in which clear policy might be more important for a leader than good management. Discuss what you think determines whether good management or clear policy is more important for a leader. Describe a specific situation in which technological advances might not contribute to the development of prompts 2009, a free and open society. Discuss what you think determines whether or not technological advances contribute to the development of a free and open society. Describe a specific situation when, in a free and statement examples open society, censorship of the press might be justified. Discuss what you think determines when censorship of the press can be justified in a free and open society and when it cannot. Describe a specific situation in which advances in technology benefit everyone.

Discuss what you think determines whether or not advances in technology benefit everyone. Describe a specific situation in which students might reasonably not be granted a right in school that they are granted outside school. Discuss what you think determines when a right granted to students outside school is a level coursework word, justifiably denied them in school. Describe a specific situation in which a threat to human life might be tolerated in the pursuit of argument, scientific discovery. Discuss what you think determines when the discover a website pursuit of scientific discovery is statement examples, more important than the protection of human life. Describe a specific situation in which a career-oriented education might prove to be the best education.

Discuss what you think determines when a career-oriented education is the best education and when it is not. Describe a specific situation in which the prompts primary function of art might be to challenge us, rather than to entertain us. Discuss what you think determines whether the primary function of thesis, art should be to entertain or to challenge us. Describe a specific situation in which advancements in communication technology have not reduced the quality of human interaction. Discuss what you think determines whether or not advancements in communication technology have reduced the quality of human interaction. Describe a specific situation in a level coursework, which punishment without rehabilitation might be just. Discuss what you think determines whether punishment without rehabilitation is just or unjust. Describe a specific situation in argument thesis statement examples, which travel might not be the best way to the social science, learn about different cultures. Discuss what you think determines whether or not travel is the best way to argument statement examples, learn about different cultures.

Describe a specific situation in which a teacher’s job might be to provide the right answers. Discuss what you think determines when a teacher’s job is to ask the right questions and when it is to provide the right answers. Describe a specific situation in which a politician might make an unpopular decision for the good of the country. How You With. Discuss the principles you think should determine whether political decisions should be made to please the voters or to serve the nation. Describe a specific situation in which a successful political candidate might not represent the examples most flattering image of the voters. Discuss what you think determines when political candidates succeed because of the introduction essay on racism flattering image they present to voters.

Describe a specific situation in which the argument statement examples ability of a politician to campaign well might indicate an ability to govern well. Discuss what you think determines when the ability to campaign well is an indication of a politician’s ability to govern well and when it is not. Describe a specific situation in which a political party’s position might not be defined by what the discover how you a website with party opposes. Discuss what you think determines when a political party’s position is defined by what the party opposes and argument examples when it is not. Describe a specific situation in which a politician’s honesty might not lead to failure. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a politician’s honesty will lead to failure. Describe a specific situation in which the primary function of the a website with media should be to change public opinion, rather than to argument, inform. Discuss what you think determines whether the primary function of the media should be to essay, inform or to change public opinion.

Describe a specific situation in thesis, which television might not distract us from what is really important. Discuss what you think determines whether or not television distracts us from the social science what is thesis, really important. Describe a specific situation in politics where loyalty might not shift. Discuss what you think determines when political loyalty will shift and when it will not. Describe a specific situation in a democracy when unity might not result in conformity. Discuss what you think determines whether or not unity in introduction, a democracy results in conformity. Describe a specific situation in which a new technology might not make our lives more complicated. Discuss what you think determines whether a new technology simplifies or complicates our lives. Describe a specific situation in which a law might not be enforced and still be effective. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a law must be enforced to be effective.

Describe a specific situation in which action in politics might be wiser than inaction. Thesis Statement. Discuss what you think determines whether action or inaction in politics is wiser. Describe a specific situation in professional cover uk, which health care for examples, all might not be a realistic goal. Discuss what you think determines whether or not health care for all is a realistic goal. Describe a specific situation in which ambition in a level coursework, business might lead to satisfaction rather than to more ambition. Examples. Discuss what you think determines whether business ambition leads to more ambition or to satisfaction. Describe a specific situation in which a judge might serve justice without being compassionate. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a judge must be compassionate in order to serve justice. Describe a specific situation in which the government should not have the the social dissertation right to regulate the content of Web sites on the Internet. Thesis Statement Examples. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the government should have the right to regulate the content of the social, Web sites on the Internet. Describe a specific situation in statement examples, which the primary responsibility of corporate executives might not be to their employees.

Discuss what you think determines whether or not the primary responsibility of corporate executives is to their employees. Describe a specific situation in which a democratic government might not lose continuity of leadership despite regular elections. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a democratic government loses continuity of on racism, leadership by holding regular elections. Describe a specific situation in which an orderly society might justifiably compromise in argument statement, matters of word limit, law. Discuss what you think determines when an orderly society should compromise in matters of law and when it should not. Describe a specific situation in which a person of authority might justifiably not be responsible for the actions of a subordinate. Discuss what you think determines when persons of authority should be responsible for thesis statement, the actions of those they oversee and when they should not. Describe a specific situation in which a leader in a democracy might not be fully trusted to decide what is best for the country. Discuss what you think determines whether or not citizens in a democracy can trust their elected leaders to decide what is uk, best for the country. Describe a specific situation in which artistic freedom should not take precedence over what a government might consider objectionable. Discuss what you think determines when artistic freedom should take precedence over statement examples what the word limit government might consider objectionable and when it should not.

Describe a specific situation in thesis statement, which technology’s solving a problem might not create another, greater problem. A Level English Coursework Limit. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the argument thesis examples drawbacks of a new technology outweigh its benefits. Describe a specific situation in discover how you a website with, which a nation’s identity might be determined more by what it creates than by what it consumes. Discuss what you think determines whether a nation is identified more by what it consumes or by what it creates. Describe a specific situation in thesis, which strongly held beliefs would not limit one’s ability to form friendships with people holding opposite introduction on racism views. Discuss what you think determines whether or not strongly held beliefs limit one’s ability to argument statement, form friendships with people holding opposite views. Describe a specific situation in which nonconformity might impede the progress of society.

Discuss what you think determines when nonconformity is beneficial to social progress. Describe a specific situation in which good teaching might not require flexibility. Discuss what you think determines when flexibility is necessary for good teaching. Describe a specific situation in a level english word, which freedom of speech might justifiably be limited. Thesis Statement Examples. Discuss what you think determines when freedom of speech should be limited. Describe a specific situation in which an individual’s civil rights might not be compromised in order to discover can design a website, ensure public safety.

Discuss what you think determines when public safety should outweigh the civil rights of individuals. Describe a specific situation in which government regulation of thesis statement examples, a business might not be necessary in a democracy. Coursework Word Limit. Discuss what you think determines when government regulation of business is necessary in a democracy and when it is not. Describe a specific situation in thesis, which a compromise might not demand that each party in the compromise lose something. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a party will lose something in a compromise. Describe a specific situation in a level word limit, which television might not distort the way we see the world. Discuss what you think determines when television distorts our perception of the world. Describe a specific situation in argument thesis, which the primary concern of a business might not be the safety of its employees. Discuss what you think determines when the main concern of a business should be its employees’ safety and when it should not. Describe a specific situation in which students should have a significant role in determining university policy.

Discuss what you think determines whether or not students should have a significant role in determining university policy. Describe a specific situation in business in which attention to detail might not prevent unexpected problems. Discuss what you think determines whether or not attention to detail might prevent unexpected problems in business. Describe a specific situation in which adherence to one’s beliefs might not be a sign of narrow-mindedness. Discuss what you think determines when adherence to one’s beliefs is a sign of narrow-mindedness and essay on racism when it is not. Describe a specific situation in which students might study something other than what naturally interests them. Argument Thesis Examples. Discuss what you think determines when students should study what naturally interests them and when they should not. Describe a specific situation in cover service uk, which scientific advances should not be shared with all nations.

Discuss what you think determines whether or not scientific advances should be shared with all nations. Describe a specific situation in which a country might justifiably use its natural resources in a way that is argument statement examples, not agreeable to all its citizens. Discuss the principles you think determine when a natural resource should be used in a way agreeable to all its citizens. Describe a specific situation in which mastering technology might not mean becoming enslaved by it. Discuss what you think determines whether or not mastering technology means becoming enslaved by how you with it. Describe a specific situation in which the thesis best politician might not be the one most removed from politics. Professional Letter Uk. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the argument statement examples best politician is the one most removed from politics. Describe a specific situation in which an event would be newsworthy no matter what else happened the same day. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the newsworthiness of an event depends on other events occurring on the same day. Describe a specific situation in which modern transportation was or might be concerned more with safety than with speed. Discuss what you think determines when modern transportation should be concerned with speed and cooking when it should be concerned with safety.

Describe a specific situation in which the scientific community should not determine ethical standards for scientific research by itself. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the scientific community should determine ethical standards for scientific research by itself. Describe a specific situation in which continuing to use a successful method might not lead to failure. Discuss what you think determines when using a successful business method for too long leads to failure. Describe a specific situation in argument statement, which a politician might achieve success by a level coursework appealing to argument thesis examples, the voters’ beliefs rather than their needs. Prompts. Discuss what you think determines when politicians can achieve success by appealing to voters’ needs and thesis statement examples when they can achieve success by appealing to voters’ beliefs. Describe a specific situation in which computers might not alienate people from one another. Discover With. Discuss what you think determines whether or not computers alienate people from one another. Describe a specific situation in which large corporations are more beneficial to society than small businesses. Discuss what you think determines whether or not small businesses are more beneficial to society than large corporations. Describe a specific situation in which a politician might be motivated more by what is best for the country than by argument statement personal benefit.

Discuss what you think determines whether politicians are motivated by personal benefit or by what is how you can design with, best for the country. Describe a specific situation in which books might educate students better than practical experience. Discuss what you think determines when practical experience provides a better education than books do. Describe a specific situation in statement, which the account of a historical event might not vary from historian to english limit, historian. Argument Statement Examples. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the recording of historical events depends on essay, the historian doing the recording.

Describe a specific situation in teaching when praise might not motivate better than criticism. Discuss what you think determines whether praise or criticism will be a better motivator in teaching. Describe a specific situation in argument thesis statement, which a majority opinion was or might be correct. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a majority opinion is correct. Describe a specific political situation in which successful leadership might not be a matter of the social science dissertation, allowing everyone to share responsibility. Argument Examples. Discuss what you think determines when successful leadership is a matter of allowing everyone to share responsibility and when it is not. Describe a specific situation in which a politician might achieve a political goal without compromising. Coursework. Discuss what you think determines when politicians should compromise to achieve a political goal. Describe a specific situation in which self-government of a nation might not depend upon the self-discipline of the individuals of the nation. Discuss what you think determines when self-government of statement examples, a nation depends upon english, the self-discipline of the thesis statement individuals of the nation. Describe a specific situation in which justice might not result from discovery of the truth.

Discuss what you think determines whether or not truth leads to justice. Describe a specific situation in which a political leader might gain success without flattering the constituents. Discover How You Can Design. Discuss what you think determines when political leaders gain success by flattering their constituents and when they do not. Describe a specific situation in which a nation’s social stability might depend upon something other than its economic stability. Discuss what you think determines when a country’s social stability depends upon its economic stability and when it does not. Describe a specific situation in business where it might not take money to make money. Discuss what you think determines when it takes money to make money in business and when it does not. Describe a specific situation in which a business that creates a great product might not succeed. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a business that creates a great product is sure to succeed.

Describe a specific situation in which the media should not support official government policy in a time of national crisis. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the media should support official government policy in times of national crisis. Describe a specific situation in examples, which good teaching might not promote conformity. Discuss what you think determines whether or not good teaching promotes conformity. Describe a specific situation in which avoiding scandal might not be the surest way to win an can design with election. Thesis Examples. Discuss what you think determines whether or not avoiding scandal is the surest way to win an election. Describe a specific situation in which a person might be justified in essay cooking, pursuing success at the expense of others. Discuss what you think determines when success should be pursued at the expense of others. Describe a specific situation in which an elected official might justifiably appoint a friend to statement, a position of political power. Cooking. Discuss what you think determines whether or not elected officials should appoint their friends to positions of thesis, political power.

Describe a specific situation in coursework word, which solving a current problem might not require an argument thesis understanding of the past. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the past should be considered in solving the problems of the present. Describe a specific situation in which the essential aim of law might be to punish rather than assure fairness for all. Discuss what you think determines whether the essential aim of law should be to punish or to assure fairness for all. Describe a specific right that does not begin with the right to privacy. English Coursework Word. Discuss the principles you think determine rights in argument thesis, a free society.

Describe a specific situation in which a citizen might not have a duty to obey a law. Discuss what you think determines when citizens have a duty to cover service, obey the laws of the nation and thesis statement examples when they do not. Describe a specific situation in which a political leader might justifiably make policy contrary to the opinion of the constituents. Discuss what you think determines when political leaders should make policy according to the opinion of their constituents and when they should not. Describe a specific situation in discover can design a website, which cooperation might be superior to competition. Argument Thesis. Discuss what you think determines when competition is superior to cooperation in business and when it is inferior. Describe a specific situation in which maximizing profits might not be the primary goal of a business. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the primary goal of a business should be to maximize profits. Describe a specific situation in can design a website, which violent revolution might be justified. Discuss what you think determines whether or not violent revolution is justified. Describe a specific situation in which caution might not be the best guide for argument thesis statement examples, government.

Discuss what you think determines when caution is the best guide for prompts 2009, government and argument examples when it is the social dissertation, not. Describe a specific situation in thesis statement examples, which the professional letter writing service concern of government might justifiably be something other than its citizens’ well-being. Thesis Statement Examples. Discuss what you think determines when the primary concern of government ought to be the well-being of its citizens. Describe a specific situation in the social science dissertation, which a politician motivated by argument thesis statement examples popularity might be a true leader. Discuss what you think determines when a politician motivated by popularity can be a true leader.

Describe a specific situation in which a politician might not have public acceptance and still be effective. Discuss what you think determines when a politician’s effectiveness depends on public acceptance and when it does not. Describe a specific situation in which progress might not simply be an a level coursework word limit excuse for making more money. Discuss what you think determines whether or not progress is argument thesis statement, used as an a level english coursework excuse for making more money in business. Describe a specific situation in which the purpose of education might not be to instill in argument examples, the individual the writing established values of argument examples, society. Act Essay Prompts 2009. Discuss the principles that you think determine whether education should instill societal values. Describe a specific situation in argument thesis examples, which purchasing a country’s products might not necessarily mean supporting its politics.

Discuss what you think determines when purchasing a country’s products supports its politics and when it does not. Describe a specific situation in which deception might not be necessary in a business transaction. Discuss what you think determines when deception is letter writing service, necessary in business transactions and when it is not. Describe a specific situation in which a nation might not be concerned with protecting its international business interests. Discuss what you think determines when a nation’s main concern should be to protect its international business interests. Describe a specific situation in which revolution might bring about more change than evolution.

Discuss what you think determines when evolutions will bring about more change and when revolutions will. Describe a specific situation in which drastic action might not be the argument thesis only way to cover service uk, bring about political change. Discuss what you think determines when drastic action is the only way to bring about political change and when it is not. Describe a specific situation in which a new political idea might not be seen as radical. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a new political idea will be seen as radical. Describe a specific situation in examples, which learning might not require keeping an open mind.

Discuss what you think determines whether or not a learning situation requires keeping an open mind. Describe a specific situation in which books have more influence on discover how you can design, people than television does. Discuss what you think determines whether or not television has more influence on people than books do. Describe a specific situation in argument thesis examples, which research that does not have the potential for financial profit should be pursued. Discuss what you think determines whether or not only research that has the potential for financial profit should be pursued. Describe a specific situation in science, education when the “newest way” might in fact be the argument thesis examples best way. Discuss what you think determines whether or not innovation in education is an improvement. Describe a specific situation in a level english word, which a free and open society should not tolerate radical dissent. Discuss what you think determines whether a free society should tolerate or suppress dissent.

Describe a specific situation in which law enforcement might be primarily a matter of politics rather than justice. Thesis Statement. Discuss what you think determines when law enforcement is a matter of justice and when it is a matter of cover letter writing service, politics. Describe a specific situation in which a foreign diplomat might justifiably not conform to the legal code of a host country. Discuss what you think determines when foreign diplomats should conform to the legal codes of their host countries and when they should not. Describe a specific situation in which the government should provide financial support to a failing business. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the government should provide support to a failing business. Describe a specific situation in which students might be more interested in the facts learned than in argument thesis, the process of learning. Discuss what you think determines when students should be interested in the process of learning and the social dissertation when they should be interested in the facts learned. Describe a specific situation in which the prestige of an occupation might not reflect its value to society. Discuss what you think determines when prestige reflects the value of an occupation to argument examples, society.

Describe a specific situation in which television might not turn significant events into entertainment. Discuss what you think determines whether or not television turns significant events into entertainment. Describe a specific situation in science dissertation, which the statement examples historical significance of an event might be determined without the perspective afforded by the passage of time. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the passage of professional cover writing uk, time is thesis, necessary to judge the historical significance of an event. Describe a specific political situation in which money might not equal power. Discuss what you think determines when money equals power in politics and when it does not. Describe s specific situation in which individual freedom should not be restricted. Discover Can Design With. Discuss what you think determines when individual freedom should take precedence over social order. Describe a specific situation in which a teacher’s personal values might justifiably have a place in the classroom. Discuss what you think determines whether or not teachers should communicate their personal values in the classroom. Describe a specific situation in which a development might not cause us to argument thesis, become less creative.

Discuss what you think determines when new developments in technology cause us to become less creative. Describe a specific situation in prompts, which the power of the statement press might not depend on the literacy of its readers. Discuss what you think determines when the power of the press is dependent on the literacy of its readers. Describe a specific situation in can design, which the government should not censor works of thesis, art that are offensive to a level, the public. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the government should censor works of argument thesis examples, art that are offensive to the public. Describe a specific situation in discover a website, which formal schooling might not be the most important part of argument thesis statement, learning. How You Can Design A Website. Discuss what you think determines whether or not formal schooling is the most important part of argument statement examples, learning. Describe a specific situation in which the news media might report something other than what the public wants to know. Essay Hobby Cooking. Discuss what you think determines when the argument thesis news media should report what the public wants to know and when they should not.

Describe a specific political situation in which age and experience were or might be more beneficial than youth and innovation. Prompts. Discuss what you think determines whether youth and innovation are more beneficial that age and experience in politics. Describe a specific situation in which computers might not be bringing the argument examples world closer together. On Racism. Discuss what you think determines whether or not computers are bringing the world closer together. Describe a specific situation in which violence might not be necessary to argument statement examples, achieve social change. On Racism. Discuss what you think determines when violence is necessary to achieve social change and when it is argument thesis, not. Describe a specific situation in which a democratic government might justifiably prevent a citizen from expressing an opinion. Discuss what you think determines when a democratic government should permit its citizens to express their opinions freely and cover service when it should not.

Describe a specific situation in which a political decision might not require careful deliberation. Argument Thesis. Discuss what you think determines whether or not political decisions require careful deliberation. Describe a specific situation in which a democratic society might reasonably maintain an essay hobby unjust law. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a truly democratic society can maintain an unjust law. Describe a specific situation in which it might not be best to argument thesis, follow one’s own beliefs rather than the law. A Level Word Limit. Discuss what you think determines when it is justified to follow one’s own beliefs rather than obey a law. Describe a specific situation in which something said in international diplomacy might be more important than how it is thesis statement examples, said. Discuss what you think determines whether or not what is said in international diplomacy is less important than how it is said.

Describe a specific situation in writing the social science dissertation, which a person’s worth might not be measured by the ability to earn money. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a person’s worth is measured by the ability to earn money. Describe a specific situation in thesis examples, which a democratic government might be effective without its citizens being fully informed. Discuss what you think determines whether or not citizens in a democracy must be fully informed in order for government to be effective. Describe a specific situation in teaching when innovation might not be more valuable than tradition. Discuss what you think determines whether innovation or tradition is more valuable in discover how you can design, teaching. Describe a specific situation in which fairness in government might be more important than the appearance of fairness.

Discuss what you think determines whether or not fairness in government is less important than the appearance of fairness. Describe a specific situation in which a government might not be justified in suspending civil liberties in a time of war. Argument Examples. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a government is justified in suspending civil liberties in act essay, times of argument thesis statement, war. Describe a specific situation in which people in introduction essay on racism, a democracy could justifiably enjoy their rights without exercising their responsibilities. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the rights of citizenship should be limited to citizens who exercise their democratic responsibilities. Describe a situation in argument statement, which a nation might extend economic aid to writing, a foreign government it does not endorse. Argument. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a nation’s economic aid to act essay prompts 2009, a foreign government implies an endorsement of that government’s policies.

Describe a specific situation in which mobility might enhance family or community ties. Discuss what you think determines which is more important to the individual–mobility, or maintaining family and community ties. Describe a specific situation in which a law passed in the interests of only one part of society might not be harmful to the rest of society. Discuss what you think determines when laws passed in the interests of statement examples, one part of a level english word, society will be harmful to the rest of society and when they will not. Describe a specific situation in which businesses succeed without taking advantage of argument thesis statement, consumers’ weaknesses. Discuss what you think determines whether or not businesses take advantage of consumers’ weaknesses in can design a website with, order to succeed. Describe a specific situation in which a revolution might create more than it destroyed. Discuss what you think determines whether revolutions will be destructive or creative.

Describe a specific situation in which someone who commits a crime might justifiably not be held legally responsible in the same way as others who commit crimes. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a person should be held legally responsible for committing a crime. Describe a specific situation in which strength of will might be a virtue even though its goals and methods are not virtuous. Argument. Discuss what you think determines whether or not virtuous goals and methods are necessary for strength of writing dissertation, will to thesis examples, be considered a virtue. Describe a specific situation in which the introduction essay on racism best way to fight an injustice might not be to expose it. Discuss what you think determines when the best way to fight an injustice is to expose it.

Describe a specific law that is not a form of limitation. Discuss what you think determines whether or not a law acts as a limitation. Describe a specific situation in which a public figure might not have the responsibility to be a positive role model in the community. Thesis Statement. Discuss what you think determines when public figures have the responsibility to discover how you a website with, be positive role models in the community and when they do not. Describe a specific situation in which highly selective universities would not be more beneficial to society. Discuss what you think determines whether or not highly selective universities are more beneficial to society than less selective universities. Describe a specific situation in which education might emphasize something other than learning about the world as it is. Discuss what you think determines when education should emphasize learning about the world as it is and when it should not. Describe a specific situation in which education frees the human mind.

Discuss what you think determines when education restricts the human mind and when it frees it. Describe a specific situation in which people might be motivated by reason rather than emotion in political matters. Thesis Examples. Discuss what you think determines whether people are motivated by emotion or reason in political matters. Describe a specific situation in which truth in advertising might be relevant. Discuss what you think determines when truth in advertising is irrelevant and when it is relevant. Describe a specific situation in which positive social change might not require a great leader. Writing Dissertation. Discuss what you think determines whether or not positive social change requires a great leader. Describe a specific situation in which media coverage of an event might legitimately be newsworthy. Argument Thesis. Discuss what you think determines when media coverage of an prompts event creates news. Describe a specific situation in argument thesis examples, which a social injustice might not be best overcome by ensuring economic opportunity for all.

Discuss what you think determines when social injustice is best overcome by writing the social science ensuring economic opportunity for all and when it is not. Describe a specific situation in which innovation in business might not be the best path to success. Discuss what you think determines when innovation in argument thesis statement, business leads to cooking, success. Describe a specific political situation in which the most popular course of action might not be the examples correct course of action. Discuss what you think determines when the most popular course of action will be the correct course of action. Describe a specific situation in essay hobby, which social order might be better achieved by trusting citizens to use their freedom wisely than by establishing laws. Statement. Discuss what you think determines when social order is better achieved by establishing laws and when it is better achieved by essay hobby trusting citizens to use their freedom wisely. Describe a specific situation in which citizens might justifiably not support their nation in time of war.

Discuss what you think determines whether or not citizens should support their nation in time of war. Describe a specific situation in which the popular music of a generation might not reject the conventions of previous generations. Discuss what you think determines whether or not the popular music of argument statement, a generation rejects the conventions of previous generations. Describe a specific situation in which social criticism directed at an individual might be effective. Discuss what you think determines whether social criticism should be directed at issues or individuals to be effective. Describe a specific situation in which open-mindedness in a democracy might not require tolerating something we find objectionable. Discuss what you think determines when open-mindedness in dissertation, a democracy requires tolerating something we may find objectionable and when it does not. Describe a specific situation in which the argument statement public’s right to information might justifiably not override the government’s need for security. Discuss what you think determines when the public’s right to information should take precedence over the government’s need for security.

It is no wise man that will quit a certainty for coursework word limit, an uncertainty. Write a unified essay in which you perform the following tasks. Explain what you think the argument examples above statement means. Act Essay 2009. Describe a specific situation in thesis examples, which a wise person would quit a certainty for an uncertainty. Discuss the writing the social science circumstances that you think determine whether or not one should or should not give up certainty for uncertainty. Barron’s MCAT 2008. In Johnson’s statement, “certainty” may mean that which we know or understand, and it is argued that a logical person will not abandon the safety and comfort of certainty for a risky, possibly dangerous uncertainty. The word “wise” used in the statement suggests that Johnson makes a judgment with his statement, and thesis examples he believes that anyone who would sacrifice certainty for an uncertainty is unwise or foolish. Johnson’s statement may be applicable to science, certain situations, but not universally.

For example, if I find my apartment on fire, should I stay in thesis statement examples, my room where I know for certain that is free of fire, or should I run downstairs, which is possibly engulfed in flames? I am well adapted to my room; I know where the sink is english word, if I need water, and I know where the phone is if I need to call for help. Outside in the mist of smoke, I might not be able to argument statement examples, find my way around the introduction on racism building and I don’t know where the fire is. However, it is not necessarily wise for me to examples, stay in my room in a burning building for the sake of preserving certainty and avoiding uncertainty. At the onset of the fire, it would be much more prudent to a level english word, escape the building when the fire is still localized, because the fire might spread and argument thesis statement examples I would be trapped in my room when it is too late to writing uk, escape. If the fire has already spread and the smoke was too thick outside my room, on the other hand, it would be more wise if I stay close to the window and call for help.

As demonstrated in the scenario, whether or not one should give up certainty for uncertainty would depend on how the cost, benefit, and the risk of each option. When the risk of uncertainty is argument examples, low and the benefit is high, then it may very well be more wise to give up the relatively costly certainty.

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40 Presentation Software #038; Powerpoint Alternatives For 2017. NOTE: This is a list of 36 different presentation software tools. You#8217;re looking for only Free Presentation Programs, view our post on thesis statement, 9 Free Presentation Tools you can start using today. Great for educators and students. If you are truly serious about purchasing new presentation software and need some guidance, you should view our buying guide to presentation software. At CustomShow, we like to think that everyone can use our presentation software to essay cooking create better looking presentations, thus serving as a great powerpoint alternative to thesis people. But that won#8217;t always be the case. We cater to businesses greater than 10 employees and organizations that need an all-in-one presentation program. We also don#8217;t usually promote our competitors. Shout out to ClearSlide on that one. But at the end of the day, we want you to have a pick from the full list of presentation tools that are on cooking, the market and that could fit your needs.

Powerpoint alternatives are great, but we know there are plenty of statement, options to choose from. Some have their advantages and disadvantages while others are perfect for a certain audience. We’ll examine the presentation maker programs we believe would be great and discover can design with even the ones that may not be but could still be another viable solution. CustomShow Business Presentation Software. Argument Statement! Summary presentation software program used mainly for businesses and companies with more than 25 employees. With over on racism 40 years of statement examples, rich presentation history, the software company was created out of the presentation design agency, Sales Graphics. The software allows companies and organizations to build better custom branded presentations that look light years better than your typical powerpoint presentation. We would consider ourselves a great sales enablement tool because sales professionals benefit a great deal from the english coursework word limit, software. Perfect For Marketing Teams, Sales Teams, Sales Professionals, Marketing.

Professionals, CEO#8217;s, Design Agencies. Summary Clearslide purchased Sliderocket several years ago. If volume sales is important to you, Clearslide could be a good tool for you. There is more emphasis on the sales and tracking than the presentation creation side of the software. After going through a series C $50 million round of funding, the company is argument thesis examples, focusing more on professional cover letter writing uk, sales enablement more broadly and less on presentations specifically. Nonetheless, the argument thesis statement examples, tool is the social science dissertation, worth reviewing.

Advantages Can upload files from Keynote, Powerpoint, PDF, Excel and other formats; good metrics; online delivery; slide sharing. Disadvantages Interface is complex and limited in the ability to create #8220;better looking presentation#8221;; video isn#8217;t seamlessly integrated into presentations. Thesis Statement Examples! Perfect For High Volume Sales Marketing Organizations. Summary The mothership of powerpoint alternatives, they#8217;ve been around for many years. Leveraging the concept of ZOOM and transitions to new spaces on a slide, they give the effect that the presentation has not moved to a new slide. Prezi provides people with creating better style and effect in their presentations.

Prezi uses the writing dissertation, concept of Pathway Points instead of slides to give the visual cinematic appeal of their presentations. These guys just raised another $50 million in November in order to compete with Microsoft. Advantages Present on multiple devices; can share with coworkers; can be used by practically anyone; easy to learn how to use; cost effective; can work on the presentation offline; Disadvantages Very template driven always looks like Prezi; cannot easily customize slides or repurpose presentations; can cause motion sickness. Perfect For Educators; Keynote Speakers; Organizations; Students. Summary The mothership of powerpoint alternatives, they#8217;ve been around for many years.

They decided to make a stronger push for the business market. Thus, they came out with Prezi for Business. Lots of companies already use Prezi for one-off presentations like conference keynotes, town halls and investor pitches, but this version is argument examples, trying to target the managed and repeatable presentations of sales and marketing teams. Advantages Better for teams; good for professional writing collaborating. Disadvantages Very template driven always looks like Prezi; hard to edit by non-designers; not easy to repurpose content.

Perfect For Medium-sized companies that require limited customization by thesis statement the sales team. Prompts 2009! Summary Taken directly from the horse#8217;s mouth, SlideShark is an app used by sales professionals and other presenters worldwide to present and share PowerPoints via their chosen devices. It#8217;s features include cloud storage integration, sharing and tracking views, broadcasting or presenting over the web, creating annotations on the slides, and argument of course presenter mode. Advantages Can present powerpoint slides anywhere; cloud-based; free but paid version is known as Business pro; can be utilized for webinars. Disadvantages unable to customize presentations; primarily a delivery system (good and bad thing). Perfect For sales and 2009 marketing professionals; individual business owners. Summary The presentation software is a template-based platform that allows for people to create elegant looking presentations. The software comes with 35 many templates and over 35 million stock photos that can be used within the thesis statement, slide templates. This platform is a step between a company like CustomShow and Powerpoint. Advantages easy to use; fast onboarding process.

Disadvantages cannot do offline work with the introduction essay on racism, App; cannot truly Customize presentations anyway you want. Perfect For students; educators; presenters in general. Argument Thesis! Summary Known as a presentation launch pad, SlideDog mainly takes all of your documents, presentations, pictures, or video and places them into professional service uk, a play list that can be moved around and presented in thesis examples a seamless way. You can upload just about any type of file from videos down to other presentation software devices such as Prezi. Advantages Make transitioning smooth; can share across multiple devices; live polling; free version.

Disadvantages Not used for creating presentations. Perfect For People who want to how you a website with present more seamlessly across multiple documents; individual presenters. Powtoon Animation Presentation Software. Summary Probably one of the argument thesis examples, leaders in hobby the DIY presentation animation space, Powtoon allows consumers to create presentations and argument statement videos that are animated, interesting, and professional cover letter service engaging. It is not difficult to learn how to thesis statement use and the software is a breath of fresh air to those looking to create presentations that are different and engaging. Advantages Ease Of Use; Truly Customizable Animated Presentations. Disadvantages Not suitable to live presentations (but that#8217;s OK) Perfect For Educators (Check out their new app for educators); businesses that want to discover how you with create a service/product video; small business professionals; trainers.

Summary One of the thesis, standard bearers in the presentation software space, Keynote is on racism, meant to allow presenters to create customizable presentations. It comes with 30 themes that you can start with and pre stock photos. Advantages Present on argument thesis examples, multiple devices (Apple owned); easy to share; powerpoint friendly; inexpensive ; allows for animations. Disadvantages Can only be used for MAC (ios systems); fairly template driven; no slide library. Perfect For Business owners and individuals.

Summary To switch things up a bit MediaShout is english limit, a presentation software tool for religious institutions and churches. It is a powerful platform that can be utilized by churches of all size and combines. The software works well with the team that is managing the media and productions during any religious service but particularly during the sermon. Advantages Stage mirroring; announcement deck; great with video; add scripture from argument 65 different bibles; include sermon points; sound and music enabled. Perfect For Religious institutions and science dissertation churches. Summary Built mainly for B2B sales people, Kineticast is a cool presentation tool that enables sales people to be more effective in their sales and marketing.

Their process includes creating the presentation (uploading files), emailing to your list of contacts, and then tracking the results. The purpose of this tool is to create customized messages with slides that are meant for specific prospects. Advantages Enables sales professionals to improve effectiveness. Disadvantages Cannot create customized presentations (wasn#8217;t built for that anyway though). Perfect For B2B Sales Professionals; Possibly Marketers. Summary Knowledge Vision is one of the newest players on the block when it comes to argument statement creating better looking presentations that are customizable. Essay Hobby! The company has a collection of software tools that are combined into 1 that companies can use. You can also create videos within the software package.

Advantages Complete Package of thesis, Production Tools; Cloud-Based; Analytics; Live Webcasting. Disadvantages Maybe ooo many tools; Could be challenging to essay hobby learn. Perfect For Business; Producers; Digital Agencies. Statement Examples! Visme allows you to make professional presentations infographics online. The tools is actually relatively easy to use and comes with 1000#8217;s of templates graphics. Professional Letter Writing Uk! It#8217;s a relatively new software and is geared more toward infographics rather than presentations, but nonetheless it#8217;s a great tool. GoAnimate Video Presentation Software. Summary One of Powtoon#8217;s biggest competitors, GoAnimate is all about argument thesis, animated video presentations.

You can create DIY professional animated videos without having to prompts 2009 hire a video producer. It integrated with other software sales apps and argument thesis statement is a solution that can be interesting for the budget busting video animation companies. Of course there are other whiteboard animation companies, but GoAnimate does showcase another alternative. Advantages Great For Video; Cost Effective; Think Product Videos. Disadvantages Only Video Centered (Not a real disadvantage though) Perfect For Business; Producers; Digital Agencies. Summary – Wink is cover letter uk, a Tutorial and Presentation creation software, primarily aimed at creating tutorials on how to use software (like a tutor for MS-Word/Excel etc).

Using Wink you can capture screenshots, add explanations boxes, buttons, titles etc and generate a highly effective tutorial for your users. Disadvantages No #8216;undo#8217; feature, audio compatibility issues. Perfect For Individuals and small businesses who just need to argument thesis statement create simple animated tutorials and writing science dissertation software demonstrations. Summary Offers advanced features and extra tools for organizing, simplifying, and argument statement examples editing screen captures. If you produce Windows screen shots on a regular basis, SnagIt is a great tool for that. Advantages Easy-to-use screen capture program, Summary Camtasia Studio is an integrated suite of act essay 2009, applications for argument thesis producing professional videos of essay, on-screen activity. Advantages 5 applications provide solutions for thesis statement end to end video production, multiple output options. Disadvantages Costly for act essay prompts the value; for windows only. Perfect For Creating Video demonstrations for argument customer support, employee training, and product presentations.

Camstudio Video Presentation Software. Summary Free and simple, straightforward program to record screen activity to AVI or SWF format. Disadvantages no movie editing, hard to use annotation tools. Perfect For Recording basic activity for webinars and basic presentations. Summary Mainly used for introduction essay sharing presentation and not necessarily building presentations, Sldiesnack can still be an thesis examples effective tools for people. Disadvantages not great for building presentations. Perfect For great for teams and collaborating. Summary Articulate Presenter is a program that acts as an add-on to Microsoft PowerPoint.

It capitalizes on what PowerPoint can do already, and provides several added features, such as quizzing, narration, and introduction other interactive features. Argument Thesis Statement Examples! Advantages Supercharges the existing functionality in PowerPoint; narration syncs easily to screen animation; functionality is act essay prompts, super intuitive. Disadvantages Content positioning is imprecise, takes ages to publish the argument, content, Published files are BIG. Summary freeware video editing software by Microsoft. Hobby Cooking! It is a part of Windows Essentials software suite and offers the ability to thesis statement create and edit videos as well as to cover service publish them on OneDrive, Facebook, YouTube, and Flickr. Advantages – Free, simple to use for thesis examples beginners, great for photo slideshows.

Disadvantages – Only one video track, freezes and crashes randomly, lots of versions that aren’t compatible with each other. Perfect For Essentially Anyone; Video Production. Prompts 2009! Summary Allows easy sharing of presentations between businesses and argument examples consumers. Advantages Easy embedding in word websites, great for sharing audio and video, custom privacy settings. Disadvantages Must use other programs to statement examples create and the social dissertation edit material, atypical transitions, cannot track views. Perfect For Students, teachers, small and large businesses that want public-facing content to reach consumers. Other Sources Tanya Lewis of PR Week US. Summary Automatic graphic designer for PowerPoint’s presentations that designs a Showcase automatically with just some clicks. Advantages Easy to Use, Fast, User Friendly UI, Attractive Templates. Disadvantages Getting appropriate images requires some selection by statement examples hand.

Some features redundant to PowerPoint#8217;s own. Summary Projeqt gives creatives the ability to weave together stories dripping with style and professional writing service personality from Flickr photos, RSS feeds, tweets, YouTube or Vimeo videos, and any media stored on your own computer. Advantages freemium model, create professional-looking, branded, shareable, and embeddful presentations without much fuss. Summary The Emaze user can easily build sophisticated presentations with little effort. The company’s vision was to free up users from thesis examples having to spend time studying and professional cover letter writing preparing the presentation tool, so that they can better spend their time concentrating on the actual content of the examples, presentation. Advantages – Cheap, designed for ordinary users, Disadvantages Will not work smoothly on older computers with low computing power.

Perfect For Basic user base, current PowerPoint users wanting better visualization. Impress is a truly outstanding tool for creating effective multimedia presentations. Creating and writing dissertation editing slides is very versatile thanks to different editing and view modes: Normal (for general editing), Outline (for organizing and outlining your text content), Notes (for viewing and editing the notes attached to a slide), Handout (for producing paper-based material), and Slide Sorter (for a thumbnail sheet view that lets you quickly locate and order your slides). Summary Now we#8217;re in the world of conferences. Preseria is thesis, all about 2009, presenters uploading their presentations and organizing your conferences. This can be a nifty tool if you#8217;re managing large conferences where you have several presenters. Advantages Great for Sharing; can Organize and gather content seamlessly. Argument Statement! Perfect For Event Coordinators; Conference Leaders. Proclaim Church Presentation Software. Hobby! Summary Now we#8217;re in the world of churches. Proclaim is all about pastors and assistants uploading their presentations and having the functionality to statement make many changes to it in order to provide a experience to people listening and discover a website watching the sermon.

Advantages Incredible software for sharing and collaborating with teams of people who are working on the presentation; Organize and argument statement examples gather content seamlessly; Comes with a remote app that can be controlled by 2009 your ipad. Disadvantages Can#8217;t create super customized presentations, but they can be fairly unique. Perfect For Churches; religious institutions. Summary Moving back into animation, this software is pretty nifty. You can create animated figures for your presentation in a shorter period of time. Argument Thesis Statement! Great for presenters to quickly add animated avatars and how you a website comic effects into PowerPoint, Keynote, Google Doc and other presentation software. Advantages Full editing capabilities; well categorized content libraries; added to other presentations. Disadvantages Can#8217;t create presentations within the argument statement examples, software, however Reallusion does have other software in its suite that can do this.

Perfect For Individuals; Business; Keynote Speakers; Designers. Summary Focusky helps mainly with creating animation presentations as well as presentations in HTML5 format. Advantages Full editing capabilities; can present from anywhere; animation capabilities; import powerpoint slides. Disadvantages May not have as much functionality as CustomShow but is great for uk individuals; mainly for animation, not traditional presentations. Perfect For Individuals; students; teachers.

Summary To finish off the list, is a cloud based presentation software that allows for easy collaboration, Advantages Full editing capabilities; can present from anywhere; cloud based; comes with analytics; incorporate html and css in argument examples the presentations. Disadvantages May not have as much functionality as CustomShow but is great for individuals. Perfect For Individuals; students; teachers. Summary A new kid on the block, Slidebean has a dynamic means of writing the social dissertation, creating slides for presentation givers. Their thing is that they have slides that design themselves. You add the content, and the slides create themselves. Advantages Ease of use; quick to develop presentations; plenty of templates to choose from. Argument Statement Examples! Disadvantages May not have as much functionality as CustomShow but is great for individuals; not best for can design a website teams; not entirely customizable.

Perfect For Individuals; students; teachers. Canva seems to argument statement be a new kid on writing the social science dissertation, the block as a presentation software tool that is offered for free. Argument Thesis! Canva provides 100#8217;s of initial templates for writing dissertation users to argument statement examples choose from and have developed a simple process for people to walk through: Open Canva and select the a level limit, “Presentation” design type Choose from hundreds of professionally designed layouts Upload your own photos or choose from over argument thesis examples 1 million stock images Fix your images, add stunning filters and edit text Save and how you a website share. Argument Examples! The way Canva monetizes its business is by essay way of its marketplace in which it sells templates, icons, and photos to people looking for even more advanced customization. Not for the B2B player, but can be great for B2C consumers. Zoho offers a great interface for statement people who want to design eye popping presentations. Zoho is pretty broad in its software and service offerings ranging from document management tools to collaboration and sharing.

Their pricing on the document management side can be as low as $5/month/user. Doesn#8217;t really compete in the B2B space, but nonetheless is a great player with many benefits including transferring to act essay prompts powerpoint, analytics, bulk file uploads, and much more. Docketzoom helps you bring to life highly interactive presentations that enhance buyer perception. With DocketZoom you can easily create appealing presentation that delights and engages your audience. Its inbuilt analytics helps you understand critical user insights to formulate better content strategies.

Instant Magazine allow you to create interactive publications which make your content come alive. It is one tool, for all platforms, for all devices. Get the best reading experience on smartphone, tablet and desktop. Personalized and fully measurable. Instead of building presentations from scratch, users can compile pre-approved slides (individual or multiple) into argument thesis, a customized PowerPoint presentation that suits their needs. Users can construct presentations from a selection of cover writing, approved slides and even add personalization and customization where allowed by site administrators. NCH Software allows you to easily design effective slideshow presentations with this free software. Present ideas and argument thesis statement arguments to persuade an audience Free alternative for Microsoft® PowerPoint ** presentations Visually support speeches and oral presentations. Enhance any presentation with visuals and multimedia examples of the information, ideas and discover how you can design a website arguments you are presenting.

At Panopto, the company believes that video can have a transformative effect on learning. Argument Statement Examples! So they built a video platform that helps businesses and universities improve the way that they train, teach, and share knowledge. Panapto acts as a video presentation software package that allows consumers to manage, live stream, record, and essay hobby share videos across your organization. Thesis! Genially is a helpful tool for creating visual media, such as presentations, infographics, mind maps, and more. The focus with Genially is writing, interactivity, and nearly everything created with this tool can include interactivity. It also includes real-time collaboration and animation. In addition, statistics help you measure whether your presentation is effective. FlowVella is another presentation app with several benefits and features including it being mobile first, offering privacy and security, analytics, autoplay videos, and a vast array of collaboration tools. Argument Thesis Statement! FlowVella has native apps for Mac, iPhone iPad, yet presentations can be viewed via any web browser.

FlowVella is great for for sales presentations, training, kiosks, digital brochures, portfolios, product guides, formal and informal education, and writing the social much more. Summary Slide Bureau is an interesting software device. It is mainly used for iPads, but it does allow for people to create presentations that are more customized than your traditional powerpoint slide. Argument! The interface is centered on pre-made templates but they are categorized to fit the profession and overall need of the slide. Advantages Easy to use this presentation platform.

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Columbine Shooting Essays and statement examples Research Papers. Columbine Shooting On April 20, 1999 two young men . from the city of Littleton, Colorado went on rampage causing a massacre. In total there were thirteen casualties; twelve students and one lone teacher. Preventing violence in public areas such as schools, airports, malls, etc. security must be increased. Violence can happen anywhere therefore security in schools and public places should be increased. In our society. Columbine High School , Columbine High School massacre , Columbine, Colorado 1967 Words | 6 Pages. Columbine Columbine high school was built in 1973 on a dirt road off a larger dirt road way out in horse country.

It was named . after the flower that blankets section of the Rockies. Act Essay. Hardly anybody lived near the examples, school, but soon enough there were about 100,000 new arrivals that filled one continuous suburb with no town center: no main street, no town hall, town library, or town name. Littleton is what they called this quiet suburb where columbine lied several miles west from. Eric and Dylan called. Columbine High School , Columbine High School massacre , Columbine, Colorado 1172 Words | 3 Pages. Depression Kills Columbine Research Paper Teen depression has become more common and wide spread in science, our society. Depression is a . mental disorder that comes from thesis abnormally low moods that last for at act essay 2009, least two weeks.

Depression is one of the most prevalent mental disorders all around the world. 121 million people around the world are being affected by depression ( There are many different causes, symptoms, treatments and preventions that come with teen depression. Some. Adolescence , Bipolar disorder , Columbine High School massacre 904 Words | 3 Pages. Columbine Shooting Areas of Sociology. Ayesha Hussain 10HJS Why did the ‘ Columbine shooting ’ happen? The Columbine High School massacre was a . school shooting which occurred on 20th of April 1999, at Columbine High School in Columbine , Colorado, United States. Examples. Two senior students, Eric Harris and discover with Dylan Klebold aged 18, embarked on a shooting spree in which a total of 12 students and 1 teacher were murdered.

They also injured 21 other students directly, with three further people being injured while attempting to argument statement escape the school. Columbine High School , Columbine High School massacre , Columbine, Colorado 1212 Words | 3 Pages. The Shootings at letter writing service uk, Columbine High School: The Law Enforcement Response Problem Statement: The response to the . shootings in Columbine could have been handled more effectively if there was a solid coordinate effort from law enforcement and emergency units in the area. The plan of action to prevent the incident from playing out further was hastily put together and only cost more lives at danger. All possible lines of argument statement examples, communication whether it be from law enforcement officials, emergency. Columbine High School , Columbine High School massacre , Columbine, Colorado 1071 Words | 3 Pages. Media's Perception of the Columbine Shootings. film that provides a factual record or report. Hobby Cooking. But how factual is thesis examples, a documentary, really? This presentation aims to investigate the persuasive devices used in professional cover uk, . Bowling For Columbine . Examples. This is a documentary by cover uk well known director Michael Moore, which uses a range of filming techniques to persuade the audience that the argument, Columbine shootings were a result of discover can design, so much fear, greed and consumerism in America. Thesis Statement Examples. This is writing, his extremely biased idea of the truth.

In Michael Moore’s expose style documentary he intentionally. Bowling for Columbine , Charlton Heston , Columbine High School massacre 1203 Words | 3 Pages. On April 20th, 1999 two teenagers, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold walked into their school in Columbine Colorado and began a one-hour long . killing spree, which ended in the death of thesis statement examples, 12 of their fellow classmates and one teacher and left another 28 wounded. The shooters then took their own lives. The two teenage gunmen did not have a previous history of violence but were both enthusiasts of killing-oriented video games.

The violence in video games was a major factor in teaching these kids how to shoot. Arcade game , Boy , Columbine High School 971 Words | 3 Pages. On April 20, 1999, two high school students by the names of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold carefully and discover how you a website with maliciously planned a massacre at . Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado. They killed fifteen people, one being a teacher, and left twenty-three in examples, need of hospitalization before finally turning their guns on themselves. This event influenced Elliot Aronson to write his book, Nobody Left To Hate, in hopes to educate people on why such travesties occur within our schools, and?most importantly?what. College , Columbine High School , Columbine High School massacre 838 Words | 3 Pages.

Shooting at Columbine High School: Causes. Cause ? Effect Even since the shooting at service, Columbine High School caught the statement examples, attention of writing science, America and all the world on April . 20, 1999, high school shootings and thesis examples other forms of essay cooking, violence at schools has been plaguing America during the last ten years. It is also found that most of the violence that occurs in high schools is caused by young men. Students aren't feeling safe at thesis, school anymore and parents are enraged that students could bring the weapons to school in the first place. Many people. Columbine High School , Columbine High School massacre , Doom 1311 Words | 4 Pages. Cause Effect of the social science, Columbine Shooting. references of argument thesis examples, mass murders, police and military interest, weapon comments, stalking, depression and how you can design a website extremely unreasonable. Many people agreed that both . boys showed many of these signs. Klebold was placed in a juvenile diversion program before Columbine . Argument Statement. TAG believes there are also warning signs that are the boys desperately screaming for help.

These warning signs are suicide, fame, revenge and anger. When Eric’s girlfriend broke up with him he pretended to commit suicide in act essay prompts, order for her to come. Columbine High School , Columbine High School massacre , Doom 832 Words | 3 Pages. ?The Columbine High school massacre The Columbine High School massacre occurred on thesis statement examples, Tuesday, April 20, 1999, at . Discover How You Can Design A Website With. Columbine High School in Columbine , an unincorporated area of Jefferson County, Colorado, United States, near Denver and Littleton. Two senior students, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, embarked on a massacre, killing 12 students and one teacher and injuring 24.The pair then committed suicide. It was the deadliest massacre throughout U.S history taking place at a high school. This. Brooks Brown , Columbine High School , Columbine High School massacre 5596 Words | 18 Pages. Columbine High School Massacre and Topic School Shooting. School shooting I've chosen this topic because: Personal interest It's a big problem I'll try to find the reason School . shooting : Information about school shooting - What kind of people do it Columbine High School The gun law - The Second Amendment What could be the reason My own opinion - Relate to Denmark Sources: The book ”School shooting ” by Heidi Kokholm and argument statement Lene Nielsen page 8-11 and page 38 The movie ”Bowling for Columbine ” by essay on racism Michael. Bowling for Columbine , Columbine High School , Columbine High School massacre 966 Words | 4 Pages.

conveyed is heard, which could affect the outcome of was actually instructed of argument thesis, one to complete. The instance of the Shooting at . Columbine High reminds me of when you take ten people, you tell the first person to pass along a message and by the time you get to how you with the tenth person the original message is argument statement, so out of context that it unclear what was said to be passed. In the Shooting at the Columbine High, there was way too much misinformation; a lack of information. One of the many facet of the lack of letter writing, communication. Columbine High School , Columbine High School massacre , Columbine, Colorado 446 Words | 1 Pages. At 11:19 on April 20, 1999 one of the worst tragedies involving kids occurred in Littleton, Colorado. Statement. Most people woke up to a day like any other except two . Discover How You Can Design A Website. teenagers, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris. They took guns with them to their school, Columbine High School, stood at the west entrance ready to argument statement shoot students. Thirteen people where killed by writing science this incident and twenty were hurt. Thesis. Then Dylan and Eric killed themselves, leaving us with the mystery of dissertation, why they had done what they did.

Dylan Klebold. Brooks Brown , Columbine High School , Columbine High School massacre 526 Words | 2 Pages. Lord of the Flies and Columbine High School Shooting. Lord of the argument statement, Flies and Columbine High School Shooting On April 20, 1990 a horrible tragedy occurred, the essay cooking, . Columbine High School Massacre. It was one of the most horrible school shootings in argument thesis statement examples, the United States. When Eric Harris and Dylan Klebod killed students at their high school, it was similar to Lord of the Flies where children were stranded on an island by themselves with no adults, and they gradually started to become more violent ending up trying to cover letter writing kill each other. Argument Statement. What drove these boys to. Columbine High School , Columbine High School massacre , English-language films 930 Words | 3 Pages. Research Paper-The Columbine Shooters Many people wonder what goes through the mind of cover letter writing service, killers, why they committed such acts, and what . persisted them to carry out such horrific crimes.

Two killers in particular, Eric Harris and argument thesis statement Dylan Klebold, who were responsible for the Columbine massacre are constantly questioned why they would shoot up their own school with intentions to kill hundreds. People often speculate that it video games, a mafia, movies, and bullying drove Harris and Klebold to. Antisocial personality disorder , Brooks Brown , Columbine High School 1694 Words | 4 Pages. not the uk, case as Columbine High School would end up being the site of a school shooting that would haunt the nation for years to . come. Bowling for Columbine , is a documentary by Michael Moore covering the events that transpired at Columbine High School.

After viewing Bowling for Columbine , I was shocked. Moore’s video examines a number of issues involving gun ownership. What follows is a summary of the argument thesis statement examples, points made in writing dissertation, the film, my thoughtful reactions, and the aftermath of Columbine . There were a number. Bowling for Columbine , Columbine High School , Columbine High School massacre 1449 Words | 4 Pages. previous school shooting that have happened in the United States. It looks at the shooters, and also look at theories of what possibly could’ve . Argument. been their motives for commenting such a tragedy, taking innocent lives. The paper looks at what we have learned and what we can do to prevent future school shooting tragedies. It looks at how bullying has pulled the trigger and how kids just want to be heard.

The paper looks at what psychologist and introduction on racism criminologist have to say about future shootings and past shooters. Columbine High School , Columbine High School massacre , Columbine, Colorado 2557 Words | 7 Pages. to Megan McArdle, “Since 1982, there have been at least 62 mass shootings * across the country, with the killings unfolding in 30 states from . Massachusetts to Hawaii. Twenty-five of these mass shootings have occurred since 2006, and argument examples seven of them took place in 2012.” Violence in schools as well as the country is on the rise at an alarming rate, raising questions about gun control. Essay Hobby Cooking. After viewing the documentary Bowling for Columbine , I was intrigued. What follows is a summary of the documentary. Bowling for Columbine , Charlton Heston , Columbine High School 1462 Words | 4 Pages. David Nunez 11-26-2012 Columbine Book Report Columbine by Dave Cullen is based upon the true story of the argument, author’s . Essay Cooking. research that took ten years to find out why did Eric Harris and Dylan Kleblod decide to go on a shooting spree at argument thesis examples, the Columbine High School in Columbine , Colorado on April 20, 1999, and what became of the survivors?

As the author explains in his book, the discover how you can design with, two young men Eric and statement examples Dylan had a plan to english coursework limit blow up their school, surpass Columbine in horror, and leave a “a lasting impression. Columbine High School , Columbine High School massacre , Columbine, Colorado 851 Words | 3 Pages. ? Columbine High School Tuesday, April 20, 1999, was a turning point in the lives of many Columbine students and families. Eric . Harris and Dylan Klebold, two former students at Columbine High School, went to school on that day for one purpose, to argument thesis statement examples annihilate the school building as well as the a level coursework word, student body. Although Eric and Dylan’s bombs did not detonate, they still succeeded in destroying the argument, lives and families of the twelve students and the one teacher that died. The Columbine High School shooting. Columbine High School , Columbine High School massacre , Columbine, Colorado 624 Words | 2 Pages.

The 20th of April was the anniversary of the massacre at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado. The shooting deaths of the social science, 12 . Thesis. students and 1 teacher?and the two suicides of the teenage executioners and left many others psychologically and act essay 2009 physically damaged. Who's to blame? , On the issue of blame, of this massacre it is statement examples, not music, or video games, and professional letter writing service not even movies, it's the shooters because everybody is responsible own actions. However, the parents could have been more involved in their. Columbine High School , Columbine High School massacre , Doom 1205 Words | 4 Pages.

School shooting in the United States A school shooting is an incident in thesis statement, which gun violence is used on a school campus. The Social. . Schools shooting are committed by students or even intruders. School shooting is topic of intense interest in the United States. The first school shooting ever recorded in thesis statement examples, the United States was the introduction on racism, Pontiac’s rebellion school massacre. As time change, the progression of argument statement, school shooting increases. Professional Cover Letter Writing Service Uk. On April 20, 1999 a massacre occurred at examples, columbine high school in Littleton, Colorado.

Adolescence , Columbine High School , Columbine High School massacre 1208 Words | 4 Pages. Psychopath: The FBI’s Analysis of the Killers Motives” The Columbine Alamac (20 April 2004) Janofsky, Michael. Year Later, . Columbine Is Learning to Cope While Still Searching for writing the social Answers. Argument. New York Times (17 April 2000) Luzadder, Dan and Vaughan, Kevin. “Inside Columbine Investigation” Denver Rocky Mountain News (19 December 1999 ) This paper is going to explore what effect the labeling theory had in the social dissertation, regards to the tragedy at Columbine High School. Were these two students labeled, to thesis what. Columbine High School , Columbine High School massacre , Columbine, Colorado 1234 Words | 3 Pages. Bowling for professional service uk columbine -speech- I’m here to talk about argument examples Michael Moore’s film ‘Bowling for Columbine ’ and some of the cooking, techniques . that are used in thesis statement examples, the film. Michael Moore uses persuasive film techniques to position the audience to accept his version of the truth. Some of the techniques used by Michael Moore to introduction on racism position the audience are editing, sequencing and music. He uses them by editing parts of the film to marginalize the NRA and thesis statement examples gun owners.

He sequences the film into introduction essay on racism a certain position to make. Black people , Bowling for Columbine , Charlton Heston 1334 Words | 4 Pages. Bowling for columbine is a biased, deceptive and misleading documentary created by Michael Moore, detailing how gun legislation is the main . Statement. cause for crime in America. Documentary is an undeserved title that Moore has falsely claimed, as stated in Farlex dictionary, a documentary is, and I quote, “Presenting facts objectively without editorializing or inserting fictional matter”, which Moore has consistently done. Good afternoon, my name is Tim Geldard, and I am a spokesperson for the NRA, protector. 2002 Cannes Film Festival , Bowling for Columbine , Charlton Heston 956 Words | 3 Pages. General Bowling for Columbine Notes SYNOPSIS: The Academy Award winning documentary film “Bowling for Columbine ” by . Director Michael Moore attempts to find a reason for the Columbine High School, Colorado shootings and leads to an investigation into gun laws and gun violence. Through a series of interviews, stunts, cartoons, commentary and media pieces, we are left at the end of word limit, a blunt and thesis statement examples revealing journey wanting the answers to the various moral and ethical questions raised. Moore travels.

Bowling for Columbine , Columbine High School massacre , Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold 2360 Words | 7 Pages. ?School shootings School shootings are something horrible yet something that has occurred more than once in the USA. The Social Science Dissertation. I have . Argument Examples. had a hard time understanding exactly how someone can pick up a gun and shoot people at their own age – people they’ve gone to professional cover letter school with, innocent people. I don’t understand how you can steal their life for thesis no reason. Writing The Social Science. It’s teenagers who suddenly shoot people – boys and thesis girls who are supposed to be their friends. Why do they do this? The first person that did a school.

Bowling for Columbine , Columbine High School , Columbine High School massacre 1033 Words | 3 Pages. Effects of essay on racism, mass shootings in America. mass shootings in thesis statement examples, America Intro. Technique: News story from Colorado Theater shooting 1. Examples: Columbine , CO . Theater, Virginia Tech, Ft. Hood, Sandy Hook, Washington Navy Yard A. Most notable: Columbine B. Evolved and multiplied over times C. Cover Letter Writing Service Uk. Nowhere is sacred 2. Argument Thesis Examples. Positive Effects of the professional letter writing, mass shootings A. Increased awareness of mental illnesses B. Experience from thesis examples past shootings have allowed first responders to essay hobby better response tactics 3. Negative Effects of the mass shootings A. Columbine High School , Columbine High School massacre , Columbine, Colorado 1175 Words | 5 Pages. Bowling For Columbine Bowling for Columbine is a Michael Moore documentary about gun control and America’s violent . national history.

The United States has the highest number of gun related deaths in the world. Michael Moore sets out to thesis statement get an understanding of why Americans have such a strong violent culture. To grasp the introduction, reasoning for the amount of statement examples, forcefulness within our country, Michael Moore sets out to Columbine Colorado. Columbine High school was involved in a shooting massacre on. Cold War , Columbine High School massacre , Michael Moore 741 Words | 3 Pages. ?Kaitlin Wilson The Art Craft of Writing September 24, 2012 “Bowling for Columbine ” Review Sometimes the best tool for questioning a . social problem is humor - which is exactly what Michael Moore does in Bowling for Columbine . This is not a movie about guns or violence or television, but about culture. English Word Limit. Using the statement examples, Columbine school shooting as his hook, Moore attempts to find answers as to why American culture is saturated in violence and fear. Moore is writing service, a director who isn’t afraid to argument thesis ask.

Bowling for Columbine , Columbine High School , Columbine High School massacre 1084 Words | 3 Pages. What would drive two teenagers to cooking comit such a horriffic tragedy as what happened at Columbine ? In Bowling for Columbine . director Michael Moore takes a look at gun violence in America and the causes behind such horriffic events that have led to statement Columbine . In the film Michael Moore explores the question What makes the US have the most gun deaths than the rest of the world? By exploring this Moore and his viewers explore a variety of reasons, The strongest point made by Moore is that largely. Bowling for Columbine , Columbine High School massacre , Crime 829 Words | 3 Pages. Bowling for Columbine Thesis Statements. October 17, 2010 Bowling for Columbine Thesis Statements 1) The high casualties caused by a level english coursework guns are a result of how easy it is to obtain . one.

If policies were made stricter, casualties would go down. I do not agree with this because it would only affect the people who go to obtain their guns legally. If you really wanted one all you would have to do is steal it, so the policies would then have no effect on you. 2) Minorities and blacks are made to be scarier than they are because they. Bowling for Columbine , Charlton Heston , Crime 770 Words | 3 Pages. School Shootings I. Cases of thesis statement, where this has happened A. Columbine High School massacre B. Montreal, Canada . shooting II. How can it be prevented A. Metal detectors 1. Efficiency 2. Private rights B. Professional Letter. School Resource officers 1. Intimidating 2. Friend C. School Surveillance 1. Cost 2. Effectiveness D. Counseling III. Who is thesis examples, committing these crimes? A. Students B. Outcasts at school C. Writing The Social Science. How they form groups IV.

Why is statement examples, this happening? A. Teasing B. Act Essay Prompts. Lost of old friends . Columbine High School , Columbine High School massacre , Dawson College shooting 1809 Words | 6 Pages. Bowling for Columbine Reaction Paper By: Brian Scheu Violence! What causes it? Has it Increased/decreased over the past few years? I . will try to argument examples answer these questions to professional letter service uk the best that I can in thesis statement, the next few pages. The Social Science. One thing you must look at when dealing with violence is the nature of the crime. You can look at violent murders but not be able to compare them to other violent crimes because the nature of the crime is completely different. One may believe that violence in our society has.

Apples and oranges , Columbine High School massacre , Comparison 921 Words | 3 Pages. Compare and Contrast Columbine and Virginia Tech. The Columbine Shooting and Virginia Tech. shooting were called similar in various ways. They were both declared a . national tragedy 13 people killed total in the Columbine and 33 in the Virginia Tech shooting . Though the two incidents were similarly done by psychopaths, there were differences in the details of both shootings , the reactions of society, and upcoming psychological development. Eric Harris and thesis Dylan Klebold were responsible for the 13 deaths during the Columbine Shooting on April 20. Columbine High School massacre , Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold , Mental disorder 1375 Words | 4 Pages. Carrie and Columbine: American Gothic. Carrie, by Stephen King, and the Columbine High School Incident; looked at writing the social dissertation, separately, they are to things that have nothing to do with each . Statement Examples. other. Carrie was Stephen King's first major novel and a New York Times bestseller. A Level Coursework Word. Columbine was and argument thesis statement incident in act essay prompts, Colorado that happened in 1999, where two high school seniors orchestrated a bloody massacre at their high school.

The two events occurred over twenty-five years apart, but when juxtaposed we can see many similarities between the book ant the argument thesis statement, incident. Columbine High School , Columbine High School massacre , Columbine, Colorado 1854 Words | 5 Pages. The Use of Editing in Bowling for discover a website Columbine used to argue an idea. Thesis. In the movie, Bowling for Columbine , Michael Moore is a genius when it comes to his editing choices concerning . Charlton Heston and the NRA. Using a few well placed insert shots Moore is able to bring the attention away from Heston long enough to change around parts of his speech and shorten dialogues.

By means of writing science, crosscuts he is able to argument examples make it seem as if though Heston is talking insensitively to the weeping children of Columbine . All of this is an attempt to prompts 2009 incriminate Heston. 2002 Cannes Film Festival , Bowling for Columbine , Charlton Heston 1355 Words | 4 Pages. S. Zamb. November 29, 2001 “ Shooting and elephant” Erick Arthur Blair better known as George Orwell was born in Mohitari, India on June . 25, 1903. Argument Thesis. India into a family of the “lower-upper middle class.

George Orwell’s education brought him to England where he was unable to win a scholarship to continue his studies. With a very few opportunities available, he followed his father’s path into service with the British Empire. Orwell joined the Indian Imperial Police from 1922 to english 1927. When. British Empire , British Raj , Burma 934 Words | 3 Pages. School Shootings and thesis Their Causes. On April 20, 1999, in the moderately sized town of Littleton, Colorado, at essay, approximately 11:20 a.m., two young men, Eric Harris, 18, and Dylan Klebold, 17, . Argument Thesis. stormed into Columbine High School. No more than twenty minutes later, 15 people were dead, including the two of writing service, them, and another twenty-three wounded (Gibbs 28-29). Knowing that the duo are teenagers, and probably played many violent video games and watched hundreds of violent shows, people immediately began to blame the media, and the violence. Columbine High School , Columbine High School massacre , Doom 1577 Words | 5 Pages.

Increase in School Shooting Incidents. Alberta Taber School Shooting : A 14 year old boy who had been bullied at W.R. Myers High School in Taber Alberta had entered the school on statement, . April. 28. 1999 with a .22 Calibre rifle and opened fire. He killed a 17 year old young boy named Jason Lang. Essay Cooking. Another 17 year old boy was shot, but fully recovered after the shooting . 14 year old “Todd Cameron Smith” a high school dropout showed signs of argument thesis, depression before the school shooting . Word. Todd Smith had been bullied since grade one. The shooting happened 8 days.

Columbine High School , Columbine High School massacre , Columbine, Colorado 2446 Words | 6 Pages. Account for the Success of Bowling for Columbine. for Columbine ” has been accredited to argument thesis statement examples Michael Moore and his talents in conveying his message through the film of the issues which plague . American society. The reasons for this success are the subject of the film; there are the 2009, fear and racism in society and the controversial issues which Moore addresses through the film. The growing fear of others in the States can be called many things such as hate but mainly racism. Moor interviews various individuals such as those who live in Columbine and.

2002 Cannes Film Festival , Bowling for Columbine , Columbine High School 942 Words | 3 Pages. Bowling for Columbine Bowling for Columbine has been written, directed, produced, and narrated by argument statement examples Michael Moore who has used a . Science. number of techniques to produce a piece of work about Americas fascination with guns and violence. This documentary discovers the thesis statement, reasons for the Columbine High School massacre along with further actions of letter service uk, violence in America. Moore emphasises on the background of gun violence and captures some of the thesis statement, communities’ views of the writing dissertation, massacre and other associated problems. Argument. This. 2002 Cannes Film Festival , Bowling for Columbine , Columbine High School 1069 Words | 3 Pages. George Orwell’s “ Shooting an Elephant” “ Shooting an Elephant” is an essay written by George Orwell and published in cooking, 1936 . (Orwell 66). Orwell was born June 25, 1903, as Eric Arthur Blair and passed away January 21, 1950, in India (“George Orwell Biography”).

Orwell was known for his journals, novels, and essays published about his own political views (“George Orwell Biography”). Orwell traveled to Burma after not doing good enough in school to examples earn a scholarship and decided to act essay join the imperial. British Empire , British Raj , Burma 938 Words | 3 Pages. In George Orwell’s “ Shooting an argument statement examples Elephant”, Orwell is presented with a task that causes him a great deal of stress as he battles with his . internal conflict throughout the story. Orwell has mixed feelings after he kills the essay hobby, elephant. He feels wrong for argument examples killing the elephant because he feels that there could have been a more peaceful solution and killing it will bring more harm than good. He also feels that he killed it just because of writing dissertation, his own pride. Argument Thesis. Although killing the elephant may seem wrong to. Authority , Burma , George Orwell 1225 Words | 3 Pages.

Julien Combes Natasha Rebry Writing 009 20th November 2011 “ Shooting an Elephant“: Orwell’s combat against imperialism . “ Shooting an Elephant” is an essay written by George Orwell, first published in the journal New Writing in act essay prompts 2009, 1936. In this essay, the author tells his own story about when he was working as a police officer for argument statement the Indian Imperial Police in Burma. Introduction. His five years of examples, experience in the Indian Imperial Police allowed him to have a good understanding of act essay, what exactly the “real. British Empire , British Raj , Burma 1200 Words | 4 Pages. How Bowling for Columbine Is Bias. Bowling for Columbine : A Narrow View of a Complicated Story The Biased viewpoint of Michael Moore tears viewers away from the actual . Statement. problem, and uk perhaps even the film’s intended message itself… Alexi Heazle The idea of a documentary being an artistic or even personalised expression of a director is long gone, or so it seems in recent times.

In Michael Moore’s latest documentary, Bowling for Columbine , he attempts to get across to viewers his, and essentially only his point of view. 2002 Cannes Film Festival , Bowling for argument Columbine , Charlton Heston 767 Words | 3 Pages. It compels its followers to act irrationally in order to keep appearances. Facing an impenetrable tyranny, the narrator, George Orwell, realizes his own . On Racism. oppression is not a product of his enemies but his own internal conflicts. In the essay “ Shooting an Elephant”, George Orwell narrates his experience serving as a sub-divisional police officer for the British Empire in Moulmein, Burma. Argument Examples. Orwell uses metaphors to represent his feelings on hobby, imperialism, intimate struggles with his own personal morals.

British Empire , Burma , Colonialism 1120 Words | 3 Pages. ?Bowling for statement examples Columbine Emily Organization: 1. Example: Many examples are used throughout this film to prove the overall thesis of Americans . revolve around gun violence. Science. For example, Moore went to a bank, opened up an account and argument examples received a free gun. This symbolizes the absurd love for guns Americans have. A bank handing out guns that people can turn around and professional letter rob the bank with is argument thesis examples, a terrible idea, but thats the logic of the United States. A Level English Limit. Kids growing up around violence can be influenced to try. Birthright citizenship in the United States of America , Cannon , Columbine High School massacre 1920 Words | 3 Pages. Shooting an elephant written by argument statement George Orwell brings to light the evil of imperialism. Being a police officer in the lower Burma, Orwell hated . his job. The reason was because the people in Burma ridiculed, insulted and laughed at him whenever they felt safe to do so. Orwell opposed imperialism, and thus was able to feel the a level word limit, hatred of the people of argument examples, Burma, but still resented them.

The story starts with Orwell receiving a phone call about a tame elephant destroying bazaar. He carried with him an act essay prompts old. British Empire , Burma , Colonialism 1125 Words | 3 Pages. '' If it were necessary to give the briefest possible definition of imperialism, we should have to say that imperialism is the monopoly stage of statement, . capitalism now according to essay Vladimir Lenin. Statement. George Orwell immediately begins the essay '' Shooting an Elephant by claiming his perspective on British Imperialism, and how this imperialism affected himself, his empire, and a level english word limit the Burma people.

Though George Orwell is a British officer himself at the time in statement, Burma , he claims that he is fully against. British Empire , Burma , Colonialism 1885 Words | 5 Pages. Columbine High School Massacre On Tuesday, April 20 1999, Columbine High School located in Columbine Colorado . an unfortunate massacre happened and many teens lost their lives. The two students responsible for this incident were Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. These two senior students were responsible for killing twelve students and one teacher; they were also responsible for injuring an additional twenty one students on professional service, their rampage.

A few other students were injured while trying to escape. Cannon , Columbine High School , Columbine High School massacre 1953 Words | 5 Pages. Deceiving Images of Bowling for argument thesis statement examples Columbine. countries that allow its citizens the right to have firearms. Due to this, there are many more gun related fatalities compared to act essay prompts other countries that do not . Thesis Examples. allow their citizens to professional cover writing uk keep firearms. Statement Examples. Bowling for Columbine , directed by english coursework word limit Michael Moore, focuses mostly on one tragic even that happened at Columbine High School, and uses it in order to persuade viewers to side against National Rifle Association, which is a big pro-gun group, and the whole gun control issue. Argument. Moore makes the reason why the US has more.

Bowling for Columbine , Columbine High School , Columbine High School massacre 1866 Words | 5 Pages. Jessica DeBruhl Terry McCammond English Composition 111 6 February 2013 WP#2 First draft Pressures In this essay, Shooting an Elephant, . George Orwell, comes face to english coursework word face with the effects of argument thesis, peer pressure and imperialism. While under constant scrutiny by the people who did not want to be ruled, he felt “stuck between the hatred of the empire I serve and my rage against the evil-spirited little beasts who tried to make my job impossible” (Orwell). George finds himself in prompts 2009, an impossible situation. British Empire , British Raj , Burma 1243 Words | 4 Pages. Trystan Tomco Mr. Stone English 110 12/03/13 Shooting an argument Elephant Essay George Orwell wrote “ Shooting an Elephant” . to teach readers about imperialism and its effects on not only those ruled but also those charged with maintaining order above them. Orwell’s narrator is a British colonial official stationed in Burma who is charged with keeping the local populace from a level coursework word limit rioting. The officer speaks of how he is frightened by the Burmans and even by his own people rulers.

Fear is one of the. Affect , British Empire , Burma 809 Words | 3 Pages. name of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold entered Columbine High School with the intent of argument examples, killing hundreds of the social science, their classmates with guns, knives, . and bombs that they hand made in their homes. They began opening fire on their peers and argument setting off explosives all around the school. Introduction. Before students had the chance to put together what was happening around them there were kids being shot injured and killed everywhere they turned. A student who attended Columbine said “I thought it had to be a firecracker -. Columbine High School , Columbine High School massacre , Columbine, Colorado 2097 Words | 5 Pages. Shooting an elephant Author: George Orwell BIOGRAPHY OF GEORGE ORWELL George Orwell's three major books of travel writing--Down and . Out in Paris and argument examples London (1933), The Road to Wigan Pier (1937), and Homage to Catalonia (1938)--revived the tradition of excursionary literature as social and a level english limit political analysis.

Into Unknown England books were initiated by reform-minded Victorian and Edwardian authors. In his three travel books Orwell, who casts himself as a representative of English lower-upper-middle-class. British Empire , Burma , Colonialism 1331 Words | 4 Pages. Technology to Prevent School Shootings. talks about recent catastrophic events and brutal shooting incidents that have taken place in schools that are related to the safety of statement examples, . Professional Cover Letter Writing. children, faculty and other visitors. Further this paper discusses technological solution that could be applied to avoid such events and thesis statement provide more safety to act essay prompts 2009 the people at argument thesis statement, school. Introduction: School shootings , especially in United States of America, are being witnessed all over the world. These shootings are not just recent incidents; we can find these throughout. Columbine High School massacre , Revolving door , School shooting 1340 Words | 4 Pages. Bowling for Columbine Michael Moore Documentary.

Is it the a level english word, bowling? It must be the argument thesis statement, Video games? Michael Moore’s award winning documentary; ‘Bowling for english coursework word limit Columbine ’ explores the reason for the . violence in America and argument the reason for the Columbine High school mascara. In April 1999 two students Eric Harris and act essay Dylan Klebold went on a shooting rampage killing 12 students and a teacher before committing suicide, Moore looks at the background in which the massacre took place and examples assumptions about related issues. Moore uses Bill Nichols’ four modes of. Bowling for introduction on racism Columbine , Columbine High School , Columbine High School massacre 2198 Words | 6 Pages. Whitman climbed to the top of the observation deck at thesis statement examples, The University of Texas in Austin.

He was armed, and professional letter writing service uk during a rampage which lasted 96 minutes, he . killed 16 people and left 31 wounded. (Kingsbury.) Since then, at argument examples, least 50 incidents of school shootings have rocked the nation at its foundation. (Timeline.) Not all were so destructive at their ends as that of Charles Whitman. Some were more so. All have one thing in common: they have forever changed the face of the nation as we thought we knew. Columbine High School , Columbine High School massacre , School shooting 1941 Words | 6 Pages.

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